The Bodyguard (Jeongmin Fanfi...

By jeongminlove

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He didn't know she's a woman. More



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By jeongminlove

"When are you planning to respond?" she frowned sighing. Then she looks up when she saw the Prince on top of the terrace of a house just in front of their house. Her heart began thumping so fast as he flashed her a wide smile.

She looked down, holding her chest, "Is this really true? I am seeing him and he's smiling at me?"

She took a deep breath and looked up again but surprisingly he vanished like a bubble. She rubbed her eyes narrowing at the terrace. "Where's he?" It was only few seconds when she looked down, "Where did he go?"

Jeongyeon ran out of her gate and crossed to the house in front of their home. She pressed the doorbell but no one was responding. "I am sure, he is the Prince," she muttered still feeling the hard thump of her heartbeats. She's getting impatient so she decided to rush to Mrs. Lee, the owner of the house who is living just four houses away from their house. Jeongyeon found her fixing the plants on their front yard.

"Mrs. Lee, can I ask you something?" she inquired and Mrs. Lee walked near her. "Yes Jeong, what's it?"

"Is someone renting your other house? There?" she pointed at the house.

Mrs. Lee immediately answered, "None. It is still empty. Wae? Will you rent it?"

"Ah, ani, I was just...umm..." she paused searching for words in her head till she came up with, "just...someone inquired..." she reasoned uneasily scratching her head. "Thank you Mrs. Lee. Anyway, how was your trip to Croatia?"

"It was spectacular. I just got back two days ago and the jet lag was so terrible. I've got something for your mom. Where is she by the way? I haven't seen her."

"She's... she's out of town," Jeongyeon stuttered.

"Jjinja? What a miracle. When she gets back, tell her to come by."

Jeongyeon assumes that Mrs. Lee haven't heard yet the news about them. Anyway, it's good or if she knew, she will still not ask about it because Jeongyeon knows that she is just not a nosy neighbour.

"Sure Mrs. Lee," Jeongyeon smiled at her and after that, she bid goodbye to her.

As she walks back to their house, she can't help but to think about what she saw. "I really saw him. Or was it a doppleganger?" She looks up again at the terrace but it's empty.

She checks her chat box with him on Instagram but still no new message to show. "What's happening to you Master?" she began to worry again. She took a one last look at the terrace and it's still empty. A part of her was hopeful to see him and but also a part of her was scolding herself for feeling this way because this just proves that she maybe attracted to him.

"Am I? Am I attracted to him?" she held her chest feeling her heartbeats... "I'm not, Jeongyeon you're not. You care about him because he is your Master not because you like him. Right, I just sympathize him."

She then took a deep breath shoving the thought away and began to think about what she'll be wearing for the ball. The event will be held tomorrow but Jihyo and her are still undecided about what to wear. The party will be just simple, no ball gowns or extravagant outfits but still they want to look good so at lunch, the two went to some boutiques to try on some dresses. Jeongyeon is wearing a hoodie paired with jeans while Jihyo is in her casual shorts and white tees. No media was following her today and she's glad about that. They found their dresses at the last boutique they went to but they were surprised when the shop attendant told them that the dresses will be free of charge.

"Waeyo?" Jihyo asked the saleslady.

"You're our seventh and eighth buyers and we have a promo. Maybe, it's just your lucky day today," the attendant happily informed them.

The two had the biggest smiles on their faces. They couldn't believe that this is happening but anyway, this is a blessing that they shouldn't complain for. Anyway, who would not love to spend nothing but gain something? They just got the dresses that they like for free!

The two went out and headed to eat at a restaurant just near the boutique. Jeongyeon can't help it though she promised herself that she won't talk about it, here she is now telling her friend about what happened this morning.

"I really saw him with my own eyes and he was smiling at me."

"Jeez, you're crazy about him. I think that you have really fallen for him," Jihyo chuckled.

"Aigoo, don't tease me. I am telling the truth."

"You are hallucinating Jeong. I heard the news loud and clear, the Prince is sick and he is for sure in the Palace resting."


Jihyo shrugged, "Just admit that you like him. There's nothing wrong."

"I am not Cinderella to give you a fairy tale love story," Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.

"If you want me to stop teasing you then stop talking about him."

Jeongyeon was silenced after that. Jihyo is right, Jimin has been the content of her stories. But how can she stop when she always remembers him? After that, Jeong tried her best not to blabber about her Master. They talked about their upcoming internship until they finished eating and asked for the bill. They were surprised when the foodserver told them that they are already paid.

Jeongyeon is in awe, "Who paid our bill?"

