Loving The Lawyer (18+)

By Satansfavoffspring

1.1M 20.9K 7.3K

⚠️18+⚠️ *I added smut, heavy smut* Disclaimer-I started this when I was eleven, almost twelve so this is in n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Updated)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (updated)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Meet Me At Midnight Sneak Peak
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Meet Me At Midnight Is Finally Out!!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Epilogue)
Chi Sono?
Summoning All My Queens

Chapter 6

32.5K 568 328
By Satansfavoffspring


"I'm hungry," Rosa whines, "Can I get cotton candy, please?"

"Why don't we get real lunch and then we can get cotton candy for dessert?" Dario suggests. He glances at me and sticks his finger in his mouth, gagging. I bite my lip to suppress my smile. I don't like cotton candy either. 

"Okay!" Rosa squeals, "I want pizza!"

We make our way towards what you would call the food court of the zoo. We've been here for two hours and it's a little past two o'clock. After the giraffes, we went to see the newborn tiger cubs and then watched the penguins perform a show.

I have to admit twelve penguins fighting over a dead seal has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen. Dario agreed with me and we spent the whole show gushing and awing while getting horrified looks from the other spectators. Rosy was fascinated by the show. I honestly think she would make a great assassin or bounty hunter one day.

Such a shame her parents don't want her to know. She's obviously intelligent, far beyond her years. At seven years old her favorite movie is Fight Club. I learned she does gymnastics which comes in handy for assassins. A shame it is.

"What can I get you, sweetheart?" A sweet old lady at the counter of Porcupine Pizza asked us breaking me out of my thoughts. 

"A large cheese pizza please with three pink lemonades!" Rosy says happily. She must really like pizza. 

"Coming right up, dear." The lady says. She shouts our order to the kitchen before filling up our drinks.

Handing us our drinks she says, "That will be $23.50." I go to grab some cash out of my jeans pocket but Dario stops my hand. The only thing is stopping my hand means his hand was on my ass. I have to admit it felt good, almost natural. If it was any other person I would snap their neck, but with Dario, it feels fucking fantastic.

He retracts his hand with a sheepish smile and a hint of a blush on his cheeks. My ass suddenly feels cold. "I'm paying. You paid for the tickets. Which I will be paying you back for that." He states while handing his black card to the lady. 

"You don't have to pay me back. Seeing all the cute animals and Rosy's infectious smile was payment enough." I reassure. 

"Fine but I'm buying you something at the gift shop," Dario says with a boyish grin on his face that makes my heart skip a beat. 

"I could live with that," I flash him an equally large and childish grin. 

"What an adorable family. Your daughter is beautiful." The lady compliments. We don't bother to correct her since we've been getting these types of compliments all day. Instead, we just say 'thank you.'

Getting these compliments I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if I had a daughter of my own. Holy shit! I've known DaVino all of three days and I'm imagining what it would be like to have a child together?!

To fast. Way too fast. Way, way, way too fucking fast.

Do...do I have a breeding kink?

I know I feel something for DaVino. I just don't know if it's lust or like. After all, it has been a while since I got laid so I could just be horny. If you were horny you wouldn't await the next time you see Mr. Greek God. If you were horny your heart wouldn't skip a beat at his smiles. If you were horny you wouldn't feel goosebumps after his touch.

My conscience needs to shut the fuck up!

"Order for D-Davino!" A teenager shouts in a slightly shaky voice breaking me out of my thoughts. 

I place my hand on Dario's shoulder, "I'll get it." He nods and sits back down. 

I walk towards the teenage boy holding our pizza. As I get closer I notice he's looking around, trying to avoid eye contact and he's shaking like a leaf. I take the pizza and hand him a ten-dollar bill as a tip. I don't know why I just felt bad.

"Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!" Rosy cheers as I draw nearer. I chuckle at her cuteness. I place the pizza in the middle of the table and we all grab a slice.

"Queenie, can I ask you questions and you answer them?" Rosy asks before taking a bite of pizza.

"Sure, only if you answer the same question," I say covering my mouth to hide my chewing. 

"Deal!" She says excitedly, "What's your favorite Disney movie?"

"Tangled or Aladdin," I answer without hesitation. 

"Tangled is my favorite too! What's your favorite color?"

"Army green." 

"I like violet. What's your favorite tv show?"

"Spongebob or All American. I'm a sucker for men in tight pants." I don't just mean Jordan Baker and Asher Adams. Spongebob has a very nice ass. 

"Dorito loves Spongebob too, but his favorite tv show is Ren and Stimpy. He also watches this show about Vampires that I'm not allowed to watch. My favorite is Austin and Ally." Rosy rambles.  

"This show wouldn't happen to be The Vampire Diaries, would it?" I ask directing my question at Dario. 

"Um, yeah." He answers rubbing his neck out of embarrassment. I think I've found my soulmate. My last boyfriend refused to watch that show because he thought it was gay and a teeny-bopper show. He's dead now. I didn't like him. 

"I love that show!" I say excitedly which seems to make him feel better because he breaks out into a huge grin. 

"Queenie, why can't I watch it?" Rosa whines.

