The PopStar And The Make-up A...

Da NotReadyToPlayNice

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Louis walks in to the first day on a movie set is was hired to do the makeup and special effects in leading c... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 9

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Da NotReadyToPlayNice

"an next we have a good friend of mine who got himself into a little trouble and is here to clear up all rumors" jame says as the audience starts to clap and scream "here is none other than Harry Styles"  and harry walks thru the curtains and waves at the audience as he sits on the sofa "so how have you been"

"good ready to go back into the studio and start to record" harry says

"well enough small talk lets get right into business" james says as he starts to laugh

"fine" harry says groans out

"so can you tell us how all this mess started" james says

"i need to start from the begining" harry says as he takes a deep breath and starts to tell james bout him and louis and everything else about them

"harry" james yells out in shock" how could you have said that i cant believe you"

"i know i am  sorry" harry says as the tears fall "i was cheating on louis and i guess thats how i wanted to justify it but when he walked in  when i was talking to my manager i knew just how much damage i had cause"

"so did you talk to louis after that"

"no he wanted nothing to do with me i went to his house  that afternoon and his mom was so angry at me that i did that to louis that she punched me and i have to tell you she is about 5 feet 5 and man she punches hard but i deserve it i am sure any parent would probably do the same"  harry says

"i want to punch you now" james says  as harry continues and tellls james about the parking lot and kendal and how louis told him about his son "wow and louis is letting you have a relationship  with your son"

"yeah when i met my son i just felt this overwhelming love for him and i understood why louis mom wanted to protect her son its how i want to protect my son" harry says "everything all this that is happening is because i was selfish i trusted the wrong people where liam and everyone on my team always protected me  but i got to caught up with what people were telling me and look people knowing my business this is embarrassing to me but i take blame for everything its no ones fault but mine" harry says

"well that is big of you but what did you really think when louis told you about the baby" james says

"i thought it was a joke until i looked at him and let me tell you i felt like a whole new level of low" harry say

"and what was it like when you met him, he is 6 months old" james says

"yes he is 6 months born on my birthday" harry says proudly "he is amazing i swear i cant get enough of him"

"and you are going to share a few pictures of your son" james says

"yeah louis agreed to share a few pictures" harry says

"ok so what is your sons name" james asks

"kash edward styles" harry says proudly as the pictures of the baby show on the screen

"wow he looks identical to you even that dimple and those green eyes" james says

"but man does he have an attitude" harry says laughing


"yeah the other day i was laying him in top of me as i was talking to him and he started to bable i dont know what he was saying probably calling me stupid or something and i told him booboo which is what louis has called him since he was born, can you please not interrupt me i am not done" harry says laughing

"and what did he do"

"he started babbling louder and then he started screaming i guess his way of telling me you dont tell me what to do" harry says laughing "i stood up with him and started to sing to him and he fell asleep in my arms and it was the most amazing feeling in the world and then i made the stupid mistake to put him down and well he wasnt having it"

"wow just you talking about your son its like a whole different you" james says

"he changed me i want to protect him from everything evil in the world and give him the best life ever" harry says

"what about you and louis"

"he wants nothing to do with me and i understand i hurt him with my actions and at this moment all we both can think about is the safety of our son" harry says as he takes a deep breath

"you still love him" james asks

"umm" harry says as he nods "i was wrong no one has ever been as good to me as louis has, he wanted me as a person and not what i can do for him or to further his career everything  he has worked hard for no one knew about us not even the cosmetics company that he collabs with until all this happened and he told them because he wanted them to hear from him louis has never asked me for anything but my time and i threw all of that away" harry says as a year starts to fall

"wow that is a tough pill to swallow, so do you know if louis is seeing anyone" james asks

"no i really dont and even if i ask he wont tell me so i dont look all  louis and i can focus on right now is the safety of our son with all this getting out louis knew he had to tell me and in turn i have to protect my son from anyone and everyone  which is the reason louis told me he knew that i knowing i would do what ever i could to protect him and i will" harry says

"im the same way with my kids" james says "lets take a quick commercial break and we will be back with harry styles" and someone yells out cut "when we come back we are going to talk about what happened today in the dressing room and are going to show the video"

"ok" harry says

"and we are back with the great harry styles" james says

"hello" harry says

"wow you showed me another picture of Kash and man that dimple" james says as they show the picture of kash and harry smiling