"Since you are our 100th customer, our manager paid for your bill. That's part of our promo for today. You two are lucky ladies. Congratulations!" the attendant genuinely smiled at them.

The two walked away with wide smiles on their faces.

"What's happening Jeong? We are so lucky today!" Jihyo expressed so happy.

"I know right. But this is so odd," Jeongyeon said with half smile as her brows knit in confusion, "I couldn't believe this."

"Let's just consider this as our lucky day Jeong, don't think further," Jihyo said holding her arm as she pulls her to her car.

The two had fun the whole day getting free stuffs in every place they went to. In a nail boutique shop, they've got free mani and pedi service, at a cafe where they just sat at an empty table outside just to rest, they were shocked when the waiter gave them free two decafinated capuccino latte.

"What is happening?" Jeongyeon, who is still in disbelief, asked her friend who's driving her home..

"Luck? I guess? They are all telling us that we are lucky today so be it."

"But it is so strange Jihyo."

"I know but hey, can we just be happy?" Jihyo glanced at Jeongyeon who seems to have a big question mark on her face.

Jeongyeon shrugged, "Believe me, I want to but I don't know, I am feeling nervous about it. I know for sure, these free stuffs will have its price someday."

"Jeez, don't think too much. This is so not you Jeong. The old Jeongyeon I know doesn't think about that. She's a happy go lucky person who prioritize her happiness first among others. As far as I know, you like freebies, right?"

Jeongyeon then went silent. She doesn't want to argue with her friend anymore. Maybe Jihyo is right, they are just lucky for today. Maybe, the uneasy feeling is just a product of guilt because Jeongyeon believes that she doesn't deserve all of these. She have done nothing special to deserve these free stuffs.

- - - -

"Ugh! Jihyo I need you now, why did you go home?" Jeongyeon sighs in exasperation. She has been throwing crumpled papers on the floor. She is now on her fourteenth attempt writing her speech but still, every time she starts she felt like the words just doesn't fit to make a speech with sense. She is just uninspired to write one. "Why did I top the finals?" she problematically massages her head as she thinks for perfect words for the opening line. She knew the reason why she topped the finals, it was because she studied so hard for that. Yes she was a party girl but no matter what, she values her education because of Kyung. It's just that, that day, when the accident happened to her twin, she felt like she needed a break. She wanted to relax her mind because she has been draining herself memorizing terms she could not even pronounce at first. Jeongyeon didn't expect the accident. She remembered how she cried so hard on the day of the examination knowing that her brother is in critical condition but nevertheless she did her best for him. Having these thoughts, Jeongyeon then felt inspired, "Yes, I should write this for Kyung," she mumbled and started to write her speech and this time, words kept on coming.

- - - -

The morning comes...

Jeongyeon opened her eyes wondering, "Why am I on my bed?" She remembered falling asleep at the dining area where she was writing her speech. Also Jihyo left her after they ate their dinner so who the hell brought her to her bed? "Did I sleep walk?" she asked herself so confused. "Maybe, I did..." she softly muttered as she gets up to start her day.


Meanwhile, Jimin is still asleep in his room. Taehyung has been shaking him for a minute now just to wake him up... "Aish! Tae stop shaking me!" Jimin whined , his eyes are still closed while his forehead creased in annoyance. His cousin didn't listen to him, this time, Taehyung shakes him harder until he opened his eyes, "What? Why are you waking me up? It is still f*cking early!"

Tae then told him, "Aish, this would not have happened if you didn't spend your night staring at her while she sleeps. Anyway, the Junior organization replied to me, they said it's possible."

"Arasseo. So you woke me up just for that?"

"Ani, I have one more thing to ask."

"What's it?"

"Why are you doing this?" Taehyung's face turned so serious and Jimin paused before answering,

"Because I want to."

"Not because you want to divert your feelings from Kyung to her?"

The Prince shook his head, "I don't have feelings for Kyung."

"Jjinja? But as far as I remember you drowned yourself in alcohol last week because of what you feel for him? You even doubted yourself if you're really straight or not."

"I know it's strange but maybe, I can see her in him."

"But you've never met her before, how's it possible?"

Jimin then sits up, looking down, reminiscing something, "I guess, familiarity? There is something in her that I saw from the Kyung-wan who went back from his vacation. I know they are twins but staring at her closely, I am now sure Tae, I don't have feelings for Kyung," Jimin looked up smiling at his cousin who is still in full confusion.

"You mean you have developed feelings for Jeongyeon? How was that so fast?"

The Prince then stood, "You know what, just do what I ask of you to do and don't think further. What's our breakfast for today?" he pulled Taehyung out of his room to the kitchen at the first floor.

