NATM Ahkmenrah Love story *Co...

By KathyTheCatLover

109K 2K 222

(Has resently been edited to fix mistakes) Kathy is the worlds youngest Egyptologist. She's been to Egypt man... More

About me
You What?
Getting Larry's Job back
The Tablet
Getting the tablet back

Staying late

12.1K 227 42
By KathyTheCatLover

I walk into the museum and into the museum's director's office. He was in his chair but has the back of the chair facing me.

Mr Mcphee: What do you want?

Me: Good morning to you too.

He stumbles and swings the chair around to face me.

Mr Mcphee: Oh Kathy I'm sorry I didn't know it was you. What do you need my dear.

As you can tell he's a kiss ass when around me. He's said over and over again that he loves my work. I guess hes quite a big fan.

Me: I have some extra work that needs to get done tonight I was wondering if I could stay late to finish it.

Mr Mcphee: Of cause my dear you can stay as long as you what to but you do know that there's going to be a new night guard.

Me: Yes I have already met him; I'll keep an eye on him.

Mr Mcphee smiles at me and I leave the room and drop my smile. I actually hate him. The way he calls me dear anoyys me but i wont say anything just in case i get kicked out.

I put my coat in my office and then get to work. A couple of hours later its night and I'm still in the tomb. A couple of minutes later I hear a weird noise so I go down stairs to the main lobby to see what is going on. As I get closer to the desk I see Larry with a phone against his mouth beat boxing which then comes out the specks around the Museum. I look at him cofused and wonder if i should say something, apart if me doesnt want to ruin his fun but the other is telling me to make him stop the horrible sound.

Me: What are you doing?

Larry fumbles around with the phone and then falls over in the chair. I rush over to help him up and he sits back in the chair and I sit next to him on the desk.

Larry: You scared me.

Me: No dur.

Larry: So you managed to stay the night. I surprised that Mr Mcphee would let you stay.

Me: Well when it comes to me he's a kiss ass.

Larry laughs and we continue to talk until we both fall asleep. I wake up when I hear something fall so I look over to see Larry on the floor holding his head. He gets up off the floor and says he going to get a drink. I sit up straight in my chair and stretch before looking around. When I spot that the T-Rex skeleton is gone.

Me: Larry?

Larry tunes around and walks back into the room.

Larry: Yea?

I point to where the T-Rex is supposed to be. Larry looks over to where I'm pointing and then he looks shocked. But that shock turns to confusion.

Larry: CECLE, Ok very funny Cecle.

Larry walks over to the display and waves his hand around it.

Me: What are you doing and how does a T-Rex skeleton just disappear?

I then check my watch we've been asleep for 10 minutes that not enough time to take apart a skeleton that high and leave.

Larry: I don't know? This is weird.

We then hear tricking of water and I stand up out of my seat.

Larry: Stay here.

Larry walks over to the corridors where we hear the water trickling and shines his light down there and the water stops. Larry drops his torch and I hear a ROAR. Larry screams and runs over to me dragging me behind the counter as I see the T-Rex skeleton come towards us. I scream and Larry drags me down to the floor and we hide under the desk. Larry grabs the phone and starts to dial a number as the T-Rex pushes on the desk.

Larry: Cecle......

Me: Fredrick's.

Larry: Fredrick's.

Larry waited for a moment and starts to speak. Down the phone while I was trying to stop the desk from falling over. Larry garbs some papers and then the desk is lifted up by the T-Rex and trough away. We both scream and Larry looks at the paper.

Larry: Number 1 throw the bone.

Me: What bone?

Then one of the dinosaurs rib bones falls to the floor. We both look at it then at each other before Larry picks it up and throws it. We take our chance to run over to the doors but they won't open so we run towards a hall way but the T-Rex stops us. It throws the bone onto the floor and pushes it towards us. Larry holds me as the T-Rex raises its head and looks like it is about to attack us when it suddenly looks playfull and wags its tail like a dog. I pick up the bone with slight hesitation

Me: Is this what you want? You woanna play fetch?

It wags its tail even more and I throw the rib bone as far as i can. It runs towards us and I duck down as its tail swings and hits Larry who then falls onto the stairs and slides down. I help him back up slightly relived that the T-rex might be gone for a while. That relife was short lived though when we hear an elephant from up stairs. when I look at the balcony I see a mammoth walking along it followed by a few birds that start flying around.

Me, Larry: No way.

We run off down the hall and see some cave men jumping around Larry grabs my hand and drags me behind him as we run past them. We continue to walk around and then the Easter island head starts talking. I stood there still trting to take everything in.

Head: Dumb Dumb.

Larry: Yes?