"let me tell you niall my best friend and guitarist said that he is never going to drink when we are both in the same room" harry says laughing

"neither would i" james says laughing "ok so this afternoon when you were in hair and make up something happened and it got out on the media"

"yes" harry says as he takes a deep breath and tells his side of the story "it was wrong of me to yell at her but she was talking bad about louis and not only louis but my son and the protective side of me came out"

"well we have cameras in our dressing rooms and we went back and found the footage and it has audio so we are going to play that video but we are going to blur her face out, so please play the video" james says as the video starts to play and soon the video stops

"look i am sorry i lost my temper i should of just walked away but that is my son she was talking about even if he was not mine she has no right to talk about anyone like that i dont know her never met her until today so that is not ok" harry say

"i understand i would of defended my wife and kids the same way and the video tells the truth" james says

"what irks me the most is that she released what was convenient for her to make her self look like the victim and that is not ok, i will apologize for my outburst but i will not apologize for standing up for my son and louis" harry says

"i know you are a very private person about your personal life how do you feel about all of this getting out there" james asks

"embarrassing humiliating not something louis or I wanted the world to know and i am sorry to everyone that i let down but i have come to realize that i was so wrong so very wrong and i promise to be a better person to everyone including louis he never deserved what i did to him" harry says as a tear falls "he was always so good to me and treated me like a regular person and not a celebrity and he always protected me when i should of been protecting him"

"can you tell us a story" james says

"when we first met when i was filming the movie like an asshole i told him that i wanted him to bring me a coffee he told me that he wanted me to bring him a hot chocolate i told him i wanted a coffee or for him not to show up the next morning well he showed up no coffee you know most people would of brought me one but nope not louis i walked in the trailer and I was like where is my coffee and louis was where is my hot chocolate" harry says laughing

"and what were you thinking" james asks

"i was like he is getting fired and will never work again" harry says " keep in mind i was on a high horse i was the amazing talented harry styles and louis was treating me like his assistant"


"i made a mistake and he got upset with me and usually when people got mad at me i didnt care never phased me mind you this was about 2 or so months after he started" harry says " and he left i stayed behind and i was upset because he wouldnt tell me what i did wrong so i knew i had to figure it out and i called my sister and she yelled at me and i asked her what i should do she yelled at me again so i knew louis didnt set up his things for the next day and i asked my sister to come and do it and she yelled at me again and told me how to clean the make up brushes and how to set up things we hung up and i called my mom and she yelled at me again"

"ohhh my " james says laughing

"but i felt proud of my self i knew what i did wrong and i knew i had to fix it something i never done before so the next morning i got in my car and went to get him his hot cholocate when i got back to the trailer i apologized never done that with anyone i mean my parents and sister but nobody else and here i was cleaning brushes and setting up for the next day ordering hot chocolate it was weird but i felt good to think of someone else but myself" harry says

"wow so he was you first crush" james asks

"yeah my first real crush was louis tomlinson" harry says with a big smile

"and how did he feel about you" james asks

"it was mutual we discussed it" harry says in almost a whisper

"that is beautiful harry" james says

"thanks but it started as a crush and as i got to know him i fell in love with him which was new to me and i got scared it was a feeling i have never felt louis challenged me never gave into what i said, you know i had my assistant bring him his hot chocolate and louis didnt take it he said it didnt count because i didnt get it myself i didnt understand what the difference was but when i did it myself i understood" harry says

"wow how did he break that cage you had locked up and cemented shut because i know you to well and he did that like nothing" james says

"he did i never been challenged like he has and i love it the biggest regret i will ever have is loosing him" harry says

"wow can you tell us another story" james asks nervously

"ohh wait till you hear this one" harry says laughing "when we first started dating he told me the least i can do is bring him flowers and i was like ok that is a clue i need to get him flowers and on our next date night i got him flowers i wanted to surprise him so we were in the car and getting on the freeway and i reached for the flowers and was like here so you can shut up about me getting you flowers" hary says laughing as he takes a deep breath

"what did he do" james asks

"he rolled down the window and threw them out"

"no he did not" james says

"ohh yeah and as he threw them out he was fuck you harry dont ever get me shit again" harry says "i tell you i was bad at it i mean being a boyfriend but i have learned alot from him"

"have you had any other boyfriends"

