Who Would...? (The MBLAQ Coll...

By JuaJuaLove

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BACK WITH ANOTHER WHO WOULD COLLECTION! :D MBLAQ Style <3 This is a series of just random events that I think... More

<3~Mir~<3 Part 1
<3~Mir~<3 Part 2
<3~Mir~<3 Part 3
<3~Mir~<3 Part 4
<3~Mir~<3 Part 5
<3~Mir~<3 Part 6
<3~Mir~<3 Part 8
<3~Mir~<3 Part 9
<3~Airplane Ride~<3 Part 1
<3~Airplane Ride~<3 Part 2

<3~Mir~<3 Part 7

573 24 10
By JuaJuaLove

“Mir?” I looked around outside through the passenger window, “You passed my apartment…”

“I know.”

I waited for him to say more, but when he didn’t, I shouted, “Dude!”


I gave him an irritated stare, even though he was keeping his eyes on the road. “Aren’t you going to take me home?”

“No,” he happily answered.

“What?! Where are we going?”

“My place.”

His place? “Excuse me?!”

“You know, for a sleepover,” he cheerfully replied.

Sleepover? Oh my—

“Whoa, I did not mean it…like that,” he recovered quickly, “Just a sleepover. Nothing more than that.”

I didn’t respond, which just made the silence even more awkward. Gosh, I really need to keep my head out of the gutters. I totally blamed Maddie and Kalyn for ruining my innocence.

“Mir, take me home. I have to pack for tomorrow’s trip.”

“Don’t worry,” he assured me, “I got that taken care of.”


“I called Kalyn and Maddie earlier and they’re going to pack for you,” he replied, acting like none of this was a big deal.

“Kalyn and Maddie know?!”

“Know what?”

“Know that you’re forcing me to sleepover,” I said, emphasizing the ‘forcing’ part.

“I’m not forcing you,” he argued, parking the car in his parking space.

“Mmm, you kind of are…”

He got out and said, “No, I’m just making you.”

Shutting the door right after, he hurried away from the car. I quickly got out and shouted at him, “That’s the same thing!”

He just laughed at me and continued his way towards the doors to the lobby. Oh man… I couldn’t believe he was actually going through with this. With no choice, I followed him inside. We rode the elevator in silence since I was mad at him and had nothing to say. I really hope no one else sees us…

Once we got off the elevator, there stood Seungho. Awesome! Just freaking awesome.

“Hey,” Mir greeted him like nothing was wrong.

Seungho glanced between us and simply stated, “I don’t want to know…” He just walked into the elevator and left us. Phew! That was too close…

“Why are you so stiff?” Mir asked as we arrived at his apartment room.

“I’m not stiff,” I lied.

He laid his hand on my shoulder. “Just relax. I’m not going to rape you or something.”

“I would hope not,” I grumbled as he opened the door for me. Unwillingly, I walked through and gazed at their place. It seems pretty nice and neat. Everything is simple since they’re not actually living here. Tomorrow, we’re all flying together over to America for business. Folly has some sort of project with SHINee and MBLAQ… Well, I had no idea what they were going to do in America, but I was just happy enough to spend some time with all of them before we all had to go back to work.

“Stephanie~” I heard him whine as I took my shoes off before stepping further into the place.


“You’re acting like you don’t trust me.”

“Maybe I don’t,” I joked, stepping into the living room.

He chucked some clothes at me as he entered the living room as well. “Funny.”

“What are these for?” I asked, looking at the T-shirt, that I could wear as a dress, and the sweatpants, that were almost longer than my body.

“In case you want to change into something more comfortable,” he answered, walking into the kitchen, “The bathroom is right there.”

“Uh, thanks,” I politely said, quickly going to the bathroom. I turned on the lights and wow… Everything looked so clean and organized. I was super surprised at first, but then it hit me. The cleaning ladies did this, not Mir.

After I changed my clothes, I decided to wash my face. IU put so much make-up on me, I felt that I was suffocating. I splashed some water on my face and realized I forgot to get a towel. Well… He must have had one somewhere in here, right?

I blindly reach around to see if I could find the towel rack. I stumbled a bit when I hit my shin on the toilet, but thankfully, I fell into the towel rack. I grabbed one of the cloths and wiped my face dry, getting all the mascara and eyeliner off my eyes. I would finally be able to see clearer, but when I opened my eyes, I wasn’t holding a towel. I…I was…

I was holding his white boxer briefs!

Instantly, I chuck the thing across the room and mentally break down. SO GROSS!!! My face turned bright red at the thought of wiping my face on those. Those had better been clean!

“Oh frick!” I softly hissed, noticing the black smears on his underwear. Hastily, I picked them back up and threw them into the sink. I turned on the hot water and let it run while I searched under the sink for some soap. Eventually, I find a bar of soap wedged between some boxes and threw it into the sink.

