By Lotus_Moonveil

89.7K 1.9K 1.3K

As Izuku surfs the internet to kill his boredom he finds an old reddit page. The reddit page was full of diff... More

Replicator Prank
Entrance Exam
Misunderstanding Creates Chaos
First Day
Testing Stuff and Battle
Damn It Asui
USJ Attack
Excuse Me
Restful Day? What's that?
Where's My Gun?
Sports Festival
Stupid Internships
Hosu Tech Thief
What have I done?
Small note
I have a Villain self?
Trying a New Class
Trying A New Class Part 2
Slugs VS Poachers
Meta Liberation VS Slugs
What Train?
The End

The Wish

17.8K 251 442
By Lotus_Moonveil

Since Izuku Midoriya was 4 he hasn't had the best life. On his birthday he found out that he would never get a quirk. They just did an x-ray and found out his pinkie toes had two joints. They didn't do further testing saying it wouldn't prove anything other than he's quirkless. On their way home his father committed suicide once he found out Izuku was quirkless and he didn't want his family to disown him.

The next day at school Izuku was withdrawn and his friend Katsuki
"Kachan" Bakugo bugged him to tell him. When Katsuki found out he started to bully the poor kid. Lies of quirklessness being contagious and laws stating quirkless can be used as punching bags Izuku was beat up on a daily basis. This went on for so long Izuku gained a high pain tolerance, learned a ton, and gained a slight hate of quirks.

He lasted ten years of torture, abuse, and burns. Izukus mom has been his only supportive person. Of course Izuku does his best to help his mom by getting a job and doing a lot of the chores at home. Today was his first day off in a very long time. As he surfed the internet he found an old sub reddit. On this subreddit they talked about a game called Dungeons and Dragons.

He read stories and saw lots of awesome artwork. The stories ranged from so silly he couldn't breath from laughing too hard to those so sad he would have cried, if he had a tear left. The artwork was breath taking as well. Worlds of many colors, different races and classes, and the magic they drew. After a while of surfing he found the art and story of a character called Izuku The God.

This characters story was about how a kid became a god after finding the lost relics of power which hide in plain sight. The art somewhat looked like him but in an armor set that looked like it was made of emeralds and jade. As Izuku looked it over he made a wish, a wish that would change his destiny forever. "I wish I was like these awesome characters."

As those words fell from his lips the drawing of Izuku the God changed from frowning to smiling. Izuku rubbed his eyes some and looked again only to suddenly be in a giant white room with the god standing in front of him. "I will grant your wish but you must train to learn all of my powers. For now I give you my base stats of all 20s. Your strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma are now maxed without boosting items."

Izuku felt his body bulk up slightly and he felt much healthier. The god then smiled, "No pain, you're truly pure of heart. I will give you two more powers. For your purity I give you Ultimate Spellcaster Feat and Artificers Envy. May you use these gifts well. Until we meet again young god in training."

Izuku was suddenly in his livingroom scaring his mom. She instantly noticed he was taller, more handsome, and something powerful was in him. She was about to ask when Izuku fainted crushing the coffee table which survived much more than a teenager falling on it. She called the hospital and had an ambulance take him there.

A couple hours later Izuku woke up and looked around confused. When he realized where he was confusion filled his mind as the last thing he remembered was seeing his mom looking worried. He noticed a drink with his name on it just out of his reach. As a joke he said, "Mage hand I summon you." He suddenly saw a ghostly hand form, give him his drink, and then vanish after giving him a thumbs up.

~<Inko POV>~
I walked into my son's hospital room with some food for when he woke up. When I saw yeah was not only awake but drinking the water I left I got a tad mad. "How long have you been up? Also I am upset you got out of that bed after you collapsed." Izuku just looked at me confused, "I collapsed? Did I break anything?" I showed him a picture of the table and he looked upset, "I'm sorry Mom, I didn't mean to break it. Also I had an odd vision."

With a sigh I hugged him, "Its ok hun, just quit working so much. I'm the parent not you. Now what was the vision?" He told me about the vision and I chuckled a bit, "Well someone with a teleportation quirk messed with you then. You just suddenly appeared in front of me before you collapsed." He thought a bit and looked for his phone.

When he got it he noticed his cup was warm and searched up something. Once he found what he was after he said, "Ray of frost:target cup, purpose: cool my drink." He held up the hand not holding his phone and a blast of frost came out of his hand. After a couple of seconds he drank his drink happier, "Ok so I do have powers. I thought I was seeing things. Dancing Lights, get me a doctor's attention please by leading them here as balls of light."

I watched balls of light suddenly form and Izuku kinda danced in his hospital bed, "Awesome! I dont need components for spells!! I wonder what else I can do." The lights left and I was stunned. Those spells finally clicked, "Wait, you're casting spells from DND?!?!" He nodded and I pulled up a website I remembered from when I played it in high school.

I pulled up a homebrew spell I knew would help us. He looked it over and looked at the flowers in the room. "Gem Transformation: target flowers in the vase. We watched as they slowly transformed into gems. The doctor walked in and was batting at the lights, "Boy, you could have just hit the call nurse button instead of having these balls of light harass me."

We both apologized and said we realized why Izuku collapsed. He was surprised since late bloomers usually have already manifested. We give them the flowers and he takes them to be appraised by a jeweler. We leave and head home eating our food once we got there. That's when Izuku thought of something, "Mom make a spell for me right now I wanna try if I know its homebrew if I can still cast it."

I sigh, "Let's do the testing tomorrow hun. We have the weekend off, I already called our respective bosses and they gave us time off." He nodded and I wrote him a simple one I called Students Blessing. It will teach him everything about anything he wanted forever. He quickly used it and he smiled, "It works!! Tomorrow I will see if I can homebrew spells. Gnight Mom, I love you." He mended the broken coffee table then went to bed with me chuckling. My son is going to make a lot of people mad with his power.

~<Izuku POV>~

I woke up the next morning and headed downstairs before Mom could. After deciding what breakfast would be I created a new spell. "Instant Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs, waffles, toast, coffee, and apple juice." As I finished talking Mom walked in and the food suddenly appeared on the table. She hugged me, "Morning my awesome son. Guessing you just made that spell?" I nodded and we began to eat.

After breakfast the dishes suddenly vanished as if they never existed. "That was cool. I didn't write that in but very useful." I watched as it got added to the spell as it had to be written down somewhere for it to work. "Mom what's an artificer in DnD?" She explained they cast magic through machines but since I can cast any spell that's not needed. Once she finished I smirked, "May I get even with the bullies at my school?" She nodded and kissed my forehead, "Sure, your father's blacksmith stuff is in the garage. Promise me you won't do anything dangerous."

I nodded and quickly headed to the garage. After using Students Blessing I grabbed all I needed and fired up the forge. When it got hot enough I created metal with transfiguration magic from some trash. With that all done I smirk and get to work. I spent the day creating pieces of metal in an odd shape. Once I had roughly a thousand pieces I began preparing my magic.

"Pieces of metal molded by me I imbue you with magic. You will become my first artificer creations. Take form Replicators!!." I watched as magic flowed out of my hand in the colors of the rainbows with the pieces floating for a second before they became replicators that obey me. Tomorrow at school I will reveal these and have fun. I wonder how many I will scare.

Yes I'm mixing DND and Stargate SG1. Here are pictures of the pieces and what replicators look like. I hope you all enjoy this story and if you have any homebrew spells or items tell me, they might pop up in a chapter.

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