I Wish You Were A Girl [TAEJI...

By SickOfTae_Uva

218K 15.3K 6.4K

"You didn't know how much I wish that you were a girl", Total Chapters : 44 More

"IWYWG" A Sneak Peek
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Outro (Special Chapter)

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4.5K 335 72
By SickOfTae_Uva

Blushing would have been no problem, but what matter is being as red as a beetroot and radiate heat like a hot pan. You could have cooked a three course meal on Jin's face. Though his ears was obvious that they were as rosy as his face. He wanted the earth to open up and swallow him whole when Taehyung said something he could never expect.

"...stop bullshitting and let me go!",

Jin said in cold tone as he tries to remove the younger's hands off his arms but-

"I'm not, hyung! I can. I know you and you know me. Why? What's wrong? Is it because we're both men?...C'mon, nothings wrong with a man helping another man",

Jin furrow his brows unbelievably as he grit his teeth then slowly shook his head.

"...you're out of your mind!.. just let me-",


Jin flinched and stopped fighting when Taehyung shouts all of sudden.

"Do you want others caught you like this?!",

Seokjin gasped as he kept stared at the younger's eyes.

"Do you want to feel disgusting about yourself just by the way they look at you?",

Words left Jin as he blinks and his lips parted, he is totally in blank. Taehyung continued.

"..if you don't want it happen, then let me help you...",

Jin remain silent but he never break his eye contact with the younger while heaving. Taehyung slowly nearing Seokjin's face then to his ear.

"...it's okay....there is no need to be shy or afraid....i promise I won't tell anyone...and you should promise me that you will never let anyone know about this, hmm?",

Jin gulped, loss for words and his eyes trailed down to the younger's lips then back at his face once Taehyung pulls apart. He blinks and the moment he wants to speak or say something, both of them looks at the entrance because of the foot steps at outside the toilet. Jin gasped as Taehyung looks back at him, in a flash he pulled the elder together with him inside one of the stall, closed the door, shoves him against the wall and stand in front him. 

Seokjin pants as his eyes on the younger's hand, which Taehyung bringing towards his pant to unbutton but before he could he grabbed his hand. 

Both of them looks at each other.

"..w-wait.. this is-",

"Hyung, trust me....it's fine, hmm?",

Jin gulped and once again he run out of words when the younger cooed and gently removes his hand from his wrist. Seokjin's mind going blank as he looks down, watching Taehyung unbuttoning his pant without any hurry and pulling the zipper down. He is rapid breathing as he looks up at Taehyung, who's eyes already on him. His eye balls moves in sync with the younger as he swallowing more and more harder while Taehyung nearing his face-

"...this going to feel really awesome...promise me you're not going to make a sound, hmm?",

Taehyung whispered as Jin's heart beat begin to beat really fast. 

At first he was frozen, not sure what's going to happen but he startle a bit when Taehyung insert his cold fingers into and running along the skin of his stomach, trailing down. A moan escapes from Jin's mouth as he grip the younger's shoulder, when he felt his palm cup his clothed dick. Taehyung grimaced.

"..have you ever been touched or let anyone touch you like this?",

Jin's eyes closed, bit his lips as he feel so turned on when Taehyung's fingers teasing his clothed member. He gasped as Taehyung watching each and every moves of the elder with smirk on his face.

Do whatever you can to make him smile, happy...and satisfied..


"..how do you feel now?...do you like it?..hmm?",

Jin moaned.

"..stop teasing..just..just do it already!",

Taehyung scoffs.

"...someone is impatient...and what's a hand job without teasing?",

Taehyung smirked as his hands reaches waistband of the elder's underwear, pulled it and his pants down, to his mid thigh. He lower his hand and wrap his hand around his dick. Jin's grip on the younger's hoodie gets more tighter as he moans smoothly when Taehyung's hand feels so good around him, even though he hasn't done anything yet. 

Jin's thought stopped when Taehyung begin to rub him up and down, painfully slowly. His eyes shut closed tightly, moaning and his breathing begin to shift, grow shaky when he runs his thumb over his slit. Taehyung sneers at the elder but his smug face drops once he heard foot steps then a man's voice inside the toilet, seems like he's talking with someone in the phone. Taehyung gasped as he looks at the elder, who's moaning a little too loudly.


