Thieves in the Night

Od QueenBuni04

828 35 519

Keiara Woods has just started her junior year in high school. Hooray. She's lived in Marsh City for as long a... Více

Meet Our Characters
1. Save me..?
2. My problems. Not yours.
3. Can't Get Any Worse...
5. Get Away

4. Surprise Surprise

95 4 66
Od QueenBuni04

The first thing I notice when I walk through is that everyone is staring at me. I see Jack and Xavier standing around, talking to each other. Gym class is probably the only class when we see Jack without a vest of some sort. Some of the guys whisper as I walk by towards my friends and Victor steps in my path.

"Hello again," he says sarcastically.

"Goodbye," I respond, trying to sidestep him. Victor only follows my movements and blocks me. "Why do you constantly pester me? Seriously. It's getting old." Victor grins at me.

"Nah. I have too much fun watching you squirm." I roll my eyes and cross my arms, still in my socks. "I much would you writhe if I-"

"You know, it wouldn't hurt to be nice to people every once in a while," someone chimes in. It sounds like Xavi. "And I thought I told you before to leave her alone?" Victor turns around and I see both Jack and Xavi standing there.

My knights in gym uniforms.

"You two really grind my gears," Vic says, walking towards them and forgetting about me. I take this chance to put on my shoes.

I hate not wearing shoes in school. "And you pretty boy, you don't stand a chance against me. You've gotten on my nerves ever since you arrived here."

"Good. Then I hope you never forget anything I say," Xavier replies nonchalantly. I giggle a little, and smirk. Victor turns towards me with a look of pure annoyance and hatred. A shiver goes down my spine as I gaze into his cold harsh eyes.

The gym teachers enter the room as the other girls walk in, making my stomach turn again. The first teacher has on a red athletic shirt with a black baseball cap and a whistle around his neck. His hair is a shaggy brown and he has green eyes. He looks like he wants to be anywhere but here.

The second teacher has jet black, curly hair, dark brown eyes that almost look black and a pierced ear.

I don't remember the other gym teacher, but the one with black hair is Mr. Skyy. He has on a pair of grey sport pants and an grey hoodie with a white shirt.

"Alright boys, settle down," one teacher says. Xavi grins a little and walks away. I hurry to his side. Even a somewhat hothead like me values protection.

"You're gonna have to face him on your own one day," Jack murmurs to me. I shake my head and do my best to hide behind them both.

"Not planning on it any time soon." Xavier and Jack shake their heads and I think I hear one of them laugh. "Don't you mock me," I hiss.

"Today, gym will be a little different. Instead of splitting into our different classes, like we normally do, we will have a friendly game of Rim Scatter. For those of you who know the game and think that it's a kid's game, we won't be playing with the soft, squishy foam balls you played with in middle school," the new teacher says. I groan in anticipation of what we could possibly be playing with.

I close my eyes and pray to God it's not actual dodgeballs. If everyone targets me, it'll be a bloodbath. Made up of my blood.

"Instead," he starts, "we will play with actual dodgeballs. Before we get the equipment to start the game, let's go over the rules and the penalties. You hit above the neck, that's a foul. You will have a warning. You do it again, same person or not, you're out for the round. A third time and you're done for the day."

I hang my head in disappointment and lean on Jack, paying attention to whatever he has to say. Maybe I can just hide in the back the entire game period. Or sneak off to the locker room?

"The person you throw the ball at catches it, you're out. But you can deflect. If you have a ball in your hands and one is coming at you, you may bounce the ball away. If someone throws a ball and it bounces and hits you, the ball is out of play after the bounce and doesn't count. Also, if you shoot the ball into any of the basketball hoops on the other side of the gymnasium, your entire team is in. You shoot it into one of your own hoops, the other team is in."

I come from behind my protectors and raise my hand. The teacher on the right, who has yet to tell us their name, nods at me. "Okay, two questions. Who are you? And, is there any way to deflect the balls going through the hoop?"

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. My name is Mr. Chase. And yes. If there's a ball going towards your hoop, you may throw a ball at it to knock it away, but be cautious of where the ball is. If the balls are close to the hoop, you may risk getting the other class in anyways. Oh, and two more rules. One, you cannot have more than one ball at a time, and two, if I see anything that looks like bullying, I will suspend all parties involved," the new coach says.