"no i have talked to other people after but none have been him no one can grasp my attention like him" harry says "its like you wake up and your first thought is what is going to happen today what adventure awaits us"

"ohhh my can you tell us about a date you and louis had" james says

"well i will tell you all about our first date" harry says "i wanted to plan the date i mean dinner movie and i was talking to niall and getting ideas and called my sister and then louis called me and told me not to plan anything that he wanted to plan our date i was confused and called my sister back and she told me never to let him go"

"and what happened on your date" james asks

"he put me in a disguise and i was nervous going out i kept thinking someone was going to notice i was so scared i was ready to call my body guard but when we got to where we were going i felt at ease no one noticed me and i had a good time after we went to get pizza and i was normal persay even for a few hours and it felt good"

"so what did you do that day" james says

"i dont want to say because i kinda still like to do that every so often" harry says

"really have you taken anyone on a date where ever this place is"

"no the few people i talked to when i wasnt with louis i knew they wanted nothing from me but to be seen with me they used me for gain i was talking to some one and told them what i wanted to do and they were like ummm no i want to be seen and for me a few days later i get bored and that is that" harry says

"so louis has been your first official boyfriend" james questions

"yes i swear if you ever meet him and spend time with him you will see how quickly he moves into your heart its weird" harry says with a wide smile

"and is he still single because you talking about him i am sure he can find a date quickly" james says as he looks in the camera "louis if you are watching this call me and i will find you a date"

"stop that" harry says with jealousy

"well what is next for you" james asks

" record my new album and hopefully if i still have fans maybe tour" harry says

"you still have fans and they all love you, look they all know you are human and made a huge mistake i talked to a lot of your fans the last few days and they sent you videos here are few" james says as they play the videos and harry cant help but smile as he starts to cry as he sees the videos and the kind words from fans "do you want to say anything"

"just a massive thank you for all the support and i have learned a really hard lesson and i love you all" harry says as he puts his hands on his lips and blows out a kiss "i love you all"

"I want you to address something" james says

"anything cant hide anything now" harry says with a small laugh

"well there are some people on social media that say all this is for publicity" james says

"i wish it was but its all true and real and anyone that knows me knows that i keep my private life as private as i can" harry says "and i understand but trust me if it was upto me no one i mean no one would know about all my mistakes and everything i have done i am embarrased for anyone to know this side of me and i feel like a fraud but i want you all to know that i will make a change and hopefully you all see a different side of me but i am human and all this is a learning experience for me so please bear with me"

"how did you get so entitled" james asks

"my whole life i have had the world at my feet persay and if someone told me no or i cant do something i would find someone that would tell me ok or yes or what my manager says yes men and i knew that people were using me to further their careers or for monetary gain so i just used them back to get what i wanted after a while is was a game to me the chase how long it would take me to get the person to bed and when i did i got bored and went to the next person and i didnt care about feelings and stuff it was just a game to me, one person told me he was in love with me and i blocked him" harry says

"so with louis how long did he wait until he told you he loved you" james asks

"well with louis i told him first, it was the first time i have ever told anyone i loved them i mean besides my parents and sister and it felt good like normal natural and i told him all the time i needed him and i swear i think he got tired of me being so needy i have never needed anyone like i need him" harry says

"I want to meet him now cuz he sounds amazing" james says "louis call me"

"since the day i met him he told me he doesnt need anyone and he gets things on his own and its true all he ever wanted was my time that was it everything we ever did was low key from watching t.v to camping out in the backyard to dinner and date nights were most of the time mcdonalds and sit at the park nothing to fancy nothing over board, you know he still lived with his parents before he met me and only moved out after he had the baby only because they didnt have room and he helps his mom with his sisters"

"so you have met his family"

"yeah they are amazing the first time i met his sisters they screamed but after that it was like ohh its you again" harry says with a small laugh

"wow well on behalf of the world your a dumbass for loosing louis" james says

"someone like louis comes once in a lifetime and i lost him" harry says

"why not try to get him back"

"because i promised his mom i wouldnt bring us up again to him and we been talking really good where he doesnt want to stab me every time he sees me and for the sake of our son i dont want to mess that up" harry says

"well at least you two are civil to each other and want to at least co-parent" james says

"yeah that is what my main focus is and that is my son" harry says "only time will tell if there will ever be an us"

"well you have caused so much damage that i dont even think i can tell you to have hope but harry just focus on your son" james says

