Chapter 8

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Because of Ella's stubbornness, the Cap'n and Ashton's understanding they set sail after buying more supplies. The Cap'n took his flag down replacing it with a yellow one which represents someone on board is sick, thus making no ship willing to come near them hopefully.

The moment they set sail Ashton watched Ella constantly or the captain would check on Ella. Before Ella could go on the bowsprit to look upon the beautiful blue sea and to feel free but now with her condition it was forbidden to be on the bowsprit or in the crows nest.

Even though Ella wasn't showing yet everyone on board made a big deal as if she's something easily broken.

About a month of leaving Juju Island surprisingly they were stopped by a ship called The Harbinger. The Harbinger stopped them to see if they could help for they had a doctor on board. Once the captain came aboard The Dragon's Haul the captain yelled "pirates!" Before anyone could do anything, Ella said "stop! Do not do a thing. Mister follow me, I have a letter to show you." The captain looked at the young lass. "Lassie are you a pirate?" "Nay, she no pirate." Iterrupted Ashton whom put himself between her and The Harbinger's captain. "Kidnapped?" "They are taking me home. Ashton tis dandy... Mister follow me please."

Reluctantly the captain followed Ella to her quarters where she showed him a letter of marque. "Looks legit. Where did you acquire this?" "Tis legit, I plan to give them this once I get home." "They have no clue of this letter?" "No." "I will ask again. Where did you acquire this?" "Shh, I will tell you everything but please be quiet." The Harbinger's captain sat down on the chair, Ella sat on her mattress and told the captain everything. Raina known as Ella took out her hidden seal as well as her sheath and sword to show the insignia. Like captain Boone he offered to give her passage but Ella refused and explained why; Captain White accepted her reasoning and kept her secret as well.

"Mates lets leave them to their journey. Do you need any food before we leave?" "We shall be good." "Ella we have another month of sailing lets accept some food; ye'll nedd it in yer condition." "Me son right, Ella." "Aye. Captain if you can spare some food that be most appreciated." "Mates brin a third of our food to their ship." "Uh-" "No questions ask." In that moment The Harbinger crew brought a third of their food to the pirate's ship. Once they finished captain White's order, they wished them fair winds and sailed off.

"Begad! What ye tell that cap'n?" Ashton was surprised that he couldn't help but ask. "I told him everything and how I want go back on this ship here for I feel safe and I love ye." "Blimey!" "Son ye got a smart lass." Ella blushed as Ashton said "we are not married." "Nor do I want keep Ashton away from sailing." "Ye will not. I will sail and we will visit when we can and that bloody bird can send letters to us." "Ye saying..." "Let us marry." "When we get to a kingdom?" "Right now lass, I can sanction it." "But we can when we get to a kingdom too." "Me parents will not like this... Aye to both; but if ye crack Jenny's tea cup-" "Blimey, argh! Never, ye me only love." "Better, else ye be flogged or worst." "If lie I be marooned, I will go with Davy Jones."

With their discussion over the cap'n got everyone's attention, married Ashton and Ella. After their so-called marriage the crew went back to work while Ashton stayed with a little and continued to watch over Ella.

Although Ella and Ashton were wed by the cap'n, Ella's new father-in-law she kept her stuff in her quarters and slept in Ashton's quarters. 

The Pirate's Familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें