Thieves in the Night

By QueenBuni04

826 35 519

Keiara Woods has just started her junior year in high school. Hooray. She's lived in Marsh City for as long a... More

Meet Our Characters
1. Save me..?
2. My problems. Not yours.
4. Surprise Surprise
5. Get Away

3. Can't Get Any Worse...

108 6 67
By QueenBuni04

Xavier smiles at me from where he sits at the lunch table. I smile back sadly, wiping my face and look down at my pizza. Taking a bite, the cheese refuses to separate from the rest of the slice. Rachel laughs at me a little. "Try not to cut it okay?" she says, making everyone at our table erupt into laughs and giggles. Except me.

"That's funny huh?" She nods as I pull apart the loose cheese strings. Jack looks at me with a confused expression, until he realizes just what I'm about to do. I make a small ball of cheese and throw it right at Rachel. She gasps as it lands on her chest and slides down her shirt. "Revenge is sweet," I laugh.

"Oh it will be," she says, glaring right at me. I grin innocently and bat my lashes at her, making her even more mad. But I know she's not really mad at me. We play jokes and pranks on each other all the time. Sometimes we get in trouble for it, but not always.

It's nice to forget the troubles at home. Forget that you have chores, your dad has basically been missing for months, your sister hates you with every bone in her body. That your mom pays you so little attention, to where it's almost like there's a stranger in the house.

"Don't know what you mean sweetheart." She scrunches up one side of her nose and shakes her head at me in a very mocking sense. Jack clears his throat, catching our attention. Xavier and Simon look at him as well.

"Anyways, before world war 3 breaks out, Kei, are you open for the mall today? Or did you get too much homework?" he asks. I purse my lips and look at the ceiling, thinking about class.

"Actually, I do have too much homework. Chem gave us notes we gotta do, I didn't finish the history assignment-"

"Hold up, you, Keiara Penelope Woods, the queen of doing things on time and or early as hell, didn't finish?" Jack questions, very surprised. Rachel punches his arm and he looks at her. "What? You know I'm right!! Kei is always finishing things and turning them in before the rest of the class can even start on the first sentence!!"

"Now I know you're exaggerating," I say, rolling my eyes. He grins at me and I can see his perfect white teeth. No wonder I used to have a crush on him all those years ago. He's still cute to me, but, he's my best friend and we made a pact not to date our friends. No matter how tempting. And Jack is super tempting. "Anyways, I've got those that I gotta do and I have no idea how English will go with Ms. Williams, so maybe tomorrow? Or Friday?"

"Or, neither of those and we hang out today. You guys are welcome too if you'd like," Rachel says. Xavier looks at his brother who nods like a bobblehead.

"We'll join you." Jack looks like he wants to punch one of them in the face, or maybe Rachel, since she suggested it, who looks like she might explode. I shake my head at her and dedicate myself to actually finishing my lunch. Kinda wish I had grabbed an apple too.

"Question is, where are we hanging out at?" Simon asks, glancing at me. Jack ponders his question, as does Rachel before they both get a mischievous smile on their faces and look at each other.

"Keiara's house!" they shout in unison. My jaw immediately stops chewing as I look up to stare at both of them, pizza sauce on my face.

"Why my house? Can't we go to your guys' house or something? The park? Anywhere but my house," I groan. 'They know what's going on, but I don't want them to see how bad it actually is..' Rachel grins, glancing at Simon and Xavier. My eyes widen and it feels like my heart stopped. "No."

"Aw c'mon Kei. We almost never go to your house!!" Rachel whines. She pouts her lip and gives me her cutest puppy dog face, knowing I'd cave. Not this time love. Not this time..

"No, thats final," I say, opening my chocolate milk. She sighs and pulls out her phone, no doubt texting Jack about how mean I am. His phone chimes as if in tune with my thoughts. He nods, agreeing with whatever text Rach sent him. I sip my milk casually before looking at Si and Xavi. "So, if you don't mind me asking, where are you guys from?"

Both boys freeze instantly, like I just asked the mother of all questions. "U-um," Si stutters, looking to his brother for help, but he stares at the table, a distant look in his eyes.

