I.L.Y. - A MewGulf AU

By I_callyouMoonchild

143K 6.9K 529

Gulf wakes up in an unfamiliar bed and an unfamiliar apartment, wedded to a husband he has never met before a... More

Prologue: Mew
Chapter 1: The Last Day
Chapter 2: What Marriage?
Chapter 3: Another Gulf
Chapter 4: Wedding anniversary
Chapter 5: Public couple
Chapter 6: Acting Skills
Chapter 7: Are you jealous?
Chapter 8: Not Mew's
Chapter 9: Between TharnType and MewGulf
Chapter 10: Dee and Wai
Chapter 11: The truth
Chapter 13: Epiphany
Chapter 14: Kiss me again
Chapter 15: Bittersweet
Alt. prologue: Gulf
Chapter 16: Behind closed doors
Chapter 17: To feel loved
Chapter 18: Do you hear me, my love?
Chapter 19: Promise
Intermission: Mew
Chapter 20: Tua-aeng
Chapter 21: Coffee
Chapter 22: Beyond Repair
Chapter 23: No More Lies
Chapter 24: Sunflowers
Chapter 25: Proposal
Chapter 26: As Type Thiwat once said
Chapter 27: Anniversary Gift
Chapter 28: I love you
Epilogue: Mew - The greatest gift
Extra: Masquerade - aftermath WAI + Announcement!

Chapter 12: Following the script

3.7K 228 7
By I_callyouMoonchild

“I think… I shouldn’t act with P’Mew after all,” Gulf told his manager the next day while they were on their way to Mew’s last shoot for his movie. The older husband had arranged for P’Best to pick him up in the afternoon, under the excuse that he wanted Gulf to rest well. He probably just didn’t want to talk to Gulf, after what had happened the day before.

His manager sighed; eyes locked on the road as he took another turn. “I knew you were going to say this, N’Gulf, and I understand you,” How could you ever understand me? “But I’m afraid the contract has already been signed,” P’Best spoke.

Gulf nodded, biting his lips. He had expected this kind of answer from P’Best. “Isn’t there a way out?” he still asked, unable to give up.

P’Best shook his head. “I’m sorry, you know this is how it works.”

I don’t know though.

Gulf laughed a little, dry and without humor. “I guess it’s my own fault, for saying I wanted to act together during the interview.” His own dumb and unknowing answer, biting him in the ass right now.

The original Gulf had been right, it was foolish to act together with Mew again. It was only going to end up in more confusion from all sides, more hurt for Gulf. It didn’t matter which Gulf anymore; it was now a matter they could both agree on. He wished he could take some distance from the older man, but that was now impossible. On top of the public appearances they had to do, there was also a movie shoot planned now. And Gulf would have to act which was another story altogether.

Gulf opened the sunscreen above him, to block Bangkok’s sun at first but then he took notice of the mirror.

He would have to act as someone who is in love, but the person he loves doesn’t return his feelings.

The script is like a mirror to my own.

P’Best coughed, bringing Gulf out of his thoughts. The manager had looked tired earlier, and Gulf suddenly wondered if he was getting sick. Knowing how much the manager did for him, Gulf felt a little bad. He shouldn’t ask things that burdened him like this. It’s better to deal with these feelings on his own.

“It’s okay, thank you,” Gulf mumbled. He looked at the mirror again, experimenting with his mouth until it turned into a smile. From now on, this smile wasn’t going to leave his face. He would get through all this, until he could finally return home.

They drove up onto the shooting location, and Gulf could already see Mew standing in a corner. He was talking with his female co-star while drinking coffee, script forgotten next to them. Gulf felt a little bit sick. He blamed it on the thought of coffee and shrugged it off. Then he got an idea.

He turned towards his manager, who was in the middle of parking. “P’Best, do you think I could request an actor change?” he suddenly asked his manager. If the latter seemed surprised at the sudden question, it didn’t show on his face.

“You want N’Mild off the crew?” the manager asked, voice sounding professional.

Gulf had to suppress a laugh. “No, of course not, I’m talking about her,” he pointed at the co-actor standing next to Mew. His manager stared at them; brows raised in confusion. “Do you think you could change the female lead to her?” He was aware how ridiculous he sounded right now. But he knew how much him and Gulf meant for this movie. If they wanted to keep their main actors, they would surely make a little sacrifice, right?

