Supernatural - Baby Wincheste...

By Demon-Riot

139K 3.1K 541

John Winchester had a secret relationship with a women named Alice. When Alice found out she was pregnant, sh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four

Chapter Thirty Eight

1.4K 40 5
By Demon-Riot

Dean carried Liddy and kissed her cheek and she pointed at the balloon's as they walked up to the front door. He whispered to her "you hungry bub? I'm kinda hungry for a little BBQ. How about you?" Even though she didn't know what bbq was, if dean liked it, she wanted it so she nodded quickly. Dean smirked and looked up to see Sam shaking his head at them "what? We can't talk to the locals?" Sam shook his head again and smirked seeing right through dean "the free food's got nothing to do with it?" Dean looked away from Sam "of cause not. I'm a professional. I just thought while we investigate, I can get some food into this little monkey." Sam smirked since he knows she doesn't know what it is and might not actually be able to eat it "right....."

They looked around and noticed all the houses looked pretty much the same. Dean got the shivers "growing up in a place like this would freak me out." Liddy nodded "ya, too." She said as she pointed to her self. Sam smirked at the pair "why?" Dean looked at him like he couldn't believe he had to explain it "the manicured lawns, the 'how was your day, honey?'.. I'd blow my brains out." Dean smirked as Liddy shook her head "icky." Sam shook his head at the pair "there's nothing wrong with normal. It would actually be really good for Liddy."

Dean didn't agree at all "I'd take our family over normal any day." He smiled down at Liddy and kissed her cheek. They stopped in front of the door and knocked, both putting on a fake smile. The door opened quickly, making Liddy jump a little in deans arms. He bounced her lightly as the man who answered the door addressed them "welcome." Dean smiled at the man "is this the BBQ?" The man nodded "yeah. Not the best weather, but.... I'm Larry pike, the developer here. And you are?" He held ha]is hand out to shake the boys hands and smiled at Liddy but she just got shy and hid her face in deans neck.

Dean shook his hand first "Dean, this is Sam. And this little cutie is Lydia." The man smiled at them "sam, dean. Good to meet you. So you two are interested in oasis plains?" Dean nodded "yes sir." But Larry clearly had gotten the wrong idea about the boys "let me just say, we accept homeowners of any race, reigion, colour or.... sexual orientation. And this is a great place to raise this little one with loving parents." He continued to smiled at the boys.

It took them a couple of seconds to realise what he was saying to them. Dean quickly stepped in while Sam tried to not laugh "we're brothers and sister." But it didn't seem like he fully believed them so sam backed dean up "our fathers getting on in years. We're looking for a place for him." Dean heard Liddy whisper "no old." Dean just patted her back, hoping she would stay quiet and not blow their cover.

Larry finally understood the boys were telling the truth about being brothers "great, great. Well, seniors are welcome too. Come on in." He waved them inside and led them through the house and out the back. The boys continued to take everything in just in case something stood out. Sam said " this is fabulous. You said you were the developer?"

Larry nodded "18 months ago, I was walking this valley with my survey team. There was nothing here but scrub brush and squirrels." Liddy's head shot up from deans shoulders and started looking for the squirrels "wa?" Dean smirked at that being what got her attention. Larry laughed lightly and continued his speech "you know what? We built such a nice place to live that I actually bought into it myself. This is our house. We're the first family in oasis plains. This is my wife, Joanne."

Larry introduces a women as she walks up to them smiling. Dean smiled as she greets them. Larry whispers to her "tell them how much you love the place honey. And lie if you have to because I need to sell some houses." Sam tried to laugh at his joke. But dean was slightly distracted by Liddy "where surl?" She kept looking around. Dean kissed her cheek "sorry bub, no squirrels here right now, I'll find you some later." Larry excused himself while dean was distracted and Joanie smiled at there interaction and how cute liddy's little pout was now that she was told there weren't any squirrels.

"Don't let his salesman routine scare you. This really is a great place to live. And the squirrels will be back." She smiled at Liddy but Liddy just hid her face again. Another women walked up behind joanie and treated the guys "hi, I'm Lynda bloome, head of sales." Joanie introduces her "Lynda was second to move in. She's a very noisy neighbour, though." Lynda fake laughed as Joanie excused herself.

The boys felt pretty uncomfortable but tried to keep smiling. Lynda moved closer to the guys "she's kidding, of cause. I take it you three are interested in becoming home owners and raising this sweet little one here." They both started to reply but Lynda cut in "well let me just say that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, colour... or... sexual orientation." Dean wanted to just scream at them that they were siblings but knew he couldn't blow there cover "right... I'm gonna go talk to Larry and get this one something to eat. Ok honey?" Dean smirked at Sam and started to walk over but smacked Sam's butt as he left making Liddy giggled.


