By Lotus_Moonveil

89.7K 1.9K 1.3K

As Izuku surfs the internet to kill his boredom he finds an old reddit page. The reddit page was full of diff... More

The Wish
Entrance Exam
Misunderstanding Creates Chaos
First Day
Testing Stuff and Battle
Damn It Asui
USJ Attack
Excuse Me
Restful Day? What's that?
Where's My Gun?
Sports Festival
Stupid Internships
Hosu Tech Thief
What have I done?
Small note
I have a Villain self?
Trying a New Class
Trying A New Class Part 2
Slugs VS Poachers
Meta Liberation VS Slugs
What Train?
The End

Replicator Prank

10K 203 154
By Lotus_Moonveil

I spent the weekend making more and more of my replicator blocks so I could have a good few. After making at least 100 blocks I decided to create a Mother/Queen replicator to make them for me. With some planning done I created a good amount of replicator blocks and created a new spell. "Replicator Queen arise: form from the Blocks I made. Become my familiar and army builder. Let us both make my dreams come true."

After I finished saying the spell I watched the Blocks float and come together creating Queen Replicator. She was the size of a small dog and the two previous replicators bowed to her. The bows made me smile, "Rep A and B you two will collect the trash littering the ground outside and public trash cans. Be stealthy, don't want anyone to see you." I looked through a DnD handbook my Mom gave me and quickly created two small bags of holding which I hand to them. "Who knew DnD had so many interesting items. I can probably create a version of this bag later. Put the trash in here but do not over stuff them. They hold up to 500lbs not passing 64 cubic feet."

A and B soluted before rushing off to do their jobs. While they were gone I tested the ability of the Queen. I watched her climb walls, spit acid, and consume items to make more replicator blocks. She was almost perfect, the only problem is she tried to eat everything to replicate. I had to tell her multiple times to wait til the others return to eat while I repaired the stuff she gnawed on.

After a couple of hours the duo returned running like their metal was melting. That's when I saw why they were running. Bakugo was trying to blast them and I was laughing. They stole his backpack that he threw at them when he saw them. "Throw his bag at him and hide." They heard me and did just that. As he was blinded by his bag they hopped into a nearby trashcan and temporarily dismantled themselves to hide easier.

He looked around for a bit then gave up after blasting the trashcan with his quirk. Once he was gone A and B returned and dumped out their haul. Half a ton of trash was then turned into a bunch of metal using magic and Queen instantly started to dig in. By the time the pile was done I literally had a giant army of replicators. It now went from A to A7. I thought a bit and created a special bag of holding that can hold infinite replicator blocks.

With K-A7 turned off and in storage I had the rest become a metal backpack for me to use tomorrow as my last backpack was used to create all the bags of holding. The metal one made from the blocks did look a bit silly but honestly I liked it. With the weekend over I couldn't wait for school. I bet Bakugo gets a bit of deja vu when he sees them.

The next morning I ate breakfast with Mom and she saw the backpack made of the blocks. She smiled glad I upgraded from the burned bag that I've used for a couple of years. I did the dishes and rushed to school so I can be there early. Luckily I was able to get into the classroom avoiding Bakugo and his goon squad.

As he walked by me to his desk he kicked my backpack only to hurt his foot. "Damn nerd, how many books are in that backpack? Got a library in there?" I shook my head, "Just the class stuff Bakugo. The backpack is made of a stainless steel and vibranium blend." He laughed, "Looks like tin to me. You'd only be able to get that if you stole it."

I smirked when he tried to grab my bag only for it to move away. Bakugo was stunned for a little bit as each time he reached for it it would move away, when he stopped it would return to where it was. His goons tried as well only for similar results to happen to them. Class started and my replicator backpack gave me each book I needed when I needed them.

By lunch time Bakugo is visibly fuming and his palms are crackling some. Before I could stand he grabbed my shoulder, "What's with your bag nerd?" I winced in pain as his explosions burned my shoulder. This triggered my replicators for a funny result, well funny for me that is. They put my bag of holding and replicator block bag in my hands as they become their original forms.