“Eh..” his manager was at loss for words at first. Then he picked up his phone, suddenly typing something. “I can try for sure,” he said without looking up.

Gulf grinned and unlocked his seatbelt. “Thank you, P’Best. You’re the best!” as he said these words, he grabbed his bag from the backseat and opened the door. “See you this evening,” the door slammed shut and he turned around. Slinging the bag around his shoulder, Gulf smiled and waved towards Mew and his co-star. They waved back, although Mew took a second longer than the female.

The nong practically skipped towards Mew, kissing his cheek in greeting before walking away again to his usual seat.

Even though he couldn’t cancel the shoot, there are other things he could and would do. His feelings weren’t fake, and neither were Mew and Gulfs. They had convinced the whole world of their love in this way. He was going to do the same with Mew.

“-I can remind everyone who the better kisser is.”


The kitchen was filled with the smell of freshly brewed coffee when Mew entered, a look of surprise on his face. Gulf was seated at the table hunched over some papers, absently sipping the heavily creamed and sugared liquid. However much he disliked the smell, it was a great help waking up in the morning. He had been sitting here since the early hours, swiftly slipping out of the bed the two shared again to start his individual study session. Going between the script and his phone, he was giving himself speedy lessons on how to act he found on the internet. Although it might be useless in todays’ script reading, at least it helped him calm his nerves somewhat.

“You’re up early,” Gulf didn’t look up as he heard Mew say this, instead letting out a quiet hum as a reply and turning over the page he was reading. He made a decision yesterday on how he was going to handle Mew, but he still felt hurt at his words.

Footsteps approached Gulf, and he could feel the older man’s presence behind his back. He ignored the feeling in his stomach when he took note of the heat radiating of Mew when he touched his shoulder. Deciding to escape the small touch, Gulf started to stretch a little, finally looking up from the script. Mew’s hand fell of his shoulder.

“I’ve been studying,” Gulf said as he cracked his shoulder loose, “there’s coffee in the pot, if you want.” He couldn’t see Mew’s expression, but he felt the man walk away towards the cabinet. Not long after he could hear the liquid being poured, Mew muttering a “Thank you” Gulf barely heard. He decided this was his queue.

He stood up from his chair, gathering up the script and putting it away in his bag he prepared earlier. “Since you’re awake now, I’m gonna get dressed,” he started walking out of the kitchen, then pretended like he was reminded of something. “P’Best called me earlier, today’s reading session is going to be an hour earlier. He’ll pick us up at 9,” Gulf tone was dismissive, like he didn’t really care much. He could hear Mew take in a loud breath, “Why didn’t you wake me earlier then?” he asked the younger, slight panic apparent in his voice. Gulf shrugged, then looked at the clock. 8:30.

Time to get ready for work.

Maybe Gulf was being a little petty, but could you hold it against him? After dismissing his feelings like that, and clearly showing no remorse of his actions, Gulf wanted to take revenge on Mew. However, that was quite hard with the whole husband act they had. On top of that, the now fully aware of his feelings Gulf really couldn’t handle another fight right now. So instead he decided that he would do exactly as Mew wanted. They would be the perfect husbands in public and on set, but Gulf didn’t need to be nice to him at home. It was a backhanded way of getting back at Mew, a little childish even, but after seeing his husband reactions to his cold demeanor, Gulf felt somewhat justified.

If you want to make up, P’Mew, you better work for it. I’ll make you yearn for the time I was nice and sweet to you.

Leaving the car after a quiet drive towards today’s location, Gulf started to feel a little smug. Mew had been giving him glances throughout the ride, worry and confusion on his face. In response, the younger wasn’t paying him any attention, instead still focusing on today’s script. He had silently mouthed the words as he read them, trying to figure out which emotions and thoughts plagued Dee as he said these lines. His plan seemed to be working. Time for the second part.

Fans and reporters were waiting in front of the building, all trying to get a glimpse of all the actors who were coming today. It was the first script reading after all, and everyone was excited to see all these big names together. The buzz increased as Mew and Gulf approached, the latter attached to Mew’s hip. Cameras were pointed towards them, reporters asking them questions which made them forced to stop walking.

