TRUST MY HEART ━━━ 𝐛.𝐛𝐚𝐫...

By lightupmydays

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His eyes finally landed on her, as bits and pieces came back to him. He vaguely recalled seeing the brunette... More

status update
A C T | o n e
1. That's life.
2. Neighbor.
3. I hope I go down dancing.
4. Captain's orders.
5. Locked, cocked and ready to rock.
6. The 41st floor.
7. Don't be that guy.
8. Avenging stuff.
9. I told you so.
10. A clean slate.
11. A big building.
E N D O F A C T | o n e
A C T | t w o
1. Don't be sorry. Be better.
2. Closure.
3. Whiskey plans.
4. Some very awful news.
5. Goes with the territory.
6. Maybes.
7. Ready to comply.
8. Outage.
9. Colleagues.
10. Saying goodbye.
11. Homecoming.
12. Where to?
13. A breakthrough, Pt. I
13. A breakthrough, Pt. II
14. Who are you?
15. Outsider.
16. Vague.
17. Choices.
18. Are you in, or what?
19. The smarter you are.
20. Friends.
21. Sleepover.
22. Just Barnes.
23. If you have a minute.
24. The art of losing.
25. Nomad life.
26. Death wish.
27. Mags.
28. See ya, Buck!
29. The tiger lies low.
30. Atlas.
31. Join the damn club.
33. Happy birthday.
34. Cupid schemes.
35. Blurred lines.
36. Jamais Vu, Pt. I
37. Jamais Vu, Pt. II
38. Something new.
39. A nice ring to it.
40. Time's up.
41. Some enchanted evening.
42. You're free.
43. The Old One-Two
44. The Barking Dog.
45. Weird activities.

32. New life, new expectations.

98 5 0
By lightupmydays

𝔸/ℕ: Writer's block is a bitch. I'm so sorry. Lately I've been struggling with writing for myself instead of just to meet other people's expectations. I needed to stop with the deadlines I kept pushing myself to meet and simply write because I want to. Of course I want people to read this book, but this was always about having fun. It's not a job, I'm not getting paid to do this. It's all because I love writing + Bucky Barnes, lol. So yeah, I apologize for not posting sooner. 

I'm still polishing the following chapter, which is Magna's birthday, (not so) coincidentally, my own too. My inital plan was posting the chapter on the actual day, but that date has already come and gone lol Would you like Mags and Bucks to kiss any time soon, by the way? Because I really feel like it's time......... so stay tuned.....

Julieta. x

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By the time Magna woke up, Bucky was already up and dressed for farm work. The two quickly ate fruit for breakfast in pleasant silence and then headed toward the barn. She stepped off the hut onto grass that was still wet from dew, although the morning was beginning to warm up quickly, and followed him with a sense of adventure if only to soothe her curiosity/emotional wounds and lessen her boredom.

Bucky suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and turned around with a light frown.

— Didn't bring a bucket for the water.- he mumbled in a facepalm moment. — Hold on,- was all he said next, and reluctantly walked past her, running back up the trail toward his hut. — ... Be right back!

— Okay...- she said and watched as he disappeared out of sight at the top of the hill.

The brunette decided to get a little closer and stay there until Bucky came back with the water. She made her way to the barn, watching her step on the uneven ground. All her training taught her to wait outside, make herself aware of her surroundings. Magna forced herself to stay calm and lay her back against the wide barn door, hopelessly trying to look as casual as possible.

Outside in the barnyard, she took in several deep breaths of the brisk air and felt invigorated to be outside. The early morning air was crisp and cool, but the sun was warm on her face. She stood there for a moment, with her face to the sky enjoying the sensation. The rays bathed her arms and face, and she drank in the scent of fresh hay.

