Crashing Down |L.S|

By leahn949

18.6K 305 28

Louis and Harry try to celebrate their 2 year anniversary but what happens when life throws something at you... More

Authors Notes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Epilogue Part 1
Epilogue Part 2

Chapter 1

1K 13 0
By leahn949

Wednesday 11:04 am

1 day

Louis awoke to the smell of fresh tea, like he did every morning. Harry was always up first. He showered and then made him and Louis tea. That was one of the things Louis loved about him.

"Good morning love!" Harry gave him a nice kiss on the cheek and handed him his tea. "We have lots of work to do today. I'm meeting Niall for lunch, and you said you were going to go see Liam, right?"

"Yea me and Liam have a writing session. He asked me to go with him. He wants to put out a new album sometime this year, and I might collaborate on some of his songs." Louis calmly sipped his tea. He hadn't thought about putting new music out of his own, but he was willing to do a collaboration, especially with his old band mate. Harry had an album out already, but he said he wasn't going to put another out for a while, but he never gave a specific reason.

"Nice Lou. I think the fans would really like it if you and Liam did some music together. Once we come out, we should put music out together. That would be cool" Harry and Louis weren't out to the public yet. Mostly just their close friends and family and a few other people knew that they were together. He kind of liked it that way.

"Yea they would be thrilled" Louis gave a small chuckle, but then put on a long expression, like something was bothering him.

"You alright?"

"About the whole coming out thing." He trailed off, like he was avoiding something. "When should we? I feel like the fans already know, but when should we officially tell them?"

"I don't know Lou. I kind of like it being kept in secret. It's like a secret club that only a select few know about."

"So you don't think we will ever come out?" Louis seemed to press hard, and it gave Harry a scare on how aggressive it came out as.

"I don't think for a while. I want to get settled down first and-

"I have to go. I'll be late for Liam." Louis got up, got dressed, and grabbed his things and before Harry could say anything, he was out the door. Louis shouldn't have brought it up. Harry never liked talking about it, but Louis felt the need to discuss. What Louis didn't know was that Harry was waiting until after they were married to come out. He just didn't want to ruin the surprise that he was proposing. 

Harry watched as Louis went out the door. He just grabbed his things and left too. He didn't want Niall to have to wait for him.


Louis and Liam's meeting

Louis approached the studio. A few fans passed by asking for photos, which he of course accepted. He loved interacting with fans. He entered the studio, giving a small wave to the standing bodyguards. He was used to them, especially when he was in One Direction. He saw Liam and gave him a big hug.

"Hey mate!" They hugged and sat down in the nicely decorated studio. "What's been going on with you?"

"Not much, how about you? How is being a father?" Louis hasn't seen Liam for a little while. Before his mom died, Liam became a father to a son, Bear. Louis hadn't met Bear yet, but was anxious too. He wanted to be a father so bad, and hopefully that dream would come true with Harry.

"It's good, it's good. Bear is almost a year and half now, which is crazy. It's exciting being a father, but I want to put out new music, which is why we are here, you know?" Liam had put a few singles out, but now wanted to make a new album. He only had a few songs written, which Louis had already heard, but he wanted his help to write better songs with Louis' amazing voice in them. "How is life after you know...?"

"You can say it Liam. It's alright. After my mom's passing, it was hard but Harry was always there for me, comforting me when I needed it and letting me be alone when I needed it." Louis had told his friends about his mom's passing but refused to see any of them. He didn't want them to see him like that. "We just fought though. That's why I kind of seem upset." Tears started to form in his eyes.

"Hey! Stop that. Harry loves you, but you guys are gonna fight. That's what relationships are. What was it over, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I asked him about coming out, you know, to the public. He didn't seem very interested, but I hate living like this. We can't even be seen in public holding hands, or together in fact. It's just frustrating you know?" Louis fidgeted with his hands, unsure of what to say. "He said he likes the secret of it. I just left after that, not wanting to start anything major."

Liam just sat in silence, unsure of how to respond to Louis. He didn't know what it was like to have a secret relationship. He offered a comforting hug. "Well, let's get to writing. Maybe it will take you mind of things" Liam pulled out his notebook, the same one he used in One Direction, which brought back a flood of memories. Writing albums with the lads and the long nights at the studios while on tour. It was hectic, but it was also a dream come true. Louis really missed the band and hoped one day to reunite, but at least now he could be with Harry. 

Liam and Louis sat for a few hours writing. By the time they had lyrics and started recording it was almost four o'clock. "Do you need to get going? You keep looking at your watch?" Liam asked with concern in his voice.

"No it's alright. Maybe we can get takeout in a little bit and maybe do a bit of recording? I don't really want to go home to Harry right now. Not sure what I would say to him" Louis fidgeted with his hands and then picked up the pen and started writing some lyrics. He hoped to go home when Harry was asleep just so he didn't have to face him.

"Okay. That sounds good then."