"i am and i miss him so much already but i have to say my truth and i want to tell everyone to please respect louis and my sons privacy at this time" harry says

"thank you harry for being here today and trusting us with all of this" james says

"well i wanted people to know the truth and in order to tell the truth i think its best if everyone hears it from me" harry says

"does louis know you are doing this" james asks

"yeah our manager talked to both of us and i told him if louis was ok with it then i would and he is ok with it as long as its the truth and i could sit here and lie about everything but i know he would call me out on it all" harry says as he laughs

"I love him already hope i can interview him one day" james says

"well that is all upto him he is an influencer and does make up and has a make up line and he knows he is out there in social media and the spotlight but he really loves to keep private just be normal and he showed me how amazing being normal is" harry says

"and again louis give me a call if you want me to find you a date" james says as one of his producers waves at james

"we will be back with harry styles " james says

"Cut" somone yells out and soon start filming again

"well we are back with harry styles" james says "lets talk about music"


"so you have been recording are you almost done and do you have a time of when you will release your new album" james asks

"i started recording and stopped but i have a meeting with my record label and see if they take me back so i can finish recording but i might change everything and start new" harry says

"why is that"

"my mindset is different than when i started i wrote more music and want to play around with it so please bare with me cuz you all know that i want to make you all happy" harry says

"well thank you harry for being here with us tonight i really do appreciate you telling us all your truth and i hope you have learned from your mistakes" james says

"i have and i have alot to prove to everyone and i will i promise" harry says as he waves at the camera as he stands up and hugs james

"lets walk" james says as they walk off the stage and go to the dressing room "you ok"

"no i lost him and i dont think he will ever forgive me" harry says

"dont give up" james says

"not much i can do he is talking to someone" harry says

"he is well just dont give up right now he is hurt but who knows at least you have your son" jame says

"i know its all i am focusing on right now but please dont tell anyone i dont want the world to go on a witch hunt" harry says

"do you know who it is"

"yeah he told me but i am not telling you his name i trust you and all but this is louis secret to tell" harry says

"dont worry i wasnt going to ask" james says

"thank you james i have to get going to my next interview" harry says as he hugs james and walks out of the dressing room


harry comes back a week later and goes to his house and goes to his room and falls on his bed as liam walks in the room

"liam" harry says

"hey welcome back" liam says as he hugs harry

"i am so tired just walked in a few minutes ago" harry says

"well you have one last interview tomorrow with Roman Kemp and i talked to simon and you start recording next wednesday with julian" liam says with a smile

"thank you" harry says

"and louis says thank you for the interviews and he appreciates it and when ever you want you can get Kash" liam says

"tomorrow I just want to rest" harry say

"umm also louis asked if he can have your phone number" liam asks

"yeah of course" harry says

"but you are only to text him about the baby"

"ok " harry says

"well then sleep" liam says as he walks out of the red as Harry fell asleep and liam calls louis

"hey" louis says

"i talked to harry he is tired and said he will pick up the baby tomorrow he just wants to sleep and i am going to forward you his phone number i told him to text you about the baby only but he is so tired so i will talk to him tomorrow again" liam says

"ok thank you well i will text him tomorrow see what time he is picking up the baby" louis says

"ok well dont forget that we have to meet with adidas tomorrow to go over the contract" liam says

"ok i will call anne and ask if she can watch the baby" louis says

"well that is all i have for now" liam says

"ok thank you i will see you tomorrow" louis says as he hangs up the phone and gets a call from adam "hello"

"hello what are you doing"

"nothing just put the baby down for a nap was going to call harrys mom to watch the baby tomorrow" louis says

"you are working" adam says

"no i have a meeting with a company that wants to collab" louis says

"ohh well that is good want to have lunch tomorrow" adam says

"yeah i will call you when i get done" louis says

"ok i better let you go i am sure you a filming a tutorial" adam says

"i am well its more of a halloweenish look" louis says

"send me a picture"

"ok" louis says as he takes a selfie and sends it to adam

"looks good so far" adam says "send me a dirty picture

"no i am not sending you any dirty pictures" louis says laughing

"fine but your make up looks really good" adam says

"thank you" louis says "what are you doing"

"not much just watching television wanted to see if you wanted to come over" Adam says

"no i cant i dont have a babysitter" louis lies

"how about we go on a date this saturday"