A few minutes passed and she heard a strange sound come from the barn. Then, silence. Slowly, she opened the door and lingered there, scanning the place. The screeching noise returned. Her face turned immediately and located its source. There was a garrulous goat tied to a bier, and it complained loudly upon seeing Magna. The latter looked about, seeing no signs of Bucky she went into the dark barn and held out a hand to the goat, it bleated piteously. Then, the brunette noticed its problem --the goat had wrapped the rope around its legs so that it was trapped on a short lead, with one leg bent under it. Magna knelt to untangle the animal and it butted her with its head all the while, as if chastising her for its difficulty. She freed the goat, but it lay down instead of going away from her.

Magna sat on a bale of hay and fed the animal some straws. The goat chewed industriously, its amber eyes winking at her. She noted that the ruminant had heavy udders; she probably needed milking. Poor thing! Must be the mother, she thought. Magna stroked the chewing goat but then nearly screamed with fright as she heard a loud snort above her head and something chewed her hair.

She got to her feet and looked into the darkness finding a heavy-set dark horse with a white blaze had nibbed at her hair and nodded its great head, snorting a greeting.

— I see you've met ....- Magna let out a shriek and spun about hearing the male voice. The tall dark form stepped into the barn and up close, she could smell his familiar scent. Bucky chuckled lowly. — ... the new mom.

When he wasn't able to spot Magna where he'd left her earlier, Bucky glanced around with confusion and light concern. Just as the latter passed the barn and saw the door stood wide open, he heard her. After setting the full bucket down, the man witnessed one of the horses messing with her and almost rolled his eyes. Magna was always working her way into one problem or another, it seemed, much to his own entertainment.

Walking up to her, Bucky assessed her disheveled appearance. Magna's chagrin, so obviously written across her face, made his lips twitch in amusement. Bits of hay had settled on her hair and were poking out like little windmill blades, but surprisingly, he found it more endearing than funny. It would be hard to find anyone who would look more out of place outhere than she did.

— There's, uh, hay in your hair.- Bucky commented, deadpan as usual. The latter even squinted a little, trying his best to maintain the serious expression.

— Oh, uh, where?- she blinked repeatedly and tried to brush it out. Her hair, as ever, was only partially tied in a half up ponytail. Clearing his throat, Bucky stretched out his hand to her.

— Let me.- he said, threading his fingers into her hair and pulling the bits of hay from the mass of dark brown locks cascading down her shoulders. When she tried to speak, her mouth made the motion, but no sound came out. She tried again with the same results. — ... There.- after whispering the word, he absently brought his hand up to her face, removing a wisp of straw from her hair with fingers that weren't entirely steady.

Bucky's touch brushed her skin, sliding up her cheekbone, smoothing another fine strand of hair back behind her ear as well.

— Thank you.- she nodded, and her gaze clouded over with an emotion Becky couldn't quite pinpoint. Magna snorted then, a twinkle brightening her eyes; her laughter was light and the teasing, joyous note rippled across his senses, making him smile down at her too. The tangle of emotions in his chest knotted so tight, he couldn't breathe. — ... I guess it's kind of obvious I'm not used to this.

— Naw.- Magna gaped at him, then understood that Bucky was teasing her. — Well, this guy...,- he said, now standing next to the horse to pet it. The animal thought about it for a long minute, then stretched his nose to touch the tip of his fingers, as if he could not resist his hand any more than Magna could resist trying to get the last word in any argument. Petting its chestnut flanks and waving away pesky horseflies Bucky continued, his voice low. — I don't think Cabu cares.

He gently brought the horse a few steps closer, within petting range, and the tall animal poked his head back out, nudging Magna's arm. The action unnerved her.

— He wants to be petted..- he informed her, and stroked the colt's shoulder. Magna eyed the animal, then looked at Bucky hesitantly. The latter rolled his eyes and took her hand in his, then guided it to the area between the horse's ears. — Scratch him there,- he murmured, and Magna obliged. — See? he likes you.

Magna held out a handful of hay and Cabu jerked it out of her hands, munching noisily. She petted the animal's velvet nose, marveling at the delicate lips and the shining dark eyes of the horse.