Harry and Niall's meeting

Harry headed up the street toward the small cafe where Niall was. He saw Niall's car and the body guards standing outside the cafe, with multiple fans gathered round. Harry called them over, to make sure he was safe when he went into the cafe. He signed autographs and took photos before he stepped foot safely inside the cafe.

"Harry!" Niall pulled him into a hug and then they sat down. "Are you excited for tomorrow? The big day is here!" Niall seemed more excited than Harry did and he wasn't even going to be there. "Does Louis have any idea?"

Harry grinned and got himself settled before settling. "Nice to see you too Niall. Umm yea I'm excited, but really nervous. We just had a small argument before we left." Harry twirled his curls before they order some food and drinks

"Oh come on. You guys never fight. It couldn't have been that bad." Niall got some coffee and Harry got a latte. "Plus I'm sure you guys will resolve it by tomorrow. Just talk to him tonight."

"Yea hopefully. Not sure when he's getting home. He is out writing with Liam. They might do a collab." Harry took a bite of his croissant, wiping his mouth with his napkin as Niall began to speak.

"That's good. Tommo needs to put out music. He hasn't put out anything since the band. I think it'll be good for him." Niall had an album out already and Louis was the only one from the band that hasn't put out music. Zayn was in New York with one album out and about to become a father. He was happy, so was Niall. "Talked to Zayn the other day. He said Gigi is due any time now. He's so excited!" Niall was the only one who talked to Zayn. Harry hadn't spoken to him since the Hiatus and Louis fell out of touch after his mom passed.

"That's good. I'm happy for him." Harry finished his snack and his drink and remembered what he actually brought Niall here for. "So the reason we are actually here. I need your help for tomorrow night. I'm going to bring Louis to the restaurant and we will just look like we are having a nice dinner. I need you to bring the ring to the back so they can put it in the dessert. Then when we go to eat, he should see it and that's when i'll do it. How does that sound? Can you do that?"

"Yes of course! Omg I'm so excited!" Niall brought his hands to his face and had a large smile upon his face. "I have been waiting for this day for so long."

"Alright calm down blondie. You sound like a school girl whose crush just asked you out. We have to keep it quiet." Harry already had butterflies in his stomach just thinking about it. He was nervous, but he had to pull himself together. Niall was right. This is two years in the making.

Niall and Harry both finished up at the cafe and then took a stroll down town. Shopped around and eventually went home. By the time Harry walked into his and Louis' flat, it was almost five o'clock. He decided to cook dinner for him and Louis, assuming he would be home soon. He shot him a text

Hey I made dinner! You on your way or leaving soon? Dinner will be cold by the time you get here.

A few minutes later, he heard his phone buzz and looked at the notification.

Nope. Gonna be here a few more hours. Probably be home late tonight.

Harry could tell that Louis was mad at him. He didn't think that their so-called 'argument' earlier that day wasn't that big of a deal, but guess it was to Louis. Harry just hung out on the couch for the rest of the night and eventually turned in. He showered, and put on pyjamas and got into bed. And soon he was fast asleep.


Louis and Liam's meeting

Louis didn't leave the studio until almost midnight. He arrived at his and Harry's flat around ten of one. He quietly opened the door, hoping that Harry was asleep. He checked the bedroom to find Harry peacefully sleeping, which to Louis was a relief. Louis quietly put down all his stuff and went into the bathroom. He showered and got ready for bed. When he came out of the bathroom, he was greeted by Harry sitting up in bed staring him down with his piercing green eyes. The light from the bathroom shown right on his face.


Louis didn't know what to say. He knew he would have to face him sooner or later, but he was hoping for later. "Hey"

They both sat silently for a couple minutes before Harry broke the silence. "Look about earlier-

"Harry please I don't really want to talk about it. I heard your opinion about it, so can we just go to sleep." Louis walked over to his side of bed and got under the covers. Rolled on his side to face the window, his back facing Harry.

"I didn't mean to upset you earlier. I didn't know we thought differently about that. I'm sorry." Harry went to put his hand around Louis, but Louis swat it away. "Lou please"

Louis just layed there, staring out the window as cars passed by. He was brought out of his thoughts when an ambulance passed by, going straight to their local hospital. He shuddered and turned towards Harry.

"I just didn't know you felt that way. It kind of shocked me, not gonna lie. I just thought that we could come out, not anytime soon, but maybe in the next couple years. I want to be able to hold your hand in public and just go out to dinner without making an elaborate plan with bodyguards and clearing out the whole restaurant. It's just annoying now and I want it to be over with." Louis felt the tears roll down his cheek.

Harry didn't realize how upset Louis actually was over this situation. "I'm sorry okay. I just always thought you liked us being in secret, but you clearly don't. Maybe we can come up with a solution that suits both of us. Let's talk tomorrow. Can we go to sleep now?" Harry let out a big yawn and pulled Louis close. They both began to fall asleep. Another night where Louis wasn't awoken abruptly by a nightmare. 

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