“Are you two excited to act together again?”

“Gulf, how do you feel about Mew acting with Mai again? This is their second movie is a row acting as a couple!”

“Mew, please share your thoughts about your recent interview? Your kiss was worldwide trending for 2 days!”

“Please tell us more about the upcoming movie’s plot!”

Personal questions were thrown in between questions about the movie. Gulf smiled politely the nearby reporters, greeting them in waii without loosening his grip on Mew. He spoke up before the older had a chance.

“We’re super excited to act together again, right babe?” he turned towards Mew, who nodded slowly. Gulf had called Mew ‘Babe’ yesterday in public as a try out, and the older husband had looked so confused and red that Gulf had decided to use the nickname more often. “And P’Mai is a great actress,” he answered the second question, “I feel honored to be working with her.” His words were genuine, grin increasing on her face.

Because her chemistry with Mew is nothing in comparison to mine.

Mew started pulling them forward when he saw P’Best wave at them. They had to hurry to be in time, but Gulf took no note of his husband’s actions. Instead turning around to give the fans a wave.

Mew pulled Gulf again, this time up against his body so their faces were almost touching. “Sorry everyone, N’Gulf and I really need to go! Please look forward to the movie!” He said as he finally got Gulf to start moving again.

This was something Gulf had noticed after that eventful ‘conversation’ Mew wouldn’t call Gulf Tua-Aeng anymore, even not in public. He guessed that was the older’s way to deal with the whole fight. Both of them showing their feelings in underhanded ways, what a couple they were.

Most of the actors were already present once they entered the room. Gulf waii’ed everyone, greeting everyone personally while his husband did the same. Reaching Mild last, he couldn’t help but throw his arms around the phi in greeting. Mild laughed at this. “Is this because of what I said last time?” he asked the nong, who just shrugged. “Glad to be acting with you, P’Mild!” was all Gulf said as he took seat next to him.

The dinner party last time had been a great experience, and Gulf had discovered why everyone was so fond of Mild. He was a great guy and easygoing friend. It was a little bitter about how he reminded Gulf of his friendship with P’Beer at home, but he decided to just go with it. No use over crying about spilled milk, especially if it wasn’t him who spilled it.

Seat had been arranged in such a way that Mew and Gulf were next to each other, with Mild on Gulfs side playing his best friend, and Mai on Mew’s side as the rival lover. Gulf noticed how some camera flashes clicked as they were all seated, and he swiftly moved a little bit closer to his husband. He saw that the man was already looking through the script. Opting to leave his own script alone, he leaned closer so he could see together with his husband. More flashes and clicks.

P’Jessi – the writer – was the one who welcomed everyone when they all were seated. After some formalities about how honored she was about all the actors participating in this project, she moved on towards work. Today they would be doing a large scene which almost involved the whole cast, partly to introduce everyone’s character and get to know each other. The actual workshops would follow later that week. It was a bit of an unusual order to get about it, but she underlined that she wanted everyone to get to know their characters first. Hence why this scene today was so important. All actors nodded and agreed and got ready to start reading.

The scene takes place towards the beginning of the movie and is described as a school reunion at a restaurant. Dee and Wai attend it together and have a great time, but then Lisa – that’s the name of the female singer and Wai’s crush – arrives late at the party. Somehow, Wai admits to Dee that they’ve been texting again, and he wants to ask her out, so Dee is a good friend and encourages him. It’s also where P’Mild character, James, learns of Dee’s love for his best friend. It’s a very complicated and detailed scene, but it does what the author wants it to do – introduce everyone and their unique emotions.

The first part of the reading goes smoothly, Gulf surprised at how much fun he’s having. He is still clinging on towards his husband as he reads from the same script, but nobody seems to care. Rather than complain about it, they get complimented in between cuts at how cute they are. Gulf takes it in stride.

The character James is telling a joke at everyone present at the table, Mild wildly gesturing his arms as he dramatically recites his lines. Gulf can’t help but laugh a little at his antics. According to the script, Lisa enters just before the punch line, making everyone look up at her as she apologized for being late. However, her timing is just so perfect that the table can’t help but laugh. She is confused about this, looking around for help.

Gulf has to admit, Mai is indeed a good actor. Her timing even just for the lines was perfect in correlation with Mild’s, and he feels himself laugh as well at her entrance.

