[under editing]Transmigration...

By nnaj2004

1.9M 95.1K 22.6K

"Excessive face powder, striking bright color robes and such an annoying attitude?! Why the hell don't you ju... More

Intro & Characters
1 - Love at first sight
2 - Farewell my glory youth
3 - Goddess
4 - Father and son meeting
5 - Meet the beauty
6 - Going home
7 - Dismiss from imperial harem
8 - Stay as my concubine
9 - Tea party
10 - Banquet
11 - Angelic Healer
12 - Regrets
13 - A night together
14 - Sick or just an excuse?
15 - Change of heart?
16 - "Sleeping beside you"
17 - Supportive Princess
18 - Divine Doctor
19 - Imperial pharmacy & Personal Bodyguards
20 - Create poison
21 - Game start
22 - Getting closer
23 - Truth behind past acts
24 - The Emperor collapsed
25 - Emperor is awake
26 - Another step closer
28 - Dismemberment
29 - Cuddling
30 - Hand in hand
31 - Visiting in-laws' house
32 - In-laws become the counsellor
33 - Match made in heaven
34 - Eating dog food
35 - General's way of courting
36 - Date
37 - "Are you jealous?"
38 - Coronation Day
39 - First night πŸ”ž
40 - The empress has been targeted
41 - Problems showing up
42 - The Empress was attacked?!
43 - Emperor is bewitched
44 - Depart to the border
45 - People from State of Shu
46 - Palace was attacked
47 - Leaving Wu Empire
48 - Being Yu Zhougong's first wife??
49 - The emperor has returned
50 - Interrogation
51 - Young Emperor x Li Xiu Ying
52 - First part of plan has started
53 - Empress' location detected
54 - Meeting the empress
55 - Fake Letter
56 - South Empire X State of Shu
57 - First win
58 - The war
59 - Reunion
End (Part I)
End (Part II)
Side Story I: Wu Zhang Wei x Li Xiu Ying πŸ”ž
Side Story II (Webnovel available)
Side Story III: Huang Fei Hong x Jing Yi

27 - Punishments

34.9K 1.7K 320
By nnaj2004

In the main hall of the main palace,

Wu Zhang Wei is sitting on the throne, resting his head on his knuckles. There's no other emotion in his eyes, except disgust and anger when he looks at the woman who is sitting on the floor, pleading and begging for her life to be spared.

No matter how much she said, Wu Zhang Wei deafened his ears. He doesn't want to hear excuses. What he needs to know from where she got all those poisons.

It's not like Wu Zhang Wei didn't know but he needs her to speak the truth for all people who are present in the main hall, heard what she said. Momo no longer has the energy to speak up after she was tortured by Huang Fei Hong as she sticks to her principle as a servant and tried to protect her master.

The Chief Eunuch noticed that the emperor is not paying attention to the offenders in front of him. The faint smiles make the Chief Eunuch follows where the emperor's eyes linger. Zhang Wei's eyes are like a dead fish when he looks at the former consort but it quickly softened when he steals a glance at Xiu Ying who is standing not too far from him.

The Chief Eunuch fakes a cough and whispers, "Your Majesty...Your Majesty!"

Zhang Wei turns to glare at the Chief Eunuch for disturbing him. He rolls his eyes then it immediately turns cold.

"Former consort Yu Li Na, Zhen doesn't want to hear your lame excuses like doing it for my sake, loves me and bla bla bla... Zhen just want to hear where did you get those poisons? Did someone lend you a hand? Who is it? Zhen is sure that you can't get those kinds of poisons on your own. It was rare in this country so you must have someone else gave it to you."

Zhang Wei squinted, "Now, tell me...who gave you that?" His voice sends a chill to everyone's spine. Even Xiu Ying flinches as this is the first time he saw this side of Zhang Wei. Before this, no matter how rude or rebellious he was, the emperor didn't really mad at him.

In a trembling voice, she said, "N- no... one... I- I bought it from the black market... I don't even know wh- who I deal with..." She staring at the floor but unless someone truly paid attention to her, they won't notice the eye contact between her and Lord Yu Chenyi.

The Minister of Revenue looks calm even though everyone knows that Yu Li Na is her niece and he really dotes her. The onlooker was a bit surprised when they saw Lord Yu didn't seem bothered with her condition.

Not wanting to drag this matter anymore, Wu Zhang Wei leans back on his throne. In a loud voice, he said, "Yu Li Na was jealous when she heard that Zhen was getting closer with Concubine Wen so she had poisoned Concubine Wen Qian with reasons to make her infertile. Next, when Zhen visited her courtyard for during tea time, Zhen was poisoned with a strong poison and Zhen almost lost my life. So, all ministers and officers here, Zhen would like to ask, what's the best punishment for this kind of crime?" He asked sinisterly.

