Kirby x Meta Knight - human...

By wiccawiccawoo69

15.9K 248 574

Have you been looking for a story that follows the love story of human Meta Knight and girl Kirby? Well your... More

A New Warrior
Monster at the Castle
Lavender scented candles
End of the Line Bitch
Its About Time
Virtually Nonexistent
Protect Her
"iT's buRnIN' eVerYthInG!"
Around the 15th
'Heaven help the fool who falls in love'
Saturdays are for the boys
Delaney has entered the chat
Kracko part 1
Kracko part 2
Authors note

Halloween Special

561 11 39
By wiccawiccawoo69

So, the last chapter had a bit of an interesting ending....i was originally going to write this chapter for Kirby explaining her story however I'd rather make a halloween special lol. This takes place the next day after the Kracko incident, Kirby has decided to tell Tiff, Tuff and Meta everything at a later time, she does this bc the author felt like writing a spooky story instead. OK ANYWAYS, this story is based off of Escargoon Squad, the ep when escargoon pranks ddd that there's a ghost in the castle. I KNOW ITS NOVEMBER FIRST, IM SORRY!!!!!

The sun had set and Kirby was walking back from the kitchen to Meta's room. She is confused to see that Escargoon is talking with Tuff. Kirby walks up to them,

Kirby: ?

Escargoon: "Kirby! Do ya mind doing me a favor?" He put his hands together in a plead

Kirby: "Depends.....whats the favor?"

Escargoon: "I'd like for you and Tuff to scare the heebie jeebies outta DDD"

Kirby thought for a moment: "Yea sure" she had nothing better to do and she thought it'd be fun

Tuff smiled: "This should be fun!"

Escargoon explained to Kirby and Tuff his plan. He had sabotaged a camera to make it appear a ghost was in the castle, then he bribed Mable the fortune teller to tell DDD that there was a ghost haunting him and lastly he rigged the draw bridge to randomly go up. All he wanted Kirby and Tuff to do was to follow the King around and do small things like shutting doors, moving things around, making noises or flickering the lights. Kirby and Tuff thought it was simple enough and besides they hated DDD and would enjoy scaring him shit less.

Escargoon finished explaining everything to Kirby and Tuff.

Escargoon: "Kings gonna be crying like a baby once we're done with him" Escargoon did an evil smile then evilly rubs his hands together and walks away, leaving Kirby and Tuff.

Kirby: "Lets put fake blood all over the place!"

Tuff: "Haha yeah!"

Kirby and Tuff left to go find red paint.

*Now lets see what Metas up too on this fine night* *this is half an hour after what happened up there*

Meta is reading a book in the library. All is quiet and calm until he hears a scream coming from a nearby hallway. He's startled but decides to investigate. Meta opens the door from the library and sees Tiff turning a corner while running. He didn't have time to say anything before she was out of view so he decides to run after her.

After turning the corner Tiff had moments ago he sees her frightened against a wall.

Meta: "You good?"

Tiff: "Did you hear that? D-did you see anything?" she says panting

Meta: "....No?"

Tiff is about to explain herself until she's interrupted by another scream, but this one was from DDD.

Meta: "What's wrong with people today"

Tiff: "Maybe he heard it too!"

Meta: "What are you talking about??"

Tiff: "Come on!" Her and Meta go into the direction of the scream to see what the commotion is.

They arrive at the place of the scream at the entrance to the castle. There they see DDD, Escargoon and Tiff parents, Sir Ebrum and Lady Like.

Tiff runs up to the group: "Whats wrong?"

King D: "There's a ghost tryin' kill me!!!"

Escargoon: "Calm down sire, I'm sure there's a logical explanation"

Lady Like: "I saw a spook too! I was minding my business when all of a sudden the doors to my terrace fly open. As I was closing them I saw a ghost outside my window!"

Sir Ebrum: "I also saw something, I was in the wine cellar checking some supplies when the bottles started floating! There appears to be a spirit among the spirits, pardon the pun" (totally didn't take that from the show)
The King makes a scared face at all the ghost talk

Tiff: "I saw something too, I was walking in the hallway when I started hearing footsteps. I turned around and no one was there but the steps kept getting louder! I've never been so scared"

King D: "This castle's haunted!"

Lady Like: "What do you think Meta Knight?"

Meta glared at the king: "I think these paranomallites could be caused by a monster"

Tiff: "Did you order another monster DDD?"


Meta actually believed the king, if he had ordered something than he wouldn't be so scared.

All of a sudden the lights flicker causing the king, Tiff, Sir Ebrum and Lady Like to shriek. Meta didn't flinch.

King D: "AhhhhhHHHHhhh!" he says running down a hall with Escargoon following him.