— Or, he's just playing coy... trying to get another bite of my hair...- she joked with a fake scowl, feeling the tenseness in her body ease a little as she smiled down at the animal.

— Oh, probably.- Bucky agreed with a wink at Cabu. — He's awful nice, when he's not all worked up.

Reminds me of someone, she thought. Magna touched Cabu's neck and concluded she liked the way horses smelled. Looking into the colt's eyes, the brunette encountered a look of intelligence that surprised her.

»»————- ✼ ————-««

Bucky also took her to where the llama's were. There was a huge one, sitting proudly with his legs tucked under him as though he was content; it also seemed to enjoy the attention. As the former soldier began to feed the goats and chickens, he handed her a basket. 

— Why don't you check and see it there are any eggs.- he pointed to the nests and Magna stared at each one as if it housed a poisonous snake. 

— You sure? I mean, maybe the chickens won't like it.- a laugh escaped from his throat as he grabbed the basket used for collection.

— Quit the city girl act, Mags. I'm from Brooklyn!- he grinned and she frowned. Shrugging, Magna started gathering eggs. At the last nest, the chicken whose domain it was decided she didn't want her nest disturbed, and pecked at Magna's hand.

— Ouch!- the brunette yelled, yanking her head back. — Dude! I thought you said the chickens wouldn't mind if I gathered the eggs?!- a guilty flush stained Bucky's cheeks, but Magna was too pissed to notice.

— Ah, yeah, she's the feisty one. I forgot about Jada- he grimaced, walking to Magna. — She pecks me too. Sorry.- Bucky took her hand and looked at the broken skin. — We'll need to clean that up and put some antiseptic on it. I'll get it.

Magna pursed her lips.

— When I thought I couldn't get in any more trouble...- she grumbled, sitting on a bale of hay. Bucky tilted his head down to give her a look.

— Ain't no limit to that, doll.- Bucky sighed and bent slightly, hand on his knee. — Let's just avoid this one.- after a nod of his head, he straightened up. Magna watched as the man turned around and headed back to the hut. — We've been over this, Jada.- he stopped and eyed the chicken sternly. — Keep that attitude on check.- however, the animal blinked and then strutted away.

»»————- ✼ ————-««


He found himself watching Magna when she wasn't looking. Watching the way she used her hand to move her hair out of her face, slowly, wrapping her fingers around it and pulling it back behind her ear. The way she leaned over and petted the snow white baby goats, how she attentively took in his instructions, a tiny frown between her eyebrows. And her smile -- she had a sweet smile. Sweet, and sad, and something else too. Bucky couldn't explain it. If anyone asked him, he wouldn't be able to put words to how he felt when Magna looked up at him and smiled. It was both confusing and thrilling. He felt something stop and start at the same time.

Even though she hadn't asked the question yet, Bucky even explained the absence of White Rhinoceros. Said animals were bred by the Border Tribe in their village, where they kept and also trained to be effectively be used in combat. On their way back from the river, Magna and Bucky met some elderly people coming toward the barn; they had ther grandchildren with them. Some of the elderly walked very slowly with their canes. A few kids had carrots, while others carried a jar of oats. Two older boys had some fresh hay, too. Everyone was coming to see the new baby goat and had brought food and hay for her as well. It was very thoughtful of them, and Bucky appreciated the help.

Everyone gathered inside the barn. The fresh bales of hay smelled good, and some the children sat on top of them, while others played with the rest of the goats and played of top of the hay stacks. 

The goats were very interested in the kids. One in particular was interested in the apple a little girl had in her hand. The girl was agitated with the small animal, she kept yelling no to the goat, but it kept trying to steal it. So she began to cry, and her mother picked her up and gave her hugs as she tried to reassure the little girl that the goats weren't going to get the apple.

Bucky crossed his legs comfortably and leaned back against the barn wall, watching the joyful scene with a pensive expression. His eyebrows slowly furrowed. 