Yes, they are in the house just in front of Jeongyeon's home. When she saw him, it was not an illusion or a ghost or a doppleganger... it was really him... Prince Park Jimin of Busan.



Jimin has been importunating his father to allow him to travel alone but the King was hesitant especially he has no bodyguard to accompany him. Jinyoung can't assist the Prince since he's busy too in guarding the Queen. There are other bodyguards available but Jimin doesn't like them. He only choose to trust certain people.

He has been itching to meet Jeongyeon and he doesn't know why. There's just something in her that magnetizes his attention to her. "What could it be?" He desperately want to know and the only way to pursue that is to personally meet her. Plus, he really wants to divert his feelings.

"Maybe, you just want to go there because of Kyung," Taehyung once teased him.

Jimin kind of regretted telling his cousin about his feelings towards his bodyguard.

"Aish! I want to meet his twin for real."

"To divert your feelings?"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Whatever, but you told me, you texted me, remember your words 'pinky promise'? You'll join me. Plus I really need you."


"Appa won't allow me to travel alone."

Jimin waited for Taehyung's availability until finally he is finished with all his BSFF commitments.

It was so early on a Tuesday when the Prince and his cousin left the Palace.

"So what's the plan?" Taehyung asked him who's looking out the window noticing that there's a black car following them.

"Lee Jung Jae's spies are following us. They really think that we'll go to Jina."

Taehyung glanced at his side mirror seeing the car, "Maybe your Appa is just worried about you."

Jimin shook his head, "Appa doesn't know about them."

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't figured out yet but all I know is that it's better not to trust Jung Jae and Seung-won and most especially the Queen."

Taehyung went silent nodding in agreement to his cousin's statement.

"Anyway, let's just ignore them. I am sure they will get bored once they find out that we are not heading to Jina noona," Jimin told him.

"So what's the plan?" Taehyung asked again.

"We'll know when we get there," Jimin smiled and Taehyung speeds up the drive.

They arrived in Suwon-si at eight in the morning. They found Kyungwan's service car parked outside in front of a house.

"So you think, that's their house?" Taehyung asked pulling over behind Kyung's car while pointing at a red gate.

"Maybe," Jimin said getting out of their car but he immediately went in again when he saw that the gate is opening.

"What happened? I thought you're going to inquire?" Taehyung asked taking off his seatbelt.

"Let's hide first," the Prince panics.

"Jjinja, the effect of Kyung on you is really... something," Taehyung teased shaking his head in disbelief of Jimin's unusual behavior.

"Shoosh, someone's coming out..." Jimin held his cousin's arm silencing him.

A back figure suddenly appears.

"Is it Kyung?" Taehyung asked and Jimin swallowed hard until the figure wore off the hoodie revealing... "It's Jeongyeon," Jimin muttered softly with a smile witnessing how pretty she is in real life. She tied her hair in a bun exposing the perfection of her face. It seemed like everything is moving in slow motion as Jimin's smile grew even bigger. Taehyung then softly held his jaw, "Don't drool man," he teased. The Prince immediately shove his hand away and then cursed, "Sh*t, she's looking at us."

"Don't worry, our car is tinted," Taehyung said calming his cousin. Jeongyeon was about to walk towards them but she stopped when she picks up her phone putting it on her ear.

She is talking with someone on the line. When she was finished, she opened their gate so widely then she drove Kyung's car parking it inside their garage.

Jimin and Taehyung saw how the greens surround their not that small and not that big house.

"Should we sneak in?" Taehyung asked grinning. The gate is widely opened and Jeongyeon is still not coming back yet to close it.

"No," Jimin said.

"Then what shall we do?"

"Let's find a rental house here."

"What? You mean, you'll just observe her from afar?"

"Ani, I will need some time to earn my guts to face her."

Taehyung laughs, "That's so not you!"

"Just drive please," Jimin sighed holding his chest.

They were searching the village for a vacant house until they found one, just in front of the Yoo's house.

Taehyung contacted the owner who just lives four houses away from the lot. Jimin was left in the car looking at the closed gate of Kyungwan's home. He still can't forget how swooned he was upon seeing the twin of his bodyguard. Suddenly, Jeongyeon appeared again from the gate and a car stopped in front of her. He saw her getting in that car and they drove away until it disappeared from his sight.

He followed her of course till he reached her university. The security guard was in panic as he saw the plate number of Jimin's car. They opened the gates and gave him a salute. Thank goodness that he and Taehyung are part of the royalty or else he would have a hard time entering the premise.