"I'd rather not talk about it," Xavi says after a few counts of silence. Simon nods in agreement and I raise my hands slightly in a non-threatening gesture.

"I understand completely. If and when you wanna tell me, I'm down." Xavier smiles softly at me and I swear my heart actually skips a beat. 'Am I falling for this strange, unknown boy?'

Jack and I get up at the same time, finished with our lunch, and walk to the trash can. Little too late do I see someone's foot in my path. Falling flat on my face almost, my body gets super warm. I stand up to see my purple top ruined by the milk I didn't finish.

"Whoops, don't think I saw you. Sorry," a girl's voice says beside me. I look to see one of the girls in the bathroom this morning. Resentment roars in my heart as I resist the urge to slap her into next week. I smile as sweetly as possible, like I don't care.

"It's okay. It was only a birthday present," I breathe. She looks cocky, as if she thinks I won't do anything to her. "But the next time you do something like that, it'll take a doctor and a miracle to remove my foot from your ass. Am I clear?" The girl scoffs and turns away as I bend down to pick up the lunch tray.

"You alright?" Jack asks after I throw away my garbage. "I'm sorry Kei. I would've helped, but it seemed like you had it handled."

"I'm just fine. Every female in this school hates me almost, and every guy avoids me. Almost." I take a deep breath and calm myself, walking back to the table. "But she really will need surgery if she does something like that again."

"Oh yeah? Why?" Simon asks as I sit.

"You guys just got here. I almost forgot," Rachel says, grinning ear to ear. "Keiara used to be known for kicking some serious butt. That's actually how the three of us became friends."

"Do tell," Xavier chimes in, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. His comment only fires Rachel up even more.

"When we were younger Keiara was like, this super badass girl who wasn't afraid to stand up to anyone, right?" Both guys nod, urging her to continue. "Before I was this good-looking, I used to get teased a little for my...fluffiness. Kei saw this boy messing with me one day. He was like, poking at my sides and it was making me super self conscious.

"I was almost in tears as I asked him to stop and leave me alone. Well, I guess Keiara hated bullies or something because she marched right up to the boy and sucker punched him in the gut, saying 'That was me poking you. How do you feel?' He got up crying and ran away. She was like, a superhero to me then.

"She asked if I was okay and I said yeah. Then she dropped a bomb of advice that made everything so much better as soon as she said it." I smile. I remember what I said. I still mean it to this very day.

"What'd she say?" Simon asks, literally leaning into the story.

"She said, 'Don't let people tease you because of how much you weigh. They're just jealous because you have more awesomeness than they do in their scrawny, little bodies.' I was in awe. She smiled and hugged me then just, walked away," Rachel finishes, a smile on her face. I smile back and look down. There is a lot of truth to her story. Only thing she got wrong was, she was actually bawling her eyes out running away from a group of boys who were calling her names.

"What about you Jack?" Xavier asks, resting his head on his hands.

Jack looks up, giving Rach and me a quick glance before smirking a little. "Me and Kei? Oh we've been best buds since the crib. I used to flirt in this nonsense babbling and she fe-" I stand up and punch his arm lightly and he laughs. "Alright, alright. She flirted with me," he says before I glare at him. "Kidding. I think it was late third grade or something. By that time, I had realized that girls were actually pretty cute and it...I dunno. I liked girls at that point but I had no idea how to approach one, or talk to one. It was unknown territory.

"Like, when you're little and your parents tell you not to do something, then they tell you to do it, but one of them tells you not to still, and you have trouble with which one to listen to, so you just like, walk away. That was me. Keiara here, helped me find my confidence. Now I can't keep the ladies off me." Jack brushes his hair and leans back, nearly falling out of his seat.

"Actually you're still the awkward kid I've known all these years," I mutter. He glares at me before pulling the hood of his vest over his head and picking up his phone.

"You're just mad I get more dates than your calendar." Rolling my eyes, I can't help but smile. These are my bestest friends in the entire world. I wouldn't trade them for anything. "Anyways, me and Rach are hanging out after school. Kei, you can stay at home and finish the assignments you've got. Capeesh?" he questions, looking up at me. I wave him off and the lunch bell rings.