Mr. Skyy is as silent as ever.

"Even the victim?" Victor chimes. The teacher nods. I can just imagine the evil grin on his face. If he bullies me, like he does, I'll get in trouble too.

"That's so not fair. How can you suspend someone for getting picked on?" I ask, enraged. Mr. Skyy stares at me with this empty and soulless stare. At first I think to challenge him, and stare back, but as soon as I make eye contact, I feel like he's gonna kill me and back down immediately. "Prick." I look down at the floor and clench my jaw.

"If there are no more questions, shall we begin?" Mr. Chase asks. No one dares say anything or raise a hand. "Alright, those of you in my class, to the left of the gym, and the other class, to the right." We segregate ourselves, and I just happen to be in Skyy's class. Luckily Xavier is with me, but still. If that idiot thinks I'll just follow his instructions, he's got another thing coming.

He was like this since my freshman year. Silent, cold, and just plain creepy. I was always lucky enough not to have him, but this year, I do. Lucky me..

"Have fun kids," Mr. Skyy says to us all. He goes over to the storage closet and gets out the cart of dodgeballs. He throws them about the gym to each side of the class and blows the whistle. Both classes scatter and dive for the balls. Everyone except me that is. I scurry to the back as quickly as possible.

It's not that I don't wanna support my team, I do, but I can support them better if I don't play at all. I'm terrible at sports and I'm sure even my teammates would aim for me with the ball too, since Tommy became a super jerk. A lone ball rolls towards my feet and I pick it up. Mr. Chase did say we could defend ourselves. I smile a little and I'll do just that. "People beware, there's sports equipment in my hands," I mumble.

I see Jack on the other side of the gym. Guess we really did have different teachers this year for gym. Normally he would protect me from the other kids. I guess I've grown used to their protection. My friends are nice for sticking up for me, but I gotta do it myself sometimes too. Jack looks in my direction and I can see him crack a smile and shake his head.

'How dare you laugh at me?!' I scream in my head. I hold the ball as tightly as I can and throw it right at his chest. As the ball hurls across the room, he's caught by surprise, as am I, as the ball actually hits his stomach. Not where I was aiming, but that'll work too. He looks at me, eyes wide. I stick out my tongue and he nods. I'm screwed next round.

Jack walks to the bleachers and sits down, glaring at me. If looks could kill, I'd be dead a million times over.

"Nice throw Woods," Xavier says, appearing next to me. When did he get here?! He smiles at me and I poke his arm. "You've actually got a good arm. You should try again."

"Uh-uh! I am absolutely terrible at sports. Basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, baseball. You name it, I can find a way to hit you on the head." He chuckles and I take that time to make sure no one is aiming at me. Glad I did. Victor stands off to the side, by the gym doors. Right in front of me. He takes a ball and lobs it straight at my face. "EEK!!"

I duck and it hits Xavi instead. At least, I thought it did. When I look up, he has the ball in his hands. "I think this means your out," he says, inspecting the ball. I grin and look at Vic. Wish I hadn't. He stares at the two of us and just points.

Looks like I've made an even bigger enemy, and a frenemy. Well, the second one for now. I try swallowing, but a lump gets stuck in my throat. Running as fast as I can to the back, I hide behind the janitor's cart. They can't get from here right?

At least..I hope not. I hear people groaning and cheering as the bink sound of the dodgeball hitting either people or the gym floor echo around the walls.

I'm not doing anything illegal, just making sure I don't suffer from any injuries..

"Aren't you supposed to be playing the game with the rest of us?" a voice says above me. Hesitantly, I slowly gaze up. One of the girls from the locker room stands by my cart.

"H-how did you find me?" I question. She rolls her eyes and walks away. I don't think this will end well for me.

I peek around the corner and I was right. The girl walks over to Mr. Skyy and points to my hiding spot. Out of instinct I retreat back. My heart starts racing until a dodgeball hits something and the class goes silent. Risking a chance, I peer from around the cart again.

A ball stands by Skyy's feet. It seems like he got hit. A couple students walk over to him to see if he's okay and I take that moment to sprint away from my refuge spot.

