The New P.D. Member ↠ will ha...

By ShikShin_ss

228K 3.9K 371

Teresa Logan didn't have an easy childhood, which lead her to join the Marines. After 10 years of serving and... More

An Explosive Start Before Even Starting
She's Coming To Intelligence?
Desk Work
Mixing With The Locals At Molly's
Jumping Off A Bridge
Going To Molly's And Getting In Trouble
Going To Molly's Yesterday Was A Great Idea.
Make A Confession
Being The Good Daughter She Always Was
You Ready?
Jay's Name Is Finally Cleared
I'll give you the exception
You're Amazing
Call Me Tez
Cheers To That
You Cover Well, But I Got Eyes
I Know You Do Kelly
I Want to Get Revenge For Her
You're A Great Doctor
On Behalf Of A Grateful Nation...
I Don't Trust You
New Cover???
I Need My Partner Back
I'm Already On The Bench
Partnered Up Together Again
You Wanna Come Up Here And Fight Me?
Teresa, You Just Broke My Heart
More Than Two Hours With You, I'll Get Bored
Detective Logan, I Insist
Can You Hear Me?
You'll Be Fine, Tez
What I Liked About You Was The Honesty
What's The Occasion?
Staying With Will
Bad Memories?
It's Not On You
You're Missing The Point
I Like It When You're Feisty
Too Much Too Fast
If You Were My Doctor, I'd Take My Chances With Death
It's Not Because Of It That She's Hard To Love. It's Quite The Opposite
Worst Idea Ever
This Isn't You
I Trust You With My Life
Do You Believe in Afterlife?
It's 'Detective', Actually
Don't Ever Say That Again
Let's Focus On The Job
Teresa Logan's Smile
What If She Needs Help?
We're Officially Declaring Her Missing
You Need Help?
We'll Find Her
She's Been Keeping Secrets
Don't You Care If She Dies?
Why Didn't She Tell Us?
What If They Kill Her, Too?
Just Let Me Go
There's No Way Out, Is There?
If She Dies, That's On You

Detective Logan, Thank You For Coming

2.9K 56 0
By ShikShin_ss

"I look terrible." Teresa says as she gets in Severide's car.

"Nah, you look like a detective who just saved lives."

"I probably smell terrible, too."

"I can only smell that perfume you always wear."

"I hope we're not going anywhere fancy, Kelly. Because I would not be allowed in."

"Nope. We're going to eat some burgers. After our last dinner I don't have enough money for anything else."

"So, it's a cheap date?" Teresa asks raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah." He replies, unsure that it would bother her since she never really cared about what they were doing or where they were going before.

"Great, because I'll be the one buying."


"Well, we agreed before. One date I buy, another date you buy. So, this one is on me."

"No fair! I always end up paying more." Severide jokes.

"Although our jobs are incomparable, I am a woman. I receive less salary. Therefore, I should pay less."

"Fine, whatever. Next dinner I'll cook."

"Do you take requests?"

"No, you already get the best deal. I'll cook whatever I want."

Severide parks in a parking lot in front of the diner they were headed. They sat down in a table at the corner and ordered burgers.

"So, do you think Sylvie is at Molly's?"

"I don't know, maybe. Why?"

"I was thinking... maybe I should apologize. For how cold I've been since Toby died."

"I told you, you weren't cold. But I do agree and think you should talk. You liked her when she was hanging out with your brother."

"I did..."

"Talk to her. But not tonight. Tonight is our night."

Their burgers got to the table and Teresa's was the biggest, since she asked for every condiment she liked.

"Isn't that too much?" Severide asks amused.

"I haven't eaten properly in two days. I need this." She takes a bite. "By the way, I talked to Voight about getting to the police academy. He thinks we could make it work, between getting a few classes and training and Intelligence. I won't have much free time if he gets me a deal with the academy."


"Yeah. Off days I'll be at the academy. Some early mornings or late afternoons as well. Nothing is decided yet, but..."

"If that's what you want, I think it's great."

