1♡Wonwoo Mina Oneshot✔

By JeonMina_05

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Mina X Wonwoo oneshot stories Have a different genre and long stories. Also Seventeen and Twice will be here... More

(sunset secret)~
~Know it now~
How they act each other
Accept it?
Meet Again
Game And Perfom
Having You Is Heaven
Bad Timing But Worth It
Another Knight
Silent Treatment
Collab Make It Lit
I'm Tired
Wonwoo X Mina Moments
How You Guys Met Each Other?
Accepting Fate
After Variety
Dont leave Me
Welcome Back
Daring Viral
Love You!
Prove It
Sweet Promise
High Fever
Parents Day
Helping You
Busy Time and Love
My Sweet Gangster
Fail Baking
New But Different
Her Last Wish
Love In Death Treat
Chemistry Baby
Take Your Innocence
Long distance
Mafia Need
Arrange Jealous
The Truth Past
Hidden Shot
Bully Love

I'm Not

536 18 0
By JeonMina_05

She just a daughter and older sister of Park who work as noodle restourant. Her brother still a high collage student was focuse on his study this last year, Park Jaemin.

She help her parents after her graduation being degree doctor. She actually wait the work letter from Hospital Seoul.

After 6 months waited, she finally accepted being a counselor doctor. She then work there for 2 years and all her money were give to her parents.

She doesnt want to be a ungrateful daughter so she will never stop giving her money to her parents.

Jaemin already being a new worker as engineer near their hometown so he can go work and back home on time.

But one day, she work as usual and get the new appoinment. All her friends there were shock saw the profile detail patient.

"OMG, Mina. You must carefully dealing with him." Tzuyu from dentist doctor.

"You know he is the most cold and also handsome patient we had but..." Sana from surgeon doctor.

"But he was hard to deal because he cant even soft with the doctor making the doctor had to change a new doctor for 5 time." Momo from health doctor.

"We wish you luck, Mina." The triple wish her hoping she can handle this patient. Mina nodded and straight go to her room.

' So Jeon Wonwoo his name. He 25 and work as bussines man. Wow a CEO of JW company. I have heard it but never new it had a young CEO. He had depression mental which making his anger high crush anything. He had hurt 3 people because lying the 7 million project. How beast he is. But now he calm when they give a calm pill. So now my duty is i have to make sure to cure his illness and have to keep high patience to control Mr. Jeon anger. '

She check all details of him and making appoinment tomorrow afternoon before lunch.

She not stop checking his profiler until she at her home. She was curious about him and want to know what make him depression so bad.

The next day~

"So you must be Mr. Jeon Wonwoo. Have a sit."

Wonwoo just sit without reply her back. She just smiled and slowly take a deep breath continoue question him.

"So how your condition? Is it more bad or less?"

"Making me chocking to death."

"Can i see the last bottle pill you take?"

"Here rubbish." He just threw rudely and Mina just keep calm and check the  bottle.

Her was big when she saw the type of pill.

"Wait this is not the right pill. Are you sure this is what you eat for a long time?!"

"Yeah you think im a drugger? The first doctor gave me until all the doctor i met gave the same pill." Wonwoo just rudely crossing his arm.

Mina get up and hurriedly looking the doctor that first counselor him.

"Stay here until i come back, Mr. Jeon!"

When she already saw him, she hurriedly smack his back.

"Hey Jung Jaehyun!"

"Ow relax lady. Whats going on?"

"You asking me whats going on?! Why are you giving this wrong pill to Mr. Jeon. You know he take it for whole 2 years and doesnt give any better effect to his illness."

"Wow wow. First its really deserve to such a rude patient like him. Second why he doesnt check it first before take it. Third how dumb he is knowing his illness is hardly cure. I also had warning him to take 5 times a day. But he stubborn taking 7 times a day making us have to operation his stomach to move all the pill out."

Mina sigh and handed her hand.

"Give the right full one now. You know im also want him cure faster and end all this problem."

Jaehyun give the right one and warning her to carefull again. Because Wonwoo not a type who can wait for other people. What he wants he will get it on the time. Now she rush to her room.

