2. Closure.

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The minute they were in complete privacy her eyes flared and she hit Steve in the chest with her bare hands. Then she hit him again, and again, shoving him forcefully against a wall. His face contorted with sadness, but he let her do it. Releasing a breath filled with all his aggravation, he grabbed her wrists in each of his hands and pushed them behind her back.

— Stop.- he said, with his voice low and head bowed. Magna hated the tightness in her throat and the tears filling her eyes. Biting her bottom lip, she fought against him again. — Stop, Mags. Please.- Steve repeated, and the pleading note in his voice made her look up at him. Their gazes met and she chuckled bitterly at how disappointed he looked.

— So what, you show up after nearly two years and expect me to welcome you with a smile?- her voice filled with resentment and hurt. — So much for friends.- love, friendships, caring about others, she had come to learn, could strengthen or weaken you and in that moment Magna felt utterly defenseless. She composed herself though, steeling her anger against her pain.— Whatever, I knew it. This is bullshit.- Steve looked incredulous.

— Don't you ever get tired of telling me you don't need me, that you don't need us?- he was talking about Sam. 

She hadn't seen Steve and Sam since...

She looked away from him. The truth was hard to face,and she clung to her independence like a motherfucker. Steve tightened his grip on her wrist, as if he was afraid to let go of her—and at the moment, maybe she was, too. Still, she needed her arms.

— Can you let me go now?- she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her mouth dry.

— Depends.- Steve said without hesitation, head dipping forward in a nod. — Are you going to push me again?- he teased her and she glared at him; then, a tiny smile cracked the corners of her mouth. Magna closed her eyes and her long lashes lightly brushed the top of her cheeks as Steve released her arms. She turned around immediately and reached for her jacket and the apple she kept inside her backpack. — I have something to tell you, Mags. And I need you to brace yourself.- he tilted his head the way people do when they're about to tell you bad news. Without facing him, and her whole body went still.

Magna swallowed the bad memories and nauseating feeling of deja vu. A wave of sadness crashed into her chest, tightening it so hard with dread she struggled to breathe out. The brunette stared down at the untouched apple she was holding to ground herself, trying to escape the situation, distracting herself from the pain. With a sigh, she placed the healthy snack back inside her backpack, masking her anxiety with a fake expression of playful amusement.

— For what? Are you going to punch me, old wreck?- she teased, finally walking up to him again. Flashing him a sad smile, Magna dropped her head against Steve's shoulder, hiding her face. She knew he would see right through her anyway. When he didn't say anything, she carried on, letting her guard down for a moment. — You know, I was so pissed and so fucking hurt you weren't around after...- her voice trailed off, and he slowly put his arms around her frame, even willing for them to be slapped away. She didn't move.

— I'm really sorry.- he whispered, tightening his grip unconsciously as remorse hit him with a force that almost doubled him over.

Magna took a deep breath when the tears won, and chose not to answer. Steve said nothing more, waiting and holding her until at last the sobs subsided and she was calm. Only then his lips parted again to speak.

— I..- but a long yawn interrupted him midsentence. Her face shot up, as her puffy eyes searched his, scanning his face in the process. — Sorry Mags, I'm beat.- he admitted, holding her gaze with a tired, lopsided grin. On cue, he yawned again, his mouth opening wide. That's when she actually noticed the bruises and cuts on his face. — ... Came straight from Lagos.- she knew those words were supposed to mean something, but for the life of her, Magna didn't understand.

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