The Adventure Kids and Scooby...

By AdventureGirl5

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It's Halloween again and the Adventure Kids are excited to be spending it with Scooby Doo and the Mystery Inc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

401 4 52
By AdventureGirl5

The gang followed the jack-o-lantern through the secret exit which had brought them back outside in the graveyard. 

"Woohoo! That was awesome!" Brock cheered, coming out with the others. 

"Totally cool!" Scrappy added. 

"You better watch it" The Jack-O-Lantern advised the gang. "The last thing you want tonight are those good-for-nothing goblins coming after you" 

"Thanks for helping us back there, Mr., uh... What's your name?" Teeders asked the living jack-o-lantern. 

"Just call me Jack" The pumpkin replied. 

"Nice to meet you, Jack!" Ann smiled at the talking pumpkin. 

"Yeah, and if you don't mind me asking..." Cynthia started at Jack, being a tad suspicious. "How are you alive?"

"It's kind of hard to explain..." Jack said, before opening his mouth to show the gang a candle flame burning brightly inside of him. 

"Whoa..." The kids awed. 

"That's some candle you got there" David commented to the living jack-o-lantern. 

"I gotta give you guys props" Jack soon told the gang. "The Goblin King's castle? What a riot! You guys are whacked! I love it!" He laughed, making Shaggy, Scooby, Scrappy, and the kids smile at him.

"Thanks, but... we're not joking" Kali explained to the jack-o-lantern. "We really do need to get to the Goblin King's castle in order to get his scepter and save Halloween" 

"Or else our realm will be destroyed and everyone will be turned into terrible monsters!" Scrappy added. 

"So, like, will you help us?" Shaggy asked Jack hopefully. 

"Look, you guys crack me up" Jack admitted. "But I can't hang with you. I got my own deadline tonight. See my candle?"

Jack then opened his mouth, showing the gang his candle again which burned brightly. 

"That's how long I got to get my Halloween on. Once it burns out, I'm burned out. You know what I'm saying?" Jack explained. 

The kids, Scooby, Scrappy, and Shaggy all frowned until suddenly, they heard a horse neighing and turned around to see out in the distance a scary looking horse on top of a hill with a man riding it. But as the gang got a closer look at the man, he had no head! The kids yelped, as well as Shaggy and Scooby. 

"Like, who's the creep with the missing cranium?" Shaggy asked. 

"My guess would be, The Headless Horseman" Teeders replied. 

"No doubt about that" David agreed. 

The Headless Horseman laughed evilly, charging down the hill straight towards the gang. 

"I am so tired of working with this guy!" Jack groaned. 

"He wants a fight?..." Scrappy glared, putting his fists up in the air. "I'll give him one!" 

"Quick, you gotta help me!" Jack begged his new friends. 

Kali looked around and spotted a nearby pumpkin patch they could hide in. 

"Quick, in here!" The adventure girl led her friends, while Shaggy carried Jack and Scooby grabbed Scrappy. 

The gang hid in the pumpkin patch, trying their best to blend in while the Headless Horseman came searching for them, smashing up every pumpkin in his path. The gang tried to keep their breathing low when they started hearing the strangest sound. 

"What's that noise?" Teeders whispered fearfully. 

The gang then looked over to find Scooby munching away on a bunch of pumpkins. 

"Rorry," The talking great dane apologized. "Nervous reater" 

Suddenly, the closest pumpkin near Ann was sliced open by an axe, nearly missing her as the gang looked up seeing the Headless Horseman directly above them and screamed. The gang ran off into the woods in hopes of better evading the Headless Horseman. But he was still coming after them. 

"He's still after us!" Ann screamed while they were running. 

"Kali, contact Albert!" David suggested. 

"I've tried, he's not responding!" Kali replied. 

Cynthia groaned. "What could that idiot possibly be doing that's more important then us right now?!"

Meanwhile in the Time realm~

Albert was shown to be in the living room with a few of his siblings and cousins, watching a very scary horror flick. All the young time sorcerers screamed before turning off the tv. 

"They made 12 of these?!" Kerbert asked out of shock. 

"Nah, just wait until you get to the year 2134, they'll be 40 by then and still counting" Delbert informed his cousin. 

"That guy was no man at all! He's some kind of hybrid... mutant... That's it! He's an alien!" Alberta said, having spoiled the movie for her family the whole time. 

Albert laughed with a smirk, eating his popcorn. "Classic Sean Cunningham" 

"Hey," Herbert then remembered something and asked his cousin. "Shouldn't you be checking up on the adventure kids' progress?"

"In a minute..." Albert replied, still eating. And by that he meant 2 whole years. 