"It'll be hard, but I really want my blues. I'll probably also have to take a couple weeks off work to fully dedicate to the academy."

"You'll make it."

"But I'll only have time to sleep outside of Intelligence and the academy."

"Okay..." Severide raises his eyebrows. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

"I just want you to..." Teresa looks up and purses her lips, trying to find the right words, "... do whatever you want to do."

Severide chuckles. "Whatever?"

"Whatever." Teresa assures.

"Are you trying to break-up with me?"

"Break-up? Huh... I wasn't sure we were anywhere that would necessarily need a 'break up'." She stutters.

"So that's why you never actually answered my calls before? You thought what? You were just a... booty-call?" Severide whispers with intimacy.

"Well, I am pretty good at that." Teresa jokes light-heartedly.

"I'm sure you are, and maybe the first couple of times was just our fun little thing, but I think we've moved on from it. Don't you?"

"I just... never saw you as the type of guy who dated."

"Well, when the girl is worth it, letting go of old habits isn't so bad."

Teresa smiles. "Well... it's not my fault that you've such bad character judgement. And since I'm getting the best deal, I won't be putting anymore ideas in your head."

Teresa kept a smile on her face, but in the back of her head, her subconscious was already starting to punish her. Toby was right. She didn't want to be alone, and so she wouldn't be the one to end things with the firefighter.

"How are things at your place?" Severide asks.

"Good. Tom and Tyler have been working. Tyler works more at night and Tom during the day, some small jobs at night as well."

"And Theodor?"

"He hasn't shown up yet. I'm hoping he'll set a record of time away. Seven months was the longest so far. Well... the longest when I was there. Tom said he didn't disappear for long when he and Tyler moved in."

When they finish eating Teresa asks for the bill, insisting that they should go home, since both of them had work in the morning.

After taking a much-needed shower, Teresa joined Severide in bed, but whilst he fell asleep soon, Teresa just stared at the dark ceiling for a long time before actually falling asleep.

The phone ring woke up both of them next morning. Teresa reached out her arm as Severide groaned.

"Logan." She answered.

"Be at the district at 8."

Teresa opens her eyes wide and sits up, alert. "Is something wrong, Sergeant?"

"No. Just be here."

"Copy that, Sergeant." She says and waits for Voight to hang up before putting the phone down.

"What's up?" Severide asks, still with his eyes closed.

"I gotta be at the district at 8. Do you want some breakfast?"

"Yeah, just give me ten more minutes."

Teresa gets up, makes some coffee and some eggs with bacon. Before Severide comes down, his roommate Stella shows up.

"Hey, Stella."


"Do you want some?" Teresa asks pointing at the frypan.

"No, it's fine."

"I insist." Teresa says dividing the eggs and bacon to two plates. "Kelly can eat the cereals."


When Severide got to the table, Stella and Teresa were already eating. He looked around and then looked at Teresa.

"I thought you were making me breakfast."

"I did, but you took too long to get here, so I gave your breakfast to Stella."

"Oh, you're a darling, miss Logan."

Teresa smiles sarcastically and let him have a bite of her food.

"Need a ride to work?" He asks.

"That would be really nice, since if you're not driving me, I need to get going right now."

"I'll take you."


At five to eight, Teresa walks through the doors of 21st and buzzes right into Intelligence. Voight was already in his office with another man, in police uniform. When he saw her, he waved his hand so that she'd go in.

"Good morning Sergeant." She turns to the strange man and smiles. "Good morning, sir."

"Detective Logan. Nice to finally meet you." The man says as he stands up and extends a hand to her, which Teresa shakes.

"Nice to meet you, too, sir."

"You must be really good. Sergeant Voight broke a lot of rules to get you in his team."

"It was a big leap of faith. One I intend to honor and make sure Sergeant Voight has nothing to regret."

"Good. Also, he's been in contact with me. I'm sure you'll pass your written examination and physical testing easily, since you're in Intelligence, but you have to take them anyway."

"Of course, I will."

