Love from the Sea [OUAT || Ki...

By bethanyjanebooks

232K 5.9K 1.6K

Vivian Mills is Regina Mills daughter from her first love Daniel, the stable boy. Vivian was known as the Dar... More

Cast and Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Next Book

Chapter 18

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By bethanyjanebooks

The wind was blowing on everyone's face as they grunted and pant as they all held onto the ropes of the ship. The Jolly Roger creaked loudly as they sailed down the portal to Neverland. Within seconds, the ship was sailing on a calm sea again.

"Is that it?" Emma asked.

"Aye... Neverland," Hook said.

Vivian walked to Hook and stood by the helm, as she looked out at the sea. Hook glanced at her, "I personally prefer the sea in the Enchanted Forest," Vivian said.

"Aye, I do as well... Where our love came about," Vivian looked at him, "I really am sorry, love."

"Quit apologising and do something about it," Vivian sighed, "You know this land, I take it you know the best plan of action to getting to the island?"

"Aye love, that I do," Hook said as he sailed the ship.

"Why are you slowing down? In case you didn't know, my son's life is in danger," Regina said, walking to them.

"Oh, I know, my hot-headed queen. My plan is to bring us to the far side of the island, link up with the widest part of the river, then we sail right through and take him by surprise..." Hook shook his head and smiled, "The irony," Hook said.

"What irony?" Regina asked.

"Oh, I spent more time than I care to remember trying to leave this place to see Vivian and to kill Rumpelstiltskin and here I am, sailing right back into its heart with him as my guest of honour... It's not quite the happy ending I was holding for," Hook said.

"Greg Mendel said something funny to me... He said I'm a villain and that villains don't get happy endings. Do you believe that?" Regina asked him.

"I hope not," Hook looked at Vivian then Emma then Vivian, "Or we've wasted our lives," He said.

"Well, then not waste our lives," Vivian said looking at the Charming family who was arguing, "I'm guessing... Trouble in paradise in the hero clan," Vivian said.

"What, you want popcorn to watch them argue?" Regina asked with a smile.

"Ooh, yes... Toffee popcorn and some rum would go quite nicely watching the perfect family argue," Vivian said.

"Toffee popcorn?" Hook said confused.

"Don't worry about it," Vivian said.

"What did Greg and Tamara do to you?" Hook asked her.

"I don't know, I was making sure we were stocked up and Tamara was waiting for me. She tasered me and I was unconscious until my mom found me... They obviously hurt me or else I wouldn't have been bleeding," Vivian said.

"Sorry, love..." Hook said.

"Enough with that word, it's getting annoying now," Vivian looked at him, "Look, when we get back to Storybrooke with my brother, we'll work us out... Properly this time without fighting, without my mother involved or my grandmother or the heroes, okay?" She said.

"Okay," Hook smiled a little at him.

Vivian turned back to the Charming family who were arguing, "Emma, the minute I let go of the belief that things will get better is the minute I know they won't... We'll find Henry," Mary Margaret said.

"No, you won't," they turned around and saw Gold dressed in an outfit that he used to wear in the Enchanted Forest.

"Oh, that's a great use of our time a wardrobe change," Hook commented and Vivian chuckled.

"I'm gonna get Henry," Gold said.

"We agreed to do this together," Regina said

"Actually, we made no such agreement," Gold said.

"Why are you doing this?" Vivian asked.

"Because I wanna succeed," Gold said.

"What makes you think I'm gonna fail?" Emma asked.

"Well, how could you not? You don't believe in your parents or in magic or even yourself," Gold said.

"I slayed a dragon, I think I believe," Emma said.

"Only what was shown to you. When have you ever taken a real leap of faith? You know, the kind where there's absolutely no proof? I've known you for some time, Ms Swan, and sadly, despite everything you've been through, you're still just that bail bonds person, looking for evidence. Well, dearie, that's not gonna work in Neverland," Gold said.

"I'll do whatever it takes," Emma said.

"Well, you just need someone to tell you what that is. Sorry, dearie. Our foe is too fearsome for handholding. Neverland is a place where imagination runs wild and sadly... Yours doesn't," Gold said and looked at Vivian, "And you, Dearie, you have two opinions."

"Oh yeah and what are they?" Vivian asked with a slight frown.

"Be who you truly are and live, or try to be a hero and die... Your choice... I hope you choose the first one," He spun his cane and disappeared as everyone watched his cane.

"Rumpel!" Vivian shouted.