[N’Lisa!] Wai calls out, waving at the woman standing confused in the doorway. He gestures in front of him. [There’s a seat here!]

Gulf feels his husband move to follow the right actions, but he doesn’t let him escape, suddenly resting his chin on his shoulder.

[Thanks, P’Wai. What’s going on, why is everyone laughing at me?] Mai says her lines.

[Don’t worry Nong, they’re just being dumb. I’m glad you could make it] Mew does his signature grin towards Mai. Gulf chooses to not look at his husband’s face, instead focusing on the script.

[Thanks for keeping a seat for me, Phi, I wouldn’t have made it if you hadn’t texted me] Mai turned towards Gulf. [Sawadee Krab P’Dee] she said as Lisa. Gulf greeted her back as Dee. Then she turned around, as if going to talk to someone else.

This is his queue [Texted? You’re still in contact with N’Lisa?] Gulf asked, surprise in his voice with a slight undertone of worry.

Mew nods and Gulf feels himself move along with his shoulder. [We’ve been getting closer again lately] There was a sudden lovesick smile on his husband’s face, something Gulf couldn’t avert his eyes from.

[You must be happy] Gulf said, suddenly in character and moving away from Mew. [You’ve had a crush on her for how long?] he teased Wai.

Wai – Mew – leaned forwards, quickly placing his hands on Dee’s mouth. [Shhh!] he shushed his best friend. Gulf knew that Wai would be blushing now. [I’m actually planning to ask her out after this]

He turned away from his hands, suddenly feeling very cold as Dee. [You should go for it, Wai] he said nicely, but his voice was flat and without emotion. [Excuse me] he tried to say in a lighthearted tone. [I need to go to the toilet]

P’Jessi clapped, indicating it was time for a pause. Gulf took a sip of his water, skimming the next lines that were to come. He wondered if he were doing well right now.

The next scene was one between Dee and James. James had drunk quite a lot according to the script and Mild was having a blast acting it out.

[Deeeeeeeeeeee] James almost yelled. They were in the bathroom now, where Dee had splashed some water over his face. [You all right buddyyyyyyyyy, you seem all … wet!] Mild giggled at the innuendo.

Gulf rolled his eyes, feeling Dee come back thanks to Mild’s acting. [No thanks to you] he answered his friend, going along with his flirting. Dee somehow was more chill when he was with James, his worriless attitude rubbing of on the other. This is how James is one of the first to break Dee’s walls.

[Wahh, that hurts man! I thought you loved me!] Mild continued slurring and giggling, leaning over the table towards Gulf. [Oh! Not as much as Wai loves Lisa am I righhtttttttttt] he was supposed to lean on Dee right now, but Gulf was too far away from Mild. [Little man making heart eyes as usual]

Dee wasn’t supposed to answer here, so Gulf said nothing. He was reminded of the love-struck smile Mew had given him earlier, the one he thought was genuine and just for him, but he could so easily pull in front of all these people.

[Yo Dee, wassup with that face?] Mild continued talking, ignoring Dee’s weird behavior. [you’re crying!] Gulf felt like crying, that’s for sure. [Oh my god, dude, don’t tell me...]

Mild was suddenly quiet as James, leaving a space where there wasn’t supposed to be one in the script.

Gulf met his eyes.

[Do you like nong Lisa perhaps?] Mild asked. Gulf couldn’t help but laugh dryly. He had zero to none interest in the woman.

[Don’t tell me you like Wai?]

Both Mild and James hit the nail on the head.

Gulf nodded, imagining himself acting this. He was staring in the mirror, tears forming in the corner of his eye. He was blaming his weird behavior on the alcohol, but in the end, he had nothing else to blame than himself.

He was the one who fell for Wai, knowing fully well they would never be.

It’s like… when you play a character, sometimes you’re taken over by their feelings.


Authors note:
Thank you all for voting and enjoying this story! I'm sorry for not updating for such a long time, I am still figuring out how to use wattpad 😅. I promise to post another big update like this enxt Wednesday though, so you got that to look out to!
I want to thank everyone who commented and voted on this story, you have no idea how happy they make me 💕 also a big thanks to my beta-reader, who actually reminded me to post here 😘 See you all next week!

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