Soulmate to the mafia don

Par hopeful_soul

282K 5.5K 507

Valerie Gunnar was a simple girl. She liked reading, she was a fiery fighter and she was a total smart mouth... Plus

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32
Chapter - 33

Chapter - 11

8.8K 200 28
Par hopeful_soul

Walking towards the meeting room, I think about what I want to do after this. Regio had asked me to go into the meeting room, where he will join me after his call and where he plans on staying for the rest of his day.

"Meeting room. Not my office." He had said when I had stupidly started walking in the wrong direction.

I opened the double doors with hidden trepidation, holding my head high for the no doubt snippy old prejudiced assholes.

Entering, I noticed two things. One was that the room was already full, each and every seat except the head taken. Second was that everyone had snapped up from their seats, their heads lowered and posture stiff. Ohkayyy. What the fuck is happening? Awkwardly, I shuffle into the giant room, looking for some familiar faces so that they can tell me what was happening.

A mop of shit met my eyes, my feet making the only sound in the room as I walked towards the end of the table, the further most left seat where shithead was standing. I also noticed that right across from him stood sandy bitch, his stance the same as everyone else here.


No bloody response. Sighing, I reluctantly muttered his name.

"Zady?" Yes, I am a bitch.

"Yes ma'am?" Ohhh ma'am? No little girl? Coool.

"What's happening?"

"Respect. We don't look up till you say we can. We don't sit until you do." The sound of his teeth gritting in annoyance as he looked at my sudden grin was music to my ears.

"Oh you do, do you?" Clearing my throat as I speak clearly, my voice now going loud so everyone could hear me. "You all may sit. Except Zach and Hunter, that is. Please, take your respective seats gentlemen."

Smiling a sugar dipped smile, I drag the chair that Zach was standing by and plop down beside his standing self. Only after a few minutes of teeth gritting do I let them sit, Zach still standing because of the lack of chairs.

The doors suddenly open up again, his tall and handsome figure coming in commandingly. Again, everyone snapped up, but instead of lowering their heads; they got down on their knees with their hand on their heart and neck down, as if giving up their necks to him.

Ultimate submission. That's what they were showing to him.

Suddenly feeling uncertain and insecure, I fumbled up as well, my eyes involuntarily going downcast at the authoritative dominating aura surrounding the room. I knew now why people feared him.

His stance, which I had briefly seen screamed control. He walked in knowing he's the boss, knowing he's invincible. And I believed it. I believed then and there that this dark boss was invincible. That he was a god. The law of the world. He didn't feel like the man I had seen for the past month, he seemed like the terror he was known as.

The unmerciful criminal mastermind no sane man would cross. Fear, you could feel the fear radiating out of everyone. But also respect, respect reeked from each of the men bent on their knees.

My knees shook suddenly.

I was mated to him.

Maybe I should follow them as well.

My hand gripped the seat's handle, as I fought the instinct that wanted to get on it's knees and show him I mean no harm. No threat. That I wasn't against him and never would I either dare to be.

Shoes came in my view of the ground, a hand gripping my face gently yet firmly.

Eyes as green as the freshest of leaves met me, bright yet dark as they captured my dull brown ones.

"You do not look down. You do not get up. You do not show submission. You're my queen. Submission, my darling, isn't something I want from you."

An audible gulp was heard in the room as I looked at him, mesmerized by his hypnotizing eyes and alluring voice. I nod slowly, mouth dry.

He moved us, now standing at the head of the table. I couldn't look away from him. Oh god that was-

"Sit down little warrior."

Had my eyes been wide before? They were now bulging out of my sockets as I shook my head 'no' like a crazy bird. I don't deserve that place. Only one man does. Equality is a different thing. This was another.

He raised his eyebrow, eyes travelling up and down my form and then drifting to the seat, then right back at me, order clear. Wordlessly, I sat down and almost immediately I feel his hand on my shoulder, rubbing small circles on my collar bone. Off-shoulder top did not look like a good idea right now.

"Men. Stand up."