"Time to go back to the prison cells," Rachel groans, standing up. I stand up too and laugh. "Good thing we're together for this next class." Simon shakes his head.

"Everyone but my brother that is," he says with a sad look on his face. "He's got Aquatics fourth period."

"Aw, you poor thing. Don't worry. We can all hang out after school. As a matter of fact, lemme give you my number. You can text me after fifth period," Rachel consoles. Jack groans irritably and walks off.

"When you're done flirting, I'll be at the table in class." He throws up a peace sign as he walks out the cafeteria. I giggle to myself and wait for Rach to finish swapping numbers.

"Now, Mr. Simon, will you escort us to class?" she asks, cheesing at him. He blinks at her and opens his mouth to say something, but before he can, Rachel has taken his arm and walked away, leaving me to trail behind.

"I hope you know, I have absolutely no idea where Honors English is," I hear him say. She does the giggle she does when she's either flirting heavily with someone, or is just being very mischievous.

"I know. I just look good on your arm. And I'm leading anyway." Definitely flirting. He shrugs and just plays along with her. As attractive as I may be, or may not be, I have nothing on my friends. I've seen Jack's dates for the same evening clash together, and they both still leave with him. Rachel can get just about anything she wants from a guy with either a bit of persuasion or pretend crying. Me on the other hand?

I'm too introverted. I'm not at all a social butterfly like my friends are. Or anyone for that matter. My sister can get her way in or out of something by acting innocent, hurt, or cute. Dad caves everytime she did it. Mom too. I sigh to myself and stare at my shoes.

"Is the little whore upset because someone stole her next target?" My head snaps up in the direction of the person talking, only to see Tommy and Victor together. Makes sense why Vic aims at me more than anyone. Both guys grin at me and I just look away. 'Keep walking. Just keep walking,' I repeat over and over in my head. Someone grabs my wrist and forcefully pulls me back.

"Let go of me!" I yell, yanking my arm back as I look at Tommy, who actually has a very tight grip on my wrist.

"Now why would I do a thing like that?" he asks, tilting his head. I look around the crowd of students who act oblivious to what's going on right in front of them. Jerks.

I growl and say, "Because we aren't together anymore and you're not my friend. Because I said so. Because if you don't, so help me God." He laughs at me, right in my face, Victor joining him. I twist my wrist so that my palm is against his and dig my nails as hard as I can into his forearm. He hisses in pain and I press harder until he finally lets me go. I take off in a sprint straight to my locker.

As much as I want to run to class, I still need my textbook. Quickly putting in the combination, I throw the door open and look for the thick amberish colored spine that is the Honors English text.

After I find it, I slam the locker shut and run straight to the stairwell, taking them two at a time until I reach the fourth floor. Then sprinting to class, I open the door and stroll in, like it took me all this time to get here. Even though my heartbeat is though the roof.

"Looks like someone ran into trouble," Rachel says as I take my seat at our usual table, only this time, Simon sits with us as well.

"How can you tell?" he asks, looking me over. She rolls her eyes and flicks her hand at him.

"The way her chest is moving. She's outta breath. So either the stairs were a challenge, or she ran into her archnemesis." Simon actually looks down at my chest and I turn away.

"Uh uh. No looksies. But worse. I ran into not just one, but two of the most annoying people in this school." Jack looks up from his phone and looks at me, pushing his hood off. It's funny to think that Ms. Williams didn't say anything when he walked in.

"Lemme guess. Victor," I nod. "And...your ex," he says. I clap quietly and exhale through my mouth, running my fingers through my hair.

"Ding ding ding. Tommy grabbed my wrist, the way he would when I walked past him when I was upset or something, only this time with a near-death grip." Rachel and Jack wince. "I dug my nails into his skin until he let me go. And honestly? I hope I made him bleed."

"Ooh. Vindictive," Jack teases. I stick my tongue out at him and Ms. Williams stands up as the bell rings.

"Alright kiddos. If no one has said it, let me be the first. Welcome back to school. You're all juniors now, meaning you're more responsible, you may have a car, a job and might actually be thinking about what college you'll attend. Or maybe you're thinking about when I'll sit down and shut up so you can goof off," she starts. I smile to myself a little.

