Redemption (Sequel to 104NoS)

By Jalesia_

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Sequel to 104 Nights of Summers Will Nyla ever forgive Maverick? Or will all his attempts at Redemption blow... More

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By Jalesia_

This is a recent pic of my Maverick character. He so damn fine to me.. Sheeeessshhh

This is a pretty lengthy update sooooo RUN THEM COMMENTS AND LIKE UPPPPP ♥


Nyla POV

I zip up Sky's suitcase placing it next to mine in front of my bed. She had no idea about this little trip in the morning and it was exciting.

"So, where do you think things will go after this trip?" Sahara says sipping her wine. I take a second to think about her question.

"Well, I'm hoping up." I shrug. "He's been extremely nonchalant about me lately and considering how he's been acting, this trip is about Sky."

"Girl, let's be real and look at the facts shall we? Maverick never did anything wrong, you know that, and he knows that deep down. You told me you asked him to be that way."

"Yeah, I also have been trying to push myself on him in a way, to no avail." I roll my eyes.

"Not everyone knows how to read mixed signals Ny. Look." she sits her cup down. "I love you to death, but I swear sometimes you're like a teenage girl. You know what and who you want, go get it! He's right there in the palm of your hands."

"I'm trying Sahara." I say with a blank face.

"Are you? Is your trying the type of trying you would take from him?" she raises an eyebrow. Per usual, she was right. I needed to make him know I want him back and this trip is the perfect chance to do so. I'm beyond excited.

I couldn't sleep to save my life. It was like the night before the first day of school, when you're too excited or thinking too hard about it to sleep. I sigh, looking at the clock. At least we were supposed to be up in three more hours, perhaps I could use this time to brainstorm.

When my alarm went off, I jumped out of bed and into the shower. I decided on comfortable attire for this drive plus, he'd think I looked good regardless of what I had on. I walk into Sky's room to see her on the floor playing with her dolls.

"Good morning Sky." I smile, sipping my coffee.

"Good morning." she smiles.

"I have a surprise for you."

"Really? I haven't even done a good stuff." she raises an eyebrow.

"Well consider it a reward for future good behavior."

"Okay! What is it?"

"Let's get you dressed and you will see." I smile. After getting Sky dressed in comfortable attire as well we both stood in the mirror analyzing ourselves. Well her copying me.

"I look like Daddy." she says taking her ponytail and tucking it under chin giggling. The doorbell rang and I instantly caught butterflies.

"Come on, your surprise is ready." I smile. She takes off towards the front door. When I make it she looks at me with a disappointed expression.

"It's just Daddy."

"Just Daddy?" Maverick says. "I guess Daddy will just leave instead of taking you and Mommy to the mountains this weekend then huh?"

"Me and Mommy?" she says with the biggest smile on her face. "All of us together?"

"Yes." I laugh. She jumps into Maverick's arms.

"Yay, thank you Daddy!" she hugs him. "Come on!"

"Let me get you and mommy's bag first." he laughs. He grabs our suitcases and take them to his BMW X7. After getting Sky settled in, he turns to look at me. "Good morning beautiful." he grabs my hand a places a kiss on it.

"Good morning, handsome." I smile looking away. He opens the door for me and I get in, excited to see what this little get away might bring for us.

Maverick POV

It was hard to fight the constant urge to grab Nyla's hand or put mine on her legs like we used to do. I didn't wanna make the wrong move or make her uncomfortable, I genuinely wanted this to be a nice little trip for us. I didn't want the pressure of our past weighing on us and most importantly I wanted to show Sky that Mommy and Daddy can be happy together even just for a weekend.

"Daddy, are we there yet?" Sky groans. "This is the longest surprise ever."

"Not yet baby girl, tired of riding in the car?"

"Yes. I'm hungry can we eat?"

"Of course. Nyla, you mind looking up some local restaurants?" I glance over at her. There's been some conversation here and there but she stared out the window most of the drive. Probably thinking about us like me. I wanted so badly to know what was on her mind.

"Of course." She smiles. We decided on a little steakhouse about three miles away. I was anxious to be able to sit down and talk. I helped Sky out and held the door for them as they entered the little restaurant a few towns over from Gatlinburg where we'll be staying. 

"Welcome to Jackie's." The hostess says. "Right this way." she smiles. We follow her to a booth. "Your waitress will be right with you."

"Okay, thank you." I nod with a smile. "Smells good in here huh?" I smile to the two the people I care about the most, as they sat across from me.

"Yes, I want some chicken like Mommy's chicken." she smiles gazing up at Nyla.