Head: You give me gum gum.

Larry: I give you gum gum?

This goes on for a while and i feel like it wont end so I drag Larry away from the conversation. I can't help but think that this is so cool, the Museum has come to life and that means I might actually get to talk to Ahkmenrah. That would be so cool, I was snapped out of my thoughts when I hear screaming and see a bunch of men with long hair and thick fur coats running towards us. I grab Larry and run knowing who they are.

Larry: What are they?

Me: Huns there bad news just run.

We were all most at the elevator when the Huns split up into two teams causing me and larry to run different ways. Now team of huns is chasing after me and the other after Larry. Larry went into the elevator and I went down a hall running at full speed. After a while of running I run past the hall of miniatures and was about to run past when I saw a cowboy and a roman fighting on the bench. This would be the perfect place to hide

Me: Hay, Hay stop it.

I whisper to the tewo little guys before I crouch down behind the bench just as the Huns look in, i stay down and quirt until they run somewhere else.

Cowboy: Are you the new night guard?

Roman: Dose she look like a night guard to you?

Cowboy: I was only asking.

They were about to fight again when I snap my fingers. They both cover their ears and luck hurt.

Cowboy: What was that for?

Me: Sorry but I'm trying to hid here from them and you're not helping. Hay I know you two. You're Jedidiah and your Octavius. Right?

Octavius: Pleasure to meet you m'lady.

Jed: At least someone recognises us call me Jed and stop being a kiss ass.

He says the kiss ass bit to Octavius and they are about to fight again when I speck.

Me: Guys....

I then hear shouting and look over to the entrance and find the Huns have spotted me and are running towards me with war crys

Me: Go to go.

I run as fast I can to the tomb of Ahkmenrah the only place i feel like i can hide without worry. I hear screaming and look inside to see the sarcophagus moving. I then hear the Huns behind me and I turn to see all of them together I run in to the tomb but slip and fall. I roll over onto my back and look up to see the two jackals and getting their spears ready to attack me but before they could the Hun show up and one of them grabs my legs and starts specking but it's not English. I scream because I know what they are going to do to me. I hear someone speck in Egyptian to stop the Huns and the jackals attack the Huns and they flee. I was about to get up when on for the Jackals offered me it's hand. I take it and it helps me up.

Me: Thank you (Like this when specking Egyptian)

They nod their heads just as Larry and Teddy Roosevelt walk in. Larry hugs me tight and I hug him back. Teddy leads us over to the now screaming pharaoh.

Teddy: Yell all you want pharaoh, you've been in there 54 years and you're not getting out tonight. There's the source of all this commotion.

Teddy points at the tablet. So that's what it does. The pharaoh stops screaming as I speck.

Me: The tablet of Ahkmenrah? But why? how? I studied that tablet nearly all my life and this is what it does? That's amazing.

Teddy: It arrived in 1952 from the Nile expedition, on that night everything in this museum came to life and every night since.

We look at each other and then Larry looks confused.

Larry: So everything in this museum comes to life every night.

Teddy: Exactly.

Me: That is so cool.

Larry: Wait wait wait, I supposed to do what exactly?

Teddy: You're the night watchman Laurence. It's a venerable institution.

Teddy then shouts and Larry jumps back and Teddy and me laugh at him. I know what teddy was trying to do so I didn't jump. We start to walk out of the tomb.

Larry: This is impossible.

Teddy: Nothing is impossible hence the two jackals staring at you.

Larry looks at them.

Me: Don't make eye contact.

Larry looks away from them and I say thank you to the Guards again In Egyptian.

Teddy: You speak Egyptian. I never got your name.

Me: Oh yes I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Kathy Daley....

Before I could say anything Teddy stood in front of me and shook my hand.

Teddy: You're the new Egyptologist and the world's youngest to be one to. It's a honner to meet you.

I'm shocked thee Teddy Roosevelt, 26th president of the United States is saying it a honner to meet me. It should be the other way around.

Me: it's and honner to meet you Mr President.

He lets go of my hand and we start walking again.

Teddy: Don't let anyone of use outside when the sun rises because if you do we turn to dust. Now it's almost dawn I shall help you restore order tonight but mark my words it's the last time I shall ever do so is that clear.

We all stop walking and Teddy faces Larry. I look at Larry as I stand next to him.

Larry: Yea, Yea, I guess un un.


Teddy shouts. I jump a little and so dose Larry.

Teddy: Yes or No.

Larry without hesitating said yes and we start walking again. We manage to get everything back to order and I went home before the sun came up. It was a very eventful night and exhausting but seeing history come to life was amazing i cant wait until tomorrow night

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