"yeah ok lets go to a club i want to dance" louis says

"dinner and dancing " adam says

"yay" louis says with a wide smile

"bring an overnight bag" adam says

"ok but i miss you" louis says

"miss you more" adam says

"so how was your meeting" louis says

"really good going on tour again with Queen and working on my solo stuff" adam says

"that is good" louis says

"you think your sister will do my tour"

"i dont know depends if she has anything booked but you need to ask her" louis says

"i will have my manager call liam" adam says "so i wanted to ask you something"


"when do you want to go public with our relationship" adam says

"maybe after a year"

"why so long"

"well all this with harry and the baby i want people to calm down and i want to get to know you and not be judged i dont know if that makes sense" louis says

"it does i was thinking in 6 months" adam says

"umm we can talk about it in 6 months but right now its all new to both of us and i want us to get to know each other" louis says

"ok i understand" adam says "i will let you go so you can finish"

"ok i will see you tomorrow" louis says as adam hangs up the phone and louis finishes the video and starts to edit it as he hears a knock at his door and louis goes to answer "hey mom"

"hey i missed my kashew so i came to kidnap him" jay says

"he is down for a nap" louis says

"can i take him anyways i know harry is back and he is going to pick him up" jay says with a smile

"yeah i have a meeting tomorrow with liam and then adam asked me to lunch" louis says

"well then i can take him" jay says


"so how are you and adam doing" jay says

"good really good we are going out on saturday so if harry is busy can you babysit" louis says

"of course but i am sure harry is going to keep him" jay says

"i am sure too" louis says

"lou i wanted to ask you about the babys first birthday" jay asks

"ask what"

"are you going to do seperate parties or one with harry, he hasn't asked but anne and i were talking about it the other day" jay says

"umm i think separate i honestly have no desire to see him" louis says

"ok he hasnt asked but i wanted to know"

"for now its a no but i will let him have kash on his birthday and we can have something small just us but i want nothing with him" louis says

"ok we have 6 months to plan" jay says as they get to kash room and jay picks him up and louis gets him a bag ready "look at my little kashew"

"mom how do i stop him from growing" louis says

"i asked myself the same question with each of you" jay says laughing

"he learned how to roll over and he wants to army crawl" louis says

"cant wait for him to start walking" jay says

"i dont i want my baby to stay little for ever" louis says

"well i better get going" jay says

"so how are you and dan doing" louis asks

"really good and the girls love him and he is so good with them" jay says with a huge smile

"you are so in love with him never seen you smile this wide" louis says as he hugs his mom

"he told me he was in love with me last night" jay says

"annnnnnnd" louis says

"and i told him i am in love with him" jay says as she nervously bites her lower lip "lou"

"yeah mom"

"if and i mean one day dan asks me to move in with him or marry him would you be ok with it" jay asks nervously

"mom as long as you are happy i dont care well as long as he doesnt want you to move to far from me or else i will run him over with my car" louis says laughing

"he wouldnt do that he loves the girls too much to move them from their school and friends, you know he calls me and asks if he can pick them up and take them to ice cream or to the mall"

"he does i never get ice cream" louis whines "does he not have kids"

"no so he now treats the girls to things" jay says "you know he came over one day when i had kash and he fell in love with him and asks about him all the time"

"he does wow mom you found a keeper but mom as long as he makes you happy that is all i care about and as long as he takes care of you and the girls i dont care" louis says "does he know about me and what i do and well harry"

"yes before we went on our first date i told him about you being gay and how you are a make up artists i didnt tell him about harry until this whole shit blew up"

"what did he say"

"he always wanted a daughter now he has 5" jay says laughing

"he is amazing and i see how much he makes you happy" louis says laughing

"boo dont loose hope in love i found dan and you will find the right one" jay says

"but i dont want the right one i want my baby daddy" louis says as he takes a deep breath

"then why are you with adam" jay says "that is not right dont waste his time"

"i am going to break up with him tomorrow at lunch i know its not fair to him but i want to give myself time and then maybe talk to harry about everything" louis says

"ok well i better get going before the girls become dramatic and think i abandoned them" jay says

"ok love you momma bear" louis says as he hugs jay and she finishes putting kash in the car and soon drives away as louis goes to his room and takes a shower and lays down in bed and soon orders food and gets his phone and sees liam forward him harrys phone number so harry decides to text harry