He muttered, trying to signalling the elder to stop moaning, or not too louder but seems like Jin is not in the mood to listen to him, his eyes still closed and lips parted, moaning.

"..i'm sorry..",

Taehyung said in hurry as his lips smashed against the elder's. 

Jin scrunched up his face, wants to push the younger away but his hates or morals flew out as he cupped his face and kissing him back. Taehyung opened his eyes only to see the elder kissing him back. He kissed him only to shut him but he couldn't hold back when Seokjin kissing him back in hungry. He found himself more warmer and more comfortable as he closed his eyes, titled his head, entered his tongue into the elder's in order to deepen the kiss. At the same time, sped up his strokes.

On the other side, Seokjin mind was telling no but his body want this. It was a sexual roller coaster that he found hard to hold back. Even though he knew it was so wrong, it felt so right. He didn't want or like Taehyung but for some reason he couldn't stop himself from wanting to be touched by him. He lost himself in the touch of the younger, it send chill down his spine. His fingers tangle into his hair, tugged then pulled him close to him.

After minutes of moaning into his mouth, 


Jin says out of breath.


Taehyung shuts, rubbing him faster than he thought. Jin leans his forehead on the younger's shoulder, holding him tightly and bit down on his lips to prevent himself from moaning louder. It wasn't a second too early because he came all over the younger's hand and stopped moaning but his whole body shaking and breathing heavy on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Your cum all over my hoodie",

Taehyung teased as Jin slowly open his eyes, blinks. Once he back to sense, his eyes widened as he quickly pushed him away. Taehyung's back hit against the wall as he scoffs. He stand across and watched the elder's trembling hands pulling his boxers and pants back up, buttoning up. He sneered, wipes his mouth with his thumb, shook his head, open the door and went out to wash his hand and hoodie.

"...I wish you were a girl and we had more time...",

Taehyung begin as he set his gaze on Jin (who's frozen, still in the stall, his back leans against the wall and panting) thru the mirror, smirked before continue-

"-because I can show you how my mouth can do more than my hand",

Jin clenched his jaw and fists in angry as his red and teary eyes glared at the younger thru the mirror. Both of their eyes locked with each others. The fury eyes that fire burnt him to ash. Taehyung thought then smirked, looks down, continued washing his hand. Once he done, he wipes his hands with tissue then about to went out but stopped--he looks at Jin.

"..By the way..you owe me a 'thank you', don't you?",

Taehyung grimaced but that only made Jin worse. All that rage came out faster, he grit his teeth and about to go after him but before he could Taehyung chuckled and leaves the place. 

Jin annoyingly groaned, closed his eyes and punched the wall.

< A few moments later >

After cleaning himself, Jin went out but startled when noticed Jimin was waiting for him at outside.


The younger looks at him.


Jin gasped and his heart beat once again begin to beat faster. Is Taehyung told him what happened here? or he heard them? He felt scared.

"W-what do you mean, w-why?",

Jimin's serious face suddenly turns soft.

"Why you didn't tell me that you don't like that movie?",


Jin furrow his brows as Jimin continues.

"Taehyung said that you don't like the movie, that's why you went out all of sudden.",


Jin let out a relief sigh then looks at his brother.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I tried to tell you but at the same time I don't want to ruin your excitement...that's why..",

"Why are you being sorry for my fault, hyung? I know you don't like this kind of movies or stories, still I forced you to come. It's my fault, forgive me, hyung",

Jin smiled as he pats the younger's hair.

"That's ok. So, what's next? You're gonna continue watching or-",

"Let's just leave, hyung.",

Jin smiled.

"It's ok, we can watch if you-",

"No. It's fine, let's just go back to home",

Jin nods with smile as he looks behind and around the younger.

"W-Where is he?",


Jin huffed.


"Ah, he is in there, watching the movie. Why?",

"N-nothing. Let's go",

Jimin nods as they walks side by side, getting out from there but before they leave, Jin give a quick secret glance at the theater room from outside, blinks, huffed then left.

