bleach fics

By topmagtiger

146K 3.2K 157

Various Bleach oneshots and stables featuring a variety of characters, pairings, and genres. There are plenty... More

lovely surprises - shunsui x oc
back to normal - shunsui x oc
ride away the day - shunsui x oc
plumbing problems - shunsui x oc
study night - shunsui x oc
babysitter - shunsui x oc
a family of pranksters - shunsui x oc
aftercare - shunsui x oc
sneaky - shunsui x oc
i'll show you how it's done - shunsui x reader
where i belong - ukitake x reader
snowy days - ukitake x reader
afterwards - luppi x reader
a perfect fit - kenpachi x oc
wasted - kenpachi x reader
lessons in love - kenpachi x reader
petty jealousy - kenpachi x reader
perfection - kenpachi x reader
round two - kenpachi x reader
nothing serious - kenpachi x ikkaku
inappropriate - sasakibe x reader
never forgotten - sasakibe x reader
out of touch - sasakibe x reader
celebrations - hitsugaya x oc
as she sleeps - hitsugaya x reader
a reason to smile - hitsugaya x reader
for now - hitsugaya x reader
all the way - hitsugaya x reader
our first time - hitsugaya x reader
mine - hitsugaya x momo
maybe later - ikkaku x oc
time off - ikkaku x reader
the storm outside - urahara x reader
christmas with you - urahara x reader
trapped - hichigo x reader
buff - ichigo x reader
strawberry lunches - ichigo x reader
taking control - ichigo x reader
protectors pt. 1 - ichigo x reader
protectors pt. 2 - ichigo x reader
thunder - ichigo x reader
more often - grimmjow x oc
an evening stroll - aizen x oc
a few hours - grimmjow x reader
from rivals to lovers - hisagi x reader
all right - ulquiorra x oc
whipped - rose x reader
a hidden love - rukia x reader
adorable - keigo x reader
our little family - shunsui x reader
one drink - shunsui x reader
sweet surprises - izuru x reader
the nightly debate - shunsui x ukitake
little pink bow - renji x reader
protect the girl - renji x reader
all night long - renji x reader
for the night - shunsui x reader
next time - shunsui x reader
2, 7, 15 - shunsui x reader
new experiences - byakuya x reader
unprepared - starrk x reader
a day in mr. kyoraku's life - teacher!shunsui
when i see her - shunsui x reader
any man - shunsui x reader
a busy anniversary - hisagi x reader
insufficient - byakuya x reader
overworked - shunsui x reader
immediate regret - shunsui x oc

busy, busy, busy - ginjo x reader

959 11 0
By topmagtiger

The soft, cool breeze blowing across the warmly-lit streets of Karakura Town slid through Ginjo's hair as he walked, head raised towards the sky and hands resting casually in the pockets of his jacket. A somber expression graced his handsome features, a look far darker than the serious one that he typically wore. The tension in his shoulders, the furrowing of his brows - Ginjo hated all of it.

Most of all, Ginjo hated that he couldn't change the way he felt. His mood for the day had been set when (Name) had asked that he meet her at their favorite spot in Karakura's central park, underneath the shade of a large plum tree. Though she hadn't elaborated on what it was she wanted to talk about, Ginjo was no fool. He knew what was coming and every part of his body told him to fight it, to go against the inevitable demise of his three year relationship and beat her to the punch.

The majority of their problems had been the result of Ginjo's actions and he was well aware of that fact. From the moment that Ginjo and the Xcution had learned of Kurosaki's role as a deputy soul reaper, things had been strained between Ginjo and (Name). Ginjo, naturally, had been planning how they would approach the teen and coerce him into their ranks; (Name) understood the importance of manipulating Kurosaki and harnessing his powers. She, too, was gifted with the abilities of a Fullbring. That was how she and Ginjo had met, after all.

Yet, Ginjo had been pushing her away. Most of his time recently had been spent scheming with Tsukishima and leaving (Name) in the dark. Well, perhaps that wasn't entirely fair to say - she knew as much as the other members of their group did, aside from maybe Giriko. Days that (Name) had once spent cheerfully in the hideout by Ginjo's side were now spent in ways he wasn't aware of, only because he never had the time to be there for himself. She had always been close to Jackie, so Ginjo assumed that was who she had been with.

He had never taken (Name) as the unfaithful type, but now, Ginjo couldn't help but wonder if she'd found someone new. No, he dismissed that thought rather quickly. (Name) wouldn't do such a thing and to even consider otherwise was an insult to the woman that Ginjo had grown to care for so deeply. If she wanted to call things off, it wouldn't be to leap into another man's arms. It would be strictly due to his own foolish actions.

Before he knew it, Ginjo had arrived at the park and landed his deep brown eyes on (Name)'s smaller, seated form. For a moment, all of his previous tensions disappeared from Ginjo's body and he relaxed; a smile even came to his lips. Yes, he loved this woman. As quickly as the warmth that followed sighting (Name) had rushed over Ginjo, it was replaced by an undeniably aggravating fear.

Fear that this could be the end of them as a couple. That this was their send-off as lovers, that after today, their only bond would be the Xcution.

Ginjo dismissed such troublesome thoughts as he made his way to his girlfriend's side, taking a seat in the grass beside her. (Name) greeted him with the same warm grin that had initially caught his attention the day they met.