"It's pretty violent," I say.

"I like violent," She states.

"Rosa, it's too violent for your age. Maybe in two or three years, I'll let you watch it." Dario says. 

"I want to watch it with, Queenie." Rosa states crossing her arms. 

After that, we ate in silence. Both of us didn't want to promise her anything because in our line of work you have to live every day as if it's your last. I might not be here in two years, or a month, hell, I might not be here tomorrow.

"Queenie, are you staying the night again?" Rosy asks with hopeful eyes and a smile. "I want to cuddle. We can watch movies and eat candy." 

"No, sweetie I have to go home and make sure Juan didn't ruin our apartment," I say. I watch as the hopeful smile falls from her face. The sight breaks my heart.

"When will I see you again?" She sniffles. Oh, god. Don't cry. I hate tears. 

"Kingston will be at the house a lot for the next couple of weeks. We will be working and she'll be in lots of meetings but you'll see her, Rosa." Dario states. I look at him with an incredulous look. We never discussed this!

"We will talk later," He reassures me after seeing my face. 

"O-," I'm cut off by a redhead with caked on makeup pulling out the chair next to Dario. Her makeup would look good if it wasn't for the blush. Her cheeks already have a natural tint she didn't need anymore. God, what is happening to me? Now I'm judging fucking makeup.

I noticed her eyeing Dario earlier but didn't say anything because I know this happens wherever he goes. I've met a lot of bitches in my life but this chick has to be the ultimate bitch for leaving her two kids alone at a table to come flirt with Dario.

"Hey, baby." The woman purrs in a not-so seductive voice. He grimaces and tries to push her hand off his bicep. She just places it back on. I notice Rosy has a disgusted look on her face.

"Can you not see he's with his family? Somewhere you should be." I ask rhetorically, "Oh, wait you probably can't see through all that makeup on your face." 

Okay, King, you can do fucking better than that. Enough of this petty, jealous bullshit. 

"All I see is a baby mama and her little brat," The bitch responds. Dario tenses. I notice his arm move. I place my hand on his knee and grab his gun with my other hand. I mouth 'let me handle this' he nods.

"I'm not even a mother but if I was; I can't even fathom the thought of leaving my children alone to flirt with a man. Much less, a man dining with a woman and a child. I think it is absolutely disgusting that a mother of two children, beautiful children might I add can call another child a little brat. Perhaps, I think it's time you go back to your children who are currently talking to some stranger; unless that is their father or your partner?" I say gesturing to the table her children are at.

"Josie! Samuel!" The woman shouts before getting up and running towards her kids. 

Dario leans in towards my ear, "Thank you if you didn't calm me down and take my gun that bitch would be dead. I don't tolerate disrespect towards my sister." I can feel the air shift as he leans closer to my ear, touching it with his lips as he speaks again. "Or you." 

I swallow and turn my head so that our lips are almost touching and whisper while looking into his beautiful blue eyes. I've never seen eyes so beautiful. "You're welcome, although I wouldn't mind seeing that bitch dead. If it wasn't for those children I would find her and kill her myself."

"And I would help you," He whispers trailing his eyes down my face until they settle on my lips. He places a kiss on my cheek and pulls away.

"Gross! You two were about to kiss." Rosy says with a disgusted face. 

Dario chuckles, "You see mom and dad kiss all the time."

"Yeah, and it's disgusting." She retorts. 

"Keep that mentality, Rosy. Boys are gross." I say. 

After lunch, we spent around four more hours at the zoo. All the animals were really cute and I somehow managed to talk Dario into riding a camel. He also bought me and him matching penguin plushies at the gift shop and a bucket hat with little otters on it for Rosy.

Once we got back to his estate I ate dinner with his family, Talia, and Vader. It was enjoyable, to say the least. Marco and Gianna were asking invasive questions under the guise of making up for lost time. Honestly, I don't really remember them and that is because the last time I saw them I was six. 

"Are you leaving now, Queenie?" Rosy asks with sad eyes. 

"I just have to talk to your brother and then I'll be leaving," I tell her. 

"Okay," She says sadly, "When will I see you again?"

"I don't know, sweetie." I answer honestly, "I promise it will be soon."

"Goodnight, Queenie." She says before giving me a hug. 

"Goodnight, Rosy," I say hugging her back. 

"Come with me. I want to show you something." Dario offers me his hand and I place mine in his. I instantly feel the warmth come from his hand. He interlaces our fingers and a tiny shiver goes down my spine.

We walk hand in hand through the backyard. The pool was absolutely amazing and the amount of greenery in this backyard is beautiful. The estate itself looks exactly like the Salvatore Boarding House in TVD. This house is everything I could ever want. It's amazing. I'm going to have to ask Gianna for her decorator.

"I'm taking you to a spot that only I and Rosa know about. Around two years ago I read Rosa the Secret Garden. For her fifth birthday, I made Rosa, her own secret garden." Dario says as he leads me to a tall bush wall. He fumbled around until he finds an opening in the bush.

He pulls me through after him. The sight I see makes me gasp. There are rose bushes everywhere including growing on a wooden gazebo-type thing. There are two wicker chairs and a mini wood table.