Just then, all the young time sorcerers suddenly passed out. Bert-Bert then appeared from behind the couch, having put everyone to sleep with her powers and took the remote, changing it to watch the adult channel.

Back with our heroes~ 

"Well why don't you just use your crystal?" Brock asked his sister. 

"I'm afraid its magic won't work right in this realm" Kali replied with a frown. 

The rest of the Akids groaned to that before looking back to see the Headless Horseman catching up to them as they continued running. 

Scrappy then got an idea. "Quick! Lets use the cards!" He suggested. 

"Yes!" Teeders agreed. "Maybe we can stop him!" 

Shaggy then took out the magic cards Mr. Gibbles had given them. 

"Ohh, please let this work!" Ann hoped while carrying Jack. 

Shaggy then read the card's inscription out loud. "Shield of safety!" 

Scooby took the card, waving it around before a knight appeared with a very large shield to protect the gang. But the Headless Horseman proved too scary even for a brave knight in shinning armor, causing for the knight to run away. But not before he rusted his metal pants. 

"Seriously?!" Cynthia yelled as that clearly didn't work. 

Scooby was further behind the others now and soon yelped as the Headless Horseman began chasing him. 

"Scooby!" Kali cried, coming back to help the cowardly great dane. 

"We'll save you, Uncle Scooby!" Scrappy called out, joining the adventure girl. 

The three of them ran from the Headless Horseman together, while Scooby nearly got his head sliced off. Shaggy and the rest of Akids continued using the magic cards to help with their escape. 

"Wall of gnome!" Brock cried, as three gnomes appeared to block the Headless Horseman's path. But that didn't work out so well either. 

"Force of flowers!" Cynthia cried, before the card turned the Headless Horseman's horse into a bunch of flowers. 

"Clown calamity!" Teeders said, with the Headless Horseman and his horse now turning into clowns. 

"Baby on a frog?" Shaggy questioned before the card turned the Headless Horseman into a baby riding on a frog. 

"Okay, that's way more disturbing then his real look" Cynthia commented before the Headless Horseman changed back to his true form. 

"Where did Mr. Gibbles get these cards? Was another magic store having a cheaper sales day?!" David asked sarcastically while they kept running. 

Shaggy wasn't looking where he was going and ended up tumbling down a hill, dropping the remaining magic cards. 

"The magic cards!" The Akids gasped, having now lost them. 

Jack was now left unprotected and was quickly caught by the Headless Horseman, now being possessed after he was placed in the spot the Horseman's head was supposed to be. The Akids helped Shaggy up before they looked back to see that the now not-so Headless Horseman was still after them. 

"RUUUUNN!!" David screamed as they took off again. 

The gang kept running when Ann tripped. She looked back seeing the Headless Horseman coming straight for her. 

"Uncle Shaggy, help me!" Ann cried out, pleading. 

"I can't!" Shaggy called back, showing to be way ahead with the others. "Like, I'm too much of a coward!" 

This caused for the rest of the Akids to all cross their arms at the beatnik man and give him those looks. After all, he did promise Walter and Jane he'd always watch out for the kids. With a reluctant sigh, Shaggy went back to help Ann right when the Headless Horseman was on top of them. Shaggy and Ann both screamed, running around while trying to avoid the swipes of the Horseman's sword. The Headless Horseman soon had them corned and was about to finish them off, until...

"Scooby Dooby Doo!" Scooby cried out, as he came swinging in with Scrappy and Kali on a vine like Tarzan. 

"And Scrappy too!" Scrappy also called out.

The dogs and adventure girl came swinging in, grabbing Jack off the Headless Horseman and freeing the him from his evil possession. 

"Ow! Ow! Hot! Hot!" The three of them struggled holding Jack since he still had burning flames coming out of his mouth. 

They dropped Jack but Shaggy caught him and the dogs and adventure girl regrouped with the others, still running. 

"Head for the covered bridge!" Jack told the gang. "It's our only chance!" 

Up ahead, the gang saw the covered bridge Jack had mentioned about and ran straight through it. They waited on the other side to see the Headless Horseman, but surprisingly he didn't follow them and left in defeat. 

"Is everyone alright?" Teeders asked. The other Akids all gave a thumbs up. Except for Cynthia who was breathing heavily. 

"That was close" David sighed in relief. 

"Like, why did he stop?" Shaggy asked. 

"Well, duh, that's the Horseman's one fatal flaw: He can't cross covered bridges" Jack replied. 

"Ha! Ha! Take that you stupid man horse with no head!" Brock mocked the Headless Horseman. 