"Great. Next Monday Sergeant Voight has agreed to let you go to the academy to take them. When we get the results, if they're as positive as I believe them to be, you're in. It's going to be a lot of hard-work, but, as a request from Sergeant Voight to keep you full-time in Intelligence, we're willing to allow you to show your knowledge based on the cases you've worked on and will work on. Your off days will be spent training at the academy, both theoretical and practical lessons. Any extra day that Sergeant Voight might have no need of you here, we advise you to attend the academy. Before you graduate, if you have good work and attend everything required of you, you will be two to three weeks solely at the academy. According to this plan, and expecting Intelligence to stay busy, it'll take a few months until you graduate, but as I spoke to Sergeant Voight, I believe you are capable of it."

"Yes. Thank you so much for this, sir. I will work very hard."

"I'm sure you will." He turns to Voight. "I have to go to work now. Have a good day."

"You, too." Voight says as he stands up and shakes the man's hand.

"Oh, and thank you for your service, Marine." The man smiles at Teresa and then leaves.

"Don't make me look bad, Logan." Voight warns.

"Absolutely, Sergeant. I'll do my best."

"Get ready for those exams on Monday. You think you're good for the psychological testing?"

"Of course, Sergeant." Teresa says a bit taken aback by the lack of trust in that aspect, especially since she'd been hard at work and had given no motives for anyone to have distrust in her.

"I just want to make sure. Your brother's death can still be affecting you in a way that doesn't affect your work, but it might affect your results in that testing."

"I think I'll do good, Sergeant. My personal life hasn't affected my judgement or work so far. I don't believe it would bring me down."

"Great." He sits. "Hey, how do you like working with Antonio?"

"Detective Dawson is great. I've learned a lot from him in the past few days."

"You'll work with him today as well."

"Understood, sir." Teresa says with a nod and then goes to her desk.

Fifteen minutes later, when she heard someone coming up the stairs, Teresa looked and saw Jay.

"Hey." He says when he sees her. "Good morning. You're here early."

"Yeah. Voight had an official from the academy here to talk to me just a little bit."

"That's great. So, you're going?"

"I'm taking the written exam and testings next Monday, and if I pass them, I'm in."

"Will you continue working, or..."

"Yeah, that's why he came here. I'll take some classes, training, off days will be at the academy, they will take in consideration the cases I work here at Intelligence. Further down I'll have to dedicate like two weeks just on the academy, so I'll be gone then."

"That's fantastic."

"It is." Teresa smiles slightly.

"Look, I'm really sorry about yesterday." He says more serious as he sits down at his desk. "I crossed a line and... I assumed things that weren't true."

"You did." Teresa says, confirming what he was saying is true, instead of saying that it was fine, because it wasn't fine, and he should keep that in mind.

"I also took what you said to heart and I called my therapist last night, she agreed to see me, and... I'm working on things."

"That's good to know."

"I'm taking it seriously."

"You better. I want to get my partner back."

When Antonio got there, Voight told him to take Teresa on board whatever he would have to take care of. She joined him at his desk and he showed her some files and explained things to her and what they should do in certain situations.

Overall, the day was being calm, with no big case for Intelligence. Kim and Kevin were out, working on something, Voight was in his office, Adam and Olinsky were at their desks working quietly and Jay was keeping his desk work.

"Do you guys want me to get some lunch?" Jay asks.

Teresa furrows her eyebrows and looks at Antonio, finding it strange that Jay was volunteering to go out and get food.

"I'm good." She says looking at Jay, since no one else spoke.

"Ay ay ay. The lack of running around is affecting him." Antonio jokes.

Teresa chuckles. "Hey, will I get to work with Atwater?"

"You trying to get rid of me?"

"I, huh... I'm gonna get coffee." Teresa stands up.

"You're trying to get rid of me?" Antonio asks louder as she starts walking away.

"I'll bring you some coffee, too."

"Logan? You're ditching me?" Antonio stands up as well and starts following her.

After lunch, Antonio got a call from his sister Gabriela. He didn't say much, but after he hung up, he went to Voight's office.

"Logan, you're with me." He says as he walks out from the office.

"Where are we going?"