Ms. Williams has always been my favorite teacher. She's a no-nonsense black lady with short hair with dark freckles on her face. She always wears some sort of awesome looking outfit. Like, one day she came to school wearing a denim jacket and a long black skirt with these cute grey flats and she had on these black pearl earrings with a matching necklace. I was loving it so much. And the best part of all? She reminds me of how a mom should be and act. Makes me wish I was her kid some days.

"But I will tell you one thing. I am not that kind of teacher. You are all here to learn and grow as our nation's new generation of adults, and it is my job to provide you with tools so you may succeed in life, no matter what profession you choose." Someone on the left side of the class raises their hand and she looks at them, nodding her head.

"What if someone wanted to be a stripper? Or a prostitute?" they ask. No doubt that question was directed at me more than the teacher, but I think Ms. Williams caught that.

"Then I will pray for that child and their parents. And as 11th graders you all know, I do not, under any circumstances, allow bullying of any student within these walls. I know about the rumors going around about Ms. Woods, and honestly, I am disappointed in all of you." I bury my face in my arms, wishing I could die.

"Can God strike me with a lighting bolt?" I mumble. Simon pats my back.

"It doesn't work that way Kei," he whispers.

"So, you can thank yourselves for this one and whoever started these misspeakings for your first assignment." Everyone groans loudly. "Stop that or you'll all get detention. In this classroom, with me for an hour after school." They immediately go silent. And this is why I love her. She rules the classroom with an iron hand, and a heart of gold. "Everyone in this classroom needs to write me a ten page essay on what respect is and how you can show it to others. I want at least 4,500 words used, and trust me. I count."

"When is it due?" I hear Simon ask. I peek up at him and he looks very serious.

"Tomorrow. By the time you walk in class. I will be standing at the door, and I expect it all to be handwritten," Ms. Williams says. "If it's not done by then, you get to choose your punishment. Either the assignment doubles, and you write a ten page essay on punctuality, or you spend detention in here for two days. Take your pick."

"You realize we have other classes and other teachers' homework we have to finish too right?" a guy asks from the front.

"Oh, this isn't homework sweetie. Oh, no no no no no. This is what you'll be working on right now. I am in contact with all your parents. If I so much as think you're doing it at home, I won't hesitate to call. And you won't know when I strike." So much sass in one teacher. And in a way, they're getting what they deserve for being so rude and cruel to me. Ms. Williams walks to her desk and looks at her computer.

"There are four students exempt from this assignment. They are as named: Jack Renn, Rachel Plair, Keiara Woods, and Simon Devers. Simon, the reason I cannot include you in this assignment is because you just got here. But you will have one. I want you to write a five page essay on what you think it means to be an adult. You may not ask anyone any questions about this, I want your opinion. Then another five pages on what the responsibilities of the adults in your life are.

"As for Keiara, Rachel, and Jack, 10 pages on what friendship is and or means to you. You may work on this together and after class," she says. I swear someone is staring holes in my back.

"Thanks a lot slut," someone near me whispers. I bury my face again as Ms. Williams claps.

"Can this day get any worse?" I whisper as I grab some paper from inside the desk and pull out my pencil.

"Get to it students." Jack stands and I peek out at him as he walks to the teacher's desk, conversing in a hushed tone. Ms. Williams nods and he smiles, walking to the computer cart and grabbing four laptops. I assume one for each of us.

"Sometimes being nice to people seriously pays off," he whispers as he hands us a computer. Even though I still feel like someone is staring right at me, I thank the stars and open up the computer, putting in my student information to log in. I open up a Google Doc and share it with Rach and Jack.

"Tell me about it," I say quietly. Simon smiles then winks at me. I blush and turn away. I see the cursor for Rachel and Jack as we begin working on this assignment.

As the time passes, the longer this class seems until Ms. Williams stands, "Okay class, time to put your things away." I scroll on the assignment and we have at least 7 pages. It'll be a group project. We each have our own opinions on what friendship means and what it is to us, so we decided to write our own thing, but put it together.

"Hm. This was actually fun. I like this school," Simon says, stretching. I smile a little and look at Rachel. "And you guys are the best. I don't wanna be rude or anything, but forget everyone else. You guys are my cliche."