Wearing the cap that his cousin owns, he hopped off and looked for her till he found her at the canteen of the University. She was alone for minutes staring at her phone. He then hissed, "She is holding her phone yet she doesn't have the guts to reply to me."

Then he saw a woman hitting Jeongyeon's shoulder saying loudly, "Yah! Tell us the truth!"

He saw how Jeongyeon pulled her friend to silence her. "She maybe is having a hard time because of the issue," he thought and the guilt strikes him but it turned to irritation when he saw the man in an edited picture coming to sit with Jeongyeon along with their two other friends. Jimin was sitting quite far away from their location when he saw Jeongyeon looking around the place. He panicked, he decided that he needs to go so he stood and as soon as he stood, he knew she saw him. He walked faster till he reached the lobby.

He drove back to the village finding Taehyung waiting for him outside the house they will be renting to. Taehyung is annoyed and he knows, he needed to explain and he did. His cousin just rolled his eyes and they went inside the house parking the car inside the garage.

Taehyung has been contacting people he knows, mostly student filmmakers from the University and they learned that the Juniors for the Med department will be having a ball and Jeongyeon will be having her speech for topping the finals.

"So she is smart," Jimin muttered smiling.

"Well it is no surprise, Kyung is also smart," Taehyung said and digs in to someone's profile, "Is this the man you were talking about?"

"His name is Namjoon. He is handsome," Taehyung said with a tease.

"Whatever, I am still more handsome."

Taehyung giggled, "You're just jealous because her friends are teasing her with him."

"For goodness sake, as far as everyone knows in Korea, Yoo Jeongyeon is my girlfriend so I don't need to be jealous."

"Correction, she is your 'Fake girlfriend' and for sure her friends know about that."

"Still in the eyes of other thousands of people, she is mine."

"Jeez you sound like you really like her."

Jimin just smiled and left his cousin and headed to his room upstairs. The Prince really doesn't know what he's doing but when he laid his eyes on hers, he instantly felt some connection that he couldn't describe. He then remembered the day when Kyung said, "She's sexy FYI. You will definitely fall for her when you see her in person." Though he felt like he wasn't talking with the usual Kyung-wan that day.

Anyway, he is right, Jeongyeon is really sexy. As he was in the terrace, he saw her taking off her hooded jacket as she walks to their entrance door leaving her with only sports bra. She seemed tired and she was wiping all her sweats as she waits for a girl he assumed her friend...

"Ppali!" Jeongyeon shouted impatiently as her friend teased her with a slow walk.

A smile escaped from his lips remembering how he answered Kyung-wan that day... "I would like to fall for her."

He suddenly forgot what he feels towards his bodyguard and now his full attention is onto his twin. But speaking of his bodyguard, "Where is Kyung by the way?" he knits his brows with curiosity as he haven't seen him along with their mother. Anyway, he started to care less about Kyung since Jeongyeon is totally rocking his mind right now.

The next day...

Giggling... Jimin was silently laughing as he can hear doorbells. He knows, Jeongyeon was looking for him when she saw him at the terrace. He was hiding at a blindspot and he crawls back to his room when the sound vanished. He rushed down to his cousin who is silently cooking with headphones on his ears. Jimin removes the headset and asked Taehyung softly, "Did you tell the owner not to disclose about us renting here?"

"I did and Mrs. Lee assured, she will keep her mouth shut," Taehyung said in a loud voice and Jimin shooshed him, "Don't be too loud, she may hear us."

"Arasseo," Tae whispered. The Prince then tapped him, "Anyway, good job my man."

"Waeyo?" his cousin asked him softly.

"She saw me but I was able to hide. For sure, she knows the owner of this house, she will ask her if someone is living here.."

Taehyung nodded understanding the situation.

Jimin and Taehyung spent their day following Jeongyeon and her friend but this time, they weren't using the royal car of Taehyung. They rented a Hyundai car. The two are in disguise wearing their masks and their hooded jacket.

They discreetly talked to each shop they went to not to charge the two. Yes, Jimin is using his black card to pay for all their expenses for the day. He was enjoying every moment especially seeing the happiness on Jeongyeon's face.

"They must think that they are really lucky today," Taehyung said smirking at his cousin who is busy watching Jeongyeon from afar.

End of flashback...

Back to present...

The two are eating their breakfast at the living room while they watch a clip. Tae then muted the television and asked him, "So are you really going for your plan tonight?"

"Yes, no backing out."

"She will be surprised for sure."

"Do you think she will love it?"

"You heard her," Tae pointed at the television.

"She will surely love it," his cousin assured him.

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