"That's impossible. No one can cook like your Mommy." I smile to Nyla myself. "Hopefully get to have some of it this weekend." I say more as a question.

"Well thank you both. We can make that happen." she smiles at me. 

"Hi, I'm Ivanna and I will be taking care of you today. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Sweet tea for us please." 

After getting our food we sat in comfortable silence, eating. I take a moment to take in this moment. It was rare we got together anymore and it was peaceful to feel like a family. Even if only for a few days.

Upon finally making it to the cabin, I glance over at a sleeping Nyla and Sky. I press down on the horn startling them both. 

"We're here." I laugh at their displeased expressions. 

"That was not nice Daddy." Sky says as we exited the car. I glance at the beautiful scenery around us. There was no one around for miles and we had a creek and trails surrounding the property.

"Wow, all this nature. I hope there are no bears." Nyla laughs.

"I'll protect you guys, I brought my rifles." I open the door for them. It was just as nice as the picture. The wood interior went really well with the decor. 

"This is so awesome!" Sky screams taking off through the cabin, leaving Nyla and I alone. 

"Um, when I booked this cabin, I thought it was just going to be Sky and myself so I only got the king bed. The couch pulls out if you don't want me in the bed-"

"I don't mind." she gives me a smirk, walking away to look at the cabin. I felt my cheeks get hot as I followed her. Giving her backside a slow once over. I could tell she's been doing them squats the way her ass was sitting these days, aside from the fact I've caught her doing them at work a few times. It was more than a handful and I wanted it in both my hands. 

"Um, I'm gonna grab the bags." I turn the other way to cover up my junk who was betraying me right now. It was hard not to think about, I still watch our videos sometimes to get off. It's sad but true. 

"What are we gonna do next Daddy?" Sky says jumping on the bed. 

"I was hoping to go to this pretty neat go-cart track down the road."

"I wanna ride go carts!" She screams at the top of her lungs. 

"Well, let Daddy get a little nap in then we can go okay?" I smile. 

"Okay, come on Mommy let's go play in the game room!" she smiles grabbing Nyla's hand. As anxious as I was to see what the day holds, I was more tired than that. I get comfortable in the bed, hoping to dream of Nyla.


"Ugh, I suck at this game!" Sky rolls her eyes putting the pool stick down. "I'm just gonna go play with my dollies."

"Okay, don't get tired we're gonna head out when your Daddy is up." I call after her. I take a deep breath, trying my best not to set an expectations with this trip. I wasn't originally in the plans, he probably invited me out of pity. But I'd rather that than someone else. 

I walk into the bathroom, examining my reflection. I couldn't help the sudden sense of insecurity washing over me as I thought about how friend-ish he was being the whole way here. Maybe he wasn't attracted to me like that anymore. 

"Come here." Maverick says as I was about to leave the room. I freeze, looking at him to make sure he was even awake. Though his eyes were closed, the smirk on his lips told me what was up. I laugh a bit, making my way to the bed. As I was taking a seat on the bed, in one movement he grabbed me and rolled over on top of me. I felt my breathing and heartbeat pick up as he stared down at me. I could feel a slight poke at my midsection, causing me to instantly moisten for him. "I-" my phone ringing interrupted him. We both look over to see Giovanni's name on my screen. He then looks back at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

"I should take that." I nod. He nods and gets off of me, now turning his back to me. I shake my head upset this call came when it did. I answer it and step out of the room. "Gio, what is it?" I step outside of the cabin. 

"Wow, what's with the tone love?"

"It's not a good time, really."

"I figured, I'm at your place and you're not here."

"I'm in Tennessee right now."

"Is that so? Why?" he laughs a bit. I take a deep breath, glancing back at the cabin. I think long and hard about my response. "Nyla?"

"Gio, I really care for you I do but I want my family to work. We can't continue what we have if that's gonna happen." I sigh. 

"Ah." he says. I contemplated hanging up during the silence that fell over us. "I thought you would be here for me during all that's going on. You've been a big help with Oliver and- and I thought we were building something here?"

"I never said that. I'm sorry if I gave you those impressions but..." I sigh. "This means a lot to me okay? I just can't risk you and I being a problem Gio. It's nothing personal, you're an amazing guy, and I know you'll find someone better for you. I'll still be there for Oliver, he's Sky's friend. I just have to end whatever you and I had going on now. I'm sorry, I hope you understand." I hang up. I wanted to block him but I didn't want to hurt Sky's bond with Oliver, they're really close now.

"Ready to go?" Maverick says behind me. I turn to look at him.