"Firehouse 51. They need us to check something."

Antonio drives them there.

"Gabby didn't say much, but her husband Casey wanted us to check something out. They'll tell us all about it when we get there."

"Why is Intelligence 'checking something out'?"

"Because we're cops and 51 has history with us. We help each other."

Teresa half smiles to Antonio but doesn't say what she's thinking.

Antonio parks the closest to 51 without blocking the driveway since they are an emergency service and might need to get out in a hurry. They go inside and see straight away Herrmann and Cruz between the truck and ambulance.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen." Teresa greets to call their attention.

"Hey, detectives." Herrmann stands up and gets closer.

"Gabby called. Said Casey wanted to talk to us." Antonio says.

"Yeah, yeah. They're inside."

"Thanks." Antonio says and he and Teresa start going in.

"Hey, Teresa." Herrmann calls. "How have you been?"

Teresa smiles slightly for a second. "Good."

"51 is always here."

"Thank you, Herrmann."

Inside, Mouch was sitting on the couch, watching some TV and most of the others were sitting around the table and eating.

"Hey!" Severide smiles as he sees Teresa, not expecting her to come as well.

"Antonio!" Casey stood up as soon as he saw them. "Teresa. Thank you for coming."

"Our pleasure Lieutenant." Teresa answers with a smile and shakes Matt's hand.

Severide gets closer to them as well and Teresa extends her hand to him.

"Lieutenant Severide."

"Detective Logan, thank you for coming." He says with a flirty smile.

"So, what's up?" Antonio asks.

"Sit down, please." Casey offers. Two firefighters stand up and give their seats to Antonio and Teresa. "For the past two shifts we went to the same house, and we've asked yesterday's crew, they went there as well."

"Three fires in three days?" Teresa questions, knowing that was unusual.

"Yeah." Severide answers. "We called as soon as we got back from the house. Only an old man lives there. He told us that the fires were pure accident, but I don't believe it."

"We saw a few guys lurking around both days we went there." Casey adds. "I'm sure the old man was scared to report anything, especially with the guys there."

"They looked like teenagers, as well." Gabby adds as she sits next to Antonio.

"Have you talked to the police?"

"We're talking to you, right now." Severide points out.

"Patrol was on the scene this morning, but they didn't do anything. They couldn't. The guy said it was an accident and we couldn't prove it otherwise." Casey clarifies.

Teresa looks at Antonio. It was his call wether or not they'd do anything about it. They had very little to go on, and if the old man didn't press charges and insisted the fires were accidental, they couldn't really open an investigation.

"What do you say?" Antonio asks Teresa, giving her an opportunity to step up.

"It's been a quiet day." Teresa shrugs. "Maybe we'll get to chase some punks. Besides..." She looks around at the firefighters and paramedics, "it's a favor to 51. Aren't we still paying favors for what Voight did to Lieutenant Casey?" she asks what she thought on the ride over.

Antonio raises his eyebrows, surprised that Teresa knew about it, since it was before Intelligence was even a thing.

"Jay told you about this?"

"No. Does Jay even know about it? I mean, he didn't even know you or Voight at the time, did he?"

"I might have told her something." Severide confesses with a cheeky smile.

"That's water under the bridge." Antonio says. "And you are right, we will check it since it's 51 asking."

"Can you get us the address?" Teresa asks to Casey, who extends his arm across the table and hands her a paper.

"Right there."


Suddenly a siren goes off and the engines of 51 are called out for an accident.

"We gotta go. Please tell us if you find something." Gabby says as they all stand up.

"We will." Antonio confirms.

"Hey, Sylvie." Teresa says as she walks side by side with her. "Can we have dinner tomorrow night?"

"Dinner? Yeah, sure. We'll talk later, after I save whoever needs saving." She says light-hearted.

"See you later, Detective." Severide flirts.

"How about you stop talking and get to the scene to save someone?"

Severide jumps into Squad, closes the door and leans out the window, smiling at Teresa as they start leaving.

"Come on. Let's get to work." Antonio taps on her shoulder.