< At Jin's home >

have you ever been touched or let anyone to touch you like this?....

stop teasing..just..just do it already!..

someone is impatient....

The thought circled through Jin's brain like a through train, with no intention of stopping. He stand in front the mirror in the bathroom, shirtless and staring at his own self. His eyes watering. He feel nothing but disgust, embarrass over his own weak self.

"Why? Why am I like this again?!....Why I become so weak around him?....All my dignity, strength, angry, hates, struggles becomes nothing, useless when he touch me!....Why?!...Why I can't avoid him or his touch?!...Just why?!",

Jin asked at his own self, though he couldn't find the answer.

I wish you were a girl....

Jin groaned.

"I'm a guy, dammit!",

< The next day >

The sun filtered through Taehyung's eyes once he came out of his house. The air was very clear. He smiled as he opened his car door, about to get inside-


The said name stopped when someone called him. He looks back and smiled. 


Namjoon smiled and nods when Taehyung greets him with his boxy smile but it didn't last long for a minute. He let out deep sigh and the younger noticed him, furrow his brows.

"What's wrong, hyung? You ok?",

Namjoon nods.

"Yeah, uhm, are you leaving to the restaurant?",

Taehyung nods.

"Yeah, why?",

"Uhm...*sighs* Parents are coming back tomorrow",

Taehyung's smile drops as he freeze. He gulps and blinks his eyes.

"P-parents? You mean F-father is coming tomorrow?",

Namjoon sigh then nods. Taehyung gasped.


"Don't worry, he doesn't know anything...and I guess they're just wanna visit us, like normal.",

Taehyung blink as he looks down, gasped then looks back at Namjoon.

"What do we gonna do now? If he find out that I'm working at-",

"Yeah....actually that's why I stopped you from leaving",

Taehyung furrow his brows.

"As far as I know, he will definitely visit our company while he's here and if he find out that you're not at office, it will be trouble for you.",

"So you want me to quit the restaurant job?",

"No....It's just, can you get permission from Jin like you will work part time or something? Because you know, father mostly visit our company on every mornings, so I want you to be at there on mornings and you can do the restaurant work on evening, what do you say?",

Taehyung blinks, thinking then-

"I should ask Jin hyung first",

Namjoon smiled and nods as he watched the younger leaving. He sighed as he went in.

< At Secret Garden >

Jin came alone to the restaurant today. 

Jimin couldn't come because he was feeling sick. After brought the younger to clinic, gave medicine, he asked the younger to stay and take rest at home. Even though at first Jimin refused, in the end he listened to the elder. With the thought and worries of how the younger's fever now, Jin cleaning and arranging the tables and chairs. He paused his work when noticed Hoseok entering, he looks at his best friend as his lips literally curved upwards-


But he paused when Hoseok ignored him and went to the kitchen right away. Seokjin blinks.

You know what Jin, you've changed. You changed a lot...

You're not the person who used to be my best friend! He never knows how to hurt someone! You're not my Jin!...

Seokjin let out faint smile and looks down, he understand and could feel his best friend still angry on him because of the day after yesterday and at the same time he thought what's his fault? Why everyone defending or supporting Taehyung but not him and he feels more hurt when the one person who he thought will never hurt him, currently hurting him so bad....Hoseok.


Jin's thoughts paused as he looks up only to see Taehyung, at the entrance. His eyes widened, blinks and begin to feel panic. He looks down and continued his work, ignored to greet back the younger, who's making steps inside with broad smile. Jin still feels so embarrass and nervous to face the younger because of what happened yesterday between them.



Jin cut off Taehyung-


He paused, gulped and glanced away then down, blinks before continue.

"i-it was just....t-that's was nothing, ok?! D-don't try to talk with-",

"I'm not here to talk about yesterday",

Jin looks up at the younger. Taehyung miffed as he looks around.

"Where is Jimin?",

Jin crossed his arms.

"Why? He hasn't told you? I thought you two were bff",

Taehyung stared at the elder. 