LOUIS: heY its louis just wanted to let you know my mom took kash so if you want to spend time with him tomorrow you are more that welcome to pick him up and take him with you

and louis presses the send button as he goes to the door and gets his food and takes it back to his room and takes out the food and starts to eat and soon hears a notification

HARRY: thank you for letting me know i will pick him up in the afternoon i have a meeting with liam

LOUIS: dont worry just let me know who has him

HARRY: can i call you

LOUIS: i dont think its a good idea good night harry

and louis sends the text but harry didnt answer again and louis was hoping harry would call him but harry doesnt and soon louis finishes eating and soon falls asleep the following morning louis gets up and starts to get ready as he hears a knock at this door

"Come in liam" louis says as he opens the door

"hurry we are going to be late" liam says

"we have an hour and it takes 20 minutes to get there you are so dramatic" louis says

"got it from you" liam says laughing

"ok lets go" louis says as they walk out of louis house and go to their meeting and a few hours later walk out of the building

"so what do you think" liam says

"i want to do it and the fact they want me to do a baby line" louis says with a smile

"ok i will email them later and get the contract started" liam says

"i cant believe they said they should just pay me since i always wear their shit" louis says laughing

"and yet you told them to cut you the check" liam says laughing

"and i was offered the contract, thank you liam for everything you have done for me and my sisters" louis says as he hugs liam

"no problem just i see how hard you work and i love that about you" liam says as they drive to louis house "so you think your sisters will model for your collab"

"i think so i need to talk to my mom first specially since fiz and the twins are underage" louis says

"ok well let me know and congratulations" liam says as they get to louis house and louis goes inside and calls adam

"babe" adam says

"hey i just got home where do you want to meet" louis says

"how about steakhouse by my record label i have a meeting after" adam says

"ok give me 20 minutes need to get out of this monkey suit" louis says laughing as he starts to change

"ok" adam says as louis hangs up and changes his clothes and goes to the restaurant and when adam gets there he sits down "how was your meeting"

"good but i am waiting for the contract to come in they want me to do a collab and have my sisters model i mean they have met lots and fiz they want to do like a family photo shoot i just need to talk to harry about kash" louis says as the waitress goes to take their food and drink order

"what about kash" adam says

"they want him to do a photoshoot for the baby line they are coming out with" louis says

"and why do you have to talk to harry about it i mean you make all the decisions" adam says as louis gets confused

"i make the decisions for me but harry is kash's father and we had agreed to keep him out of the spotlight but i want to see if he is comfortable with me having kash model why are you acting this way" louis says

"im sorry its just i saw harrys interviews and i know he still loves you and i am scared that he is going to want you back and you are going to want to go back to him" adam admits

"look i dont want him back he hurt me really bad and trust me if it wasnt for kash i would not even be in contact with him even if me and you were not together i would not want him, but i do love him because he is the father of my son and he is really good with him but i dont want to get back together with him" louis says

"i dont like that you and him have to talk about things why not go thru your parents" adam says

"because we are his parents and we have been communicating really good and our son needs to see that, look i am not going to argue about this and have you go on jealous rages every time i tell you harry and i have to talk about something that has to do with our son"

"well i dont like it and i dont want you to talk to him at all" adam says as the waitress takes them their meals

"you know he is recording and when he drops his album he is going on tour and will be calling to talk to his son" louis says

"why does he need to talk to him he cant even talk"

"he will be almost 18 months old by the time Harry starts to tour and do promo and what is going to happen when i have my son and our time together will be less because right now i have no desire to introduce you to the baby" louis says

"look i am not going to argue with you about this and i dont think i can be with someone who has a relationship with an ex" adam says

"so what are you saying" louis says as the waitress takes them the bill and louis takes out his card and the waitress takes it

"i think we should break up" adam says and louis eyes get wide

"fine if that is what you want" louis says calmly as the waitress hands louis the receipt and louis signs the slip

"that is it your not going to cry or beg me to not leave you" adam says

"lets go i dont want to make a scene here" louis say as they stand up and walk out of the restaurant and walks to louis car

"so is that it you are just going to let me go like that" adam says

"i am not going to fight for you if you want to leave then leave didnt fight for harry sure in hell i aint going to fight for you specially when you want to control what i talk to harry about" louis says "i will never be controlled"

"fine its over" adam says

"fine have a nice life" louis says

"louis you are being unreasonable" adam says


"we are talking and i dont think its a good idea to keep talking to your ex" adam says

