I.L.Y. - A MewGulf AU

By I_callyouMoonchild

142K 6.9K 525

Gulf wakes up in an unfamiliar bed and an unfamiliar apartment, wedded to a husband he has never met before a... More

Prologue: Mew
Chapter 1: The Last Day
Chapter 2: What Marriage?
Chapter 3: Another Gulf
Chapter 4: Wedding anniversary
Chapter 5: Public couple
Chapter 6: Acting Skills
Chapter 7: Are you jealous?
Chapter 8: Not Mew's
Chapter 10: Dee and Wai
Chapter 11: The truth
Chapter 12: Following the script
Chapter 13: Epiphany
Chapter 14: Kiss me again
Chapter 15: Bittersweet
Alt. prologue: Gulf
Chapter 16: Behind closed doors
Chapter 17: To feel loved
Chapter 18: Do you hear me, my love?
Chapter 19: Promise
Intermission: Mew
Chapter 20: Tua-aeng
Chapter 21: Coffee
Chapter 22: Beyond Repair
Chapter 23: No More Lies
Chapter 24: Sunflowers
Chapter 25: Proposal
Chapter 26: As Type Thiwat once said
Chapter 27: Anniversary Gift
Chapter 28: I love you
Epilogue: Mew - The greatest gift
Extra: Masquerade - aftermath WAI + Announcement!

Chapter 9: Between TharnType and MewGulf

3.9K 212 6
By I_callyouMoonchild

After what happened Gulf had expected there would be a sliver of awkwardness between him and P’Mew. But whatever the younger had felt and freaked out about that night, Mew himself didn’t seem to have noticed. He could also be pretending that he didn’t, but Gulf wasn’t that good at reading his so-called husband yet. Instead an easy friendship grew between the two, as if they had known each other for years. Technically, Mew had known some part of Gulf and had married that part, but the nong didn’t like to think about it like that. He was enjoying their new-found friendship and ease in their relationship.

On top of that, Gulf had started to look forward to their public appearances, where he had an excuse to touch the man all over and get spoiled by him. That was to say, Mew always spoiled Gulf whenever he had the chance to. The man spent a lot of time patiently explaining Gulf about his marriage and past projects they had performed. One late evening they even spent a couple of hours posing in front of the camera, modelling the weirdest combination of clothes they could find. Still, he longed for the man’s touches and hugs whenever they were in private, but never received any prolonged contact.

He really liked their relationship, even if it was forced upon them, they made the best out of it. Of course, there was always an underlying thought of ‘When will I go back to my universe?’ and ‘When will Mew grow tired of me and ask about his own husband?’ but those moments were brief. Gulf had gotten good at casting his worries away and instead focus on the moments of happiness.

However, when he laid awake in bed at night, now with Mew next to his side because “We have to get used to skin-ship anyway” he couldn’t help but worry. Ever since that day, he had started realizing something. It nagged him in the quiet hours in the back of his mind. He knew it could break all they had built up between them, so instead he locked it away. Tossing away any feelings that started to grow for the older. Maybe it was to be expected, with Mew playing the perfect husband, generally being everything Gulf hadn’t know he longed for but now had gotten a taste of. He didn’t want to let go. He wanted to keep hold of Mew as his own, but there was no way he could. So, whenever any of those feelings creeped forward, he quickly slammed that door in his heart. No way was he allowing himself to fall for Mew. He wouldn’t be a homewrecker, especially not between Mew and the original Gulf. He cared too much about Mew, himself, and somehow this universe’s Gulf to mess this all up.

What a fucked-up situation I’m in…

Almost a week passed, and Gulf had gotten somehow accustomed to his new life. Every day they would go together to whatever schedule they had on that day, be it Mew’s movie shoot, Gulf’s advertisement shoots or anything else. Gulf had been scared shitless when P’Best had told him he had accepted an advertisement for a popular perfume brand, but Mew had helped him thoroughly prepare for it. The shoot itself had been relatively straightforward. Gulf still didn’t feel like a model, but with his hubby whispering what to do at his side he could pretend he was one.

They were on Mew’s set again. Gulf being a regular now was greeted as one of the staff, and they weren’t afraid to ask him to help with some behind the scenes. He really liked helping out he found, it made him feel useful. Even one time a rookie-actor had asked him for advice, where he had just shared an anecdote Mew had told him about filming TharnType. The acting crew and staff on set seemed to appreciate his presence. In between helping out, he mostly lazed around playing games or sleeping with Mew – A new/old habit Gulf had discovered they did. He liked these naps with the elder the most. Especially because it meant he couldn’t spend the break with his female co-actor.