Lady Like: "Has anyone seen Tuff?" what a good mother

Meta and Tiff shake their heads, causing Lady Like and Sir Ebrum to have worried looks.

Tiff: "What about Kirby?"

Meta shrugs and everyone else shakes their heads

Lady Like: "Tiff, could you go look for him?" Lady like is best mom (tracie should take notes ;))

Tiff nodded and her and Meta left to go find him and Kirby.

*Switch to Kirby and Tuff*

Kirby and Tuff have been having fun messing with the king. And, they had found a bucket of red paint, what are the odds!?

Tuff: "How's this?" He says puting red hand prints on DDD's door

Kirby: "Lovely"

They both snicker (i think snicker means laugh right?) snesnesne

They hear distant running in the corridor

Tuff: "Do you think thats ddd?"

*DDD screams*

Kirby: "yep" She picks up the paint bucket and opens the door to the kings room. Her and Tuff hide behind the curtains, making sure to be extra quiet.

King D stops at his door and freezes in fear. On his door were red hand prints and dripping 'blood'

King D: "ESCARGOON!!! HELP ME!!" Escargoon comes running up behind him,

Escargoon: "What's the problem your majesty-- oh!" He looks at the door

Escargoon: "I told you you should have treated your subjects better," he says shaking his head, "Karmas a bitch."

Kirby and Tuff can hear this and quietly laugh

The king falls to his knees, "I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I did, please forgive me!" he cried

Kirby: "NO!" She couldn't help not responding, cause it was such a perfect oppertunity!

Escargoon holds in a laugh and the King gasps

King D: "I swear I will never hurt another soul again!!" he pleaded once more

Kirby didn't respond this time, but instead left the curtain to go knock down a table

The king shivers hearing this noise outside his room

Escargoon: "I think you should investigate this your highness, maybe its just a prank"

King D: "y-yeah, its just a silly ol' prank. G-ghost aren't real"

Escargoon opens the door to the kings room, DDD looks inside

Kind D: "Nothings there!"

Escargoon: "See, no ghost. Now I think its best if you try to get some sleep sire, when you wake up all these ghostly problems will be gone" He said closing the door behind him

King D: "No, dont leave me alone!" but it was too late, Escargoon ran away to his own room

The king sighed, then nervously looked around his room. He must be blind because Kirby and Tuff are literally hiding in plain sight. He turned on a lamp, then turned off his lights and got into his bed.

King D: "There's no such thing as ghost, there's no such thing as ghost" He whispered to himself over and over again.

Kirby looked over at Tuff. They both smiled *evilly*

Kirby: "DeDeDe" she whispered in a creepy voice

King D shot up: "What's that?! Who's there?!"

Kirby: "DeDeDe" she said again, but faster

King D: "AHHhh!" He jumps out of bed and turns his lights on and looks around his room. "Ghost aren't real, ghost aren't real" he repeats to himself while standing in the middle of his room

Tuff: "Boo"

King D *Screams* then runs out of his room

Kirby and Tuff leave their hiding place laughing, shes still holding the bucket of paint btw

Kirby: "nice one"

Tuff: "You too"

*While this was happening Meta and Tiff were checking different rooms in the castle for Kirby and Tuff*

King D runs into Escargoons room

King D: "Stay close to me, I'm scared" He says jumping on Escargoon

Escargoon: "get off of me fatty" The king makes a pissed off face at the comment

Anyways DDD ends up forcing Escargoon to come to the bathroom with him. (idk i needed ddd to go there and didn't want to dialogue it) So, Escargoon and DDD are in the bathroom. DDD is in the stall pissing and Escargoon leaves while thats happening to scare him. When Escargoon walked out he saw Kirby and Tuff waitng outside the bathroom for more scares.

Escargoon: "Good work you two"

Kirby and Tuff smile in response.

Kirbys thoughts: I kinda like Escargoon, he's got personality

They all start to hear DDD yelling Escargoons name, thats when Kirby opened the door and turned off the bathroom lights making it pitch black and causing DDD to scream. Then she grabbed the bucket of paint and splatter some on the floor. After some 40 seconds or so of the bathroom being dark, Kirby opened the door to quickly turn the lights back on then her Tuff and Escargoon all quickly got away from the crime scene they just made.

Once the lights were turned back on DDD saw the 'blood' on the floor and fainted. And there he lay, motionless on the yucky bathroom floor.

Kirby: "How come the screaming stopped?"

Tuff: "maybe he fainted"

Escargoon: "Well it was for the best, all his screaming was giving me a migraine"

Tuff: "Lets keep messing with him"

Kirby: "Lets dump his body in a dumpster"

Tuff and Escargoon give Kirby a concerned look

Escargoon: "He's not dead..."