"Omg! Are you okay?! I didn't mean to throw the ball at you!! I was aiming for someone behind you!" a guys says in a very fearful tone.

"Don't worry about it. You can apologize all you want in detention," Mr. Skyy says. My jaw drops and I'm instantly glad I was able to move when I was.

"Trying to ditch gym?" Xavier asks in a low voice.

"No. But I already have a target on my back from everyone, I don't need detention, and I don't need people throwing balls at me," I reply.

He smirks at me before saying, "Its too late for that don't ya think?" My face starts burning and I punch his shoulder.

I stare as the girl and Mr. Skyy walk to the cart where I was hiding. "Hmm. It seems as if no one is here. Were you perhaps...seeing things?" he questions. She stares at the spot in disbelief before catching a glimpse of me.

Turning around, we make eye contact and her lips fix into a deep, hateful snarl. "You! You made me look like an idiot!!" she screams at me. I place a finger on my chin.

"No. I think you did that all on your own," I say. A light chuckle is heard as Xavi smiles a little.

"You....YOU MOTHERF***KING B**CH!!!" The girl runs at me at full speed and my heart skips a beat. I can see my life flashing before my eyes, then everything goes dark.

"Stop." I open my eyes slightly, my heart hammering in my chest. It almost feels like I'm about to pass out or die. Someone stands in front of me in a very protective stance. The voice sounds familiar, but I'm too focused on NOT panicking to place it.

"Don't you protect her! Let her fight her own battles!!" the girl yells. I cling to the person's shirt. I don't even know who this is, but as long as they keep that girl from clawing my eyes out, it could be the janitor for all I care.

"Yes, it's important for people to stand up to things by themselves, but it's also important for that person to ask for help when the task is too great." Shutting my eyes tightly, I try my best to calm down my heartbeat, which is still thumping against my ribs.

"Give. Her. Up." Her voice drips with venom, making my body shake.

"Please," I whisper. "Please don't leave me.." My heart beats faster, I can feel it's rhythm in every vein. Tears start welling in my eyes, forcing to spill over. Slowly, my knees start buckling and I can't stand anymore.

My grip on the shirt of the person in front of me slackens as I start falling. They hold my arm behind their back and a feeling of safety and warmth spreads over me.

"Ms. Riley, why don't you pack up for today?" I hear Mr. Chase yell. Sometimes it feels like the world is against me, sometimes it feels like everyone is on my side.

She growls and stomps off. I have no idea who saved me but I'm extremely grateful.

They pat my arm and I let go a breath I had no idea I was holding. Then, I look up to see Tommy. My heart stops as he flashes me his killer smile. The air in the room seems to still as I tell myself to find Jack, but my feet don't move.

Eventually, I don't have to find Jack. He finds me and pulls me away, my eyes never leaving my ex.

As I back away he winks at me before going back to whatever. Jack half drags me to a secluded corner where I sit and hug my knees. As my heart finally calms down, I see a very confused Xavier walk our way.

Jack holds up a hand, "Don't ask." Xavier nods and kneels by me. Both guys wait as I try to find my voice.

And with a small smile I finally whisper, "Thanks," as they both sit with me.

"Don't mention it. It seemed like you needed help moving away from the jerk. Glad I could assist," Jack says as he shrugs and waves his hand at me.

"Sorry I didn't help. I didn't exactly know what was going on," Xavi admits sheepishly. I lean my head on his shoulder as I catch a few people staring at us.

"It's fine. I just want to go home after this," I mutter. I feel completely drained. Today was a horrible first day back. Is this why kids normally skip back to school? At the moment, I'm considering doing it tomorrow.

Slowly my eyes close and I can feel sleep pulling at my exhausted brain. As much as I want to give in, something tells me I can't. But sleep wins the battle anyway..


A jolt fires through my body, making me sit up as straight as the school flag pole. I look around only to realize that class is almost over.

"Nice nap?" Jack asks next to me. I look at him, very confused before I nod, stretching my aching muscles. "Good. Now c'mon, my ass hurts from sitting her for so long."

I giggle as I stand, turning to help Jack off the floor. I find myself scanning the room shortly after. Looking for something. Or rather, someone.