"I'm being serious, hyung",

Jin annoyingly rolled his eyes.

"He's having fever, happy?",

Taehyung furrow his brows.

"What? Fever? How is he doing now? What are you doing here? You're supposed to bring him to clinic or hospital something? He-",

"Jimin is my brother or your's?",

Taehyung blinks as he open his mouth to speak-

"Thanks for you concern but we don't need it and....I know how to take care of my brother, so mind your own business",

Taehyung huffed as he shook his head.


He mumbled but-

"What did you just said?!",

Taehyung bite his tongue.

"U-uhm, n-nothing!....So back to our business, actually I have something else to tell you...",

Jin looks at him and furrow his brows.


"Hello Oppa~!",

Taehyung got interrupt as he and Jin looks at the entrance only to see the same group of girls standing, bowing and waving at them. Taehyung annoyingly rolled his eyes but Jin smiled and bow back at them. 


"Enough talking. Now get inside and start doing your work. I'll go and take their orders.",

Taehyung huffed but nods and went to Kitchen only to see Hoseok cleaning the oven. He smiled.

"Morning hyung",

Hoseok looks at the younger and nods. Taehyung put on his apron as he walks to the elder.

"Need any help?",

"No, it's fine",

Hoseok said while cleaning inside the oven. Taehyung nods.

"So... is everything alright between you and Jin hyung?",

Hoseok paused whatever he was doing as he looks up at the younger, then again at the oven, continue cleaning.

"Why? What makes you say that? We're...we're good..like always",

"Really?...But I guess you're not....Jimin has told me that you and Jin hyung had a fight because of me",

Hoseok stopped. He blinks as he sat up then looks at Taehyung.

"And...before you could scold me, let me finish what I wanted to say....",

"You know what, at first I was so happy because...no one ever takes my side and when Jimin told me that you and him, especially you defending me and fight with Jin hyung, I felt so happy......but at the same time I feel so bad for your fight with Seokjin hyung....I admit he hurts me and I was so angry with him too but when I think about why he hates me or behaved like that...I felt it right, his angry....It was my fault, I teased him too much...Perhaps we would have done same thing as Jin hyung if we were him, right?",

Hoseok sighed as he looks down. Taehyung smiled.

"Let's just forget all this...Thanks for taking my side but...you and him are best friends...Isn't it hurt him a lot when you ignoring him?",

Hoseok's eyes get blurry while looking down.

"Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the single person we thought would never hurt us...and trust me, I've been through it a lot in my life....it feels like hell..",

Hoseok gasped, blinks his teary eyes as he glance at the younger. Without saying anything, he kept stared at Taehyung then he bring his hand up and pats the younger's hair. He smiled with tears in his eyes.

"I thought you were bad...but I was wrong....I'm sorry",

It's true, we should take time to understand someone. At first together with Jin, Hoseok sees the younger differently, that he's rude, bad and more but now he understand that Taehyung isn't as bad as he thought. He is unique and rare to find someone like him. Hoseok thought and smiled at the younger, who's smiling back at him.

"Thank you",

Hoseok said as Taehyung smiled at the elder.

After few minutes, Jin entered the kitchen with his order pad only to see Hoseok and Taehyung busy doing their works. He open his mouth to ask for Hoseok's help to prepare the dishes which customers ordered but he paused. 

I don't think he's going to help me...

Seokjin thought, huff as he prepared the ingredients then grabbed a frying pan, placed it on the gas stove and twist the gas control knob, getting ready to cook. On the other side, Hoseok noticed Jin but he pretend like he didn't. He take a peek at the order pad Jin placed on the kitchen ice-land. His eyes widened just by looking at the list of many dishes.

"Do you prefer to cook all of this alone?",

Seokjin blinks as he looks at Hoseok unbelievably because his friend is talking with him. He blinks.

"Are..are you talking to me?",

Hoseok huffed.