"Puppy power!" Scrappy triumphed. 

"Like, I guess it's true what they say..." Shaggy started. "It's tough to get a-head in this town"

The gang all started laughing together. Except for Cynthia who just moaned before fainting from the exhaustion and shock. 

"I don't get it" Brock then stopped laughing, surprisingly not understanding the joke. He was more of the dumb type. 

"Now..." Kali turned to Jack. "About the Goblin King?" 

The gang all looked to Jack hopefully, now that they had saved his life he would help them get to the Goblin King's castle. 

"Well..." The Jack-O-Lantern started before soon smiling towards the gang. "I suppose I got some time" 

The gang all smiled and cheered, happy that Jack was going to be helping them after all. 

"Thanks, Jack" Kali smiled to the living jack-o-lantern, showing her gratitude. 

"Alright, everybody!" Scrappy told the gang, coming up front with Jack to lead like a soldier. "Forward, march!" 

With their new friend Jack now on board showing them the way, the gang continued on their quest.

Meanwhile back in our realm, Walter, Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Jane had been looking for Shaggy, Scooby, Scrappy, and the kids after they didn't come back from trick-or-treating. They came back to the Coolsville Halloween Carnival to search there. 

"Shaggy! Scooby! Kids! Scrappy!" They called out to their missing friends, but obviously got no answer. 

"Guess they're not here, either" Fred said. 

"Oh, no..." Jane frowned, turning to Walter. "Wally, I'm worried. They should've been back by now. You don't think something's happened to them, do you?"

"Don't worry, honey" Walter comforted his wife in his soft voice, holding her close. "I'm sure they're fine wherever they are. We'll find them, I promise"

"We should leave" Daphne soon told the others, looking back towards the carnival entrance. "This place is deserted" 

But Velma then spotted something up ahead. "Not quite. Look!" She pointed out. 

The gang looked to see a strange light coming from inside Krudsky's tent, and this powerful wind blowing everything away from the area. They came up to peak inside Krudsky's tent, finding the evil magician speaking to the magic mirror. 

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall... Who's the most dreadful goblin of all?" 

A dark figure then appeared in the mirror. "What wizard dare disturb the great Goblin King?" The figure said in a dark scary like voice, revealing to be none other then the Goblin King himself. 

The gang gasped out of great shock. 

The Goblin King demanded why Krudsky would be foolish enough to summon him. Krudsky then showed him Fairy Princess Willow, causing for the Goblin King to gasp. The gangs' eyes slowly widened while they were watching the whole thing. 

"Jeepers!" Daphne gasped. "A real life fairy!"

"I don't believe it!" Jane whispered to her friends. 

"Maybe Krudsky's magic is real after all" Daphne then said. 

"But that's im... impossible!" Velma said, then suddenly started feeling all woozy. "Rational mind shutting down!" 

Velma then fainted but Fred luckily caught her. 

"And she's out" Walter smirked, having predicted that would happen. 

The gang continued listening in to Krudsky and the Goblin King's conversation. Krudsky was asking for a trade at the clock tower around midnight of Princess Willow for the Goblin King's scepter. The Goblin King called Krudsky a fool, warning him that he would regret this as the goblin scepter's magic was far too powerful for any mortal. But he reluctantly agreed to exchange his scepter for Princess Willow.

Krudsky laughed evilly. "Soon, all the powers of Halloween shall be mine! And then I'll show that scruffy slacker, bratty kids, and their mangy mutts, Scrappy and Scooby Doo a magic trick they'll never forget!" 

Krudsky then flew out of his tent, heading off towards the clock tower. The gang watched him leave. 

"Oh, no..." Jane frowned, knowing this was bad. 

"Shaggy, Scooby, Scrappy, and the kids are in big trouble" Fred realized. 

"We've gotta find them before that whacked-out warlock does!" Walter told his friends urgently. 

"Ohh, we just got to find them!" Jane worried, hating to even think about her children and friends in danger. 

"And what about that adorable little fairy?" Daphne mentioned. "We can't just let that icky Goblin King take her away. Right Velma?" 

But the smart brainy girl of Mystery Inc was acting all cuckoo now before going unconscious again. 

"Oh, no, Velma's fried!" Daphne said. 

"Seeing all this stuff of magic and the supernatural must have overloaded her rational brain" Jane realized. 

"Then it's up to us, guys" Fred told the gang. "We've got to get over to that clock tower before midnight and set a trap for that magic maniac"

"We're with you, Fred" Walter said now looking determined, always standing by his friends when times got tough. 

"Come on!" Fred led the gang while they helped Velma to the Mystery Machine before driving off to the clock tower. 

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