"Love... Love, what did he mean?" Hook asked Vivian.

"I...I don't know," Vivian went down the to Captain's Quarters ignoring everyone calling her name.

Later, Vivian was sat on Hook's cot thinking about what Gold said to her. Hook walked in and walked over to her, sitting beside her.

"Love," Hook placed his hand on hers, "You know what the Crocodile means, don't you?" He asked.

"I think so... Rumpel can see the future and he has probably seen two paths for me, one I be the Dark Princess and think only for myself and then I live to go home... Or, I be the Vivian that my stepsister brought out as well as you, the one who cares for those around her, I be a hero... Meaning I try to save someone and I die before we get home," Vivian said.

"Then be the Dark Princess love, while we're here, be that person," Hook kissed her hand, "I can't lose you," He said.

"And I can't lose who I really am Hook... The Dark Princess was made, I created her, Vivian is who I am... If I die saving someone then I'll die saving someone," Vivian said with tears in her eyes.

Hook leaned forward and they hugged, "You're not leaving my side or your mothers while we're here... Do you understand?" Hook asked.

"I understand," Vivian nodded and closed her eyes moving over and sat on his lap, "I love you, Killian," She whispered as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you too, Vivian," Hook said as he returned the embrace.

The ship creates and banged, "What was that?" Vivian asked and they went up onto the deck, where the wind was gusting hard and the waves hit the ship.

David and Mary Margaret were trying to keep the Jolly Roger steady, "What the hell are you two doing?!" Regina asked.

"Trying to keep it steady!" Mary Margaret answered.

"Hold on!" David said.

"Prepare for attack!" Hook said.

"Be more specific," Regina looked at him.

"If you've got a weapon, then grab it!" Hook said as he and Vivian grabbed the wheel then they heard screeching in the distance.

"What's out there? A shark?! A whale?!" Emma asked.

"A kraken?" David asked.

"Worse," Hook said.

The screeching was coming up from the water, the screeching continued to get louder.

"Mermaids," Vivian said as the screeching got closer.

"Mermaids?!" Emma yelled looking at them.

"Yes and they're quite unpleasant," Hook said.

"You think?" Regina said.

"We'll try and outrun them," Hook looked at Vivian, "Remember what to do?" He asked.

"Do what you do," Vivian nodded.

"Aye, that's what you do," Hook smiled and they worked together at the wheel, keeping the boat steady and trying to get away from the mermaids.

"Remember when we outran Blackbeard?" Vivian asked with a chuckle.

"Aye, love I do... What a day at sea that was," Hook looked at her as she looked at him.

"We caught one!" Mary Margaret yelled.

"I'll go see what they're doing," Vivian said.

"Good idea," Hook nodded unsure what the heroes are doing.

Vivian went down to the heroes and her mother, David kept shooting at canon at the mermaids and Emma and Mary Margaret were busy pulling something up.

"Enough if this," The Mills duo said and they made fireballs throwing if out at the mermaids a few times before they all scattered, swimming away.

"There, they're gone," Regina said.

"You're welcome," Vivian said.

"Not all of them! What about that one?!" Mary Margaret asked.

Vivian and Regina walked over to see a mermaid in a net and Regina used her magic to bring the mermaid aboard the ship. The mermaid tried to move away but failed as she was no longer in water.

Hook had yelled at them to get the mermaid off the ship and David and Vivian agreed but Regina wanted to ask the mermaid questions but then the mermaid blew into a shell.

"What the hell is that?" Emma asked.

"A warning," The mermaid said and there was a thunderclap.

Vivian looked up at the sky, saw the sky getting darker and another thunderclap came as the others tried to get the mermaid to talk, but she didn't, "Hook!" Vivian yelled as she ran to him.

"What the hell?!" David said.

"It's a storm, she called it! Don't let her go! She'll swim off and leave us all to die. At least with her, we've got leverage," Hook said.

Vivian helped Hook to try and outrun the storm as the others dealt with the mermaid, to get her to stop the storm.

Vivian glanced at Hook worried, "It'll be okay, love!" Hook said and she nodded.

Thunderstruck the sky again and it was louder, waves hit the ship, everyone stumbled over, "Keep your grip, pirate!" David yelled.

"It wasn't me, mate! It was the ship! We're taking on water!" Hook yelled.

"Now, may I resume killing her?!" Regina asked.

"No!" David and Mary Margaret yelled in unison.