Kirby: "I can make that arranged" They giver her another look, she laughs awkwardly "Just kidding, I don't kill people" yet

Anyways, (This is getting long so ima just describe) Escargoon, Tuff and Kirby decide to go back to the bathroom and drag DDD lifeless body into a dark closet so he'll be scard once he wakes up. And no, this is not going over a limit, perfectly normal prank to do.

*Mid dragging*

Tuff: "He's too heavy"

Escargoon: "I don't know how much longer I can go"

Kirby: "Shut up, I'm literally doing all the work" She actually was, Tuff and Escargoon are scrawny

*Switch to Meta and Tiff*

For that whole time up there, Meta and TIff were scoping out the castle on the lookout. While they were doing that they discussed normal things, like that one secret that was discovered in the last chapter...(It would be weird if I didn't mention it) They talked about it, don't wanna go in depth but it was mentioned.

Meta and Tiff are conversationing*

Tiff: "What are the chances the love of my life's space ship will crash into cappy town?" (totally not foreshadowing...ahah..ahah)

Meta: "I'm going to be honest with you Tiff, its extremely low"

Tiff made a deeply upset face and Meta patted her on the shoulder to compensate. As they turned a corner in the hallway they saw Kriby, Tuff and Escargoon mid drag. They stare in shock.

Escargoon: "oh no"

Tiff: "What the hells going on here!" pissy tiffy

Kirby: "nothing, just some friends dragging a body. Don't mind us" Kirby Tuff and Escargoon all awkwardly smile

Meta: "w-what?" Meta is deeply concerned. Why are her hands red?

Escargoon: "*sighs* alright, you caught us. All that scary stuff thats been happening around the castle has been us."

Tiff: "But why?"

Escargoon, Kirby and Tuff let go of DDD's unconscious body

Escargoon: "Revenge. The king always thinks its funny to scare the life out of me. I finally decided to give him a taste of his own medicine"

Meta: "But why are you two apart of this?" he's talking about Tuff and Kirby

Kirby: "cause he asked us and it sounded like fun, also pay back for his muder attempts"

Meta thoughts: fair enough

Tiff: "wait, so those footsteps and floating bottles were you guys?"

Kirby: "What are you talking about?"

Tuff: "All we did was turn the lights off a couple of times and put red paint all over the place"

Everyone: *confused*

King D: "AHEM"

Everyone: !

Escargoon: "Y-your majesty! Erm...what all did ya hear?"

King D: "Oh, Escargoon, I'm so sorry for the way I treated you. Let's put this all behind us, pale" He says standing up from the floor

Everyone: *completely shocked*

Escargoon: "ooh your majesty, I'm sorry too!" He says hugging the king

King D: "OH YOU BETTER BE SORRY!" Escargoon quickly let go and started to run away from the king

Escargoon: "AHHH"

King D: "GET BACK HERE" he says running after Escargoon

They booth run away leaving Tiff, Tuff, Kirby and Meta


Tiff: "So if you guys weren't the ones making footsteps, opening windows and floating bottles then who was?"

Kirby and Tuff: "I don't know"

Tiff looked at Meta, who also had no idea.

THEN, something happened. There was a faint booing noise coming from the opposite end of the corridor, everyone looked in the direction confused. From the other end of the hall was a white ghost holding a sack of money and gold. Everyone just looked at it like wtf. The ghost was getting closer and closer, but it looked non-thretening so they just stood and watched. The ghost flew by them in the hallway, it even said hello. What a nice ghost.

Kirby: "Am I on acid or did that just happen?"

Meta: "Let's just pretend we are on acid...No Kirby, that did not happen"

Kirby: "Phew, these hallucinations are getting to me"

Tuff: "Whats acid?"

The end. Wait one more bit...

They decide to follow the ghost. It heads into the throne room. Inside the throne room the monster delivery device is out and open. The ghost goes onto it and teleports away with the bag of cash.

Kirby: "What the fawk"

Everyone else: UH-

Kirby: "Did that ghost really just come in here to steal shit?"

Tiff: "I- I guess so?"

Kirby: "K, well, I'm trippin' soooo Meta lets go to bed"

Meta opened his mouth to say something, then didn't. He agreed with her, this day has been too interesting.

Kirby: ".....good night Tiff, Tuff"

Tiff: "You're just going to leave?"

Meta: "yes"

Tiff: "Alright, Tuff lets go" And the four of them head off to bed to try and forget about the abnormal experience :D

*later that night*

Kirby: "Do you know where I can actually get acid?" She says turing to her side in bed

Meta: "Go to sleep"

Kirby: "Yeesh, fine"

Ok now the end.

The events in the previous chapter WILL be addressed next chapter. Just give me some time....also sorry for taking two months, I actually ended up writing this whole thing in one night! It's 2am! Wait it's 1am, day light savings.

Did u like that? Should I do a Christmas special too!

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