They drive silently, and calmly, since they weren't going to respond to anything, and they didn't want to call attention to the old man. They stand side by side at the door of the address Casey gave them, seeing that the garage was still black from the fire, Teresa knocks three times and a few seconds later an elderly man opens the door.

"Can I help you?"

"Hello, sir." Teresa smiles kindly. "We're with the Chicago Police Department. May we come in for a minute?"

"You got something on me?" He asks.

"No, sir."

"Then why do you want to come in?"

"We have a few questions regarding the fires that have been happening here." Antonio specifies.

"They were just accidents. I got nothing to say."

The man starts closing the door, but Teresa stops him by putting her hand against it and pushing it.

"We can help you, sir. But you need to talk to us."

"Has someone been threatening you?" Antonio questions. "Are they setting the fires to terrorise you, or to kill you?"

The man looks at Antonio and then at Teresa.

"It was just an accident." He insists. "Now please, leave me alone." And then he slammed the door in their faces.

Teresa looks at Antonio and then they head to the car.

"Should we put a patrol here?"

"Let's see what we can find on this guy and if we find a lead to anything."

They sit in the car and Teresa calls to Intelligence. Jay, just back from a therapy session, was the one to answer the call.

"Halstead, we need you to run an address." She says when he answers and gives him the address.

"House belongs to a Martin Jones." He says after a few seconds. "I'll send you a photo.

Antonio and Teresa look at the photo and confirm that is the man they just spoke to.

"He's had a pretty normal life." Jay states. "Had his own store, which he sold 10 years ago... when he retired, I guess. His son died at war... Here we go. His grandson went to juvie a few years back, when he was 15. But he got a deal with the Gang Unit to get out. He ratted out his entire gang."

"Sounds like a motive to get to him." Antonio says.

"Is it possible that some gang members weren't caught and are trying to get back at him through his grandfather?"

"Not sure..." Jay says. "I'll ask that to the Gang Unit. But... there is one that was just 15, went to juvie on minor charges and got out a few weeks ago before he turned 18."

"Can you get us details on that kid?" Antonio requests.

"On it." They waited a minute and the Jay spoke again. "Alright. Jaymes Lowe. I'll send you his address."

"Should we pay him a visit?" Teresa asks Antonio.

"Yeah. Jay, tell Voight we are doing a follow up to what 51 told us about."

"Do you need back-up?"

"Not yet. The alleged victim didn't tell us anything, no charges are being pressed, so we're just going to check this guy, and maybe if he's doing this, he'll stay away now."

"Copy that."

"If you get anything else, call us. Talk to Gang for us as well." Teresa requests.

"Will do."

"Thanks, Halstead."

"Everything alright?" Antonio asks when the call ends.

"Yeah, why?"

"Last night you guys were arguing in the break room, and now you're calling him Halstead. Since when do you call him Halstead?"

Teresa just shrugs and Antonio starts driving to Jaymes Lowe's address.

"You were once concerned about how much I had to drink." Teresa points out. "Do you think I'd come drunk to work?"

"No. I was concerned with you drinking too much that one night, but coming to work drunk is something I trust you wouldn't do."

Teresa nods, glad about his answer.

"I think Jay blames me for Voight figuring out what was happening between him and Camila and, you know, everything that followed. And I think he doesn't want to be the weak link of the unit, so he came at me, saying that I was coming to work drunk ever since Toby died. So, I think Jay and I need to work on things, and maybe share mutual professional respect, so... Detective Halstead it is."

"Voight would know if you were drunk and he wouldn't let you stay at work." Antonio affirms. "There's no reason to be concerned about it."

"Good. I don't want anyone concerned. I haven't touched a drop of alcohol for over a week and the last time I did was just a glass of red wine. I'm not a drunk and I don't ever want to be, so I'm being careful, even more so now that Toby's gone. I want to honor Voight's faith in putting me in this team, and make sure you guys can trust me."

"We do. And Jay does, too."

Teresa smiles at Antonio, who parks at Jaymes' house. They get out, go straight to the door and knock. A woman shows up.