Goon squad backed away quickly as they saw the hissing metal bugs form and protect me. Bakugo recognized them, "So you made the backpack thieves!!" I laughed and stood up, "You threw it at them and I guess the mistook your rip off bag as trash." I start to head to the door when suddenly I heard a blast against metal behind me. What I saw made me smile more, "Interesting, they formed a wall in less than a second. That's a new record. Anyways lunch time."

I left with my replicators around me in a circle with two on the ceiling. Everyone avoided my replicators as Queen got onto my back and shoulder taking my bags of holding back. I ate lunch alone and messed with my replicators. We tried many forms and I was easily able to use them as armor. With my testing done I headed back inside with my replicators calmed down and had them become the bag again.

Bakugo was growling and the teacher said they would do a job apprehension test but everyone wanted to be a hero. Show of quirks except Bakugo. He says he will get in to UA alone and the rest of us are "Extras". Seriously, does he think he is a main character in a manga or something? Then the teacher caused the best thing possible. He said I wanted to enter UA. Bakugo instantly tried to blast my head off.

Of course, he failed hard. My replicators were already defending me and the queen hissed at him angrily. "Bakugo don't try again. Queen is starting to hate you and you just met her before lunch." Everyone was shocked as I glared at Bakugo. "What is this shit nerd?! You've been hiding your quirk from me?" I began to laugh sounding a bit crazy, "Nope, just a late bloomer and my quirk is yet to be named."

I then saw something pop up next to me. It was a floating scroll with a replicator drawn on it and a note. "Quirk Upgrade: Unlocked Replicator King, Unsettling Laugh, Race shift, and Class Shift." I read it and watched the scroll burn up. "Can I spit on him your highness? I want to make him scream!!" I was stunned until I realized I understood it was Queen talking in clear English.

"Don't spit, don't need the nuclear pomeranian getting madder. Plus your acid helps you turn metal into more of you guys. His face would be unrecognizable." Everyone quickly backed away except Bakugo, he just growled, "What did that metal roach say?" I then realized that I can understand them, they were still talking through clicks. "Queen wants to make you scream in pain but I told her no. Also back off, I have a lot more replicators than just the ones you see here." He swung and I ducked easily, so predictable.

While Queen was hissing I noticed that one of my replicators had snuck over to a big window and opened it. The bell rang signaling the end of school and I chuckled, "You know what? You always tell me to take a swan dive off the roof. I'll just jump out the window." With the help of my replicators I jumped out the window. As I fell they became metal wings and I flew away laughing as Queen spoke. "That was interesting to see. You enjoying flying your majesty?"

After a bit we landed near a bridge and all but Queen became a backpack again. "This power of mine is interesting. I think I will call it Replicator King so people will underestimate us." Queen agreed and suddenly stiffened looking at a manhole cover, "Something is under that. It moved some as if to peek then quickly closed." I smirked, "Come out sewer dweller. Queen saw you move the manhole cover."

Out came a slime villain. He groaned, "I was going to sneak attack you. Oh well, you're my new host!" Slime for brains tried to attack me only for my pets to trap him. He was put into an air tight cage made with replicator blocks. That's when All Might showed up. "Um, where did the villain go?" I pointed to the box and kicked it. This resulted in audible cursing from the slime. "My quirk is quite flexible."

As he looked at a Replicator Block he coughed up blood and started to steam. "Queen block all exits, reinforce cage." A flood of Replicator Blocks flew out of its bag and closed off the underpass, even the manhole was reinforced. The steam stopped and I saw a sickly skeleton. "Don't tell anyone about this! I dont need people worrying." I walked over and popped my knuckles, "I will if you keep what I'm about to do a secret."

He looked worried but nodded. "Gods Blessing: Ultimate heal and boost." A green light came out of my hands and healed him. All of his old wounds vanished while he suddenly regained his muscle mass. With the healing done I felt tired and knelt down with Queen getting a tad worried. All Might helped me stand up up and hugged me, "Thank you so much. I can now be a full time hero again and save people."

