Love from the Sea [OUAT || Ki...

By bethanyjanebooks

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Vivian Mills is Regina Mills daughter from her first love Daniel, the stable boy. Vivian was known as the Dar... More

Cast and Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Next Book

Chapter 6

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By bethanyjanebooks


In the Dark Palace where The Evil Queen and Vivian live. A man in a cloak was walking up the steps of their dungeon with a bucket in his hand.

"Halt," The Black Knight Guard said.

"Food for the prisoner," The man in the cloak said.

"It's not mealtime. Who are you? Identify yourself, slave," The Black Knight Guard said.

Then the man in the cloak stabbed the Black Knight with his hook and killed the other Black Knight that came towards him.

The man removed the cloak, revealing himself - Hook. "Slave? I prefer Captain," Hook said as he took the keys from the dead knight. He moved over to the door that the knights were guarding and he unlocked then opened the door. He looked at the prisoner, "Hi, you must be Belle," Hook said as he closed the door behind him.

"The Queen sent you, didn't she? She wants you to kill me," Belle said.

"I'm not here to kill you, love. I'm here to rescue you," Hook said.

"Rescue me? Who are you?" Belle asked.

Hook began to unchain her, "A friend. We haven't much time. Your father's life is in danger. He's being attacked by the very same monster who stole you away from your family in the first place," Hook said to her.

Belle chuckled, "What? Rumpelstiltskin?" She said.

Hook looked at her confused as to why she chuckled, "The Dark One, he must be stopped. You spent more time with him than anyone. There are rumours of a magical weapon that has the power to kill him," Hook said.

"No, no, no, no. Let me talk to him, he's not a monster," Belle said.

"Belle, your father's life hangs in the balance. I need to know what that weapon is and where to find it," Hook said.

"I don't know what you're talking about and I have no idea how to kill Rumpelstiltskin," Belle said.

"You don't?" Hook asked her.

"No, and nor would I," Belle said.

"Hmm, then I'm afraid I'm not here to rescue you," Hook said then smacked Belle across her face, knocking her out. He looked down at her, "So pretty," He inhaled deeply, "Yet so useless," Hook said as he raised his hook, just as he was about to kill her, his hook disappeared.

"No, not useless," Regina held his hook, Hook turned around to see her, "She's a valuable chess piece," She said as she stood in the doorway.

"Do I look like I'm playing a game of chess? My hook, if you please," Hook said as he held his hand out for it.

"No," Regina said.

"The asking was me being a gentleman," Hook said.

"Is that any way to address a Queen? Even a pirate should have better manners than that. Yes, I know who you are... Captain. I know about yours and my daughters' affection towards each other and I also know why you came here from Neverland and I know all about the Crocodile you wish to skin," Regina said.

"Then you also know that I'll stop at nothing," Hook said to Regina.

"So dedicated and resourceful. No one has been able to fight their way past my defences before. She can't help you kill Rumpelstiltskin, Hook but I can," She walked towards him, "If you do something for me and my daughter," She pulled him closer to her with his hook, "Care to join us for a drink? My daughter is returning from her lessons and don't mention about Belle, she will be upset with me," Regina said.

The two of them sat in Regina's quarters as Regina poured them both a drink. Regina and Hook looked at the doors when Vivian walked inside.

Vivian looked at Hook confused, she was in a black slim dress, "Hook, you're back," Vivian said.

Hook looked at her and walked to her, "Aye, love, I'm back," He placed his hand on her waist and leaned down, kisses her cheek politely, "You look lovely."

"Thank you," Vivian smiled, "Why are you here?"

"Your mother asked me to join you both for a drink upon your return," Hook said.

"Oh," Vivian looked at her mother, "Is everything okay?"

"Is Hook aware of our plans?" Regina asked as she handing them both a drink.

"No mother," Vivian said taking the drink and she and Regina sat on the love seat as Hook stood in front of them.

"Things are about to change in this world, radically. I have plans to enact a curse that will take everyone to a far-off land," Regina said.

"How will that help me?" Hook asked.

"This new realm, it's a land without magic, where the Dark One will be stripped of his powers. There you won't need any magical weapon to kill him. You can do it with a more flick of your wrist," Regina said.

"Tell me what I must do," Hook said with a smirk.

"There's one person, I don't want following us to this new land. You're to see to it that doesn't happen," Regina said.