"Does Jaymes Lowe live here?"

"Yes, he does. But he's not home."

"Do you know where he is?"

"Off to work."

"Where does he work?"

"I'm not sure." Teresa and Antonio exchange looks at that poor answer. "What's this about?"

"We just wanted to ask him a couple of questions." Antonio says. "But we'll come back later. Thank you."

"Shouldn't we leave a contact?" Teresa asks him as they head back to the car.

"Do you think he'd call if we did?"


"No need wasting our cards then. Let's go to 51. See if they got back from that call and tell them what we found out."


They stay in the car until they see all vehicles from 51 returning to the firehouse and then they exit and meet them in the garage area.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey. Got any news?" Casey asks approaching them.

"Not much. The old man didn't want to talk to us. But his grandson went to juvie and then sold out his entire gang to get out."

"One of the members got out not long ago. Jaymes Lowe." Antonio adds. "We think maybe he's doing this to catch the grandson, but... we don't have much."

"So you're just letting it go?" Gabby asks as all of them pay attention.

"Not at all. We'll try to talk with Lowe and we'll keep an eye out for his actions."

"We will." Antonio agrees. "But if the old man just pressed charges and tell us what he knows, we'd get this case going faster."

"Guys, all we can do is keep an eye out." Teresa admits, crossing her arms. "If you get anymore calls to that address, call us straight away."

By instinct, Teresa looks back when she hears a car coming too close, and sure enough a car was now in the driveway of the firehouse, in the way to any vehicle that might need to get out on an emergency. She turns completely back as Antonio continues to speak with the guys from 51.

"Hey!" She shouts as she raises her badge, that was across her neck, getting everyone's attention. "CPD, get out of the vehicle."

Severide, one of the closest to her, walks towards the car, like Teresa was doing. Antonio does the same and everyone from 51 stays alert.

"Hey!" Teresa shouts again.

The passenger windown opens slightly, and Teresa gets her gun straight away, pointing at the car. She was about to tell whoever was in the car to turn off the engine and get out, but she got no time, since through the now open window, a bottle flew in her direction. Severide yanked her out of the way, as the bottle broke on the floor and exploded. Where the liquid had spread, was now fire.

Teresa grunts as she hits the ground. Thank God they were at the firehouse, for Herrmann and Casey quickly got two fire extinguishers and were putting out the fire, as Teresa stood up straight away, got her gun and started running towards the road, just to see the car drive away.

"Logan!" She then heard.

Antonio got to her side and looked at the car as well.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. Fine."

Antonio calls it in to main, saying they needed an alert on a car that had tried to 'Molotov cocktail' them at Firehouse 51. Teresa sees the fire extinguished.

"Everyone okay?" She asks. "Nobody got hit with nothing?"

"We're okay."

"Hey." Casey calls out as she passes by him. "You're bleeding." He points at the back of her head.

"What?" Teresa asks confused as she raises her hand to her head, and surely enough, behind her ponytail, her hair was now getting bloody.

Teresa looks at her hand and starts stumbling. Casey, who was closest to her, grabs her by the arms as she starts sliping down.

"Teresa." Antonio runs to her as Casey and Severide set her down.

"We got it!" Sylvie says as she and Gabby get their paramedic's bags.

They quickly examine her.

"She hit her head pretty bad on the concrete." Gabby affirms.

"How hard did you pull her to the ground, Severide?"

"I was just getting her out of the way." Severide says distressed.

"We have to get her to the hospital."

"I'm fine." Teresa mumbles.

"No, you can't even stand up." Sylvie says. "We're taking care of you."

"Let's get her in the ambulance."

"I'll meet you guys at the hospital!" Antonio says as he starts going to his car.


"She can't stay alone tonight. Someone has to wake her up every four hours." Will Halstead says to Antonio.

"She can take care of herself, thank you very much."

"I'm serious, you can't stay alone."

"Are your brothers home?"

"I'm not sure, they've been working lately."

"Alright, well... we'll figure it out when you get discharged." Antonio says.

"I'll be right back." Will says as he gets out of the ER room.