"I don't think anyone else here doing the chef job apart from us...and of course I'm talking to you",

Taehyung chuckled but thank god two of them didn't heard them. He was showing his back at them while wiping plate, goblet and cutlery by using a cloth then arrange the cutleries nicely. Seokjin blinks, glance down then back at Hoseok-

"Uhm, I, i-it's ok, I-",

Before he could finish, Hoseok take a look at the order pad once again then begin to prepare ingredients. Seokjin looks at his best friend then at Taehyung, who suddenly clears his throat and looking at him.

"I'll go and take customers orders",

Before Seokjin could say yes, he left. Jin set his gaze back on his best friend.

"So...are we back to normal now?",

Hoseok looks at Jin then nods with slight smile but Jin burst into broad smile. 


Hobi is Hoseok's nick name and only Jin calls him like that because it's given by him. Hoseok smiled as he looks at Seokjin, opening his arms wide to offer a hug. Jin smiled as he throws himself on his best friend. Hoseok wrapped him in a warm envelop of his chest and arms. Jin felt all his pain went away, mostly ignoring pain.


Hoseok smiled as he pats his best friend's back.

"That's ok. I'm sorry too",

Seokjin smiled. He don't know how or who changed Hoseok's mind but he's happy because his best friend begin to talk with him like always. 

"..uhm, i could spend my whole day hugging you but I'm scared now that we're gonna be late to start cooking",

Jin smiled as he pulls apart, grins at his best friend once again then both starts cooking.

< Time skips > 

It's lunch time. Taehyung was alone in the kitchen, checking his phone. Even though his eyes were on the phone, he can't concentrate.

Parents are coming back tomorrow...

Father...please! D-Don't!

You son of a bitch!

If I heard a news about you made a mistake, then no can save you from me! Even if you like or not, I will drag you to Germany with me! 

He blinked his eyes when his past memories flashed before his eyes. He gasped then looks down.

"No...I will never go back to that hell again...",

He mumbled with closed his eyes. He open his eyes- 

"I should talk with Jin hyung..yes",

He sighed as he puts his phone back inside his pant pocket and getting out from the kitchen.

At the same time,

After changed the 'open' sign board to 'lunch break', Seokjin turns as he about to make steps to the counter, to count the money in his cash registry and compare it with the sales data in the computer but he stopped when someone knocked the glass door. Seokjin looks back and his eyes widened-

"B-Bong nim?",

The said name standing as he smiling at Jin in mischievous way thru the glass door.

What the hell is he doing here?

Seokjin thought as he begin to feel panic because why the older suddenly visits him, plus Hoseok wasn't here, he went out to buy foods for them. He back to sense when the older knocked the door once again and asking him to open. Jin gasped, scanned left and right, it's only him and his bodyguards nowhere to find. He opened the door as the older entered inside, at once, Taehyung getting out from the kitchen, didn't notice Jin and the other guy at the entrance, making steps towards Jin's office to have a talk with him. 

"Missed me?",

Bong asked as he tries to hug Seokjin but the younger avoids him, moves a bit away then fake smiling. 

"W-what are you doing here, bong-nim?",

Bong smirked.

"Why? Is it wrong to visit my baby boy?",

Seokjin once again faked his smile outside but inside cursing the older to calling him like that.

"Uhm, no...i-i thought you here to collect the debt and I remember I asked you time-",

"I'm not here for that",

Seokjin looks at the older and furrow his brows.


"Can we talk somewhere more private? You know your office room?",

Seokjin stared at older. He feels scared, so scared like something bad is going to happen. He have been through the same situation for many times but today if the older tries to do any weird things with him, he will not going to take it. With the thought, he nods as he forwarding the steps to his office room while the older following behind him.

Once he entered, his eyes widened to see Taehyung (standing at the table and showing his back to Jin) was inside his office room.


Jin whisper shout as the younger turns-

"Oh Hyung! Where have you been? I-",

He paused when Jin grabbed his arms-

"What the hell are you doi-",

"Well, well, well, it seems like the rumors about you and him are true?",

Seokjin paused as Taehyung titled his head, looks at the older guy behind the elder. Lit by lit, Jin let go the younger's arms, turns around. Both of them looking at the older. One giving anxious look while another throwing disgusting look at Bong, who's arms crossed and smirking at them.

Jin gasped.


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