Gabrielle Carrington

By TJLew182

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Youngest heir to the Carrington dynasty, Gabrielle Carrington is back this time for good. More



888 23 5
By TJLew182

I was in my room doing my hair when Dad walked in.

"We need to talk." Dad said.

"Okay. I can schedule you in later right now I have places to be." I said.

"That can wait." Dad said.

"Sorry my business doesn't wait for anyone including you." I said.

"Business? Yeah Fallon mentioned something about that. If you need investors let me know I'm happy to help." Dad said.

"Thanks but uh I won't need your help because you just think I'm a child and I'm going to prove you wrong in so many ways." I said. "I can handle my business." I said grabbing my phone and laptop before walking downstairs.

"Gabbie. Pack a bag we're going to the meet the parents." Fallon said as I walked into the foyer.

"I would love to but I have a business to build." I said.

"You can build your business when we come back or take your laptop with you. But you're coming end of." Fallon said.

"What's the occasion?" I asked putting my laptop down.

"Our parents are back in town and would like to meet Liam's wife and my girlfriend." Dylan said.

"Girlfriend?" I asked. "You're not my boyfriend Dylan. I have one."

"I know. She just assumed and I didn't want to tell her the truth." Dylan said.

"Alright fine but I have a meeting first." I said.

"With who?" Fallon asked.

"Atlanta's women in engineering society head of office." I said.

"So you're building the world so Fallon can take it over?" Austin asked.

"Nope. I'm building the future." I said.

"I'm already taking over the world Austin. Come on now don't underestimate me." Fallon smirked.

"I wouldn't dare underestimate you. Because that's a thing that could put me six foot under." Austin said.

"Smart guy." Culhane said. Fallon looked over her shoulder at Culhane.

"So what time do you want me at your parents place?" I asked.

"Whenever your meeting ends." Liam said.

"Great. Well I'd better get going. See you later." I said picking my laptop up. Austin grabbed my waist and we kissed.

"Bye." They all said. I walked out and got in my car. I drove over to the office and had my meeting.

"Well Gabbie, I look forward to seeing what you have to offer the young girls of Atlanta and I'm sure the board members will feel the same way once they see your pitch." Kim said standing up.

"Thank you." I said standing up.

"I'll be in touch." Kim said shaking my hand.

"Thanks." I said before walking out. I walked to my car and drove to the address Fallon text me. I knocked the door. A woman answered the door.

"I take it you're Gabbie." The woman said.

"Yes. That's me." I said.

"Follow me outside." The woman said. I walked through the house.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey how did the business meeting go?" Dylan asked.

"Good." I said.

"You must be Gabbie." A blonde woman said.

"That would be me." I said sitting next to Fallon.

"Gabbie this is my mother Laura." Liam said.

"Your gorgeous. Are those extensions?" The blonde woman asked.

"Uh no all mine besides the colour." I said. Dylan stood up.

"Well I've still got packing to do and I have a flight early in the morning. So I'll see you soon." Dylan said standing up.

"So are you going on the football boys Bali trip?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll be sure to send you a postcard." Dylan smirked.

"You're an idiot." I said shoving him.

"Hey, you got invited but turned it down so you could build your empire." Dylan said walking inside the house. A staff member handed me a drink.


I sat across from Fallon and Liam.

"Good morning, everyone." Liam said.

"These hydrangeas look wilty. I should probably get
a hold of Miguel." George said sitting next to me.

"Aren't you going to ask your wife what she wants?Forgive my son, Fallon." Laura said.

"Fallon, can I please see your plate?" Liam asked.

"You're sweet. But I am an independent woman, fully capable of serving myself salmon." Fallon said.

"Well, of course you're an independent woman. God knows, you wouldn't want to have to rely on my eunuch son. Which is why after being married to you for an hour, Liam, she already has someone on the side." Laura said.

"Y-You, you have no idea what you're talking about..." Fallon stuttered.

"Don't think that I didn't notice all those calls to "Michael"? But there's nothing to be ashamed of. My son, on the other hand...[scoffs] Weakness, that is
an inexcusable trait. Sadly, you have married the king of it." Laura said. Fallon put her drink down and stood up.

"Okay. Listen up, you Joan Crawford psycho shrew. Your son doesn't fight back not because he's weak, but because he's protective of you, or are you too much of a self-absorbed witch to even notice? Ever since I met him, he's asked nothing of me and he's given me everything. I mean, anyone could see his strength. But you have to look close to see his soul.  So, open your eyes, if you still can, because you have no clue what you're missing." Fallon said.

"We going?" I asked Fallon. She nodded.

"Adios Amigos." I said standing up. Fallon and I walked off to the rooms we stayed in and we grabbed our stuff and left.


I was upstairs in the manor grabbing the last of my stuff as I walked out of my room Dad was stood on top of the stairs.

"Can we talk? Or I talk and you listen?" Dad asked.

"Sure." I said.

"I'm sorry. That night I was mad and angry and I took it out on you. Even though you were right. I wasn't the only one that lost Cristal. I should never of said you had no chance at being an engineer." Dad said.

"Dad that's not what pissed me off. I got pissed because I'm always a just a child until our name is getting dragged through the mud then I'm qualified enough. If I constantly do that I'm stuck in Blake Carrington's shadow or I'm stuck in Fallon's. I don't wanna be know as Blake Carrington's third child or Fallon Carrington's little sister. I want people to know my last name because they know my first name." I said.