I nodded and said, "Glad to help. I have multiple quirks but I just want Replicator King to be the known one. I'm a late bloomer and it suddenly manifesting nearly killed me." He looked worried, "You were born with your quirks yet they didn't manifest?" I nod and recall the Blocks as I have some become spider legs on the cage.

"Let's turn him in, if I am punished for quirk usage will you tell my Mom what happened?" I asked as I sat on the giant metal spider. All Might nodded and started to walk to the police station with me. People wanted his autograph and I had to have people back away from the cube multiple times. Queen got mad and had replicators become a ring of bug looking suits of armor with massive shields.

~<All Might POV>~

I heard the metal bug controller talk. "If I'm in trouble because of the Replicator Knights you're going into the bag of holding with the rest of the replicators." Then there was a flurry of clicking and hissing. "I don't care you had them made to make this quicker. Quirk use in public is illegal without a license." I turn my head to see the thing he calls Queen clicking and hissing at him. "I know technically you're a sentient hivemind quirk but still rules are rules."

"Young Midoriya, what is it saying? All I hear is clicks and hissing." I ask kinda curious of the boys quirks. Even though they could be from All For One. "Queen was arguing that she doesn't like her children being forced to hold sludge head anymore. That and the punishment is unfair if I get in trouble since he did try to kill me." So your quirk Replicator King is kinda explaining itself since your quirk can make more of itself?"

He nods and then winces at a flurry of clicks, "She can create more. She finds it rude you call her an it. Her kids are its." All Might chuckled, "I didn't mean any offense but never talked to a sentient quirk with a gender before." Clicking and Young Midoriya translates, "I know I didn't teach her those words but she said that's shes never seen a f airhead that inflates himself like a certain type of doll." He sounded so uncomfortable saying that I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't get into an insult war with me Queen. I've heard a lot worse your metal cockroach." Some clicking that's nice and gentle. "She says thanks for the compliment. Roaches are nearly unkillable." I sighed, "I forgot about that. You win this round. If we see eachother again I will find the best insult." More clicking and a laugh, "She says bring it Air Might."

We turned in the slime villain who tried to escape only for a wall of the odd pieces of the cube to stop him. Once the slime guy was in his cell the pieces went back into his bag. Queen was clicking as the cop scolded Young Midoriya. The cop got mad and tried to hit Queen with his nightstick only for her to eat it. I'm not joking, she ripped it out of his hand and ate it making a small wooden replicator which sat on her back.

"Queen they can't understand you also it was rude to try to talk over them. She was yelling that it was self defense when we trapped sludge head. He wanted me as a bodysuit. The Replicator Knights were because she didn't want to risk him getting out and kill me resulting in her and the other replicators death. Also sorry about your nightstick but she felt threatened." The cop sighed and left for my future friend Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi to enter.

N: "I am going to ask you some questions. I want the truth. Did you instigate the fight with that villain?"

I: "No" *clicking* "Hush, they can't understand you."

N: "Is it true you were quirkless til last Friday?"

I: "Yes. I fainted shortly after getting it."

N: "Was your quirk given to you?"

I: "I don't know. I had a vision that a knight version of me gave it to me."

N: "Do you know of a person called All For One?"

I: "Only the rumors he was alive when quirks first formed."

N: "What is your quirk?"

I: "Replicator King."

N: "You've told the truth until now. What is your quirk?"

I: "I don't fully know. I've split different aspects into different quirks. The ones I know so far are: King Replicator, Ultimate Spellcaster, Artificers Envy, Unsettling Laugh, Class Shift, and Race Shift. Also as I unlock more of my quirk a scroll shows up with the stuff I've unlocked."

N: "Sounds like DnD feats."

I: "That's what my Mom said. Wait, my quirk appeared when I was looking at art from DnD players." *incoherent and rapid mumbling*

N: "Young man can you focus please?

I: *Queen hits him* "Ow! Sorry and thanks Queen." *clicking* "I can't help it, I've had the habbit forever when I analyze quirks and usage."

N: "What do you think my quirk is?"

I: "Most likely your quirk tells you who's lying or telling the truth. It may just be subconscious training that let's you see signs of people lying easily. Then again you might have synesthesia. A neurological condition which is a mix of the senses that let's you see words and color them based on tone."