"He left about 5 minutes ago. Said he'd be back. Dunno where he is now," Jack announces to me. I nod, but still find myself looking around. Just as I do a fifth sweep over, I see white blonde hair come across the gym.

Silently, I cheer. Xavi makes his way back to us and he waves slightly. "I had to talk to the teacher," he says shrugging.

Soon the bell rings and I go into the locker room. I go to find my stuff, only to find that my clothes have been torn to strips of clothing.

I stare at my shirt in disbelief. My father had gotten me this shirt for my 15th birthday. Now its ruined.

Tears well up in my eyes as fury courses through my veins. I hear so many laughs from behind me. But that wasn't the only thing wrong. Far from it.

Someone took the liberty of painting penises on my backpack in view for everyone. Papers litter the floor with my name on it. My keys and key rings scattered about as my lanyard lay cut in many pieces.

"I think she's gonna cry," someone whispers behind me. I take a deep breath and pick up everything that was taken out of my backpack and put it back inside.

'Pick and choose your battles. This is one you will not win.' I pull my bag over my shoulder and walk out with my head held high.

But not before I punch the nearest girl in her face. Turns out it was that Sarah girl from earlier. It felt nice.

As my heart breaks about my stuff that was destroyed, I head straight to Rachel's car, waiting for her. I sit on the hood of it and watch as students trickle out before it leads to a river of them.

Ten minutes later, as I'm about to doze off, four people exit. Three guys and a girl. Relief floods my body and so does pain. I want so badly to just rush to my bestie and cry in her arms.

I restrain myself for their sake. Jack reaches me first, a confused look on his face. The others stop and stare at me.

"What?" I question cluelessly.

"Why are you still wearing your gym clothes?" Jack asks. Taking off my backpack, my fingers tremble and my hands shake.

"This," I utter as I pull out a handful of shredded clothes, ripped paper and a key or two. Rachel gasps and runs over to me.

"Isn't this the shirt your dad bought?" Slowly, I nod my head, my hands clenching and unclenching. "Then why-"

"Because everyone hates me!" I yell, looking at her. She takes a step back and I slide off her car. I zip my backpack up and walk off. I just need to be by myself. I don't care if I take the bus.

Pulling out my phone I have a text message from an unknown number.

How was your first day sweetie? -Dad

Pain surges within my chest and I shove my phone back in my bag, taking off in a full sprint.

My chest burns from the oxygen intake and I don't stop. My legs start to ache, my breath slowly leaves me, but I refuse to let that slow me down and instead go faster.

It may sound totally unrealistic, but I run about halfway home before I stop on the sidewalk and look at the sky. A Chevy pulls off the side of the road and I see Rachel in the front seat.

Reluctantly, I jog across the street and get in. The whole way to my house is filled with silence.

Rachel pulls in my driveway and says, "Sorry Kei. I didn't know you cared so much."

A sigh exits my lungs as I stare at the roof of her vehicle. "I don't. Not really. At least, that's what I tell myself. I try my best to ignore everyone, but eventually my walls come crashing down and I can't pretend anymore." My voice comes out soft and hurt. Rachel doesn't respond after that and I just climb out the car.

I need a tub of ice cream, a shower, and a blanket. Maybe a movie or two. Unlocking my door, I hear my mom bustling about in the kitchen.

"Mom?" I call, trying to sound happy and excited.

"In here!" she yells back. When I enter the kitchen mom kisses my forehead before returning to working on something. She has a few bowls and pots out, with something in each of them, although I can't see what. "How was school?"

I plaster a smile on my face. 'She has enough to worry about. I cannot add to it...' After a couple beats, I don't answer and she glances my way.

"Lovebug?" My nickname makes me cringe and I take a seat at our bar-like counter.

"It was fine. I've got tons of homework to do, but everything's okay," I lie. Mom buys it though.

"That's good to hear. Oh, can you taste this for me?" she asks, holding a spoon out with a muddy, light brown liquid on it. Eyeing it, I slowly put my mouth around the spoon and drink it.

"Tastes kinda sweet. What is it?" I ask. She grins at me.

"Tea." I fake gag and she laughs a little, knowing how much I actually enjoy her cooking. Whenever she cooks. My eyes fall to the marble countertop in front of me and an overwhelming feeling of pain and sadness fills me.