— That one hate's me.- he stated, nodding at one of the several nanny goats and billy goats. Right by his side, Magna sat cross legged next to the hay. The latter followed his line of sight and pressed her lips together in a thin line.

— Ah... I'm sure that's not true. -the brunette commented, words dripping with sarcasm, as her intent gaze fixed on the goat. She could feel a smile tug at the corners of her mouth, entirely against her will. — Maybe he's just got a temper.- her gaze narrowed ever so slightly, and then she glanced up and stared into his blue eyes. He was already looking at her.

— He loves to pick on me.- he argued, almost bored, and shrugged. His lips were drawn into a neutral line, and Magna could practically feel the tense energy flowing from him with each breath.

— Did you name him?- she asked instead.

— Not yet.- a small, enigmatic smile twitched his lips, and he finally nodded. — I'm thinking... Wilson.

Of course, her mind rolled her eyes. Magna grinned.

— That's a good name.- she murmured absently as the goats left the hay she'd put in the rack for them and crowded against the fence, next to her. 

Some even squeezed between them and reached through the barrier to nibble on Bucky's jeans, sending Magna into fits of giggles. A pig shoved the goats aside to claim a place up front, closest to Bucky. The latter sighed and reached through the fence toward the animal.

— This is Ada. She's a potbellied pig, but she thinks she's one of the goats...- the pig pushed her head against his hand, encouraging him to scratch behind her ear. Magna grinned up at Bucky and tilted her head, one eyebrow cocked.

— Or maybe Ada thinks the goats are pigs.- she suggested, and Bucky rolled his eyes.

The brunette smiled down at the little baby goat she held curled up in her lap and she stroked her thigh gently as she drifted off to sleep. The peaceful feeling was so overwhelming she almost felt like crying.

— The goat on your lap, ain't got a name, so I call her Daisy. -he murmured, staring at the two.— Then there's Petunia, the black one over there.- Bucky nodded at the small goat watching Magna's every move with alert. — Daisy's mother.

— Oh,- she whispered, in awe. — I bet she's feisty too.

Magna wanted to know the names and breeds of every goat, rabbit. She was just as thorough with the chickens when she followed Bucky into their coop. But she got really excited when he let her into the pen with the baby llamas.

That morning the two leaned over one of the half-wooden half-stone fences surrounding the farm and their shoulders touched. And Bucky could feel the heat coming through her jacket. She had glanced at him then and smirked. And they had stayed that way -- with their shoulders touching; watching children play with the goats and chickens until it was time to check on the other animals and continue with the rest of the chores.

»»————- ✼ ————-««


— Your birthday's next week.- he blurted out, and Magna's movements suddenly halted. 

After hours of farm work and taking care of the animals, the two had gone back to the now quiet barn. Kids and other visitors had already left to attend their own routines as well, leaving Magna and Bucky alone. The latter remained close to the new mother goat, while Magna kept petting Cabu. The sounds of the horses chewing their hay, blowing their noses, and swishing their tails relaxed her.

She glanced up at him with surprise. You had to bring that up, huh? he thought, frustrated. It was easier to resent feeling that way than to think about the exciting feeling itself. What is it about that day, anyway?

— I, uh, yes. It's this friday...- she stuttered and gave him a puzzled look. — How did you..- she let her words fall off and cocked an eyebrow, her confusion dwindling and suspicion growing. Then, she made an accurate guess. — ... Shuri.

A shadow of a smirk crossed his face.

— She likes to... remind me of it.- he told her softly. Which wasn't a lie, but it wasn't entirely true, either. Shuri did remind me... once, he said to himself, almost as if admitting to a crime. Yeah, and you've been thinking about it non-stop ever since, the little voice inside his brain scolded him.

Magna swallowed hard, the prospect of Bucky and Shuri talking about her making her uneasy.

In his defense, it was like his own brain couldn't process that brand new piece of information about her, nor knew what to do with it but to keep it safe somewhere, just in case. Magna's birthday was nothing but another date on the calendar, that much he was aware of. So why was he making it a big thing, then? Why did it feel like a big thing?