"Beheaded her!"

"Give her a strong poison!"

"Tied her in the middle of the market then execute her!"


One by one the minister and officer voice out their opinions. Yu Li Na trembles harder when she heard it. Prime Minister Li Shizen remains silent. He, as a man with only wise words getting out from his mouth, doesn't want to involve himself, unless the emperor asked him directly.

Meanwhile, Lord Yu Chenyi clenches his fist but he keeps his poker face. Yu Li Na keeps staring at him, asking for his help but he can't do anything as solid proof had proved her wrongdoings. He shot a glare towards Li Xiu Ying opposite him.

"Alright then, Momo, as Yu Li Na's servant who also helped her a lot in carrying out her plan will be given a strong poison tomorrow. As for Yu Li Na, you will be on a parade around the city and then you'll be... dismembered." He said flatly like he's ordering from the restaurant.

Yu Li Na shakes her head vigorously and keeps shouting, "No! Yo- Your Majesty! Please! I beg your pardon, Your Majesty! This is just a misunderstanding! I never meant to poison you! It was supposed to be for that slut!" She's pointing at Li Xiu Ying.

"He's the one who is supposed to die! A whore like him is not suit to be a noble consort! Don't trust him, Your Majesty! He's pretending to be good, healing everyone but he actually wants the throne!"

Xiu Ying feels pitiful towards her. He remains calm no matter what nonsense Yu Li Na spouted. Because of her words, some ministers started to pay attention to Xiu Ying. Looking at him at a closer distance, they can't help but mesmerized with his beauty. And of course, it didn't miss from Zhang Wei's eyes that those perverted minister eyeing his beloved.

He speaks up to distract their attention, "So now, you admit you tried to kill Consort Li? Even if he did has ill-intention towards Zhen, who gives you the right to kill him? And what about Concubine Wen? She suffered just because of your stupid jealousy. You call Consort Li a slut? Then, what about you? Sleeping around with men when you've already become Zhen's consort. Don't you ever deny it because Zhen can easily bring those guys here and also... the old physician that you paid to abort your child." He sneers. 

He already knows Yu Li Na had slept around with a few guys to vent her sexual frustration and she even pregnant with one of the guys but she aborted it.

Wu Zhang Wei didn't punish those guys as he didn't really care whatever Yu Li Na wanted to do. Those guys were also willing to admit their faults so he let them go. Plus, they didn't even know the girl they slept with is a consort.

Now, everyone's attention has turned to her again. They loathed her insight. Lord Yu's face is flushed with anger and embarrassment. Veins pop out on his forehead.

Zhang Wei flicks his hand, "Guards, take them away."

Yu Li Na keeps screaming out when she's been dragged away. She struggles to release herself from the guards. All the words that came out are either begging for forgiveness or cursing Xiu Ying. However, her words didn't affect Xiu Ying. Xiu Ying looks at Li Na being dragged away, sighs, and shakes his head. 'How can someone be so shameless like this? It was clearly you're guilty but you dared to push the blame onto another person? I admire your thick skin, girl.'

After Yu Li Na and Momo have left, Zhang Wei turns to Lord Yu.

"Lord Yu, do you blame Zhen for the punishment that Zhen decided?"

Lord Yu Chenyi bows and folds his hands to the front, "Your Majesty, this servant didn't dare. Whatever Your Majesty decided, it was the best decision. No one dares to question it."

Zhang Wei raises his eyebrows and his face like 'ohoo..really?'

"But, isn't Yu Li Na is your beloved niece? You must feel sad as she will be dismembered for the next two days." He's adding fuel to the fire.

Lord Yu's mouth twitched. "Yes, I cared for her like my own daughter but her crimes are unforgivable and her immoral acts... disappointed me so much."

"Good if you think like that. This is a reminder to all of you. Please look after your daughters or close relatives. Don't let them go astray and you also... don't ever think of supporting any kinds of acts that will lead to a rebellion. Zhen may be stay in this place all the time but Zhen got eyes everywhere and none of your activities will be missed from my knowledge. Bear this in your mind." He said it was a reminder for all but his eyes focusing on Lord Yu.


Wu Zhang Wei went to visit Wen Qian. It's been a while since he visited her.

"How are you feeling now?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Much better, Your Majesty. Thanks to Consort Li. He had been a great help. I feel like my health has improved and better than before I was sick." Besides healing her, Xiu Ying also gave her some herbs drink. The function is like a vitamin or energized drink. Wen Qian feels like her body getting much lighter and she feels energetic all day.

