The Pirate's Family

By wolfdog19

40 1 0

The sequel to Raina's Tale. When this princess and a few royals go aboard a ship to go to a neighboring count... More

Richard's and Alvin's Kingdom- Chapter 1
Pirate Time- Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Alvin's Kingdom Again- Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A New House- Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
D' Boleuvere & Traveling- Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Pirates No More- Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 11

1 0 0
By wolfdog19

Spyer and Ella made their way through town, stopped once to Cecil then continued to make their way to the palace.

At the palace steps Spyer looked at Ella in a questioning surprised face. "Me brother works here unless he went home to help me parents. Spyer tis best if ye wait here. No one will harm me if all else me brother and the majesties will be happy I am safe." "-Aye, I will stay here." Ella nodded and made her way up the palace stairs.

Once at the top the guard asked Ella for her business there and whom she wanted an audience with. After answering she was escorted inside to the throne room to wait for the majesties.

Before Ella could around the room twice the majesties ran into the room. "Raina" exclaimed Queen Sophie. "Princess." "Just princess? Honey she escaped the pirates!" "Sophie my dear Raina may be here but I doubt she escaped pirates." Both of the majesties looked at Raina, "I did not escape." "Then-" "I will tell you everything that happened since a boarding the pirate ship but please no interrupting till I finished." The majesties agreed, Raina then started her interesting sailing story. Unlike last time Raina told them everything, her marriage to Ashton and pregnancy. King Alvin and Queen Sophie just looked at her as if she was telling a bad joke, in disbelief King Alvin asked "Raina are you sure?" "Yes, I was checked by a midwife." Both the majesties looked at her then at each other; a guard then came in. "A fellow is asking about Ella." "Tell him I will not be much longer." "Of course miss." The guard left to tell the fellow, "He is a friend of mine." "Friend?" "Alvin dear it could be someone from town. Right Raina?" "No he is one of the pirates, he is guarding me because I am with child." "Are the pirates in town?" "King Alvin whether they are or not has nothing to do with you and i will make sure no harm come to them on land or sea... I gave them a letter of marque, a crew member has it. They do not know of who I am but I will tell them if I have to protect them." "Dear-" "Queen Sophie this is how I feel about these particular pirates, because they have no clue of my status their intentions and feelings are true and pure thus-" "Dear I know this, tis obvious and I am happy for you. I hope everything goes well and that this is what you want." "It is, thank you and thank you for your understanding. I am sorry but I must go, I will visit again." With that Raina left and again picking up her disguise name, Ella.

"Is yer brother here?" "No but the others were happy to see me." "Others?" "The majesties. Me brother worked for them, I visited some. We all became friends. Although he is not here I will be." For some of the walking it was small talk or about the majesties until Cecil's kid Lizzy came running up. "Miss. Ella my brother and sister wants to know if you will tell us about the pirates." "Just them?" "Me too!" "A story tonight like before?" "Yes, please!" "Alight but tell your pa I am coming over." Lizzy then ran off with a smile on her face. After Lizzy left Spyer and Ella talked, mostly Spyer trying convince Ella to stay at the B&B instead of going to Cecil's.

Spyer went to find Ashton to tell him what Ella's plans was for later while Arlene and Ella chatted a bit. Ashton came to talk to Ella after chatting with Spyer. Arlene excused herself to let Ashton and Ella talk but instead Ella followed Ashton to their room to discuss Ella's plans that evening. Discussing turned into debating until they came to an agreement.

That evening after Ella and Ashton finished their dinner they left for Cecil's, the pirates that were there in town stayed at the B&B. On the way to Cecil's they were spotted by prince Arthur. "Ell!" "Prince Arthur." "I heard you were back amongst other things." "Indeed... This is my husband, Ashton." "I heard you married a-" "Yes, he is very nice. I am sorry but we must go." "Go?" "We are going to Cecil's. May we talk tomorrow?" "Of course." Prince Arthur then left to let Ashton and Ella talk some till they arrived at Cecil's house.

Cecil opened the door and the kids were there at his sides. "Miss. Ella and uh-" "Cecil this is Ashton." "Ahoy." "He said hello." "Come in, come in." "We had dinner at the inn." "We just finished ours and the children finished their homework earlier." "Miss. Ella come tell us your pirate adventure!" "Mhm." "Ashton." "What tis matter Miss. Ella?" "He is just concern about me." Lizzy who spoke again "what tis wrong?" "I will tell you in the story, come along." "Ella." "For goodness sake they are kids, they would not hurt me. If you are worried come upstairs or stay and talk with Cecil!" Everyone just stared at them until Cecil spoke up. "My children nor I would hurt a person especially Miss. Ella here." "Stop sayin Miss, tis Mrs." "You married?" The kids and Cecil congratulated her, then asked who. Ella told them she will say who in the story, instead of going to Lizzy's and Rachel's bedroom everyone sat by the fireplace to listen to Ella's pirate story. Rob then asked "if you married a pirate does that mean?" Rob then looked at Ashton, everyone's gazes followed Rob's. "Yes, Ashton here is my husband." Unsure what happened Ashton was circled by three youngins while Cecil quietly talked to Ella. "Alright children you had your story, time for bed, say good night and thank Mrs. Ella for the story." The kids did so and went to bed, the moment Cecil returned Ella told him they had to return to the inn. Ella and Ashton left, Cecil prepared for the next day and then went to bed. 

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