"We got the entire team working on the case." Antonio says. "We ran the plates... the car came back stolen, so we got nothing there."

"Great. Let me just sign my papers and I'll go back with you."

"No, no." Antonio says, putting her hand on her shoulder. "You got a concussion. When you get out of here it's to go home."

"Come on, it's just a concussion. I want to help."

"Voight wants you to sit this one out. But you can help in the morning if we still haven't caught whoever did this."

Teresa just stares at Antonio.

"I gotta go back, but we'll check on you and one of us will get you home and make sure you will wake up every four hours."


"See ya."

"Kick some ass for me."

"Always do."

Teresa chuckles as he leaves and then stays alone for a while.

Teresa stayed alone for a while, making sure she wouldn't fall asleep for now, behind the closed curtains of her room, but then the doors slid open and then the curtains were slightly moved to the side to reveal Connor's face.

"Dr. Rhodes." She says with a smile.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure. But you have to sign my release papers as soon as you leave." She jokes.

"I'll just stand right here then."

Teresa chuckles and waves her hand, telling him to come inside.

"How have you been?" He asks when he gets close to her bed.

"A bit tired, getting in some minor trouble... but, I'm dealing with it."

"I'm sorry I couldn't do more..."

"And I'm sorry I didn't see the shooter a second sooner." Teresa says knowing that it wasn't his fault and there was no use blaming him.

"How did you get here anyway?"

"Some punks threw a Molotov cocktail at firehouse 51, where Antonio and I were working on something."

"They said you had a head injury?" Connor asks, confused at how fire would result in that.

"Severide pulled me out of the way, and when I fell to the ground, I hit head first."

"I'm sure you'll be fine, but you can't stay alone tonight. You need someone to—"

"Wake me up every four hours." She completles, bored. "I know, doctor Halstead already said that to me and Antonio. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"I know you will. You always are."


"Well... I just came to check on you, but now I gotta go. I have to save some people. I'll see you later."

"Bye." She smiles and waves.

Soon enough she was discharged and could go home. Teresa didn't want to call anyone, not wanting to be a burden for that night. Her half-brothers were most likely working, has they had been for weeks.

"You need to have someone to wake you up, Teresa."

"Well I don't have anyone... Who am I gonna ask?"

"You know what? I'm leaving my shift soon." Will starts. "You stay with me and Jay tonight."

"No, it's not a good idea..."

"You already crashed there one night and you know me, you know Jay, you won't be in a house with strangers, you will have a doctor right there... it's a good offer."

Teresa didn't want to accept it because she felt going to Jay's apartment would be too intruding on the road to them fixing their trust and partnering. But, it was a nice offer, and she would have a doctor right there to help her and she knew the Halstead brothers were good people, so she'd be safe.

"No doubt. You're staying with us tonight."

Teresa shows him a half smile and nods.

The papers for her discharged were filled and she got dressed. When she got out, she stayed at the waiting room waiting for Will. She took that time to call Severide.

"It's just a concussion." She says trying to calm him down, feeling the panic through the phone. "I'm fine."

"I'm really sorry."

"Sorry for what? It was either you pulling me out of the way or me getting 3rd degrees burns or worse. It's not your fault that instead of putting my hands first I decided to just let my head take the blow."

"You need anything?"

"No, I'll be okay, don't worry. Just finish your shift and I'll call you in the morning."

"If you need anything at all..."

"I'll set something on fire and wait for 51 to arrive." She jokes. "Talk to you later."

Will asked Teresa if she wanted to either get some clothes at the district or go to her place at South Side, and she told him that since she had some at the district and it was closer that'd be fine, but she also wanted to check on the case, so half was really just an excuse.

"You okay?" Sergeant Platt asks as she walks in the district.

"Yeah, just a concussion. Came to get my bag." She says as she starts walking to Intelligence, even though she only needed to go to the locker room.

"Logan." Voight says when he sees her. "I thought you told her to go home?" He then asks looking at Antonio.

"I did. But I guess she just doesn't listen."