Dean was getting a tour from Larry as Liddy messily munched away on a piece of BBQ sausage dean had gotten her. He was regretting getting her something that got her hands all greasy. They were walking down the stairs as Larry talked "you've got three choices. Carpet, hardwood and tile."

Liddy freaked out when she saw the jars with bugs in them and dropped her food. Dean quickly caught the food as he fell down his chest then looked to see what scared her. Larry stopped to look as well and they both soon the jars. Dean commented "someone likes bugs." Larry sighed "ah yeah, my son. He's into insects. He's very inquisitive." Dean didn't really like how Larry spoke about his son's interest but knew he couldn't say anything as they walked out. Liddy whispers to dean "scwy" he patted her back "it's ok, they can't get you."

They walked outside and dean stopped when he herd Larry calling out to his son in obvious disapproval. They walked over to Sam and the boys. Liddy saw the spider in his hands and gripped onto dean tighter. Dean didn't hear there conversation as he tried to calm her down. "It's not gonna get you. I'm right here. Shush Bub it's ok." Dean moved out of the way as Larry and his son passed them quickly. Dean walked over to Sam while bouncing Liddy.

Sam gestured in there direction "remind you of somebody?" Dean looked over to see Larry going off at his kid. He looked back as Sam confused. Sam replied "dad?" Dean frowned "dad never treated us like that." Sam laughed sarcastically "well, dad never treated you like that. You were perfect. He was all over my case." Dean shook his head, not remembering it like that. Sam questioned him "you don't remember?"

Dean was shocked by Sam's accusations "well maybe he had to raise his voice, but sometimes you were out of line." Sam was getting pissed "right... right... like when I said I'd rather play soccer then learn bow hunting." Dean didn't get where Sam was going with this "bowhuntings an important skill. As soon as this one is old enough she will learn it too." Sam shook his head "what ever..... how was your tour?"

Dean smirked "well it was excellent. I'm ready to buy." He said sarcastically then got serious "so you might be on to something. Looks like Dustin burwash wasn't the first strange death around here." Sam was eager to know "what happened?" Dean explained "a year ago, before they broke ground, one of Larry's surveyors dropped dead on the job. Get this, a servers allergic reaction to bee stings." Sam nodded "more bugs." Dean agree "yeah, more bugs."

Sam looked around "alright I think we got enough here. We should get out of here." Dean nodded and they head out back to the car.

Dean was sitting in the passenger side this time with Liddy cuddled up on his chest as he read through there dada journal while Sam drove. It was getting dark now though. Dean started "you know, I've heard of killer bees, but killer beetles? What is it that could make different bugs attack?" Liddy squirmed, not liking the bug talk. Dean just patted her back to sooth her.

Sam finally noticed she got uncomfortably about bugs and sighed "well, haunting sometimes include bug manifestation." Dean shook his head "I didn't see any evidence of ghost activity." Sam agreed "yeah, me neither." Dean had an idea "maybe they're being controlled somehow. You know, by something or someone." Sam frowned "you mean like Willard?" Dean shrugged "yeah. Bugs instead of rats."

Sam got where dean was coming from "there are cases of psychic connections between people and animals. Elementals, telepaths." Liddy whispers from the back "swirl." Dean smirked lightly at her now new obsession with squirrelss. He replied to Sam "yeah, the whole Timmy-lassie thing..... Larry's kid. Bugs for pets." The idea hit dean. Sam looked at dean "Matt?" Dean nodded "yeah."

Sam tried to think of a reason why he would do something like this "he tried to scare the realtor with a tarantula." Dean nodded "you think he's our Willard?" Sam shook his head "I don't know. Anything's possible, I guess."

They were quiet for a second when dean called out "oooo hey, pull over here." Sam pulled into a driveway like her asked. Dean sat Liddy in the middle of the seat but she whined since she was getting sleepy and didn't want to be put down. Sam looked up at the house "what are we doing here?" Dean quickly got out even though Liddy was reaching her arms up to him. He quickly went and opened the carport door and said "it's too late to talk to anybody else."

Sam was shocked 'we're gonna squat in an empty house?" Dean nodded and smirked "I wanna try the steam shower. Come on." He waved for Sam to hurry up and drive in. Liddy was starting to get a little worked up at not being held and dean could hear her so he tried to hurry Sam up "come on!" Sam did as he was told and drove in with dean closing the door behind them but not before Sam walked him in the nuts as he drove passed him. He hopped it would get a laugh from Liddy but it didn't. She was too tired and worked up by now.

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