The Art of Warren

By b00klover09

280K 12K 1.7K

He was a mosaic, composed of broken pieces. She was an unfinished art project. ******** The moon goddess en... More

•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
•Twenty Four•
•Twenty Five•
•Twenty Six•
•Twenty Seven•
•Twenty Eight•
•Twenty Nine•
•Thirty One•
•Thirty Two•
•Thirty Four•
•Thirty Five•
•Thirty Six•
•Thirty Seven•
•Thirty Eight•
•Thirty Nine•
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
The Art of Submission

•Thirty Three•

3.3K 177 11
By b00klover09

Tears come from the heart
And not from the brain.

"I thought you were supposed to stop."

Trent glared at War as he smoked his third blunt. Weed filled the car and thanks to War was leaving the big truck as he kept his window down, trying to stay away from the calming drug.

"Who told you I was gonna stop smoking?"

War didn't have time to bicker with Trent who never made any sense. He just needed him to drive fucking faster and get to that dumb bar so he could get his letter for Pomelia.

Without much thought, War grabbed at the small addicting stick and tossed it out his window. "What the fuck man! What the actual fuck! I drive all the way to the fucking boondocks to get you and you throw away my fucking pot?!" Trent yelled as the car began to accelerate with Trent's rising anger.

"You said you wanted to better yourself," War shrugged ducking as Trent tried to punch him, swerving hard on the road. "And what about that priestess?"

He threw up his hands, making the car swerve again. "Booze and my fucking hair will be enough. It's not like a priestess will know what the fuck weed smells like."

That much was true. The woman who had protected Pomelia the day they met was protective and strong but it looked as if she was sheltered just like Pomelia, from the real word. Although sheltered it seemed as if the woman would be able to kick ass if need be. War would suggest Trent give up, but Trent and his idiotic decisions were of none of his concern as of now.

The silence stretched out awkwardly between the pair, War caught up in his horrid thoughts and Trent..being Trent. "So...what's your plan? Beg and plead on your knees?" Trent questioned as War bristled slightly at those words.

Of course he would. He would do all that and more for Pomelia. He had no other options. The only people he ever pleaded and begged with was his mother...and her mate. He wished and pleaded that they wouldn't beat him or harm him and in the end it was never enough. His tears, his promises to be good, his absolute silence around the house... They never listened to his begs, would Pomelia be any different? Before he was pleading for no physical harm and now he would be pleading for no emotional his heart.

"I guess."

Trent snorted. "Well good luck with that. Khan wants you back anyway, when you're done playing hero. He said you owe him." He was right. He did owe Khan, but he didn't even want to think of what the man wanted him to do. He couldn't worry about that now though.

"Do you know how to hot wire a car?" War questioned Trent as they made it closer and closer to the human club where everything went down. He would have to break into the car he was given, the damn agents stole his keys.

A laugh came from Trent. "Shit man, is the sky blue? Of course I know how to hotwire a car."


Erica Grace smiled. "We just received a little break. The name of the man who killed Ben is War."

"What?!" Pomelia and Luna Mei said simultaneously.

Pomelia already felt overwhelmed and confused and then someone mentioned Wars name? What was going on? War would never kill anyone. He was such a gentle giant. He was so protective and sweet and sometimes his temper got in the way but he would always fix it...

"You two seem surprised?" The man Peter questioned as Pom glanced to Luna Mei in confusion. Of course she was surprised, War wasn't a common name was it? It could only be her War they were talking about, but he wasn't a killer. Why was she so confused?

Luna Mei cleared her throat. "No reason. We just heard of that wolf's name before. Can you all maybe try to get in touch with Reese for me? I'm worried about him," Luna Mei said quickly as she put her hand over Pomelia's and squeezed gently. Pom could hear the Luna's hear beating painfully quick and wondered what was wrong with the woman. Her hand was becoming tighter on her own and she was a bit nervous for whatever the Luna seemed to be frustrated about.

"Juan you want to try to dial Alphe Reese's phone number? Maybe we can try to get in touch with him," Pomelia's mother commented as she was watching Pomelia closely. The woman seemed almost put off by staring at Pomelia for too long. "Pomelia...I left you at the temple. Why are you here?"

Before Pome was able to answer, Luna Mei spoke up. "Well she was supposed to be the pack priestess but she actually found her mate here. Ah, well we were housing novices to get them used to pack life then she found her mate. Right, Pomelia?"