When she open her room, the chair was empty. She thought he was gone but when she scaned all area, he actually at her sofa crossing his leg and playing his phone.

"Ok im back. Mr. Jeon, this is the rightfull one. Make sure only 5 TIMES a day. And come again see me next week."

"Whatever. And you are so slow to get the pill. Im so bored waiting for you here. Are you a model? Because the way you walk like really slow."

Wonwoo take his pill and out from her room. She just roll her eyes and sit at her sofa. She huffed feeling tired.

The next week

"So is it feeling better?"

"Yeah a bit. Why dont you call me instead tell me to come here. Im so fed up coming here like this is my home."

"Sorry i dont have your number and talking to you face to face is better to assure that you are fine."

They keep talking like a detective. She ask her reply, she ask he reply. And they continue the section for 2 hours.

"Okay thats for today. Now you may go and come here IF you have any problem."

Wonwoo silent and walk out. She sigh and touch her temple. 'It stress me handling him was not easy. He keep rolled his eyes and make a derp face. Annoying. '

Its about 4 days nothing heard a news from make her think that her job handling him was done.

But when she go out for a lunch alone at outside hospital, she use the empty road that only hospital worker can use for out to eat.

When she was walking a alone, a black BMW stop infront of her. The driver out and quickly pull her inside the car. She screaming for help but no one there.

She try to open the door but it lock and when she turn around she screaming in shock.

"AHH!!!What you doing this?! What do you want?!"

Wonwoo who stared outside scan her from head to down.

"I want you to marry me. You will be my personal doctor forever."

"Are you crazy!! You doesnt even know my life and my states. How you can sure that i will marry you?"

"Im sure because right now, we will go to see your family. Uuuu your parents have a noodle restourant, right? Your brother, Park Jaemin is it? Working as engineer. I know all of it. So get ready you can never run or your restourant, boom."

"You?!!! Psycho!!! Why you have to marry me?! There is many way to ask me to be your private doctor. Marry is not a small issues. You can play this thing, Mr. Jeon."

"Ah~first, Wonwoo only. Second and last, lady. Because i like you."

"Just like that? Hey you have to marry someone you LOVE, not someone you like."

"And i will make sure you love me then. And show me what is love different from like word in our marriage."

They the arrive at her shop and they both out. She just standing there and Wonwoo quickly take her hand and whisper.

"Act naturally and today they will 100% accept and you will be my wife. Trust me, your parents personality i can read." She glared him and look at the front.

Her parents out and shock when a guy holding their daughter hand. They then offered Wonwoo sit and they both curiously stare at him.

"Mr and Mrs. Park. Im Jeon Wonwoo and i want to take your blessing our relationship. I want to marry your daughter, Park Mina."

They stare each other and about 2 minutes, her father sound,

"I will approve if you can answer my few questions."

He nod confidently making her inside more annoyed but she just nervously put fake smile face.

"Okay. First, what is your work and where do you live?"

"I work as CEO of JW Company and i live near middle of seoul. Im 25 this years and one year older than Mina."

"How you guys met and for how long does your relay each other?"

"I met her when i had mental illness and for 10 months knowing and admired her, i thinking to marry her."

He smile and pat his shoulder. Her father look at her and Mina was hoping that her father will say no,

"Well then you have my blessing. Your brother must be happy that he will have older brother in law, Mina."

Her mother hug her and was ready to tears a bit making her feel guilty for lying them. She hug her mother and glare to Wonwoo who shaking hands with her father.

Now they going to meet his parents. She was fidgeting her hands for 10 minutes. When they arrive at his house, she was awe with how big the mansion.

Wonwoo tell her to wait him at living room while he call his parents. After a few minutes, they come and Mina sit straight properly.

"Hello. You must be Mina that Wonwoo told for 3 weeks straight."

"Ouh yeah i am. Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Jeon."

"Oh just call me Mom, honey."

"And call me dad too,Mina. You are going to be our family soon!"

"Thank you."

"Well can i and you talk personaly meanwhile boys you guys can do your own until lunch."

Mina and his mother get up and go ahead to their garden. Wonwoo mother face suddenly change to serious.