"he is my ex and when we talk its only about the baby right now its mostly text nothing else and he hasnt brought up giving us a chance again i told him i was talking to you and that was that" louis says "but my times with you will be limited as i have alot going on and you are going to start recording and then tour what is going to happen to us then"

"you can come out and tour with me" adam says

"what about my son"

"you can leave him with your mom or his mom" adam says

"no i am not leaving my son behind"

"why not harry has him for 2 to 3 days at a time"

"ok and he is with his father and he is my responsibility i am his mom and not my mom or harrys moms responsibilty to take care of him look i think your right its best if we end this now" louis says as he takes a deep breath

"why are you being stubborn" adam yells out

"what are you talking about"

"you should be crying and fighting for me not to leave you" adam says confused

"because i was going to break up with you today" louis admits

"but why"

"because i dont feel for you the way i think you feel for me" louis says

"what do you mean"

"i mean i like you but something in me cant" louis says as he takes a deep breath "look i really like you but i dont think i will ever be able to fall in love with you"

"is it because of harry" adam says

"yes, when i fell in love with him i mean i fell hard and regardless of what happened i still love him and oddly enough the more pictures i see of him and our son the more i fall in love with him, look i am sorry i really did try to give us a chance but i cant my heart wont let me, I am sorry" louis says

"look i am sorry about all of this i think i knew it was going to happen and i guess i let my emotions get the best of me, i am sorry too but thank you for being honest with me, you are truly amazing and i hope everything works out for you and harry" adam says

"thank you i am sorry i really did try to give us a fighting chance" louis says

"i understand im sorry about all of this" adam says

"dont worry about it but thank you for being understanding" louis says "i better get going"

"im sorry too i shouldnt of pushed this hard i guess i let my jealousy get the best of me" adam says as he gets close to louis

"caught me off guard i mean i am dealing with a jealous ex baby daddy i dont need a jealous boyfriend too" louis says with a smile as adam starts to kiss louis and louis kisses adam back as he wraps his arms around adams neck and when the need for air was to great adam pulls back and as louis opens his eyes louis sees harry staring at them as he walks away "umm i better get home i have some work to finish"

"well louis i wish you the best and hope we can one day work together again" adam says

"thank you i wish you the same" louis says with a smile as adam places another kiss on louis lips and walks away as louis gets in his car and drives to his house when he gets there he goes to his home office and takes out his phone and calls jay


"mom adam and i ended things" louis says

"what happened" jay asks as louis tells her everything that happened "ohh my i think he was probably cheating on you kinda what harry did and got jealous as guilt"

"i think so to but its ok its over" louis says

"how are you feeling"

"relief but we did have one last make out session" louis says laughing as jay gasp "and harry saw us"

"no way and adam is still alive" jay says

"i know but he walked away but i know he was pissed the fuck off" louis says

"well not much we can do about it what are you working on" jay asks

"just editing my next video" louis says "mom before i forget i had a meeting with adidas and they want lots, fizz, daisy and pheebs to model some of the new line they want it to be like a family shoot and i need to call harry if he is ok with me having kash model a few outfits"

"for my kids let me talk to the girls i am sure they will say yes and they have the grades to do extra things, i will talk to them tonight but i am sure they are going to call you so turn off your phone" jay says laughing

"thanks mom your the best" louis says "i will let you go liam keeps calling me"

"ok i will call you tomorrow" jay says as louis hangs up the phone

"liam" louis says

"hey did you talk to your mom" liam says

"i was just talking to her right now and she is going to talk to the girls tonight but she says they will say yes" louis says

"ok i talked to lottie and she said yes" liam says

"ok well umm i need to tell you something" louis says


"umm adam and i went out to lunch and we started kissing in the parking lot and harry saw us" louis says

"ohhh" liam says

"i didnt know he was there until we stopped kissing and adam didnt see harry but i wanted you to know incase he tells you" louis says

"he called me when i was on the phone with another client ok i will call him right now, ohh i should have your contract with adidas by the end of the week you want me to ask him about kash"

"no i think this is something i need to let him know" louis says

"ok, i will call you when i get the contract" liam says

"ok thank you" louis says as liam hangs up and and as he was going to call harry he walks in

"hey sorry i was about to call you" liam says

"hey umm did you get a hold of simon"