"You kill her and her kind will have a personal vendetta against us," Mary Margaret said.

"My mom's right!" Vivian said.

"Aye, they've already tried killing us," Hook said.

"Stop! That's enough! We need to think this through!" Emma yelled.

"I already have," Regina said and waves her hand over the mermaid, using her magic to turn her into a mermaid, "There, that should stop the storm," She said.

The heroes looked at her in horror after what she did, "Regina! What did you do?!" Emma asked.

There was a loud rumbling above them, there was a huge wave coming towards them, "No," Vivian said looking at the wave.

"What have you done Regina!?" Emma yelled.

The wave dropped onto the Jolly Roger, making Vivian lose her grip on the wheel. Hook stared in shock as he saw her being thrown off the ship like a rag doll, "Vivian!!!" Hook and Regina yelled, they all ran to the side to see her holding onto the wood.

"Mom!!" Vivian yelled.

Regina waved her hand and Vivian was back on the ship. Regina turned around and hugged her daughter, "You're shaking," Regina said.

"I just got thrown off the ship, I'm not exactly calm," Vivian sighed, "Hook, we need to outrun this storm now!"

"Aye love," Hook said and got behind the wheel again, he tried to outrun the storm but the storm was still upon them.

"I thought you said you could outrun a storm!" Emma yelled as Vivian ran up to the wheel.

"This isn't a storm. It's bloody damnation!" Hook said.

Then all of a sudden two fights broke out, Mary Margaret versus Regina, Hook and Vivian versus David. The angrier they got the worse the storm got, but none of them noticed except Emma. Emma tried to get their attention but it didn't work so she decided to jump off the Jolly Roger, that caught their attention.

They all ran over where she had jumped and a chord snapped and flew off into the water.

"Idiot!" Regina yelled.

"Oh, nice," Vivian said.

"Regina, Vivian, get her up here!" Mary Margaret yelled.

"W...we can't! Not in this storm," Vivian said.

"We can't even see her, we'll just bring up water and half her leg," Regina said.

David climbed onto the side of the ship, preparing to jump into the water, "Wait!" Hook yelled.

"She'll drown!" David yelled at him.

"And so will you! Let me help!" Hook grabbed a rope and handed it to Regina and Mary Margaret,  "Here, tie him," He looked at Vivian, "Keep the ship steady love."

"Got it," Vivian went to the helm, she placed her hand on the helm, steadying the ship with magic as David jumped into the water to find Emma.

After a few minutes, David came up to the surface with Emma, "He has her! Pull!" Hook yelled and they started to pull David and Emma, up out of the water, "I've got it," Hook said as he wheeled up on rigging of the ship.

Vivian watched as they laid Emma down on the deck, for a moment they all feared the worse until she started coughing out water, she looked up to see the storm lifting, "Told you so," She said.

The Jolly Roger was wrecked and everyone had made it onto the beach and currently walking along it.

"We don't have to do it this way. Vivian and I can fix the Jolly Roger, our magic together is powerful enough and we can execute the pirate's plan," Regina said.

"Sneak attack? Let's not be naive, let's just save our magic. I have a feeling we'll need it later because already knows we're here," Vivian said beside Emma.

"She's right. It's time we stop running, Gold was right. This land runs on belief, all of us have been too busy being at each other's throats to be believers... I was as wrong as anyone else," Emma sighed.

"It's time for all of us to believe not in magic, but in each other," Vivian said and looked at Emma who nodded.

"You want us all to be friends? After everything that's happened between all of us?" Regina asked.

"We don't expect that mom. I know there's a lot of history here and a lot of hate," Vivian said.

"Actually, I quite fancy you from time to time, when you're not yelling at me... Unless you're under me," Hook smirked at her.

Vivian looked at Hook shocked then turned to Emma, "We don't need to be friends. What we need to know is the only way to get Henry back is cooperation," Emma said.

"With her? With him? No, Emma, we have to do this the right way," David said.

"No, we don't. We just need to succeed and the way we do that is by just being who we are, a hero, a villain, a half hero-villain, a pirate. It doesn't matter which, because we're gonna need all those skills, whether we can stomach them or not," Emma said.

"And what's your skill, saviour?" Regina asked.

"I'm a mother and now I'm also your leader. So, either help me get my son back or get out of the way," Emma said as she pulled out a sword then walked away.

Mary Margaret and David followed her, Vivian looked at her mother, she shrugged and followed Emma with Hook beside her and Regina followed behind them.

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