"Yeah." I give him a smile. He somewhat returned it. It was like he was looking at me but wasn't. I can imagine how what just happened may have looked to him but I couldn't risk it causing a bigger problem. "I just wanted to say Giovanni is not someone you'll have to worry about. His son is Sky's close friend." I clear my throat. His expression made me wish I hadn't said anything. 


"Yeah." I nod. 

"Cool." he nods. He turns and goes back into the cabin. I sigh hoping this wouldn't ruin the mood for the night.


"I'm sorry sweetheart you aren't tall enough to drive it by yourself." the guy at the track says to Sky. Her jaw drops.

"Are you kiddie me?" she yells? "I'm three and three quarters!" She says holding up three fingers. I wanted to laugh but my baby girl was red so I know she was livid. 

"I'm sorry it's just the rules." the man says. He genuinely looked afraid. 

"My daddy is the richest man in the world, he can fire you ya know!" 

"Okay, princess let's just do this. How about you ride with Mommy and Daddy tries to beat you both." he reasons. 

"Okay Daddy." she says in a much calmer tone. 

"Sassy little thing huh?" the man laughs.

"Watch your mouth and just take the tickets." Maverick says sitting the tickets on the stand. 

"Yeah, watch your mouth!" Sky says as the other attendant let us in. I giggle silently behind them at what just happened. And he says she gets her attitude from me. 

"After getting settled with everyone else we finally were awaiting countdown. 


"Go Mommy go!" Sky yells pushing the gas with her own foot. 

"Skylynn Summers!" I scream as the attendant jumped out of the way. I was embarrassed but we kept going with everyone at least a hundred feet away. I took back over the gas pedal as Sky peeked behind us. 

"He's coming Mommy, go!" she screams. Not long after that, I was met with a smirking Maverick. He gives us a big smile before passing us. And unfortunately, he won. And even more unfortunate, Sky got us banned from this track. But I wouldn't have traded that for anything.


I carried a sleeping Sky into the cabin as Nyla followed behind with some grocery bags we picked up from a nearby Walmart. After getting Sky tucked in, I join Nyla in the kitchen to help her put things away. 

Earlier was a stab in the chest. I've heard about this Giovanni guy from Sky but nothing about him and Nyla. I mean, I get it. We didn't know this trip was going to happen so it's not like we didn't have our own lives before this. So I'm doing my best to not let it get to me. 

"That child of ours is something else." Nyla smiles. 

"She's you and me combined, how could she not be?" I laugh shaking my head.

"That's true, more so you than me."

"Oh come on darlin'. All that sass and attitude, is a percentage of yours."

"What can I say, she's my mini me." she shrugs with a smirk as she pulled two wine glasses from the stuff we just bought. I watch her as she pours it in the glass. How could someone be so beautiful. It's senseless. "Stop drooling cowboy." she laughs. 

"You know what you do to me Nyla." I say with as much seduction as possible. Her expression told me it worked. 

"Don't hurt yourself." she slides me my glass. I raise it to her. 

"To... not hurting myself." I smirk and stare into her eyes. She stares back, hers slightly darkening as she placed her glass against mine. 

"So." she says after taking a few sips. "How about you take this L in pool."

"You know how many bars I've played pool in for money? The only L I take in pool is Loot." 

"Nice." she laughs. "I won't play you for money. But... we can play for something else." she shrugs.

"Like what?" I raise an eyebrow. 

"Think of something." 

"Hm." I down the contents of my drink and stare at her. "If I win..." I give her a slow once over. "You've got to get naked for me."

"Maverick." she scoffs with a laugh.

"You know how long it's been since I've seen you naked Nyla? That would be one hell of a prize, and that's what I want if I win."

"Deal." she smirks. "Now, what do I get?"

"You know you get whatever you want without winning."

"Hm." she laughs. "Okay, well if I win, I want to... sit on your face. Like old times." she says over the wine glass. I wanted to skip the bullshit at this point. But I'll be patient. 

"You know you can sit on your throne whenever darlin." I shake my head. "But okay, come on." I smile.

We were three bottles of wine in and I can't lie it was fun goofing around together like old times. I missed this woman like she was a piece of me. We were both down to one ball. 

"It's sad you think you're letting me win." she laughs shaking her head.

"Well that's because I am." 

"Why? What do you gain from me riding your face." she comes closer to me. 

"Everything." I stare down at her. She stares back up at me. I grab her last ball placing it in the hole. Then, I grab the eight ball placing it in a hole. "You win." The look she was giving me now made me know she was ready for it anyways. I pick her up and carry her to the sofa against the wall, pulling the door shut with one hand and sliding her leggings down with the other. My mouth watered for her, and I was about to use it to write love letters on her lower lips. 


thought yall was bout to get some nasty huh?


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