"Mina, there is something important that you have to know."

"What is it? Is something wrong?"

"I know that You're not love him, right? You accept him because you had to. Actually Wonwoo never bring any woman before. But many woman came here to marry him but they dont know anything about Wonwoo. Wonwoo had his mental illness since he was 18 years old. The reasons why many doctor cant handle him is he always stress and automatic angry like beast. Many doctors were scared and hurting because of him. You are the only doctor that Wonwoo always call and he tell me that he going to marry you. I know its hard for you but can you do one thing that i really wish for his life?"

Mina silrnt and nod with closing her eyes. She cant process all in once. She felt guilty,sad,symphaty and her heart was told to help her.

"Can you please make Wonwoo feel the happiness for once?"

That words make her stop. She cant even think anything. She then hestitated a while and then nod wity sincere smile. At least she will try.

"Thank you Mina. Im sorry for burdening you. Also im thankful that you agreed for this. Im promise that everything will change. And i will always hope you can handle him with full of love and happiness you bring."

Wonwoo mother hug her very tight and shed to a tears. Mina pat her to calm her and they both slowly walk in to join the boys lunch.

1 months later

The ceremony begin. She look at the window, seeing how many people at the hall and many flashes camera  media and reporter there. She so nervous and her hand was wet because wearing the long gloves.

She tgen walk to the mirror. How big her gown and the flower she hold. Then she heard the knock. When the door open, it was her trio friends.

"Mina you look beautiful like a fairytale!" Sana squiling around her.

"Cant believe you will get married after this." Momo held her hands.

"I never think that Mr. Jeon Wonwoo will be your husband." Tzuyu states in calm while pat her back.

"Actually i dont know what i have to do right now. Its just, i cant even think anything while agree this marriege and how guilty i am seeing his mother eyes. I dont know about my feeling too. Wonwoo suddenly ask to marry me when i dont even know what the true reason and my heart feels different."

Mina sit for a while and hold her tears. She cant cry to ruin her make up. All her friends hug her tight and calming her.

"You can do this Mina. Im sure one day you will fall in love with him." Sana tell her with angel smile.

"If you still not love him, just cure his illness first then you may think about your feeling." Tzuyu advice her carefully.

"Your happiness is ours too. We sure you will be happy on your own way." Momo care her face.

Then they heard a knock from outside. Reveal Mina mother and Wonwoo mother walk to her and holding her shoulder.

"Honey, im proud of you. You never dissapointed me. You have all ability on your own. Look, you pretty, talented, hard work, kind, smart and you are the best daughter i ever had. This time i want you to be happy forever. I wish you will be fine on your marriege." Mina mother start to cry when she said like that to her beloved daughter knowinh she had to let her go.

"Mina, thank you for accept Wonwoo by who he is. I hope you both will hapoy and be as one as wife and husband. Im sure you can do this. Thank you again for beinh my daughter in law. Im gratefull to meet you and i never regret it." Wonwoo mother cares her hands making her heart break.

Then all out from room and the mothers take their seats while Mina standing with her father.

"Mina, today your last name will change as Jeon. But remember, you will be always my princess and always be my Park diamond in my heart. I always pray your happiness and gratefull to god for raisinh you until you ready to let go. I love you My Park Mina." He kiss her forehead makinh Mina sobbinh and try to make the tears not falling.

"I love you too forever dad. You the best man i ever loved till i died." Mina hug him and both slowly get ready to walk to the aisle.

When they walk,Wonwoo who standing there cant even take his eyes off her. How beautiful she is and he doesnt realize that Mina already standing in front of him.

Her father make throat sound making he realize and take Mina hands from him.

"Take care of my daughter. Make her happy and dont make her suffer in pain."

"I will."

Wonwoo slowly help her standing next to him and the ceremony begins.

After the vows ends, they eat together and veing om their own world. Mina still cant forget how he kiss her for the first time. Her first kiss was on marrige day.

Sometimes she bothered how many camera take their photos while dancing , talking and eating. She not famous like Wonwoo so she cant comfortable enough with all medias thing.

After long until night, they both back at Wonwoo house. They change their clothes to their pajamas. Dont expect first night because it womt happend. They discuss the rules each other a week before wedding day.

