To capture a heart|Charlie We...

By laur7833

16.3K 251 40

Alexa Lupin a mega-witch like her mother and werewolf like her father She was far stronger then any witch or... More

Alexa's powers
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2

1.2K 20 0
By laur7833

Bill woke me and Charlie up at 11am claiming that Molly had let us sleep too long already and that we had to get going quickly if we wanted to make it in time leaving looking far too pleased then he should he was one of the few people who was convinced that Charlie and I was in love even with the repeated denials from both of us 

"We are never going to hear the end of this" I said as we got dressed I couldn't help but smile a little at the thought of the feeling of him holding me close

"Like we ever heard the end of it in the first place" Charlie chuckled throwing my backpack at me 

"I'm still blaming you from now on" I said sticking my tongue out at him as I left the room going downstairs catching Bill thoughts by accident as I got to the kitchen that was the thing that I had the hardest time stopping with my powers so I just told them I could read minds as I had a tendency to think people were talking to me when I was younger

"Get your mind out of the gutter William nothing happened" I said grabbing a sandwich from the  plate on the table 

"Really cause it looked like something happened" He smiled taking a sip of his tea

"I had a nightmare and he decided he didn't want to go back to his bed after waking me up from it before I woke the entire house up I repeat nothing happened" I said leaning against the wall taking a bite out of the sandwich in my hand as Charlie joined the kitchen and Bill got up

"Also get out of my head we talked about that" Bill said as walked by me giving me a slap on the back of the head

"It's not like I do it on purpose it just kind of happens" I shrugged af we followed him outside where Percy already was waiting tapping his foot impatiently waiting for us as we made our way to the apparition spot

As we arrived at the camping ground the excitement was getting to me I never really took to quidditch growing up but even I had to admit this was amazing even with the muggle keeper of the campsite who seemed to think we were a weird bunch of people in strange clothes at least the was what he mumbled as we walked away having asked about where the Weasley site was 

"You know Perc I think he might have referred to the fact that you're wearing a suit on a camping trip" Charlie joked throwing his arm around my shoulder as we reached the Weasley site

"I'm working" He huffed going into the tent making the others exit 

"Lex you came" Ginny exclaimed nearly tackling me with a hug

"I may never have seen a game of quidditch in my life besides what your brothers play in the summer but Charlie have pestered me about going all year so for a few minutes of peace I'm here" I laughed 

"Hi I'm Hermione Granger" The bushy haired girl next to Ginny said extending her hand to me 

"Alexa Lupin more commonly known as Lex" I said shaking her hand with a smile it was rare I got to meet new people so this for me was exciting

"Do you know professor Lupin then?" Harry asked upon hearing my last name

"He's my dad" I said with a proud smile at him he really did look like his dad just looking at him brought back memories from when I was a kid the most prominent one not a good one I took a few steps back and hid behind Charlie to avoid touching him in fear I would show to much if i did

After the match I sat outside the tent in case the death eaters were coming tonight I couldn't get the thought out of my mind if they attacked tonight it could cause a lot of damage and after seeing Harry I had a hard time getting the night his parents and my mother died out of my head so I barely noticed Charlie creep out next to me 

"Why aren't you in bed?" He asked sitting down next to me in the grass

"Couldn't sleep" I said turning my attention to him with a small smile 

"I didn't know he would be here before the other day and completely forgot to tell you I'm sorry" He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder again pulling me close to him 

"It's okay I figured he would be here I just figured it would be easier but I haven't seen him since that day so it all came back" I said resting my head on his shoulder looking over the campground I could hear the Irish fans celebrating their win all over the place other people were sleeping so most were inside their tents 

"Are you okay?" Charlie asked rubbing my arm gently 

"Yeah I just keep reliving the night over and over again in my head more vividly then normal anyway" I said trying my best to keep the horrifying image out of my head 

Charlie had convinced me to go back inside so we could have a cup of tea before we went back to bed we had to be quiet so we didn't wake up the others which was hard with Charlie doing his best to make me laugh and get me in a better mood 

"What are you two doing up?" Arthur asked as he entered the kitchen where we were sitting 

"Couldn't sleep why are you up?" Charlie said as Arthur kept looking at the tent opening looking confused 

"I heard screaming and I can't figure out if it's the irish or what it is do you not hear it?" He asked looking more at me then Charlie by now it was less of a secret to anyone that I was a werewolf after Snape exposed my dad to all the students at Hogwarts but then again Molly and Arthur had always known about that I had the werewolf gene in me I started transforming as I reached 13 the gene being dormant until then my hearing had always been better then the normal persons 

"Get everyone out now it's the death eaters" I said running out to wake up Hermione and Ginny in the other tent as more and more people started running to the woods and the death eaters caused havoc in their way setting tents on fire and cursing random people floating the muggle caretaker and his family above them 

"Get up you need to run as fast and as far into to the woods as you can don't look back" I yelled startling them both awake as I looked outside seeing several people try and fight the death eaters and trying to safe the muggles I knew I had no choice but to use my powers in this situation and as soon as I saw the girls run past me I ran out and joined the fight  

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