A New House- Chapter 16

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In the month since Daria was born, Ella's friends got to see the baby while Ashton and James were with her when they were outside in town.

"Ella." "Ashton take Daria." Ashton took Daria from Ella so she could talk to king Alvin. After talking to king Alvin Ella returned to Ashton; "the house and small dock is completed." Ashton smiled but it disappeared when he realized nothing is there but still said he wanted to see it. Although Ella wanted to go with Ashton she stayed behind with Daria while Ashton and his father left to see the completed house and dock. While Rudy and Ashton went to see the house and dock Ella had Galvin and James go to the next kingdom, Richard's to have a bed made but before they left she took some hair from both brothers, labeling the envelopes, so if she needed to send a message to them she could now send the sea bird.

At last after two weeks Rudy and Ashton came back from the newly built home. Both Ashton and Rudy liked both the dock and house, even told Ella what would be needed and thanked the majesties for it. Before returning Ashton and his father stopped at the main dock, at The Dragon's Haul to get some money so they could buy things for new house.

While Ashton ordered and or bought some things for the house, Galvin and James received a letter from the princess by the bird of other things to get. James and Galvin almost couldn't read the list written since Rudy was the one who wrote it. The majesties even gifted the princess with a horse and buggy. Ella tried to decline their present but in the end accepted them with gratitude.

The trail felt like old times to the princess, while cap'n Rudy and Ashton was getting sick of the trail but tolerated it, prince Arthur didn't mind the trail as much as the pirates. To not jostle much they went slow on the trail and arrived at the house three plus weeks later. 

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