Not being able to help myself, I asked the question that was knocking in the back of my head. "Do they do this every meeting?"

"No. This is the first official meeting I'm having with my inner circle since I found you. They show their happiness for occasions like this. Showing me they'll be behind me whenever I need them, no matter what has changed. Or in this case, behind us."

Fuck I am overwhelmed.

"Let the meeting begin. Fill me in. Zach here tells me there was a dispute between you all, what was it.

For the next 25 minutes, multiple figures that were in the room tried explaining their views upon a business hub sort of thing they wished to start in New York.

Apparently being a great business opportunity, which I wasn't going to ask about since the area they were looking at was one of the most sketchiest but wealthiest area of the city, Zach was disagreeing with the other men's idea, which had resulted in a violent fight breaking out, hence the reason Regio had to be called in.

Looking at the holograms that displayed two structures, one Zach's and another of the other men whose names I couldn't care less about, I actually preferred Zach's. Shocking since I was secretly wishing he was full of shit for brains as well.

Unable to keep myself quiet, I spoke up, cutting the arguing voice.

"I actually think Zach's idea makes more sense." Eyes snapped to me, some angered, some surprised - one of which amused me to no end and one curious.

"Majority believes the other plan better Ms. Gunnar." A sickly sweet voice said, the mocking tone in it something I did not miss. So that's how it was.

"Just because you're in majority does not mean you're right sir." I replied, my voice even.

A tinge of anger was laced when the man again spoke. "Then why don't you tell us what is wrong?" I cock my head, looking away from him to catch Regio's eyes who were already on me from across the room. He nods, giving me the go to. I smile, a little more coldly than I ad intended to.

"Well, I know this part of the city, and seeing the plan you have for it..." getting up I gesture to the buildings that were being shadowed because of the design and continue, "See these areas by them..." I point to the lonesome areas that form corners at the edges, "Might cause you some problems in case of chasing and dealing which is what I assume you'll be using the corners for?" I look back up from the hologram, question aimed at Regio.

His nod was answer enough. Sharply nodding my head, I continue, "See this. You're building a bar near this street; a main one, a crowded one. It might cause unwelcomed walk-in's during some uhmm- situations."

"Zach agreed to that part though."

"And here I was disappointed learning that he didn't have shit for brains. Thank you for renewing my faith in you shithead." Chuckles rose from a few men that had been hostile to me during the entire morning, making me smile.

"As I was saying, instead of doing this..." I move the holograms around, trying a few different plans to see which fit best and then settling on the one I thought was best, "Try this. This way, the club will have back exits in case you need to leave hurriedly, back space that is isolated from the streets for... yeah and terrace joining you to the adjacent building here, which I assume you will be owning...?" Another nod from him makes me smile at the perfect way the place was coming along, "Connecting you to a Helipad, ensuring quick escape or quick back-up."

"This changes the whole design though." I shrug.

"Clubs, pubs, bars, whatever you want to call them are the easiest places to do your... business. Start with a perfect place and them surround it with other buildings. It'll help if you have the area around the club surrounded if you ever need to catch an escapee. Might prevent you from loosing a man in a chasing situation if you have the near around area under control."

Look at me talking all shady. I'd make a better mafia uh thingy than these dum-dums.

"Of course, you all are open to suggest any changes." I add, not wanting to seem completely bossy. I'll leave that to the man staring at me intently.

"How do you know so much about some of New York's darkest areas?" A surprised voice asks, making me turn to Zach.

I grin, winking for extra points.

"Had a trip here in high school. Went to a bar in that area with my friends. We all decided to stay further instead of going back with the school so got acquainted with the area after a few visits." He furrowed his eyebrow probably wondering how I got in since I was under-age. "Fake ID." I answer Zach's unasked question, grinning mischievously.

"Which bar?" A voice growled out, my eyes snapping to it's source.

"Uhh- Olive or twist... Why are you asking?" He took large steps towards me, covering the distance separating us, his hand fisting my hair as he kissed me roughly, the action catching me off-guard, making me clutch onto him for balance.

"That place is dangerous!" He whispers out as we part, his hand on me not loosening.