He also continued his search for ways to go back to his universe. He tried to make sense of the scientific explanations he read online, explaining them to Mew in the evening, but he didn’t make much progress. Partly due to the fact that he was dreading going back to his own life more and more. He didn’t want to leave Mew behind. And Mew also had some hard time understanding those explanations.

Stop being so stupid, Mew has his own Gulf he wants to get back.

Later that day a very important event was planned, much to Gulf’s dismay. Apparently ever since Mew and Gulf had gotten married, they had made it a tradition to go out and eat with some of the old TharnType crew. With Mew’s schedule being so busy as it is, the dinner had been postponed to a week later. This was lucky for Gulf, since he had had the whole week to mentally and emotionally prepare for the meeting. This would be a real test of how good he could act as the original Gulf.

It was 6 pm when they arrived at the small diner at the edge of Bangkok. Gulf was already exhausted from the ride alone, having constantly been repeating who everyone was in his head. The diner had been completely rented out for the occasion. Although it wasn’t a super-fancy place, it had still costed some pennies. Mew had shrugged it off, saying they made enough money anyway. Once again reminded Gulf he was pretty much rich in this universe.

As they entered the diner, people were already sitting at a long table. A long banner with ‘Congratulations MewGulf! Happy Marriage Anniversary!’ was hung up. Mew leaned into Gulf, whispering that it was the same one they used last year, which made him laugh. The people cheered as they saw Mew and Gulf enter, and Gulf already felt hot from all the attention. He could spot P’Tee and P’Mame at the end of the table, mentally recalling them as the director and writer of the series. Mild, Koawnah, Run and Boat had stood up when they saw the couple approach, Mild already grabbing Gulf’s arm and pulling him in for a hug as a greeting. Gulf was a little surprised, only half returning the hug.

Mild shook his head as they parted. “You’re married for two years and suddenly you can’t hug your friend anymore!” Mild teased the nong. Gulf opened his mouth, wanting to apologize but Mew suddenly grabbed his side, pulling him closer. “Because he’s mine to hug!” he said and demonstrated as he captured Gulf between his arms.

Mild rolled his eyes, the other boys whistling and laughing out loud. “Let your husband sit down at least, P’Mew,” Boat said as he saw Gulf struggle to get out of the embrace. Mew let him go and held his hands up.

“I haven’t had to share him for a long time, can’t blame me for being possessive,” he said. This made Gulf roll his eyes. So cheesy.

Gulf sat down at the table next to Koawnah and Mew, greeting with a waii to everyone else he hadn’t noticed yet. Sitting on the other side of the table were Tong and Hiter, surrounded by some other staff Gulf vaguely recognized but forgot the names of.

The men started bickering among themselves, blaming Mew for being too possessive and taking up all of Gulf’s time. The nong was content with taking a backseat in the conversation, only talking to add some jokes and eventually defend his husband.

“Really though N’Gulf, you’ve become such a housewife lately! I never see you going out anymore!” Mild laughed as he turned to Gulf. Gulf remembered that Mew had told him he and Mild had been close for a long time, even before TharnType he had been a friend in the business.

Gulf shrugged, opting to tell as much of the truth as he could. “I haven’t had many schedules lately, took a break to rest a little,” he told his husbands’ friend.

Suddenly Boat turned around as well, making a loud noise. “But I’ve heard you’re planning to act with Mew again?” he asked, then he shared a knowing look with Mild. “I wonder what kind of story you two will act in this time.”

The look made Gulf a little suspicious, even more so when Mew started to look guilty as well. Noticing the sudden silence of his husband, he said the first thing that came out of his mind.

“Mew had a kissing scene for his new movie, but the kiss was so horrible I decided I should act with him again so I can remind everyone who the better kisser is,” Gulf joked smugly.

Apparently, he had said it loud enough for the whole table to hear, because he could hear shouts coming from every direction.

“Jealous as ever,” Mild noted. Gulf nodded happily, even though he was blushing like crazy, he felt really proud of what he just said. Looking to the side, he saw Mew staring at him as well. His eyes had a possessive undertone, and it made Gulf’s stomach turn in a good way. He felt Mew move his hand to his leg, squeezing it.

“Man, I can feel the cringe!” Koawnah waving with his hands, seemingly trying to cool the hot air around them.

The food arrived not much later, and the conversation lessened as people started to eat. After stuffing himself, Gulf felt more relaxed and eased into more conversations. He was genuinely having fun. Even when they talked about funny things that happened on set or between them as friends, thanks to all the preparations he had done with Mew, he was able to actively participate. It was nice being surrounded by so many friends.