"yeah we meet with him tomorrow at 2" liam says "ohhh and gucci wants to do a photo shoot with you and also they want to design your tour costumes"

"really" harry says surprised "ok when do we meet with them"

"they wanted tomorrow but we cant so monday at 3"

"ok do you think simon will give me another chance" harry says

"look dont tell simon i told you but he understands what happened specially having nick, hazel and kendal involved he loves you and knows you got a bit lost but dont get to big headed you still need to beg for you job back" liam says

"i know i am sorry about everything" harry says

"no worries have you heard from the toxic triplets" liam says

"no i blocked them and now i have to find a new publicist" harry says

"can i make a suggestion" liam says

"yes of course"

"ask your mom" liam says

"why her"

'because she was keeping tight tabs on hazel for me and knows what to do" liam says with a smile

"i swear i feel so stupid" harry says as he takes a deep breath "ok i will talk to her tonight"

"ok well anything else, ohhh i got a call this morning and nick, kendal and hazel have been served with a restraining order and tony is sending me copies tomorrow"

"ok do we have anything else pending" harry says

"no that is all i have you have anything else you want to talk about" liam asks

"yes i went to pick up some food and saw adam and louis kissing" harry says

"ok and" liam asks

"just knowing he has moved on and seeing him was just to much for me" harry says

"you think he did it on purpose"

"no i dont think they knew i was there but it hurt" harry says

"look we cant do anything about it look its going to happen and if you see them just walk the other way" liam says "how you feel"

"ok its been hard but i get it i caused all of this but its still been hard" harry says "you think he will ever forgive me"

"i dont know buddy i really dont" liam says

"ok i get it umm i better go i am going to pick up my son" harry says

"ok i will see you tomorrow you want me to pick you up" liam says

"yeah please" harry says harrys phone starts to ring and harry looks confused

'who is it"

"louis is calling me" harry says

"answer it"

"louis" harry says

"hey are you busy" louis says

"no was talking to liam but we are done" harry say "was about to go home and spend time with kashew before my mom drops him off with your mom"

"ohh if you want to keep him a few more days its ok with me i mean i know when you start to record your days with him are going to be limited" louis says

"ok thank you i appreciate it" harry says

"umm can you put me on speaker i need to talk to you and want liam to listen"

"ok your on speaker" harry says

"umm harry i got a good opportunity to do a collab with adidas and they want me to model with my sisters and also asked about kash since they also want me to do a kids and toddler line as well and i wanted to talk to you about it and make sure if you are ok with it, if you are not then its ok" louis says

"umm as long as its with you i am ok with it" harry says

"ok liam can you please reach out to adidas i am sure my sisters are going to want to do it but we need to book it when they are out of school or on a weekend" louis says

"i will call them tomorrow morning" liam says

"i have to go laura is calling me" louis says as he hangs up the phone and and answers the other line "laura"

"louis hey i wanted to know if you can come in to the office next week so we can walk thru the new building just wanted to show you where everything was going to be and get your imput on what we are doing" laura says

"yeah of course my son has an appointment tuesday at 9" louis says

"how about come in after his appointment and bring him" laura says with a smile

"ok " louis says as he hangs up the phone and continues to work on his next tutorial and soon starts to edit the video and saves it as he starts to edit another video and soon his phone starts to ring "mom"

"hey the girls just got home from school and they said yes to the photo shoot" jay says

"good cuz i told liam yes and i told them when the girls are out of school or the weekend" louis says

"i was going to say the same things" jay says "where is kash"

"annes harry is keeping him a few extra days" louis says

"well come over and have a slumber party with the girls i have the night shift" jay says

"ok give me an hours and i will be there what time are you going in"


"ok should be there in an hour" louis says as he hangs up and goes to take a shower and changes his clothes as he makes an overnight bag and gets in the car and goes to jays house and walks in

"LOUIS" all the girls yell out

"hey i missed you all" louis says

"are you spending the night" daisy asks as she sees louis with a bag

"yeah" louis says as jay walks down the stairs "mom"

"hey i have to get going before i am late, see you all in the morning" jay says as she hugs all the kids and walks out of the house

"lets camp out in the living room" louis says

"can we go get snacks"

"yeah get your shoes on" louis says as they walk out of the door and an hour later walk back in as they all go to the living room and play a movie and get comfortable and soon they all fall asleep


hello my pretty little larry readers 🤗


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