He could almost picture it. There it was, in the back of his mind, September 30th in bright lights going on and off like a blinking sign. Making it impossible for him to forget. Making it impossible to think of anything else except that.

Silence between them lingered and Magna searched his face, meeting his blank stare. Was he triggered by something? she eyed him with increasing concern.

That's when Bucky snapped out of it. He realized he'd been too quiet, looking awkwardly vacant with wide open eyes at nothing.

— Sorry.- with a firm shake of the head, his troubled gaze avoided hers.— I was just thinking...- he stopped himself. Don't you even think about it. 

— What is it?- her question was full of curiosity and mild anxiety.

He didn't know what to say, and no lie came to his mind. As a sense of panic began to wash over him, Bucky suddenly noticed a potential diversion that could perfectly facilitate a way out of that conversation.

— Cabu is eating your hair.- he told her slowly. It took her two full seconds for his words to actually sink in. Her eyes widened.

— WHAT?!- she screamed, pulling her hair away frantically. — Stop, Cabu! Bad boy, bad boy!- Bucky's laughter echoed throughout the barn nearly as loudly as her scream had. He couldn't believe the way Cabu had saved his ass. Lucky son of a bitch. — It's not funny!- she protested. — That's my hair! 

— No, it's fuckin' hysterical.- he countered, taking a step forward. — C'mon! admit it.- his eyes widened with obvious amusement.

— It's not funny!- she huffed. Then, she rolled her eyes. — You don't have to be enjoying it so much!- Bucky snorted.

— Yeah, I do. My tragic life only allows for so much comedy, and this one rules.- soon she was laughing too. — See? even you think it's funny.

It became hard for her ignore how attractive he looked smiling at her like that, so in order to find a distraction of her own, she decided to make friends with another horse, preferably one that wouldn't leave her bald in the process.

— Hey gorgeous, what's your name?- the animal snuffled softly, scraping the cropped grass with a hoof. Checking the name written next to the mare, she frowned a little. — Te.. Temari... Temari.-  the summoned perked up her head and ears toward Magna, listening to the new sounds.

Magna carefully approached Temari, patiently moving closer to the mare. When the brunette was finally near the horse, she reached out with her arm, holding her hand suspended in midair. Then, she ventured to pronounce the name again, and called for the horse. Unbeknownst to her, Bucky was now dedicating Magna his full attention, curious about the scene before his eyes. Could she handle it this time? Probably.

Hola, Temari.- Magna whispered softly, showcasing a kind smile. The horse was staring at her eyes and arm at the same time, ready to bolt at any aggressive move toward her. Meanwhile, Magna watched the eyes of the mare, looking for any sign that she was about to flee. Instead, the animal excitedly trotted over to her, eager to break into canter.

She waited for the horse's posture to relax. When it did, Magna moved her hand closer to Temari's nose. The mare pushed her body forward, stretching her neck and smelling Magna's hand. The latter couldn't believe it. She was so excited that she wanted to reach out and touch the horse, but she didn't. The former agent just let her arm dangle out in front of her, wavering in midair.

— I'm not going to hurt you...- she whispered calmly, keeping her hand near the horse's nose. Magna could almost touch the long hairs. The red roan mare took a step forward, approaching the woman's hand.

Behind Magna, Bucky cracked a smile at the sight. Temari bobbed her head up and down, letting her nervousness show. She took another small step forward, letting the long hairs on her nose brush up against the human's hand. Then, the horse decided this was enough. She stepped backwards, turned on her heel and trotted away. The mare stopped and looked back at Magna when she was a safe distance away. The brunette stood there, shaking and smiling like an idiot.

— Not bad.- Bucky's deep voice brought her back to reality. The first thing she felt was his arm brushing up against hers, his touch easing her shakiness little by little.

— Not bad at all.- she agreed in a murmur. Out of the corner of her eye, she studied his features. He looked calm, thoughtful, the ghost of a smile still lingering there. Bucky's expression softened, and he rubbed the palm of his hand across his stubbly chin.