"Thank you for coming, Ginjo. I'm sorry for the short notice. I hope I've not cut too much into your planning today by asking you to be here."

"What are you talking about? I'm the one that should be apologizing. As important as our official business is, I've been anything but kind to you lately," Ginjo shook his head. He took one of (Name)'s hands with both of his own; she was so small compared to him, it was almost as if one of his hands could swallow hers whole. "I'm sorry, (Name). Really."

For a moment, silence fell over the two of them. It worried Ginjo but being the cool man that he was, he attempted to play it off as though he wasn't the least bit concerned. However, against his will, his body began to subtly fidget.

It was then that (Name) began to laugh.

The sound was heavenly, certainly, but it confused (and startled) Ginjo. Unsure of how to react, he looked to (Name) with a pout.

"What's so funny?! I was being honest!"

"I know you were," (Name) said as her laughter began to subside. However, the look on her face remained the same; Ginjo hadn't seen her so happy in far too long. "What you said just now, all of it, it was such a 'Ginjo' thing to say."

He paused, mouth slightly agape.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, baby," The twinkle in (Name)'s eyes as she spoke confused Ginjo; she seemed to be so upbeat and cheerful, but hadn't they come here so that she could break up with him?

"... (Name), why did you ask me to meet you here today?" Ginjo asked, suddenly somber once again. The woman's bright gaze faltered; there it was, the truth. "If you're wanting to break up with me, then--"

"Ginjo, what the hell are you talking about?!" (Name) interrupted him, genuine fear overtaking her features. "Why would I-- What are you on?!"

Once more, silence.

"I-- I just assumed that, since I'd been so shitty lately and you deserve more, you--"

"Maybe Riruka was right; you are an idiot," (Name) sighed dramatically as she fell onto her back on the grass, her hand remaining in Ginjo's hold. "Breaking up with you here of all places would just make me cry even more. I want you to think about what today is, Ginjo. Take as long as you need to, since you've apparently not used your brain much on the way over here."

Okay, maybe (Name) had a point. Ginjo would admit that he might have been a bit on the foolish side, but what was she talking about? The man's eyes narrowed in thought as he looked down at (Name) for a moment, but her face gave nothing away. It was only when he turned his gaze to those around him that realization hit Ginjo harder than any blow he'd taken during battle.

"Our anniversary!" Ginjo exclaimed suddenly, one of his hands releasing its hold of (Name)'s so that he could slam the ground beside them. Everything had clicked the moment he had seen a group of children walking around in costumes with buckets of candy in their hands. "How could I be so stupid?!"

"Uh-huh, and there it is. Took you long enough, jerk."

As Ginjo met (Name)'s gaze, he was surprised to see that the look on her face wasn't hurt or angered; in fact, it was more amused than anything.

"(Name), I'm sorry, I--"

"Ginjo, did you really think that I would break up with you because you've been so busy lately? I'm proud of you; you and Tsukishima both are working hard to make sure that all of our lives are better. I would never ask you to choose between me and our Xcution. You never stop working and that's part of what made me fall in love with you in the first place. I just wanted to spend some time with you today, that's all."

It had been less than a year since Kurosaki had lost his soul reaper abilities; it would still be some time before Ginjo and his crew made their move. No, the poor teen had to fully comprehend how powerless he was without his spiritual pressure. The Xcution's future would not crumble if Ginjo and (Name) spent the day celebrating not only Halloween, but their love as well.

"You know, I guess that does explain why Tsukishima and Giriko looked at me so strangely this morning when I stormed out of our hideout," Ginjo laughed at his own silly assumption. "I was in such a foul mood, they surely thought I was out of my mind. They would've been right."

"I'm more hurt that you didn't take a break to go costume shopping with me this year," (Name) pouted childishly. "This is going to be the first year since we started dating that we won't be matching."

"I don't think anything could have topped what we did last year. We made Giriko laugh. That's one of the biggest accomplishments of both of our lives, I think."

Before responding, (Name) sat up with a mischievous smirk on her lips. Oh, he loved that look. "I hope that you don't think our yearly Halloween party is off just because you're forgetful, babe. Me, Jackie, and Riruka have been working hard on it. In fact, we went to the trouble of picking out costumes for everyone in advance."

"So why didn't you go ahead and get us matching costumes, then?" Ginjo asked with a subtle tilt of his head.

"Because this year, you're going to be matching with Tsukishima," (Name) declared smugly. "I'll be matching with Riruka."

"I-- Tsukishima?" Ginjo repeated in confusion. "And Riruka?"

(Name) nodded. "Yep. I was originally going to plan something with Jackie, but when Riruka came to me with an idea that she'd been stewing over, I couldn't turn her down. Don't feel too bad, though. Tsukishima doesn't have any idea what he's going to be wearing tonight, either."

When his girlfriend sent him a sly wink, Ginjo couldn't help but to chuckle. Something told him that he would be in for a wild ride this evening, and not necessarily one that would be shared in the company of their closest companions.

Even if Ginjo had forgotten what was one of the most important days of the year, he was still able to end the night on a high note. Their meeting with Kurosaki would come in due time, but on Halloween, Ginjo was able to push away the responsibilities that came with leading the Xcution and focus on the woman that made his life all the sweeter.

And besides, seeing Riruka attempt to get Tsukishima into a g-string had been absolutely priceless.

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