Why was Luna Mei lying? She was so confused. She wasn't comfortable at all, lying to her mother, or having her mother look at her as if she was weird or something was off. She just wished War was the. She could just cuddle up to him while they spoke...

"Yes...I found my mate here."

In a way, it was true. She found the real War here, well Warren. She had learned so many things from him in so little time from them getting away to this pack.

Her mother smiled. "That's good. I'm glad you're happy here." Pom was burning up with unanswered questions. She felt so confused attempting to try and learn what was going on while no one was really letting her know what was the problem.

"Thank you," Pom said awkwardly as her mother's phone began to ring once again. The woman quickly answered her phone and her eyes began to widen as whoever was on the phone began to shout.

She stood up abruptly. "Looks like we found another hide out. Peter we have to go," her mother said as her eyes fell on Pomelia. "Pomelia, honey I will be in touch. Luna Mei I will also be in touch after we try to catch these bastards."

"Okay. Thank you so much Erica!" Luna Mei called out as Pomelia gave her mother an awkward wave before the two agents bolted out of the door.

Pomelia tugged at her hand that was crushed under Luna Mei's hand as she tried to get up. Mei was currently shaking, radiating with anger. "Um...Luna Mei can you let go of me?"

The woman snarled, the pressure she was applying to her hand making her cry out. "Did you know?" She snapped, her eyes brightening, the threat of a violence lurking within the Alpha Females eyes.

She shook her head nervously. "Please stop. You're hurting me...I don't know what you're talking about!" Pomelia panicked, wishing anyone who'd come to her aid. She knew she wouldn't be able to fight off a Alpha Female.

"Don't play dumb with me!" The woman snapped, as Pomelia whimpered. Tears gathered in her eyes as she tried to pull away, terrified of this turn in events. "War told you. He had to have told you his plans! This was all planned! It makes sense now!" The Alpha female rambled, her eyes now beginning to water.

Why was she crying? What plan?! "Mei please! I don't know any plans! War doesn't tell me anything. He-he said he was leaving and he'll be back. He told me he would tell me everything when he came

The Luna invaded her space to the point where their chest and up wrrr touching. They were breathing in each other's tears, fear and breath. Pomelia was terrified. The Luna kept peering into her eyes, as if she had a one way ticket to the contents of her heart. Then she just stopped.

She let go of Pom and jumped to her feet, muttering things and wiping at her tears. Pom shakily cradled her wrist that was in pain, watching Luna Mei warily as she seemed to be having some sort of mental breakdown. "I'm so stupid!" She yelled at no one in particular, as she watched the Luna hurt herself by slamming her palm against her head rather harshly.

Pom winced. "Luna Mei...what, I'm really confused. Can you just calm down and we can talk about it? I don't know what's going on but you aren't acting like yourself," Pom said gently as she watched the woman begin to laugh like whatever Pom just said was hilarious. Nothing she said was funny. She was worried for the Luna...

"We're both idiots. Fucking fools," Luna Mei spat as she wiped at her tears. "Fucking American men. Think they can do whatever the hell they want, don't they?" She questioned out loud as Pom didn't know how to answer that question. How was Pom an idiot? She just wanted answers from someone who was a little more emotional stable then Luna Mei right now. That's all.

"You got to be kidding me," Luna Mei snarled out as the door handle began to jiggle. Pom recognized the scent and sh exhaled in relief. It was Alpha Reese, surely he would be able to calm down his upset mate!

The moment the door opened, and Alpha Reese strolled into the house, all hell broke loose. "You fucking liar!"

Pom threw a hand over het mouth as Luna Mei rushed her mate and slapped him so hard that her mates head turned to the side with the force of her blow. Pom watched in pure fear as Alpha Reese put both of his hands up, in surrender.

"Babe! Whoa, whoa! Can you calm down for like two seconds?!" Alpha Reese shouted as Luna Mei began to yell at him in her native tongue. "You know I only understand like every other word in Mandarin! Pomelia what the fuck is going on?!"

Pom didn't even know what to say. She was a little scared right now. "I-I'm not sure. Well, um the LPA came and they were just saying things and the lady she's my mother and um-"

"-You wanted Ben to get killed. You, you hired someone to do it, and I know exactly who you got to do it!" She screamed at him as Pom watched in horror, processing what Luna Mei was saying. Ben was Alphs Reese's brother. He wouldn't have him killed, even if he was different or a bit mean like Reese mentioned before...