"This is...wow. I can't even put into words how beautiful this is." I breathe out in awe. 

"Thank you," Dario says, "Rosa wanted to show you herself but I got her permission to show you so we could talk."

"Ok," I say, "Shall we sit?" He nods and we sit in the wicker chairs. Which are a lot more comfortable than they look.

"So..." Dario starts scratching his neck, "I figured it would be easier to work out of my house and Andres agrees."

"Alright, I agree that would be easier. I distributed all my other cases to my other attorneys so I shouldn't have to go to my office for anything. The courthouse, potentially." He nods. 

After a couple of minutes of comfortable silence I speak, "This really is beautiful. You're an amazing brother."

"Thank you, Kingston. Not just for the compliment. For everything. Standing up for my sister, calming me down, making my sister so happy, taking my case, helping me. Just thank you, for everything."

"You're welcome," I say, "You know you're different than what I expected."

"The same goes for you. What were you expecting?"

"Ruthless, arrogant, doesn't give a shit about anything. Basically, what the rumors are. Actually, my brother. I was expecting you to be like my brother."

"I am what the rumors say, only to the outside world, though. With my family and friends I'm a...what was my mother's words, 'Psychotic Puppy' I think it was." He says, "Although, I can admit I can be a moody bitch at times. According to Lucas, I go from a normal person to 'a thirteen-year-old girl on her period.'"

I burst out laughing at this, "Well as someone who has experienced this I can't wait to see what this looks like."

"Oh god," Dario groans, "Rosa's gonna be that age soon."

"It's honestly not that bad. As long as you keep us fed and don't make some douche comment you'll stay off our hit list."

He laughs. "For you is that a metaphorical list or literal?"

"Literal, duh." 

"Noted," He plays with the pendant around his neck. He's nervous? 

"Is the rose pendant for Rosy?" I ask curiously. I can admit I've spent more time than I should thinking about him and what that pendant means. I don't know why but I have the urge to know everything about him. 

He smiles at it then looks up at me through his lashes. Damn, that smile. "Yeah, last Christmas she got us matching necklaces. Mines a rose and hers is a Dorito." 

I laugh. "I was wondering what that was. That is so cute. You two have such an amazing relationship." 

"We do. She was definitely a surprise and I wasn't really happy about her at first, but that first moment I held her I was a goner. I used to make the four-hour road trip every weekend from school to come see her." The smile on his face is infectious and I find myself smiling with him until he asks, "Are you and Andres close?"

"We are and we aren't. Andres is nearly eight years older than me and he hated me at first because my father was in an arranged marriage with Andres's mother when I was conceived. They were both cheating on each other and knew it, but Mariana, Andres's mom used the love my brother had for her and manipulated him into hating our father."

"It didn't help that my mom was a druggie and decided, while fucked out of her mind on meth to kill Mariana. He used to resent me for that. Then training came around and I was better at it, which he hated because he thought our father would pass the legacy down to me, and then I almost died, and things changed, but that's a story for another time. We're good now. That is all that matters." 

"Fuck," He murmurs. "That's a whole...that uh, sounds like the plot of one of those teen drama shows on Netflix."

I laugh. "Yeah, my family could sell our secrets to the creators of Riverdale and make that show good again." 

"Hey!" He exclaims in mock outrage. "I love that show, even if Bughead is over, and they're all ingesting ay too much jingle jangle." 

"Bughead is over?!" I shout. "What? But they were endgame." 

"I know," He agrees. "Now Betty is trying to have Archie's baby." 

"Noooo! That would ruin the whole fucking show. Are those damn creators nuts? I thought the gargoyle king was a whole fuck up, but I swear to god if Betty gets pregnant with the wrong man's kid I will call up those directors myself and threaten to light their asses on fire." 

He laughs. "I would do the same. Now I'm in the mood to watch some trashy tv." 

"Same," I groan.

He rubs at his neck shyly and bites the corner of his lip. "Do you want to maybe watch some episodes with me? I have a movie theater."

I sigh. "I really would, but I'm being forced on a shopping spree with Juan tomorrow. Apparently, we need new throw pillows. I didn't even know what that was until he explained it."

"But that is tomorrow."

"It's also Juan. I'm going to need my beauty sleep to keep up with him. When he is in shopping mode or whatever the fuck you want to call it, it's like he snorted five lines of coke and washed it down with coffee." 

"Poor you," He smiles, standing up and holding his hand out for me. I take it and he leads me out of the garden. "If you need an excuse to get out of you can always call me. I'm just going to be lounging around the house watching football." 

I smile and kiss him on the cheek. "I might just take you up on that offer." 

The Secret Garden⬆️ The Backyard⬇️

The estate⬇️

Hi, yes I really did use the Salvatore boarding house. I love the architecture of this house. It's amazing. This chapter was kind of irrelevant and just a filler. I wanted to show how Dario and Kingston are with their friends and family vs. other people. The next chapter will be out sometime this week. I don't know for sure what day. Also thank you so much for 250 reads and twelve votes!!!

Thanks for reading,

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