"That's good." Zhang Wei faintly smiles. He always likes it when someone praising Xiu Ying.

He clears his throat, "Actually, Zhen has found a suitable household. The master of that house is a governor in a small prefecture in the city while his son is a scholar. The young master has reached marriageable age so the master is looking for a suitable wife for his son. So, do you want to meet him?"

Wen Qian was a bit surprised. She did agree to be sent out of the palace but marriage... she has mixed feelings about it. Her experience with her stepmother makes it hard for her to trust other people.

"I know you're worried but please don't worry. Zhen will make a deal with the master. If any of the family members dared to hurt you, they'll have to face Zhen. He'll be stripped off from his position and they'll be punished. That's what Zhen promise to you." Zhang Wei reassures when he saw the hesitance in her eyes.

Wen Qian takes a deep breath. She nods, "Alright, Your Majesty. I'll go and meet him. Your Majesty can set the date and I'll be there."

Zhang Wei feels relieved. Wen Qian is a good lady and he also wants her to live a happy life. If there's no Xiu Ying in his heart, he might consider keeping her in the palace. Even if he might not fall for her but at least he can keep her safe. But now, Xiu Ying has occupied his heart so he has no intention to keep the imperial harem.

If one day Xiu Ying accept him and be his empress, Zhang Wei will immediately dismiss the imperial harem. He doesn't care what those ministers will say. What important to him is making Xiu Ying happy and there's no need for other people.

After he had done talking with Wen Qian, Zhang Wei quickly strutting towards Zhongcui Palace. Day by day, he feels a little bit closer to Xiu Ying. Even though Xiu Ying still won't act friendly and won't talk to him, but at least Xiu Ying didn't push away.

Sometimes he thought, being poisoned was not so bad. Because of it, Xiu Ying took care of him day and night, feeding him, helping him to change to clothes, and always stay beside him. At first, Xiu Ying keeps avoiding and ignoring him but due to his persistence, Xiu Ying gives up and let him do as he wished.

Xiu Ying is about to have his dinner and once again it was interrupted by Zhang Wei's presence.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." Xiu Ying rises from the stool. Zhang Wei didn't say anything and leisurely walks towards him and take a seat.

Once he is seated, he pulls Xiu Ying's hand, making him sit too. "Zhen had told you, no need to be formal if it's just two of us."

Xiu Ying ignores him and continues to dig into his food. Looking at Xiu Ying having a good appetite, it brings joy to Zhang Wei's heart.

While eating, Zhang Wei strikes up a conversation to break the silence. "Zhen had found a good household for Concubine Wen to be married into. It is a good household. The master is a governor for a small prefecture and the husband candidate is a scholar."

Xiu Ying's chopstick hangs in the air for a while then it moves into Xiu Ying's mouth. "Did she agree to it?"

"Hmm. Zhen has asked Concubine Wen and she said she will meet the guy." Zhang Wei picks a slice of meat and puts it into Xiu Ying's bowl. He still did it even though Xiu Ying keeps saying not to do so.

After having their dinner, Xiu Ying wants to read a book before sleep but the other person inside his room is taking his sweet time walking around his room, stretching his body then lands on his bed.

Xiu Ying stands straight beside the bed, staring at the emperor who already lying with both his hands behind his head. The emperor look at him, pretend to be innocent, "What's wrong? Come." He pats the space beside him.

Xiu Ying sighs. "What are you doing, Your Majesty?"


"Then please return to your bedchamber. This is mine." Xiu Ying crosses his arms. He got no energy left to argue with the childish emperor.

"Well...technically everything in the palace is mine, right? So... I can sleep wherever I want." He shows his silly smile. But then he quickly gets off the bed, running after Xiu Ying who is about to leave the room.

He grabs on Xiu Ying's arm, "Where are you going?"

"Sleep in another room. Maybe with Jing Yi."

Xiu Ying's eyes widen when his back meets the sturdy chest and a warm body engulfs his. "No. Please don't go. Zhen promise Zhen won't do anything. Zhen just wants to sleep here with Xiu Ying. So, please..."

Xiu Ying removes the hands around his tummy and turns to face Zhang Wei. He looks at the puppy eyes and can't help but gives in. "Fine. But promise! Don't do anything! Or you can't even step into this room anymore."


And so, the two of them sleeping on the same bed. At the earlier time, they are far apart that even another person can squeeze between them. But the next morning, Xiu Ying's wake up in a warm embrace and sees someone's neck as soon as he opened his eyes. 

Next update : Sunday (11/10/2020)

Don't forget to check out my new story "My Doting Husband". The first chapter is out!

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