"An assassination, who is it you both want me to dispose of," Hook asked.

"My grandmother," Vivian looked at her love, "Get us our revenge and we'll help you get yours," Vivian said as she sipped her drink.

End of Flashback

Vivian walked towards Rumpelstiltskin's cell with Emma and Mary Margaret behind her. She was still angry with Emma for lying about Hook and what happened on top of the beanstalk.

"Vivian," Emma said.

"Don't you dare talk to me," Vivian said.

"Well, this is Rumpelstiltskin's cell," Mary Margaret quickly said, "I haven't been here since before Regina's curse. This is where he told us you were going to be the saviour," Mary Margaret said.

"He knew?" Emma asked.

"Oh, it was prophesied, come on," Mary Margaret said and they all walked into the cell, they began looking for the squid ink.

"The squid ink it's not here," Aurora said.

"Gold said we would find it," Mary Margaret said.

"Well, was there anyone else in here with him? Could they have taken the ink?" Mulan asked as Aurora found a rolled-up scrolled between some rocked.

"No, he was kept alone. Visitors were forbidden. He was too dangerous to allow any human contact," Mary Margaret said.

"How'd he keep from going crazy?" Emma asked.

"He didn't," Aurora said as she opened up the scroll and looked at it.

"What is it?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Is that a message?" Vivian asked.

"Yes and I think it's for Emma," Aurora said as she handed it to Emma.

"Why would you think that?" Emma asked as she took the scroll, she looked at the scroll and saw her name written over and over and over again.


At the Dark Palace, Vivian enchanted Hook's hook then looked up at him, "It's now enchanted," She put the hook back on his brace, "It will enable you to rip out her heart. I believe you've seen it done before," Vivian said.

"Yes, love," Hook said.

"The enchantment will only allow you to rip out one heart, so make sure you do it right," Regina said.

"What could she have possibly done to warrant such brutality and make my dear love want her death?" Hook asked.

"That's our business, yours is to kill her and bring her body back to us," Regina said.

"Easy enough, when will I set forth on this murderous journey?" Hook asked.

"Immediately but you won't be going alone," Regina pulled a blanket off one of her chairs in her room, revealing a dead Black Knight, "You remember Claude," Regina said.

"Can't say that I do," Hook said.

"You kill him in the cellblock," Regina said.

"Ah, yes. I didn't recognise him without my hook in his neck. Forgive me, but isn't he a bit of dead weight?" Hook said.

"Why were you in the cellblock?"  Vivian asked.

"No need to worry, love, I was following a lead that didn't prove true," Hook covered for his original actions.

"Anyway, I banished my mother to a far-off land some time ago. You're gonna need a portal to get to her," Regina pulled out Jefferson's hat, "The rules are simple. One goes in, one comes back, or in this case, two in, two back. You'll arrive with Claude and you'll return with my mother," Regina said.

"Now tell me, which far-off land to I have the pleasure of visiting today?" Hook asked.

"Wonderland," Vivian said.

"Happily named, I'm sure. How will I find her?" Hook asked.

"Oh, don't worry, she'll find you," Regina said.

"Make it hurt, love," Vivian said and kissed Hook, gently and lovingly as Regina spun the hat.

Vivian stood away from Hook and Hook grabbed the dead Black Knight and jumped in with him.

Later, in Wonderland, Hook was being dragged in by the Queen of Hearts guards, into the palace.

"Kneel before the Queen of Hearts," The adviser said, "How did you come into Wonderland?"

Hook grunts as they made him kneel, "Appreciate the warm welcome. By a magical hat," He said.

The adviser gave the queen a horn and she spoked into it, "The Queen wants to know why you've come to Wonderland," The adviser said.

"I'm in search of someone. In her native land, she goes by Cora," Hook said.

The Queen of Hearts stood up and removed her mask to reveal herself - Cora - "In this land, she goes by 'Your Majesty', leave us," She said and she approached Hook as everyone left them alone, "What is your name pirate?"

"Hook," Hook bowed to her.

"What a clever nickname," Cora said.

"I come bearing gifts, if you allow me," Hook said as he took out a necklace from his pocket and walked over to her.

"This hat, your portal if I understand correctly, the same number who travels through must also return. You arrived with him, but who shall you return with?" Cora asked as she walked closer to Hook.

