Age Difference

By bizzle_duh

389K 11.6K 5.8K

Shea and Justin have been best friends for a while now, always together and doing everything together. Shea i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
NOT AN UPDATE (please read though)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 5

25.4K 696 406
By bizzle_duh

1 week later

Shea POV

I groaned as I sat up in my bed with a sleeping figure next to me. Justin. I stretched my arms out and scratched my head. I looked over at my phone to see a notification.

'March 1: Justin b-day'

I gasped in excitement. Justin and I alway took each other's birthdays serious.

My attention turned over to the sleeping boy next to me. He was always so beautiful when he slept.

Justin came over last night because he said he didn't want to sleep alone, which was cute. To be honest, Justin has been really pulling at my heart strings lately. Ever since that night with the pranks, movies, and yogurt he has been extremely flirty. Not that I mind. He is constantly commenting on how pretty I look. Or maybe how he likes the way I talk or walk or smile. He defiantly causes my heart to flutter.

I quietly sneaked out of bed and into my closet to find the party hats, whistles, and confetti poppers I bought the other day.

I climbed onto The bed and straddled his waist. I positioned the whistle in my mouth and placed a party hat on Justin and I. I got the popper ready.

Wakey Wakey.

Justin POV

"I love you." I whispered into Shea's ear as we sat on the beach. I had my arms wrapped around her waist and my head resting in the crook of her neck.

"I love you too baby boy." she said back lacing our hands together.

She turned around and looked at me ready to lean in for a kiss. I licked my lips as I looked at hers.

Right before our lips met she stopped.

"JUSTIN!" She yelled. I jumped startled .

"What?" I said back.

"WAKE UP ALREADY" she yelled at me. what?...

"Justin!" A sweet voice yelled as my eyes snapped open to see the one and only.

Shea straddled my waist as she blew into a whistle... I wouldn't mind if she blew my whistle ;)

I was averted from my dirty thoughts when a loud pop went off and confetti covered Shea and I both.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Shea laughed as
she smiled wide.

I looked up at her with pure adoration. Shea was absolutely stunning inside and out and I don't know what I would do with out her. I don't even want to think about how I would feel If I lost her.

I grabbed her hands and kissed her knuckles.

"Thank you, beautiful." I whispered and pulled her into a hug.

"No problem Ju Ju." she giggled into my ear sending shivers up my spine.

I lightly traced my hand up and down her back.
"You always out do my birthday." I said into her ear.

"Well what are best friends for?" She said with a light giggle.My face lightly dropped.

"Yea, bestfriends..." I trailed off forcing a smile onto my face. So this is what it is like to be stuck in the friend zone?

" Alright sleepy head get up and get ready for school. We got a big day ahead of us." Shea said as she tried to pull me up.

"You sound like my mom." I groaned as I rolled my eyes as I sat up.

Shea giggled and she ran into cyclist probably looking for the clothes that she put in there last night.

She soon popped out so that i could only see her upper half.

"Ready to see what I got?" Shea giggled.

I cocked an eyebrow up in curiosity.

She then jumped pit the closet so that I could see her pants. They were comic print and the other day we were talking about who ever got a comic themed clothing piece wins $20.

I laughed out loud at her excitement.

"I win!" she yells as she dances in her own little spot. I laughed and got up to pull out a shirt. The shirt had a comic print on it.

Shea' s face dropped.

"When the fudge cakes did you get that?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Yesterday." I said smirking down at her.

"What ever I still win." she stated walking away from me.

"And why is that."

"Cuz I wore mine first loser." she said and stuck her tounge out at me.

"Whatever you sore loser ." she flicked me off as she walked out the room.

Oh, what am I going to do with that girl?

Shea POV

I walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast while Jay got ready.

I started making a bacon omelet and extra bacon for his side. He is always asking for extra crispy. Heavy footsteps ran down the stair case as they soon entered the kitchen. Arms were soon wrapped around my waist as a chin rested on my shoulder.

"Looks good." Justin complimented my cooking. I thanked him and countinued to my work as I attempted to ignor the butterflies fluttering inside my stomach. My cheeks were most likely red at the moment but I used some of my hair to attempt to block my face.

Justin soon let go after I had to sit there and pry his arms from around my waist. Justin went to go sit at the breakfast bar as I prepared our plates and poured some orange juice for the both of us.