After food came the drinks, everyone ended up getting slightly buzzed as the evening progressed. Somewhere between his first and third beer, Gulf had moved from the chair to Mew’s lap. The latter was pretty drunk himself, his head in Gulf’s neck as if he was nosing him. Mew was tracing little patterns up to his ear and back down to his neck with his lips. It felt way too nice. It also didn’t escape him how the rest of the table kindly ignored their antics.

Is Mew still acting like I’m his Gulf, or is he simply too drunk to realize?

Really, Gulf shouldn’t enjoy it this much, but the couple of beers he had drunk didn’t help with rational thought. How he wanted to turn around, capture the older between his legs and kiss him again. Remembering what he announced earlier at dinner, he giggled, earning a kiss from Mew on his neck.

Their flirting was disturbed by someone tapping their spoon on a wineglass. P’Mame stood up, towering over the rest of the table as she cleared her throat. Judging by the redness of her cheeks and the half-empty wineglass she used to draw attention, she also had drunk more than a couple of glasses of alcohol.

She raised the glass towards Mew and Gulf, who both moved to sit a little straighter. As far as Gulf had understood, she was the writer and the biggest reason TharnType The Series became a reality, having funded it mostly herself. She was also the one who had cast the two after they had chosen each other. Gulf felt grateful to her.

“A toast to Mew and Gulf, congratulations on your second anniversary!” She spoke over the table, making everyone clap and shout their own congratulations. Gulf suddenly wished he wasn’t seated on Mew’s lap in clear sight, wanting to hide his embarrassment. He was being congratulated for a wedding that wasn’t his, yet he didn’t feel guilty. “And also, personally, I want to express my thanks for being part of TharnType The Series,” she smiled sweetly at no-one, just basking in her happy memory, “you two were the main actors the world didn’t deserve!” More clapping followed.

Mild started laughing out loud, shaking his head. “What’s that even supposed to mean, P’Mame!” he shouted over the table towards the woman. She shrugged and said: “A more perfect Tharn and Type simply don’t exist.”

Ah, really, I shouldn’t receive these praises.

Mew’s arms hugged Gulf a little harder, as if he could read his mind. He hadn’t noticed he had tensed up, the elders' actions calming him.

“Between TharnType and MewGulf,” Tong wondered out loud, “who is the cutest couple?”

Different answers could be heard from different sides of the table, suddenly all discussing the topic. P’Mame was the first one to speak up, gathering everyone’s attention again.  “While Tharn and Type are my babies”- she started, loudly, P’Tee snorted, and some other people grinned, Mew being one of them- “Mew and Gulf are their own unique person. There’s no way you can compare them, because TharnType’s love is fiction and Mew and Gulf’s love is here, right now with us. While they might have played the role of my babies Tharn and Type, they have become my babies with their own unique personality and love. And as my babies-”

P’Mame was interrupted as P’Tee pulled her down, shutting her up. “It’s okay, P’Mame, we understand. Don’t fangirl too much!” the director laughed. P’Mame pouted a little but sat down as she was told. Gulf could see her take another sip of her wine, glancing at Mew and Gulf. She smiled at them as if sharing a little secret.

Mew wasn’t moving behind Gulf, for once awfully quiet. Gulf wanted to turn around and check what’s wrong, but Mew already leaned his head on his shoulder. Assuming that the man had drunk a little too much, he decided to shrug it off. What P’Mame had just said sounded like a lot of gibberish, but she had a point. There was no reason to compare the two couple, since both are unique. And one of them in fiction anyway.

Mew and Gulf is cuter anyway, he thought smugly.

“By the way, N’Gulf,” his attention was pulled by Mild, who suddenly started speaking to him. Gulf moved his head towards his phi. “I’ll be working with you on your next project with Mew!” the man happily announced.

A new project with Mew?

Mew was still lying on his shoulder, not indicating he had heard anything.

“New project?” Gulf asked, frowning. Why hadn’t he heard about this? He was confused, he had never agreed to play in a movie, had he? According to Mew the original Gulf hadn’t either, so when did this happen?

“Yeah! That movie that was recently announced – what was the name again?”

He felt Mew’s head move off his shoulder. His husband sat back in the chair, leaving Gulf’s back suddenly cold.

“Masquerade,” he said.

“Yes, Masquerade! I heard you two agreed to play the main couple!” Boat’s enthusiasm didn’t match how Gulf felt at all. Cold spread through his body, realizing what this meant.

I have to act? No way, I didn't sign up for this!

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