The two made their way outside the barn and relapsed into a placid silence, which was quickly cut short by Magna's voice after a few minutes.

— Friday, 9 PM.- at the sudden statement, Bucky looked down at her with inquiring blue eyes.

— What?- he asked with confusion in his voice that matched the look going across his features.

— My birthday.- Magna replied simply, unsure if her words were clear enough. — I'm making dinner and you're invited.

— I am?- he queried, total disbelief laced through his voice. Am I?, he repeated.

— Only on one condition.- Magna lifted her pointer finger, trying to smother her smirk. As Bucky held his breath, the brunette's gaze seemed to bore right through him. She was not smiling. Finally, she continued. — That you bring the wine.

An immediate feeling of relief came over him. He gave her a smile that made his teeth gleam and her breath stop short.

— Deal.- Magna felt the urge to reply "It's a date" yet refrained from doing so. 

The sudden ringing of her phone jarred her thoughts and refocused her attention to the buzzing device. She sighed. Real life was demanding her attention but, for a crazy moment, Magna wanted it to just go away. She glanced down, looking confused and pissed at the same time.

— Shuri. Yeah.- she heard her voice after picking up, but her attention was focused on the man across from her. — I.. I don't know yet. Yeah, I am. I will, don't worry.- there was a momentary flicker of amusement on her face, instantly suppressed, before she spoke again, her tone carefully neutral. 

As their conversation dragged out, Magna paced around, absently circling Bucky, who was trying his best to ignore his enhanced hearing ability. The least thing he wanted was to eavesdrop.

— Will do. bye, bye.- the call ended and she scooped up her bag and was placing the phone back to the pocket of her jeans.  — Uh, I gotta go...- Magna turned her head as well and suddenly their faces were too close. They stared at each other and knew. The tug, the connection between them was as real as if a string --no, a rope-- bound them together. He nodded once and she managed a small smile. — Thanks for today, James.

— Thanks for helping me out with all this,- said Bucky, a conspiratorial grin spreading across his face. — ... friend. Same time tomorrow?- he was teasing, of course.

Magna bit the inside of her cheek to keep from chuckling. Instead she mocked him with a fake smile.

— Yeah, sure.- she nodded skeptically, turning around. — See ya later!- was the last thing she called out over her shoulder as headed home.

— Bye, Mags.- he murmured, more to himself, watching her leave.

As she walked down another path she couldn't help but admire how peaceful the Wakandan outskirts were. Magna kicked a rock out of the path and was fascinated at the reddish color of the clay beneath it. Then, Bucky watched her glance around them, awed at the display of rich, vibrant color. She'd been out there multiple times already, yet he could sense Magna was finally appreciating the wonderful country which had welcomed them and that the two now could call home.

Magna walked away under the blue sky, looking at the endless plains. Bucky saw her hair glinting in the sun, as she made her way up the dirt road from the barn. She was acutely aware of the way his blue eyes and tried to ignore whatever fluttering that was in her stomach.

The other side of the river was just as mesmerizing. There was an amazing assortment of hardwood trees intertwined with others leaving broad strokes of glistening scarlet, bright orange, burnt sienna and gold. She closed her eyes and imagined what the mountains would look like, soon, in the springtime with dogwoods and magnolias blooming. New life, and new expectations.

She continued down another trail, the feeling of freedom, even temporary freedom, so good it was almost possible to forget why she was there. And Bucky was no stranger to that feeling; it was a mercurial high he knew all too well.

Somewhere deep inside, hope for her future was growing, its tendrils tenderly wrapping themselves around her heart. It surprised her that she was capable of such hope after so much loss and pain, or that she would even consider staying there once Steve's current circumstances cleared. But maybe that was not so surprising. Bucky would be there.

She wasn't alone anymore.

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𝔸/ℕ: Country boOooYyy, I LoVe YoUuUuUu......


♡ 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘!

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