N: "Amazing. You not only guessed right but actually guessed how I know. I'm going to send you to a friend. They will give you an IQ test."

Naomasa left pulling out his phone. Young Midoriya and I left the room while talking some. I got a text from Nezu saying he wanted to meet the kid. I got a taxi and told the kid to get in. When we arrived at UA Shota Aizawa was there in his stupid sleeping bag. "Hello All Might. Nezu is in his office. Who's the runt?"

The kid was basically starry eyed. "You're Eraserhead the underground hero!! You avoid media and fight basically quirkless as your eye based quirk stops theirs from working unless it's a mutant type." Aizawa looked stunned, "How do you know my quirk?" Young Midoriya blushed, "I've seen a few of your battles personally and I've watched the video of you fighting the gang. Your hair gives away when your quirk is active. Also I bet you get dry eye since you cant blink."

Aizawa nodded and got out of his sleeping bag, "Impressive, I think I will join the meeting after all." "Oh yeah, my names Izuku Midoriya. Also you do know there are sleeping bag suits?" That got Aizawas attention. They talked a bit as we headed to Nezus office.

Once there Izuku looked at Nezu, "Either that's Nezu or their pet. If that's Nezu either their quirk made them an animal or they were a lab testing animal and they became really smart." "Impressive Mr. Midoriya. So I heard your quirk is evolving and tells you when it does?" He nodded and quickly dodged to the side as a whip was launched at him as an attempt to grab him.

Queen got mad and yanked the whip out of Midnights hand while pulling her out of the shadows. The whip was made into another replicator with small mini whips on its back. "That was my favorite whip!!" A flurry of clicking filled the room and Young Midoriya sighed, "Queen says you shouldn't have tried to attack me with it then. Also thanks for Whip-licator if I heard her correctly. Oh I did ok and I will do that later plus he needs to be bigger later. The whip was leather, iron thread, and a mix of sleep inducing drugs?"

Midnight nodded and backed away afraid of Queen. Nezu was amused, "Such an interesting quirk. So let's do this IQ test ok?" Young Midoriya nodded and started to fill it out with what looked like a metal quill. Midnight Aizawa, and I left the room to talk. "He is a young hunk. Where did you find him?" I sighed, "I was chasing a sludge villain and when I hopped out of the sewer Young Midoriya had caught him in what he calls Replicator Blocks. He can speak to the one he calls Queen which as you saw can make more replicators."

Aizawa smirked, "I want him in my class if he does the entrance exam." Him and Midnight argued a bit before they noticed that I wasn't deflating at all. "All Might, I may be the R rated hero but you can leave muscle form and look normal. I won't try anything in your weakened form." I chuckled, "No need to anymore, that kid healed me too. Can't say how since I promised him not to."

After a couple of minutes we heard Nezu scream. We rushed in only to see that he was looking over the test he gave Young Midoriya. "What's wrong? Did I fail it?" Nezu shook his head, "The complete opposite, you got a perfect score which is a first. Even I missed some questions." That stunned us all and Young Midoriya dropped his quill.

After a few minutes Queen started clicking and started to stomp when he didn't reply. After a bit she grabbed the quill and wrote on a piece of paper, "What does that mean you bear wannabe?" Nezu snapped out of it, "It means he is the smartest person in the world." Queen did what I assume is a dance before clicking to Young Midoriya. "Sorry I was just stunned. Nezus IQ is supposedly over 200 and I did better on his test meaning my IQ is way above that."

"Mr. Midoriya this will be a first. I officially accept you into class A-1 as of now. You don't need to do the entrance exam but if you want you can do the physical bit," Nezu said as he started to do the paperwork. "Wait what?!?!" Nezu yelled, "You all heard me. Mr. Midoriya is now going to be in A-1 mext school year in 10 months. Also why do your files say quirkless?"

Sorry for the long chapter then a cliffhanger. I decided to cut it off for a good reason and start the next chapter. Hope you all enjoyed now take a break to get a drink and a snack. The next chapter will be waiting for you.

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