"I just came to get my bag, Sergeant. Are there any updates?"

"Gang Unit tried to get this case from us." Voight admits.

"Yeah, but I told them my partner was at the hospital after dodging a Molotov cocktail, so the case is definitely ours." Antonio says with a smile.

"And anything on the punks that threw it?"

"Not a thing. We set a patrol car at Lowe's home, but he hasn't shown up. I'm guessing he's either making trouble or the woman at the house told him we were looking for him and he decided to stay away." Antonio guesses.

"Okay, well... I'm going to get some sleep, wake up after four hours and then sleep some more. If I die, know that my dying wish was to be here today helping with the case and that wish was denied." Teresa mocks and the unit chuckles. "Best of luck. Bye."

She gets her bag from the locker room and exits the district. When they get to Jay and Will's apartment, Will tells her she's free to take a shower and she takes the offer. When she gets out of the bathroom, he is getting ready to cook something for them.

"Let me help. It's the least I can do." Teresa says as she gets in the kitchen and starts seeing what foods he has ready. "So, what are we doing?"


"Great... I can make a sauce for it. What are we putting in the pasta?"

"Mushrooms... corn... and maybe... ham."

"I can work with that." Teresa says with a smile and they start cooking.

They start talking about Will closing in on the apartment he was going to look at and had a good feeling, and that he should move in in the next couple of weeks. Teresa gives the sauce for Will to taste, before mixing it with the pasta and the rest of the ingredients. They were still mixing everything when Jay came home.

"Oh." He exclaims surprised when he gets to the kitchen. "I can see why Will is using the kitchen for the first time."

"Come on, I cook from time to time." Will defends himself.

"Yeah, sure... if by cooking you mean heat up frozen pizza and leftovers." Jay mocks. "You didn't tell me you were coming here, when you went to get your bag." He then says to Teresa.

"Yeah, uh... Will said it was okay, since I need to have someone check on me, because of my concussion."

"It's totally fine. At least now we're sure you won't die tonight." He jokes light-heartedly.

"Hopefully. With my bad luck, you never know."

Teresa and Will finish cooking as Jay takes a quick shower and then they all eat together. Will asks a bit about the case they are working on but doesn't question the fact that she was partnered with Antonio and not with Jay. When they are done and start taking the dishes back to the kitchen, Teresa stops Jay, so they can talk without Will listening.

"How is therapy going? You went today again, didn't you?"

"It's huh... fine. I don't really like the whole 'opening up' thing, but I guess it's helping."

"Good. That's good."

She leaves it at that, knowing that Jay probably didn't want Will to hear about it, or talk about it in general.

Teresa would stay in their couch for the night. Will got her a pillow and a blanket. He told her if she needed anything, or didn't feel alright, to not hesitate and call him.

"I'll come and wake you up at around 3a.m. Make sure you don't sleep more than four hours."

"Thank you, Dr. Halstead. I'll talk with the hospital and tell them to get you a raise."

Will chuckles. "You do that, and they'll get me fired for taking a patient home with me."

Teresa, like many nights before, couldn't fall asleep, so she turned on the TV and kept the volume only loud enough for her to hear it. It was 1a.m. when Jay quietly got out of his room. Teresa straighten up on the couch.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?" She whispers, not to wake up Will as well.

Jay just shakes his head and sits down next to her, getting his legs under the blanket. They don't say anything, just quietly stare at the TV and the French show Teresa had left it on. But then Jay turned his face to look at her, sensing something wasn't right, and he saw her eyes filling up with tears. She didn't look at him but could feel his eyes on her.

Teresa sighed and then whispered, "Jay..."

Jay, who was staring at her surprised that she was just crying out of nowhere, after seeing her for several days and she had been looking alright and even having some laughs at dinner. It appeared that she was telling the truth to him, when she said she'd cry before entering the district but putting on a brave face as soon as she got to work.

"Let's not talk about it." He whispers back to her and she nods in agreement.

When a tear falls from her eye, Jay puts an arm around her shoulders and lets her lean on him, and she quietly cries in his embrace.

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