"I know. I get it. But I want to make things right. Don't leave the manor please." Dad said.

"Dad the manor is always gonna be my home but I need a break. There's more drama in this house gives the Kardashian's and Jenner's a run for their money." I said. Dad nodded.

"I hear you and I support you. I also believe congratulations are in order. Didn't the women in engineering society approve your idea?" Dad asked.

"Yeah. Well the head of the board did I just need to pitch it to the other board members." I said. Steven walked over.

"Wow you're still alive. I'm glad." Steven teased.

"I know it's a miracle truely." I said. "You know what else is a miracle the fact that your nose looks even better now that I broke it." I said.

"Fallon 2.0 is scary." Steven said. "Actually you're not Fallon 2.0. You're Gabbie 2.0 business edition. Even scarier."

"And you wonder why I prefer your husband." I said walking off. I found Fallon drinking champagne.

"Never have I seen you look so depressed while drinking Champagne. Should I call you a doctor?" I asked.

"Funny." Fallon said.

"Fallon. Gabbie. I'm so happy you're here." Kirby said.

"How's therapy treating you, babe?" Fallon asked.

"Seventh time's the charm?" I asked.

"Oh, come on. That's no way to talk to your sister. Crazy, right? Sister? Isn't that a slap in the face?
Another one." Kirby said walking off. Fallon and I walked over to Steven.

"Okay, I'm wigging out here. Kirby just got up in our faces and called us her sisters." Fallon said.

"I mean, what is that?" I asked.

"So a crazy person said something crazy to you, and you're accepting it as gospel. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I love our weird family." Steven said. Fallon and I laughed.

"Come here, crazy." Fallon said to Steven. They hugged.

"Hey Gabbie. Get here." Fallon said.

"I think I'll pass." I said. Fallon and Steven grabbed me and pulled me towards them and kissed my cheeks.

"So where's your boy toy?" Steven asked.

"Boys trip in Bali." I said. Steven went to make a speech so I stood next to Fallon who had her arm around me.

"I want to thank you all for coming to this event, which has so much meaning to me because it's a celebration of family, and a new arrival in our family,
and I couldn't be happier, boy or girl. I would especially like to thank Sam, my love, for making this spectacular event happen." Steven said.

"Well, thank Melissa. She really made it happen." Sam said. "Now let's do this gender reveal. It's, uh, pink for boy, right?" Sam asked.

"Congrats Sam your getting better at your colors." I said. The gender reveal video started playing until it cut out for a video of Anders and Mom.

"If you knew how to handle that hellion, we wouldn't have this issue, would we? I refuse to discuss this now, Anders. I have Melissa's thunder to steal." Mom said.

"You are the one responsible for sending Kirby away." Anders said.

"This is absurd." Mom said.

"It makes perfect sense. You wanted her gone, so you did the most despicable..." Anders said.

"I did what I had to do." Mom said.

"She was 12. She didn't have a clue what was going on!" Anders said.

"She could have exposed us then. And who knows..." Mom pulled the plug on the cctv link. We all gasped.

"Uh, I am so sorry about the confusion. Video wires must have gotten crossed. Well, the security camera footage is just a menial household matter. Let's get back to what's really important, and that is revealing the sex of my grandchild." Mom said.

"You all need to know the whole story! The truth." Kirby said.

"This is neither the time nor the place." Anders said.

"When is the time or the place to tell everyone that you and Alexis had an affair twice? An affair and two children?" Kirby said.

"What?" Dad asked.

"Fallon. Gabbie." Kirby said. Fallon and I shared a look.

"That's... no." Fallon said.

"You have been a troubled child since you stepped foot in this manor." Alexis said.

"Liar. You're a filthy liar, Alexis, and everyone here knows it." Kirby said.

"I am a liar? I am sorry, but... well, I think you all should know that the court ordered Kirby to see a therapist, and he diagnosed her as a sociopath." Mom said.

"That's not true." Kirby said.

"He was required to report it to me because she is a threat to my daughter." Mom said.

"I am not." Kirby said.

"Kirby, we have tried to be discreet about this, but I am going to make sure that you get the best care
in a secured facility." Mom said.

"No. I heard it. She had an affair with my father. And  children, Gabbie and Fallon. You have to believe me..." Kirby said.

"Enough. Kirby is telling the truth." Anders said. "Well partly." Everyone gasped.

"Anders, don't." Mom said.

"She's right about the affair. But Fallon isn't my child." Anders said.

"Oh, thank God." Fallon said.

"Steven is." Anders said.

"Okay, wait, so, my son wouldn't be a Carrington heir? I can't do this anymore. I mean, I can just see the headlines now: "The butler did it." You're not the father, Steven. My gyno is." Melissa said. She walked out.

"What?" Steven cried.

"What's going on with Gabrielle?" Dad asked.

"Yeah someone tell me." I said. We both turned to Mom.

"Alexis who is Gabbie's father?" Dad asked. Mom looked at me. Fallon grabbed my arm so that I couldn't flip out physically.

"Mom answer Dad." Fallon said.

"I don't know who the father is. I know it's not Blake that's all." Mom said. Steven walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

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