The look on Alpha Reese's face made Pomelia scared. It was like he got caught in the act. Caught in the act! "Mei Ling we need to talk about this privately," he spoked to his mate in a tone that made Pomelia immediately want to leave and let the two have their privacy. The alpha presence was oozing out of him, fortunately for Luna Mei she had a strong presence as well.

"Do not call me by my full name. You really had me fooled. You still think I'm the same dumb Chinese girl who follows you around like a puppy! You-"

"-You're my mate, the love of my life. I'm not trying to trick you. Some things I know you're against so I just neglected to inform you. It's my brother, you didn't even like him. He hated you babe. It's fine. Just calm down. Let me hug you and we can talk everything out," he told her as he made his way closer to Luna Mei. Pom felt her stomach begin to churn. How crazy was Alpha Reese to have his own brother killed? Would he hurt his mate? "I have to talk to Pomelia too after we speak. This involves her," Alpha Reese spoke gently to his mate. That didn't seem to be working..

Luna Mei was crying now and Pomelia was inching towards the doorway. This was all too much, she wasn't apart of this. She wasn't apart of any of this. If War were here he would know exactly what to do, unfortunately he still wasn't answering his phone. "You said you were done with the shady shit! We're supposed to be role models not fucking degenerates!"

"I'm going to just go upstairs," Pom whispered as she noticed that Alpha Reese growled at her. Yes, growled. Luna Mei was too busy cursing in and out of English to notice but Pom sure did. She also noticed that Alpha Reese's phone was going off.

"Pomelia you need to stay here and we all three need to have a conversation," Alpha Reese said sternly as Pom took a few steps back from this entire situation. What involved her? How did it involve her? She glanced down at her phone and felt her heart drop. She wished War would call her right now. At least she would feel a little more safe and secure with an Alpha pair arguing...

Just as Pom was about to make a break for the stairs to get away from the scene, Alpha Reese grabbed at Luna Mei and she screamed so loud that Pom yelped in response. "Get off of me! Get the fuck off you dirty, lying bastard!" She fought off Reese as he just crushed her to his body.

"Alpha Reese please just let her go! I don't think she wants to be held right now," Pom pleaded with the tall man as he gave her an annoyed look before he began to speak to his mate in her native tongue. "Alpha Reese please, you may be hurting her!"

Alpha Reese did not seem phased at all by his mate. "Pomelia I'm not hurting her. I just want to speak privately with her. I would never hurt Mei Ling."


At the sound of a not so familiar voice, they all looked towards the source. It was Nick in tears. He was charging towards Alpha Reese with his hands bawled into fists, repeating the words no over and over again hoarsely.

He made impact with Alpha Reese and instantly began to slap and hit at his back. "Pomelia you better get this little shit to his room! My patience is thin as fuck and I'm stressed out!" Alpha Reese yelled at her as she shakily rushed over to the debacle that was happening right now.

Nick was weakly hitting Alpha Reese's back and crying and hiccuping while his snot ran freely. "Nick. It's okay, he's not going to hurt her!" She exclaimed as she grabbed at him, surprised at how weak he was. Or maybe how strong she was due to her lycan abilities. He still tried to fight her a bit...weakly might she add.

"It's okay. Let's go to your room," She stressed a smile as he began to continue his tears and hiccups, letting a shaken Pomelia lead him up the stairs and towards his room. Once Pomelia entered Nicks room she looked around for a tissue or anything to wipe his face. Nothing was there. It was cold and dark in the room. The blankets weren't on the bed. He had his clothes in neat piles on the floor. A lot of broken headphones were strewn all over the floor, along with papers.

She tugged him gently over to his bed and let him sit down. "I-I'll be right back okay? Let me get you some tissues." Nick continued his sobbing and Pomelia felt like crying too. She could hear Luna Mei and Alpha Reese still arguing down stairs, Nick was unconsolable and War still was nowhere to be found.

Grabbing a whole roll of tissue from the bathroom she made her way back to Nicks room. He had slid to the floor and continued his crying. She sat on the floor next to him, wadding up the tissue and trying to get it into his trembling hand. He took it and blew his nose, before throwing it haphazardly on the floor and leaning into Pom.

"Is it okay if I wrap an arm around you?"

He nodded as he sniffled, pressing himself into Pom more. She held him with one hand and the tissue in the other. Nick cried until all she could hear were his soft whimpers. She didn't talk not once, just kept her arm firmly pressed against him so she knew he cared.