"That was why you became an animal all of a sudden? I ask horrified at his antiques.

"You are way too untamed!" My eyes narrowed at his words, indignation building in my throat.

"You are not the boss of me!"

"Senseless woman!"

"Egoistic man!" Before I could hurl some further curses at him, he pushed me into him and stole my breath away. Silence hung in the air as we part, my mind suddenly remembering that there were 30 more people with us.

His hand that was once in my hair was now on my waist, making me pull it and slide out of his hold. He tries getting a hold of me, making me look at him pointedly. He only points to the ground beside him, looking at me grumpily.

I rolled my eyes and cock my head to the men sitting behind me. He huffs quietly, taking my hand and pulling us forward.

"All those in favor of Valerie's idea, reply with a raise of hand." I count the hands that shoot up, smiling inside as I see 21 out of 30 hands raised. Cheekily, I also see Zach and Hunter's hands up. Aha! Outdid you- bitchy and shitty.

"All those who aren't, do you have any suggestions?"

"Boss, letting a woman that does not know anything about our work doesn't seem like a good idea."

Did anyone else notice the way he spit the word 'woman' out? My fists clench, my jaw clicking as I try to control my murderous instincts. That sexist bastard!

"Suggestions Mr. Humphrey. No one asked for you opinion. You were asked to give properly evaluated suggestion or improvement. Refrain from making sexist comments in front of me. I do not take those lightly I'm afraid. Ask your boss here if you doubt me." My voice sounded chilly to my own ears and I noticed several eyes widening at the stance I had unconsciously taken.

Shoulders taut, fists clenched and I'm pretty sure if I looked in the mirror, I would look more like Regio than Valerie. The silence angered me more. "Am I fucking clear?"

I was met with a chorus of 'yes' instead of just one. I nod, pleased as I try to lighten myself and seem less domineering.

"You heard her. I'm agreeing with her plan. She has done a better job at understanding the basic needs in 25 minutes than you have in 25 years. Explains a lot about you Mr. Humphrey. Dismissed!" His cold voice boomed, people rushing out of the room, not wishing to face the wrath clearly written on his face.

"Can I kill your men? Maybe slaughter them? Or cut their penises off and stuff them in their mouths while I rip of finger after finger and then arm after arm?" I ask as I look at the scampering men, anger clear in my voice. Two choking voices reach my ears, indicating Zach and Hunter were still there.

A hand rests on my shoulder, squeezing lightly and soft lips kiss the side of my head to comfort me.

"Don't tempt me. I already want to torture that fucker."

"Is this how you two think of me as well?" I ask, turning to the right and left hand men, a glare on my face.

"No Regina." The two were quick to answer, their heads lowering as I look at them. What the- I was Valerie. Vale- Oh. Regio and Regina. King and Queen. Ohhhhh.


I turn around to the man-child tugging at my blouse, an amused smile taking over my face at the mob boss' childish actions.

"What is it?" I asked quietly, letting him pull me close.

"Go on a date with me." He suddenly blurted out, cocking his head as he looked down at my very confused form. Well that was sudden.

"Alright." I answer nonchalantly, shrugging after giving it a brief thought. The face he made was enough to send me in a laughing fit.

"You-you're agreeing!?" He voiced out, his face showing disbelief as I laugh more.

"Of course. I am capable of agreeing to your wishes you know. Just as long as they're wishes and not orders." I respond cheekily, grabbing the glass of water on the table.

"Wear black. It's my favorite color. We'll go out at seven. I need to go right now cause I just got an emergency I need to deal with but be ready by seven. We'll go out then." He rushes out, kissing the side of my face which was puffed out because of the water. Quickly gulping the water down, I yell at his already leaving form.

"My favorite color's white! So you may expect me to be ready in our room by 7:15 wearing white!" I yell back, grinning at his taut back.



"Black!!" He yelled out loudly, going down the stairs and looking up at me as I stand by the railings. I smile down at him as he smirks before yelling his favorite color again and going out of the main doors, a smirk visible on his face.

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