Chatoyant College Book 7: Upo...

By clarekrmiller

349 63 2

As Edie falls deeper into her relationship with Leila, her friends worry about her. The revelation about her... More

Prologue: The Dream
Chapter 1: Get Our Blood Moving
Chapter 2: A Picnic
Chapter 3: Embarrassment
Chapter 4: The Haunted Sticker
Chapter 5: It's Real Food
Chapter 6: Dreams and Visions
Chapter 7: Curious
Chapter 8: Not That Long
Chapter 9: Pizza
Chapter 10: Dream Posters
Chapter 11: Digging in Dirt
Chapter 12: Poster Experiments
Chapter 13: Faeries in the Department
Chapter 14: Theories
Chapter 15: Invited
Chapter 16: Candy
Chapter 17: Party Time
Chapter 18: Antlers
Chapter 18: Antlers
Chapter 19: Painting
Book 7 now on Smashwords!
Chapter 20: Dancing
Chapter 21: Thresholds
Chapter 22: Under the Influence
Chapter 23: Sleeping
Chapter 24: Empty Campus
Chapter 25: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 26: Halloween Ball
Chapter 27: Escape
Chapter 28: ID
Chapter 29: Over the Wall
Chapter 30: Cold Morning
Chapter 31: Don't Tell Me
Chapter 32: Breakfast
Chapter 33: Craft Fair
Chapter 34: Globe
Chapter 35: Glitter
Chapter 36: Hair Brushing
Chapter 37: Unusual Interest
Chapter 38: A Tumble
Chapter 39: Dolls
Chapter 40: Science and Magic
Chapter 41: A Talk
Chapter 42: Thread
Chapter 43: Needling
Chapter 44: Brandon
Chapter 45: Vanished
Chapter 46: Searching
Chapter 47: The Path
Chapter 48: Following the Path
Chapter 49: Men Sell Not Such in Any Town
Chapter 50: Faerie Food
Chapter 51: Magical Pranks
Chapter 52: Questions
Chapter 53: Rules
Chapter 55: The Rat-Faced Spoke a Word
Chapter 56: Stormy Weather
Chapter 57: Conference
Chapter 58: Gone or Invisible
Chapter 59: Friends
Chapter 60: Power
Book 7 Is Complete!

Chapter 54: Come Buy

4 1 0
By clarekrmiller

"But then why did you go?" Corrie protested, still finding it difficult to believe that Professor Lal was being entirely above-board and honest.

"For the food—which is not harmful to me, or any other faerie—and the company other than the hosts. It's simply a social event, and there is no need for me to list the specific faeries I wished to see at the ball. Have you never attended a party with people you disliked, in order to see the people you did like?" Professor Lal raised her eyebrows at Corrie.

Corrie nodded reluctantly. "I guess I have."

The professor nodded, as though that settled the matter. "You understand, then. Now, do you have any other questions for me?"

Dawn shook her head. "I'm sure I had some more questions, but I can't come up with any at the moment."

"Well, I am always—that is, not always, but usually—available after class or in my office."

"Every time we've tried to look for you there, you haven't been there," said Roe.

"I am quite certain you have found me there in the past. If you are looking late at night or on the weekends, then chances are I am not there. It is a job, not my life, and I do not reside on campus."

Corrie wanted to ask where she did live, and was also feeling very curious about the little old faerie woman who seemed to live at the end of the hall, but not only did she think she wouldn't get any answers, she didn't really want to ask Professor Lal any more questions. She wasn't certain she trusted the professor anymore. She would be thinking hard about the answers Professor Lal had given them tonight, trying to decide whether they matched up with the available facts.

"I guess that's it, then," said Dawn.

Professor Lal nodded and stood up. "Then I will return to the market, as I do have more shopping to do, and you should all return to the campus. I will not extract a promise from you or forbid you from doing anything, but I hope you will seriously consider never returning here again. Those of you who have never tasted faerie food may be curious, but though it will not hurt you once, the people here may bargain with you for things that you will later discover that you required. Corrie, Roe, and Dawn, I will see you in class on Monday." With that, she stalked off, leaving the six of them seated in a horseshoe shape in the grass. The shouting and muttering of the market faded into Corrie's hearing as the silence spell broke.

Corrie stood up slowly, her legs feeling stiff from the damp grass, and bent to give Edie a hand up. "Should we listen to her?" she wondered out loud. She hadn't noticed anything interesting being sold here, just food, but now she wondered whether Professor Lal just wanted to keep them from experiencing it. "If it can't hurt us once, we might as well try it..."

Edie shook her head. "It tasted good—really good—but everything was kind of weird afterward. I barely ate yesterday and I've only eaten a little more today. It was like nothing could taste quite as good as the faerie food. I wouldn't want you to have to deal with that."

"Let's just get out of here," Annie said in a small voice. "I really don't think it's a hundred percent safe. Besides, it's really getting dark."

Corrie glanced up at the sky and saw that Annie was right; what she could see through the bare branches, against the light of the lanterns strung all around the market, was blackness without even the stars or moon shining through. There were so many more stars here than in the city, so to have them all hidden like that must mean a lot of clouds. "Yeah, it looks like rain, doesn't it? Okay, let's go home."

This time she let Annie and Roe take the lead, both of them steadfastly not looking around as they walked through the market. She couldn't help glancing at the wares, though; the fruits and vegetables were jewel-bright and looked fresh, picked at the peak of ripeness. Now she saw that some sellers had other food as well—breads, cheeses, chocolate, and wine. It didn't tempt her, though, remembering Edie's warning, and she frowned at herself and turned her gaze back to the back of Roe's head.

Then someone to her left called out, "Pretty things for a pretty lady, jewels for your ears and tongue and eyes!" Curious, she looked over.

She didn't see the faerie at the table. She didn't see her friends continuing to the exit. She didn't hear them speak to her as she turned away.

She was transfixed.

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