If She Dies, That's On You

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The KA-BAR was inside the box and they sent it straight to the lab, to see if they could find any kind of DNA or evidence for the kind of use Jay thought it had.

While they waited for results, the unit was all back at the bullpen looking more into the files of the gang murder.

Kim was getting coffee when Antonio approached her.

"How did it go with Will?"

"He was pissed when Jay told him why we needed the knife. Like... really, really angry. I think he was holding back when he pushed Jay."

"Hell, I'm angry," Antonio says. "Aren't you? That we're accusing Teresa of something like this?"

"We're not accusing anyone, we're looking into the matter," Kim clarifies.

"But we're looking into it like she murdered six people in cold blood."

"I'm looking at this like we get that knife cleared and Teresa stops being a suspect at all."

"Are you sure we're not just going to keep looking for another weapon she could have used?"

"Listen, Antonio, I feel the same way you do. I don't believe Teresa would ever do this and I hate that it was even a suggestion. But at the same time, Jay is her partner, he probably knows some things we don't. There must be a reason why he wanted us to check this lead. Maybe it'll lead us to her."

While Antonio and Kim were discussing the course of the investigation, Teresa was sitting down, looking out the window that no one looked up to.

Daniel was out again, and he would remove her restraints when he left her alone. She had searched every inch of the house, except for one locked room. Clearly Daniel knew what he was doing. There was nothing, not even the smallest thing for her to use to try and make an escape.

Hours passed by and Teresa didn't move. When the front door opened, she didn't move either.

"There you are," Daniel says after looking in the bedroom and bathroom.

"Where else could I be?" Teresa asks with a weak voice.

"I got us some dinner on the way home."

"This isn't home," she whispers.

Daniel pretends not to hear her words and puts two boxes of pizza on the table.

"We can have it here or in the living room. Which do you prefer?"

Teresa remained with her back to Daniel and made no move for the food even though she hadn't eaten in more than a day.

Daniel approached her and leaned down, so he could speak by her ear.

"You either come and enjoy some pizza or you starve for another day. I am being quite nice to you, while you just give me troubles."

"I wouldn't give you trouble if you'd just let me go."

"You're never leaving, little bird. Now get up. We're eating in the living room."

Daniel took the pizza boxes with him and went to the living room, where there was no TV, only books and a radio. He turns on the radio to hear some news, that Teresa could listen from where she stayed in the kitchen.

"Wow, this is the best pizza in the world. You ought to come and try some."

Teresa, with her eyes frozen in a spot at a distance, raises her brows before she's able to blink a few times and then she gets up and goes to the living room.

"Eat," Daniel says as he pushes the pizza box towards her. "Do you have any allergies?"


"Obviously I don't want you dying. Certainly not in my apartment. So if I'm going to get you food, I might as well not get you anything that will kill you."

"If I get an allergic reaction, you can just take me to the hospital."

"I'm not taking you to a hospital. Anything that happens with you will be solved here, or not at all."

Teresa just ate the pizza and stayed quiet for the rest of the night.

The KA-BAR was clean. One hundred percent clean. Whilst in the Marines Teresa had used one, but that one had been brand new, given to her when she left without ever being used. It was a gift, something symbolic to her.

It was clear that whatever weapon had been used to kill all those men had not been Teresa's KA-BAR. Antonio was not surprised, Jay was relieved, however, the KA-BAR not being the murder weapon did not clear Teresa completely.

"She could have used another one."

"Another KA-BAR? Where would she get it?" Antonio questions.

"Not a KA-BAR, but another weapon."

"Teresa is not a murderer! We're wasting our time."

"We're looking into every possibility!" Jay argues.

"Guys!" Kim interferes. "Stop it! We should be focusing on the work we have! The KA-BAR was not used on any murder, at all. That's great, but it leads us nowhere. Now we need new leads! So let's work to find them."

Kim then goes down and leaves the bullpen, Jay and Antonio stay alone.

Antonio takes a deep breath and gets his jacket.

As he passes by Jay, he whispers, "If she dies, that's on you."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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