Then they sleep next each other without facing face. But on 3 a.m, Mina go to toilet and when she done, she check Wonwoo for a while, she stare his sleeping face but then back to the reality.

She lay down and close her eyes. But she startled when a pair hands were hugging her waist. When she tilt her head, Wonwoo still sleeping but he hugging her as she is the pillow hug.

She try to calm down and continue to sleep. She startled but comfortable with his sudden actions.

2 months past and Mina 100% know him well. His habits, work, routines, his allergic and his past stories. One night when all done dinner, they heard a bell ring.

The maid open the door and a doctor which is Mr. Kim Suho come to their house. Suho was a personal doctor Wonwoo and this is the last day Suho being his doctor.

"Hello, can i speak with you guys about Wonwoo state ill?" Everyone nod and take their sit.

"Wonwoo, you must keep strong on your mental. Because when i investigate about your illness, nithing can be cured but only you can change it."

Wonwoo fire up and stand up shouting at Suho.

"What the hell is this?! Are you trying to test my patience right now?! Only me you said?! First they give me false pill that i take for a long year. Second i never cure by myself since i get this stupid mental and now you said only im the one!!! If i know this early, i would have kill myself. You stupid dint ever fool me!!" He stomp away and run to his room. Mina signal his parents to go and they nod worriedly.

His parents then talk and discuss with Suho meanwhile Mina quickly chase him. He open the door harshly and began mess up their room.

He threw the table ariund and throw all the pills everywhere whilw groaning loudly.


He sit down and cry so hurtly. Mina saw everything and close the door. She then slowly carefull walk to him. Then she knelt down beside him and pull his head lay on her chest.

She pat his head and cares his shoulder slowly while console him some soft words. He hug her waist tight and cry like a baby, he was really cant controll himself but when Mina around, it make him slowly be strong and his illness not becoming worse.

"You know what, maybe its time to you to rest now. You being a beast again when your mental illness come. Now let me take you sleep. You need to rest from being hurt."

She help him stand and walk to their bed. They lay down together and Wonwoo lying on her laps. She softly humming some lullaby song slowly make him close his eyes. She cares his hair and when Wonwoo already sleep, she kiss his forehead.

'I love you Mina.'

Its a whisper but enough for Mina to hear. He really sleep but that last word makes Mina stop her lullaby.

She then realize they holding each other hands and Mina stare his face. Mina down kiss his cheeck and slowly fix their position. She then join him sleep while facing each other.

The next day

Wonwoo wake up and try to fill his energy. He look around and their room was clean and he look beside but no one there.

He walk out looking for Mina. He stop when he saw her laughing at the garden while jokingly with maids.

His parents already out and Wonwoo the only one get up late because it already afternoon. Mina who stop laugh when she saw him standing stare at her.

She excuse her from maids and walk straight to him.

"You awake? Wanna eat? Before that, you have to shower first."

Mina pull his hand go to their room back and Wonwoo just follow her.

After he done showered, Mina told him to sit down. She help him dry his hear and when she done, she was about to get up when Wonwoo hold her wrist.

"Mina can i say something?"

Mina smile and reply,

"What is it, Wonwoo?"

"Mina  the reasons why i married you is i attract with you for the first met and i cant even know how to make long time spending time with you. When we meet again, i act naturally but inside my heart, i already tell myself that i going to make you my wife. I dont know what idea to meet you again and take you just like that is the only in my head. Im sorry that i porpose you rudely and i realize im not like you but i love you. Sorry about my rudeness and my bad attitude to you."

Mina smile and hug him." Im not hate you at all. I also fallin in love with time by time being your private doctor as well as your wife. Its okay and its all the past. Whats more important know is our happiness. Lets be happy together as wife and husband."

Wonwoo smiled and hug her tight. He then kiss her temple and Mina stand up while holding his hand.

"Come on. Lets eat lunch. You must be hungry, babe~."

Wonwoo smirk and get up too. They then walk out together while holding their hands together.

  ~We complete each other. Nothing can fall us apart when we be as one loving and trust eacb other~

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