For your love,I'll fight {Sol...

By SolaceFromAngel

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"how can I repay you?" those words,Nico didn't know how to answer... what could a stranger do? the world had... More



848 24 48
By SolaceFromAngel

The screams of the black birds could've been heard from miles away...
if the cold,winter breeze wasn't enough to freeze a person to his bones,the angry scratching sounds and the frightened screams of the wounded animals,would've done the job...

the sound of his own footsteps,was the only thing to break the suffocating silence,and even though he knew it was his own steps,he couldn't help but to jump every once in the while when he stepped on a leaf or a twig.

his raven hair was long enough to cover his onyx orbs,his skin paling dangerously as a result of running for weeks,with no more than a handful of pomegranates...
his black Aviator jacket almost ripped apart,but he still clung to it for deal life...

he stopped,looking up the gray sky...the ashes had spilled through the air,making it hard to breath...
yes,the world had changed,people were now all nothing but dead corpses,and Nico di Angelo,was the only surviver...

he froze when he heard a low growl from his right side. he slowly turned only to meet with a sight that he'll never get used to...
the flesh was ripped from the man's face...he had a limp leg and his right arm was in a strange angle...
maybe it shouldn't have affected Nico like the first time he saw a dead body running toward him,but still,it made a shiver run down his spine.
but he came over his fear quick enough to turn,and run as quick as he could when he heard more growls from behind him. one thing he had learn from all those weeks running,was that he couldn't take on the zombies empty handed...he learned that the hard way.

zombies were always slow. they can't run,but they can get to you if you let your fear take the better control of your body.
Nico glanced around quickly,looking for a shelter to hide,and as his eyes set on a abounded super market,he immediately threw himself in,ignoring the way his knee scratched across the broken window.
he went deeper into the hunted market,trying to be as quiet as possible...
he glanced around,trying to fill his backpack with the foods that haven't been expired yet.
but as soon as he was going for the back door,his ears got filled with curses and the sound of someone in need of help...

"Gods F*cking Damn it!get the f*ck away from me!!!"

he couldn't ignore that...he has been through hell and back already,but he couldn't ignore someone else's cry for help...especially when he thought that everyone were dead...

"Gods damn it..." he murmured before taking his black baseball bat in his hand,ready to smash some heads...

he didn't bother to open the door,he smashed the remaining pieces of glass,sliding through the window,and that was when he saw them...

five zombies,two females and three males,where all struggling to get to a person,who was blocking them only by swinging his long metal bar,desperately trying to survive...
Nico didn't even hesitate for one second,as he ran straight toward them,smashing two of the five heads in a single blow. that seemed to help the stranger enough,cause right after Nico's blow,he hit the three remaining heads with such force,Nico had to close his eyes so that the blood wouldn't seep in his eyes...

he could hear the heavy breathing of the other guy,as his own were just as uneven as the stranger's... Nico finally looked up to meet with person he had just saved...

the young teen,sat on the ground,clenching his metal bar for dear life..Nico brushed his raven hair out of his dark brown eyes,and sat right in front of the young boy. he placed a gentle hand on the boy's shaky shoulder,trying to be as gentle as possible " ok?"
he asked,searching for the other man's eyes.
finally,when the stranger rose his head,he could feel his breath hitch at the sight...

the hood of his dirty orange jacket was barely able to hide the mop of blond curls...
even though they were now dirty,painted by the dried blood and the new one,Nico just knew they were soft as silk,and shiny as the sun itself...
the blonde's eyes were different shades of blue...they were now glassy,and Nico wondered how they looked before the whole mess that they now were in...they probably were warm and friendly,shining like the sky itself,or wavering like the sea...
he looked around 17...only one year older than Nico,but the dark circles under his deep blue eyes,made him look older...

finally,the boy let out a shaky sigh,nodding his head,trying to regain his ability to talk,and when did,Nico had ro admit he missed someone else's voice other than his own.
he looked uncertain,glancing over the blood that was dripping from Nico's bat...
"you aren't hurt,are you?" he asked,sounding concern.
Nico looked at his hands and touched his face.
"yeah,not even a scratch,don't worry...can you stand?" he asked,surprising himself by how soft his voice was. the blonde boy nodded,accepting Nico's stretched hand who was offering help almost immediately.
he dusted his already blood-soaked jeans,not that it made any difference anyway...
he looked up straight at Nico,one hand holding his hand,the other clenching to the metal bar "how can I repay you?"

those words,Nico didn't know how to answer...
what could a stranger do? the world had already fell apart,he needed comfort,he needed to sleep without having nightmares or being scared of the banging sounds behind the closed windows...but mostly,he needed his family back...
but he knew the blonde couldn't give him any of those...
his own words caught him off guard,and it took him a full two minutes to understand that he was the one who said them..
"stay with me..."

the blonde stared at him...he wasn't giving him a pitiful look...he wasn't making fun of him...
he only gave him the most friendly smile he had ever seen,his eyes shining both with exhaustion and sympathy...
"I will..." he whispered,giving a light squeeze to the hand that Nico had forgotten he was holding.

Nico didn't know how much time had past,he simply enjoyed the warmth from another human being...before he knew it,he was packing his bag,ready to leave that place as well..
"by the way,I'm Nico. Nico di Angelo."
he waited for the other boy to reach him and they started walking,their weapons in their cold hands.
"I'm Will..Will Solace,please to meet you Nico."

Hello! im Luna,author of {Even the darkest nights will light up,eventually}

this is my second Solangelo ff,and I dedicate it to all my beautiful readers,especially :









love you all!

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