"You," Hook said as he stuck his hook into her chest but Cora's heart wasn't in her chest, "What?" He said confused.

"I'm the Queen of Hearts. Do you really think I'd be so careless as to keep my heart where everyone else does? This..." She stuck her hand into Hook's chest and he groaned in pain, "Is how it's done. Tell me, who did this? Who sent you here to kill me? Who?" Cora asked.

Hook groaned, "Your daughter and granddaughter," He said with a strained voice.

"Regina? She wants me dead? I have a granddaughter? You're going to tell me everything and do exactly what I want. Because when you hold a heart, you control it... You have the power," Cora stepped closer to him, "Now, who is my granddaughter?"

"She's... She's the daughter of the stable boy," Hook looked at her.

Cora's eyes widened, "What?" She said.

End of Flashback

The women were still in Rumpelstiltskin's cell trying to figure out where the ink could be and why he wrong Emma's name over and over again. Mulan soon found an empty bottle that held the squid ink. Then suddenly Aurora threw a rock at the lever and brought the gate down on them.

"Aurora, what are you doing?!" Emma said.

"No," Mary Margaret said.

Cora and Hook appeared in front of them on the other side of the cell door, "Helping me," Cora said as she used her magic to take the compass our of Emma's hand.

"No," Vivian said looking at Cora.

"Why would you do this?" Emma asked Aurora.

"How could you?" Mary Margaret said.

Cora chuckled, "Don't blame her, she was only doing what she was told," Cora held up Aurora's heart in her hand.

"You took her heart?" Emma said.

"Actually, I did. It was a gift," Hook said.

"I enchanted your hook to take out that witches heart!" Vivian yelled.

"Ah, you must be my granddaughter, Hook told me about you ages ago... Never told me your name, you must have taught him how to evade questions when his heart is out of his chest," Cora smirked, "I'll give you a chance Vivian, dear, come with me and I won't kill Aurora."

"Don't do it, Vivian, she'll kill Aurora anyway," Mary Margaret said.

"Snow, shut up," Cora squeezed Aurora's heart and she groaned, "One more chance, we can get you back to your mother, back to your brother, back to your family," Cora said as she pressed harder on Aurora's heart.

Vivian saw the pain in Aurora's expression, "Yes! Yes! I'll come with you!" She said and looked at her grandmother.

"That's a good girl, Hook the lever, Vivian, immobilise them," Cora said.

Vivian turned to the others, she looked at Mary Margaret then glanced at the scroll before she immobilised them. She turned back to Cora and Hook, Hook pulled on the lever and Vivian walked out of the cell before Hook used the lever and locked the cell again.

"Good girl. Now, come here," Cora said and Vivian walked to her then Cora released the spell on the others, "Forgive us, we'd love to stay, but Storybrooke awaits," Cora said and she took Vivian's hand and they walked away with Hook.

"Hook, Vivian, wait. Please, don't do this. My son is in Storybrooke. He needs me," Emma said.

Vivian turned to Emma, "You should've thought about that before you lied to me," Vivian smirked, "As I said, you don't want the Dark Princess out to play."

"And perhaps you should've considered that before you abandoned me on that beanstalk," Hook said.

"You would've done the same," Emma accused.

Vivian and Cora waited for Hook as he spoke to Emma, Cora looked at Vivian and tucked some hair behind Vivian's ear, "So beautiful, you really are your mothers' daughter," Cora said.

"You're not mad?" Vivian looked at her, "She had me out of wedlock and hid me from you," She said.

"No, dear, I'm not mad... I'm just disappointed, in myself that I never showed your mother that I would've supported her... I assume Regina's husband accepted you?" Cora asked.

"Yes, he accepted me the minute he saw me," Vivian nodded.

"Ladies," Hook stood by them, "Shall we be off?" He suggested.

"Yes, we shall," Cora said.

The three of them walked out of the call, Vivian glanced at Mary Margaret then the scroll before she left them alone, trapped in Rumpelstiltskin's cell.

Hook pulled Vivian to him and they kissed, "I saw Emma's nose, I'm guessing your handy work," Hook smirked.

"Yes, from your teaching," Vivian smirked at him and they kissed again.

Cora looked at them, "Uh, would you not do that..." Cora said.

"Apologies grandmother," Vivian said as they pulled away and she looked at her as she held Hook's hand.

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