"Well, imma go to my room. I'm taking the mint chocolate chip ice cream with me," I announce, hoping up. Mom nods and I open the freezer, grabbing my personal tub of the sweet frozen treat. Knowing where I'm headed next, my mom passes me a spoon.

"Just don't eat it all this time okay?" I roll my eyes slightly and head to my room. As soon as I close the door, I kick off my shoes and set down my comfort dessert.

My clothes peel off from sweat and other things, making my face scrunch up in disgust. "Just ew." I sigh heavily before walking to the bathroom.

I turn on the faucet and plug up the bath, adding some soap for a nice bot bubble bath. I stare at my face in the mirror as the tub fills. My eyes seem sad and distant. 'Am I really that bad?' I ask myself. Something tells me that I'm not and it's just their words trying to pry at me.

I don't care anymore. Maybe what they say is true, except the sleeping around with everyone. I am happy to announce I've never had my first yet. Kinda want that to belong to my husband. If I ever get one. I glance down at my phone and pick it up. My dad's text message still there.

Opening it up, I shoot a quick text back:
It was great dad. Really miss you and can't wait till you get home. 😋😘🙃

I know he won't catch on. He never does and probably never will. Poor him. His daughter is in pure pain and hates herself, while trying to make everyone happy and trying to stay strong, and he can't be here to comfort her. I sigh and turn of the tub, climbing inside.

The water is hot and steamy, covering me in its warmth. I know I love showers, but nothing beats a nice bath every once in a while. My muscles relax and that's when the floodgates open.

Tears stream down my face and my lip quivers. Sobs shake my shoulders as I try to keep as quiet as possible. I don't want to alarm my mom. I never know where she is.

Instinctively, my legs curl up to my chest as I sit in the tub, crying. Until my tears run dry and I am empty.

My eyes feel dull and sad, my smile is no more. As I scrub my body, I see a few patches of red from where I've washed up so hard. I can feel it sting a little, and the pain from it ignites something within me.

"No, nonono...." I whisper, trying my best to shake the thoughts from my head. "No! I-I can't!!" More tears start to form in my eyes.

But the images swirl around in my mind and I can't shake them. The pain isn't there yet. I don't have to do that to myself. Instead I rinse off quickly and get out. My head is a dangerous place to be at the moment.

My towel is wrapped around me and a knock at the door startles me. "Coming!" Mom yells from the kitchen. I peek downstairs and I see my friends standing at my door.

What the hell are they doing here?! I stare in shock as the four teens stand on my porch. "Oh, hello Jack, Rachel. How are you?" my mom questions. I can hear the smile in her voice.

Meanwhile, I'm standing naked in the hallway. My eyes meet Xavi's and I can see his face turn pink as his glance is diverted at his shoes. "Hi Mrs. Woods! Is Kei here?" Rachel asks.

My mom nods and opens the door wider, letting my friends in. "Of course! And how many times to I have to tell you, just call me Jaclyn. I think she's in the shower but-"

Mom stops when she catches sight of Simon and Xavier. "Who might you two be?" Her face never changes, but her stance does. I see her chest poke out a little more and it's everything not audibly gag.

"My name is Simon and this is my brother Xavier," Si says cheerfully and respectfully. "We're new here, but your daughter is really kind. She's actually our first friend."

My mom smiles bigger, "Well isn't that nice? You guys are more than welcome to wait for her in the living room. Would anyone like snacks?"

"Of course," Jack says smiling. "When have we ever NOT asked for snacks? Like, grade school right?"

My mom let's out a light chuckle and I pad over to my bedroom. The ice cream I took out sits on my bedside table and I sigh, closing the door and throwing the towel on my bed.

Someone lightly raps on the door before a voice follows. "Keiara? It's your mom. Rachel and some other friends are over. They're waiting for you in the living room," mom calls from the other side.

"Okay," I shout, trying to hide the rawness of my throat. Her footsteps fade and I lay on my bed. I don't even care that I don't have clothes on.

A few minutes later I sit up and rub on lotion. Then the search for clothes begins. My drawers are all unorganized and it takes about 10 minutes to find clothes.