When she could hear no more sniffles or cries, she finally began to talk. "You know Nick, you're like a silent protector. Always popping up and trying to make sure no one is getting hurt," she smiled as he made a sound of distress and pressed his face into her chest. She felt a bit awkward but swallowed the feeling down. "I appreciate that. You're a good person."


That was the only word he wanted to say it seemed. "Have you tried to hurt anyone before?" No. "Have you did something mean to someone on purpose?" No. "Have you killed someone?" No. "Well, I'm not a priestess or a goddess but I think both would say that you aren't a bad person. Murder and harming others is really bad. You haven't done any of that so you're a good guy in my book."

He sighed out loud. The sigh was heavy and Pom didn't know how to respond. "It seems like you've had a hard life...I know you're confused and scared all the time and I can help if you want. I'm not in the priesthood anymore and I don't really know how to help people get better but I do have a priestess who is a little tough but sweet. She was like a big sister to me and always helped me clear my head."

Pom smiled as she thought of Priestess Arana. The woman was as sharp as a tack. She was protective and kind and so smart. She helped a lot of common wolves with their problems. Pom would have to find a way to get in touch, maybe Priestess Arana could help Nick. If she was not able to, Pom wasn't sure who else would be able to help.

"I know it's hard to ask for help. When I felt sad and like I did not belong I stayed away from everyone but the goddess, my friends and Priestess Arana helped me." Pomelia had felt odd at times like she didn't belong and such and maybe it was because she was destined to be War's mate? She always thought it was because she didn't know her family or why they gave her up....but now she understood a little better.

Her job was to be a good mate to War and help in whatever pack they ended up in. After some time of silence and blowing his nose, Pom could smell a familiar scent. A scent that made her body shiver and her heart beat quickly.

Pom chewed on her bottom lip, noticing that Nick was falling asleep on her. She felt guilty waking him up but War was here!

"Hey, Nick? War is here. I have to get up now." He groaned gently before slowly peeling himself away and looking at her with a shy smile. "You're okay now?" He nodded his head. "I'm glad. I'll be in to check up on you later." He gave her a thumbs up.

She scrambled up to her feet and sniffed out her mate, realizing he was already upstairs. She could still hear the Alpha and Luna arguing. He was in their room?

Pom ran to their room, throwing open the door, a smile on her face as she saw her mate with his back turned from her. "War! You would not believe the day I had!" She sighed out as she hugged the large male from behind.

She held him as best as she could as he tensed. His hands were shaking as they slid over her own hands that were wrapped around his large frame. "You okay?" She asked him as she smelt something off about him. It smelled...acidic. Like blood? That couldn't be right though.

Her hands were soon being pushed off of him and he turned around. His beautiful, intense blue eyes which she always adored were blood shot red. Sunken and tired. His shirt was torn up a bit. Small splatters of blood were on his shirt too.

"War...what's going on?"

Her mate sighed, and she watched as he pulled something out from his back pocket. It was papers? "You need to sit and read."

Read? She didn't think now was the time to read, she had to explain everything that happened to him. Ask what happened to him! Surely it was more important than some papers.

She chewed on her bottom lip nervously as her mate shoved the papers into her hands. He then maneuvered her to sit down on their bed. She felt like she was being handled and was a bit confused.

"Warren...what are these papers?" She questioned as she opened them up and skimmed them. It looked like his handwriting. It was a letter?

Her mate was pacing, seeming to be in his own thoughts. She couldn't understand what was going on and he didn't seem to want to tell her.

"I-I love you. That's everything you need to know."

"Well I love you too," she smiled at him nervously. Her anxiety was slowly creeping up, and she wanted to toss the letters. She didn't want to know what her strong and loving mate was trying to reveal to her. What he was scared to tell her.

"Wait! Can I kiss you one more time before you read?"

Now Pom was scared. What was she supposed take away from reading letters from her mate while he stood in front of her. She nodded her head mutely.

Pomelia had never seen War look as if he was about to cry. As he came closer to her and bent down, pressing his lips to her own, she could smell the salt that his tears produced. She felt his lips tremble as they hungrily consumed her own.

War ended the kiss, cupping her face with his one hand. Pom was stunned at his tears and wiped them gently.

"It's going to be okay. Whatever it is."

He immediately tensed up when she said that.

"Just read it."

⬆️ Double Update! Swipe up, swipe up!! ⬆️

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