When I grabbed the wet underwear in the sink, I instantly jerked my hand back and knocked over the mouthwash on the counter. Stupid hot water!

I looked over the edge and all this blue liquid was on the floor. Wow! Who didn’t put the cap back on their mouthwash? I left the sink and snapped a towel off the rack. Quickly, I cleaned up the blue liquid and suddenly realized that I was using a freaking white towel.

Ugh! Why must everything be white?!?

Frustrated, I threw the towel into the bathtub and pull down the sprayer in the shower. I turned on the water, this time using cold water, and tried to get the blue out of his towel.

“This could not get any worse,” I hissed to myself, but of course…it did.

I felt really hot water at my knees as I continued to kneel over the bathtub. I looked down and all this water was on the bathroom floor. Shoot! I left the sink running!

I dropped the sprayer to get up and turn off the sink, but the sprayer landed facing upwards, making a huge fountain of water spray everywhere possible. I got to my feet, but only to slip on the water and knock my head against the sink counter. I landed on the ground with my bare arms being exposed to the extremely hot water and my head aching so much, I thought I was going to pass out.

I heard the bathroom door open. “Stephanie?!”

Struggling to look up, I found two Mirs standing in the doorway. Just awesome…


“Here, put these on your arms,” Mir demanded, handing me some wet washcloths.

“I’m fine,” I repeated for the tenth time.

“Just take them,” he ordered, dropping them in my lap.

I refused to even look at them. “Mir, they’re not burns….”

“You don’t know that. That water was way too hot,” he reasoned, “Why did you even have it that hot?”

“I didn’t mean to…,” I pouted, wrapping myself tighter in the towel he gave me. The bathroom was covered in extra towels Mir got from the closet. I seriously couldn’t believe I destroyed Mir’s bathroom in one sitting. Everything escalated into such a complete disaster.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized again.

“Steph, quit apologizing.”

He screwed the mouthwash cap back on the almost empty bottle, but stopped abruptly. He slowly reached into the sink and pulled out the soaked boxer briefs. “Why are Cheondung’s briefs in the sink?”

Cheondung’s?!? Instantly, I threw my head into my hands. How embarrassing! There was no way I could ever forget this. “Oh my god!” I cried into my hands.

“Stephanie, what happened?”

“If I tell you, will you promise to not tell Cheondung?” I asked, refusing to remove my face from my hands.


“Okay,” I sighed, sliding my hands down my face slowly to relax myself, “I was just simply washing my face and I couldn’t see what I was grabbing. I accidently grabbed those…”

Mir turned his head to the side to try and hide his laughter, but I wasn’t fooled at all. “Eh…that’s just so…awful…heh.”

“And everything just went downhill from there,” I explained with a really sad expression. He would stop laughing once he noticed how upset I was…or at least I hoped he would.

Mir just patted my head and commented, “You’re such a clutz…”

“Ouch!” I loudly snapped, holding my head in my hands. Argh, he patted the spot where I hit my head.

“Are you okay?” he asked, dropping down to my level.

“My head…”

He gently pushed my bangs out of the way of my forehead and whispered, “Oh jeez…” Taking my arms, he dragged me out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where he set me down in a chair and hastily went over to the refrigerator.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

He came over with a bag of ice in his hand. “Put this on your head.”


“You have a bruise on your forehead. What did you do?” he asked, placing the bag softly on my forehead.

I advert my eyes in embarrassment. “I…fell…”

He just shook his head with a slight grin. “What am I going to do with you?” I just stuck my tongue out at him and held the ice bag by myself.

Beep beep~

“The popcorn is done,” he cheerfully said, going over to the microwave. I watched him pull out the bag and opened it up. So much steam came out, but yet, Mir was completely unfazed.

“Be careful Oppa, it’s hot,” I warned him.

“Yeah, yeah,” he brushed me off, but just a second after saying that, he dropped the bog on the counter, “Ouch!”

I took the ice bag off my forehead and teasing shake it towards Mir. “You’ll need this more than me at this rate.” He just ignored my silly comment and went back to dealing with the popcorn. “Hey, can I have some new clothes to change into?” I asked, realizing I’m still these soaking wet clothes.

“Yeah, I put some in the bathroom,” he said, pouring the hot popcorn into a bowl, “Just put your wet clothes outside the door and I’ll take care of them.”

“K,” I said, getting up to leave.

“Oh, also,” he added, “don’t destroy my bathroom again please.”

Rolling my eyes at him, I just grumbled, “Yeah, yeah, I won’t…” …unless you piss me off. I softly chuckled to myself as I headed back to the bathroom, imagining Mir freaking out if I really did mess up his bathroom twice.


Hehehe, no lie, Stephanie would be the one to destroy a bathroom ^^ saranghae eonni~~~ haha What do you guys think of this so far? I did say that this date was an all day event ^^ hahaha I'll see you guys later~ Christmas break is almost here!!! 

So I make a little kpop christmas special? Let me know~ 

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