"Well, I'm glad you like our school and I'm happy you consider us your friends, given that we just met you and all," Rachel beams. I stand and collect the laptops and go to put them away. Some guy pushes his chair into the aisle as I walk by his table, making sure I can't get through.

"Excuse me," I politely say. He glances at me and goes to talking with his table mates. I groan and go the long way to the computer cart. I plug the computers in and go back to my seat. "Jerks.." Sitting down, Si looks at me and pats my back. Jack gets his phone from his pocket and ignores us all.

"Forget about em. Haters gonna hate." I can't help it and laugh. Simon looks bewildered and confused. "What did I say that's so funny?" he asks.

"You just sound like a complete girl, that's all." He raises an eyebrow and looks away from me, glancing back every couple seconds like I'm crazy.

"Is she always like this?" Simon asks Jack. Jack looks up from his phone to peer at me then nods at Si's question.

"Unfortunately," Jack says. "Been like this for as long as I can remember." Balling up some paper, I throw it right at his face. He blocks it and it hits Rachel instead.

"Ooh! I'm gonna-" The bell cuts her off and Jack grins evilly.

"You're gonna what cupcake?" She glares daggers at him and stands up. I smirk and stand up too, scooping up my textbook.

"Ms. Woods?" the teacher calls. I turn to face her and she makes a come here gesture. Walking to her desk, I stare at the red carpet of the classroom floor, pondering what she could possibly want me for. "Are you okay? I've heard what people are saying about you and I just wanted to know how you're handling it, and going through it."

"Oh," I say, biting my lip. "I'm okay. I try not to let it get to me too much. I know it's a lie, my friends know it's a lie, and that's all that matters to me. I do care about other people's opinions, but if they wanna think I'm sleeping around, that's their problem." Ms. Williams nods and stands, going around her desk to me.

"If you need someone to talk to, or want to chat, about anything, my door is always open and I'm always here." She smiles at me and hugs me. I return the hug before pulling away.

"Thanks, but I think I'll be okay." I walk out the class with my textbook and take a deep breath. I nearly took her up on the offer.

Going down the hallways sometimes seems like a task, since everyone hates me now. It feels like it takes me forever to reach my locker, and after I do, I wish I could turn back.

Someone took the time to paint the word prostitute in capital letters on the door with a blown up picture of me, that's obviously photoshopped. My head on a naked woman's body. I hold my breath and walk to my locker with as much dignity and courage as possible to put away my textbook, and grab my backpack. I pretend not to notice what's on the inside of my locker either. On the floor sits a pregnancy test and a box of condoms.

Teenagers can be so cruel. Biting my lip to help me forget everyone there and the tears trying to leave my eyes, I put my bag on my back and close my locker. "You like it?" a male's voice says. I would recognize it anywhere. Tommy leans on one of the lockers next to mine, and Victor stands against the other.

"This is our gift to you whore," Vic says with a sadistic smile on his face. I turn away from both of them and do my best to ignore the people in the hall as I walk to the gym. I go into the girls locker room and find a secluded corner to change into my gym uniform. My one from last year still fits so it meant I didn't need to spend money on a new one.

"Ew," I hear from behind me. I turn around to see almost every girl in either this class, or the other gym class, cornering me. "Look at the girl who thinks she can screw anyone that's willing." I turn around and just work on my breathing. Pulling my shirt on someone forcefully turns me around. A tall girl with blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and freckles stares at me.

"We were talking to you. It's rude to ignore us you know," she snarls at me.

"It's rude to accuse someone you know nothing about," I sneer. She grabs me by my shirt and pulls me face to face with her.

"Careful Sarah, you don't want to get her sex virus," the first girl says. I roll my eyes and turn back around, pulling on my shorts and indirectly saying, 'Kiss my arse.'

"You guys, sorry, girls, are getting on my nerves. I value myself and my body and would never do anything to defile it. Before you go picking on someone, or anyone actually, know all your facts." I push through them with my tennis shoes in hand and walk into the gym. My belly starts to twist with worry and I don't think I should've left my clothes alone with those girls.

End of Chapter 3

Word Count: 4,589

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