When I turned back around to give Justin his plate he was already staring at me in deep thought.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him as I placed his plate infront of him and sat down next to him. He shook his head and then looked back up at me while his eyes scanned my face, them falling onto my lips. My breath caught in my throat as I saw him licking his own. OMG OMG this is not about to happen.

Justin's head started to slowely lean in. I stayed in my spot not moving. I've never in my life kissed someone and I'm honestly not sure if I'm ready at the moment. My heart beat quicken as his head inched closer to mine. His eyes countinued to flicker between my lips and eyes.

"Good Morning kids!" Pattie yelled before walking into the kitchen. I quickly leaned away from Justin but he still kept his spot still looking at my face. I looked over at Patttie who was now just walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge to pull out some fruit that she always munched on in the morning.

"Happy Birthday Justin." Pattie said walking around the bar to give Justin a hug. It was then that Justin snapped out of his daze when Pattie wrapped her small arms around his neck.

"Thank you ma" Justin said wrapping his muscular arms around her tiny waist. Justin's eyes met mine but I quickly looked down feeling a little embarrased and awkward about the recent event that have just taken place.

I focused on eating my food as Justin and Pattie discussed Justin's big birthday bash tonight. To be honest I'm not really sure how I feel about Justin and I almost kissing. Justin just turned 19 today and I'm turning 15 next month. That would never work out. The age differene is 4 years! We would most deffinitly be looked down upon at the realtionship. And isnt that illegal? No? Yes? Whatever I google it later, but the point is it is not something that should happen.

"Shea, your coming to the party tonight, right?" Pattie asked.

"Of course, I would never miss my best friend's birthday." I said with a smile. I glanced at Justin's face who seemed a little distrotted. I gnored it and countinue eating. Once it was time to go I grabbed my bookbag and hesitantly walked to Justin's card. This is going to be hella awkward. Maybe I should just act like nothing ever happen.

I sat in the passenger side as Justin slid into the driver's seat. Justin started the car and began to drive down the road. I felt a hand wrap around mine that was resting on my thigh. We usually always hold hand but it just feel weird now.

Justin countinued to have a gentle yet firm grip. My grip was loose and to be honest I wasn't even holding back onto his hand. Justin grabbed at my hand a little tighter hoping I would return it but mine countinued to stay loose.

I glanced over at Justin who had a clenched jaw and stared ahead at the road. I looked down at my thighs. I averted my attention to Justin's hand that was holding onto mine. I lightly squeezeed his hand for two seconds and then loosen it back up again. I peeked a glance at Justin who had a small smile on his face.

Once we made it to the school Justin parked the car and we both exited the car. We made our way to the school. Everyone greeted Justin with a happy birthday as we walked down the hall way. To ignor anymore awkwardness between Justin and I, I sneaked away as he was talking with his hockey and basketball buddies.

Ugh this is terrible.

Justin POV

The school day went by slower then usual. Ever since this morning Shea has been distant from me. Jeez, I dont know why I am so stupid sometimes. I was just looking at Shea and my emotions bursted everywhere for her and the temptations of her lips had me on overdrive.

I've been a little worried since I havnt seen Shea all day. She sneaked away this morning and hasnt seen her since.

I walked to my car as I saw Shea leaning against it texting away on her phone. Her curly hair lightly blew in the wind and her cute fingers tapped away at her phone. Once I was close to her she looked up at me and then quickly put her phone away.

"Hey Justin." she said with a small smile. I smiled back in return.

"Are you ready to party tonight?" I laughed and she gigled in response and nodded her head yes.

"Drop me off at my house I can get ready there and Chaz will pick me up on the way over to yours." Shea said. I nodded my head and dropped her off. We exchanged byes and I watched her walk to her front door and walk in. I took a deep breath before I went home and started setting things up for the party.

My mom is going out of town for the week and she said that I can have as big of a party I want, as long as she comes home with everything in place that it was before she left.

*2 hours later*

Music was pumping through the house and people were dancing and grinding. The party only started an hour ago and Ryan was sitting wwith me on the couch right now. Shea texted me and told she was her way over here with Chaz about 5 min ago so they should be here any moment now.

I herd the front door open and in walked Chaz and Shea. My eyes almost popped out of my head when Shea walked in.


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