Eventually I have on my favorite hoodie and some leggings with a mitch matched pair of ankle socks. The search for a good shirt was disastrous so I skipped that and only have on my bra underneath it. I need to do some laundry soon.

I emerge from my bedroom, trying to be excited that everyone was here, but it's just hard. My day was horrible.

As I bound down the stairs, I put my hair into a ponytail as best I can without a mirror or a brush before having to turn around and go back up. My ice cream shall not melt without me eating it first, and I need my phone.

Fun fact: I can never get mad at melted ice cream or flat pop. Why? Oh, I'm just weird like that. Flat pop to me is basically juice and melted ice cream is easier to eat than that hard frozen stuff my mom likes.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I can see the living room. Rachel sits on the couch with her feet on Jack's lap as they're both consumed by social media no doubt. Xavier and Simon respectfully sit together on the love seat.

Jack is chewing something and the smell of salt n' vinegar chips hits my nose. "Are you eating my chips?!" I ask, unsurprised. He just nods, still scrolling. "This is the problem with best friends. They think they live at your house."

I walk past the four to get into the kitchen to put my sweet treat away before it becomes a pool of flavored milk. I hate it when that happens, but I love when it's soft.

"I heard some good things about you lovebug," mom says, still cooking. How long has it been?

"Oh? What'd you hear?" I question, extremely cautious. A grin spreads on her face and my heart starts speeding up.

"Not much...just that you were kind to the new kids, which honestly doesn't surprise me. Who wouldn't when they look that heavenly?" she beams. I fake gag and she pats my arm. "Well, don't let this old lady keep you. Hang out with your friends. Oh, here's $100 just in case you go out."

I shake my head and push the money away. "I don't feel like going out anywhere today. I just wanna sit, eat ice cream and watch movies," I admit. Instantly, as if I said something alarming, she turns to face me, her demeanor changing.

I don't see what the problem is. I sound like a normal teen in my head. "What happened?" she asks, looking over my face, which still wears my glasses. "Were you crying? You don't have your contacts in."

What the hell is it with these people and contacts?! "No, they were making my eyes itch and water so I took em out to make sure I didn't have an eye infection." My lie comes out as easy as the truth could. Well, at least not my truth.

Mom's face still looks concerned as she purses her lips and looks me over once more, but she drops it and resumes cooking. "Keiara. I think I've done my best raising you. Take the money, go hang out with your friends and be home by 10. Actually, scratch that. Midnight is your curfew now. If you stay out later, I expect a call from you or your friends.

"No drinking, if you do, I don't want to know and I don't want you driving. No drugs, at all and no sex. That's all I ask. You spend your time at home too much in the clouds. You're already 17 love. And I am very happy that you're respectful, kind, obedient, but please Keiara, I want you to have fun.

"Sneak out, stay at a friend's house, date, experiment. I want you to live. I haven't put many restrictions on you in hopes that you'd take advantage of it. But so far you've been just as sweet as ever." She looks at me with a sad smile. "Go be a teenager before you regret it."

I bite my lip in response before nodding and hugging her. She tenses up and hugs me back cautiously. Then she shoos me off.

As I enter the living room, Jack is braiding Rachel's hair and Xavier is on his phone. "Well guys. My mom is kicking us out. She gave me money and a curfew," I announce. Everyone looks at me before a huge grin spreads on Rachel's face.

"I know exactly where we're going," she says. Jack finishes his braids and I look at them.

"That's actually pretty cool. Now let's go wherever Rach is gonna drag us before I change my mind about going out," I threaten. Jack jumps into action. He knows I don't go out often, if at all.

"Move it people! This is a very rare opportunity, and we're gonna milk every drop!!" he yells, shooing everyone to the door. The five of us walk out and it occurs to me that I still don't have on a shirt. Oh well.

Rachel insists we take her car on the demand that the boys sit in the back. I roll my eyes at her, sliding into the passenger seat while Jack and the other fight about who sits in the middle. Simon ends up losing that battle. Poor kid.

As we drive down the road, singing along to random things on almost all the radio stations, which can never stay put for too long, I can't help but smile. Maybe I really do need to just get out more often. I'm actually enjoying this despite the terrible day at school.

Then we pull up to the mall. Great.

End of Chapter 4

Word count: 5,518

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