the anatomy of love [BxB] COM...

By zoetbennett

352K 16.8K 2.8K

Jackson Cooper is your usual player, the charming heartbreaker, lover of the chase, indifferent to love and r... More

Warnings & Disclaimers
Author's Note


4.7K 280 61
By zoetbennett

It's the day before their first game in Nationals. Jackson's team has won Nationals before―his freshman year when Jackson didn't start yet―but the nerves still get to him. Caleb is also very antsy, walking around the apartment, stress eating, watching The Office reruns to calm himself down, then going to Lauren, then shutting himself up in his room, and then going for a walk around the block for some fresh air. Jackson considers it all as mostly for dramatics.

Either way, they are both wound up. Practice is pretty tense. Grim faces, mouths contorted into focus, hands planted on hips. Coach always tries to get them serious but also light hearted, which isn't easy. He usually makes them shit talk other teams and scrimmage at the beginning of practice just to get the usual pregame jitters out of their systems.

Practices before a big game are always very easy and relaxed, although they execute drills and simple plays with perfect form. After all, what happens in practice happens in the game.

When Jackson makes it home after Coach gives his before-nationals-inspirational-speech about seizing moments and being strong, beautiful athletes, Jackson can barely walk straight, his legs are almost trembling. He needs a distraction.

Luckily, Caleb and Jackson have a tradition that before an important game, they watch something together to distract themselves from the nerves. Tonight it will be the Bachelor episode from Monday that they naturally missed and only had time to watch at the end of the week.

As he's getting ready to eat dinner, Jackson's phone rings. It's Wes. As always, Jackson's heart skips a beat when he gets any notification from Wes. He answers quickly, not having the patience to wait a few seconds so as not to appear too desperate.

"Hey," Jackson says.

"Jackson," Wes says coolly. "I had a change of plans." Jackson's heart almost stops. "My meeting tonight was canceled." He deflates, just a little. "Could you come by the apartment tonight?"

"I'm sorry, I can't. I have to get to bed sort of early, and I don't want to be tired before the game tomorrow. Caleb and I are also going to watch an episode of the Bachelor." Jackson doesn't want Wes to think that he's being petty, when he really can't see him, so he adds, "I'm really sorry. I would go but..."

"No, it's okay." Wes pauses. "I am sorry I can't come tomorrow. I know I told you, but I just wanted to make sure you know."

"Really, it doesn't matter. I promise. We're supposed to win tomorrow anyways," Jackson says. "Well, sort of. But I promise it doesn't matter either way. I would never ask you not to go on an important business trip just because of me."

"As long as you know I'm sincerely sorry," Wes says.

"I do." Jackson smiles, realizing all his nerves for the game tomorrow had vanished while talking to Wes. "Thank you, it means a lot." He hears Caleb shout his name from the kitchen, telling him dinner is ready. "I think dinner is ready. I need to go before he chops my head off. I'll see you when you get back from London. Have a safe trip." Jackson hesitates, then adds, "I love you."

He hears Wes exhale softly on the other end. "I love you too."

Jackson hangs up, then shouts, "Coming!" and heads to the kitchen for Caleb's delicious specialty, pasta with tomato sauce.

"Come on, Jackson, the challah is getting cold!"

With a grin at Lauren's soft laugh at some antic or other he's surely performing right now and Caleb's motherly concern for him, Jackson joins them at the table for their last supper.


"Rebecca ain't shit," Caleb says, shaking his finger at the TV screen. The episode has just started and Caleb has already dived deep into the drama. Jackson can barely keep up sometimes.

"Emily is such a jerk."

"She really is, isn't she," Lauren says. "And her hair dye job is awful."

"Oh don't even get me started," Caleb replies, and it makes Jackson wonder if they really bonded more over watching Bachelor episodes than having Jackson as a mutual friend and he feels like he might be getting replaced by a major TV franchise as the reason his two best friends are dating. And then he decides he doesn't care.

"Why is Tali so drunk all the time?"

"All of them are drunk all the time."

"Yeah, you're right."

The doorbell rings just as Rebecca asks to talk with Emily about some feud they have created out of thin air. Jackson quickly says he'll get it, just for a small break from the endless drama.

"Pause it for me!" he calls back, knowing how much can be missed being gone just a minute from this damn show.

He opens the door. For a moment, he thinks he's hallucinating, until Wes raises an eyebrow at Jackson's open mouth and he realizes Wes is actually there, on his doorstep.

"Hi," Jackson says weakly. "What are you doing here?"

Wes clears his throat. That's when Jackson notices he's wearing dark joggers and a grey sweatshirt, and his mouth goes dry.

"I wanted to see you. I know you can't stay out late, so I thought I would come by to watch the Bachelor episode." Wes hesitates. "If that's okay, of course."

Jackson feels too stunned to even think rationally, let alone reject him. "Yeah, sure. Come on in." He realizes as he shuts the door behind Wes that Caleb and Lauren are about to meet his boyfriend. Even more importantly though, they are about to meet Weston Sawyer. Jackson wishes he can warn Caleb, but it's too late now.

"Hey guys," Jackson calls out. Caleb and Lauren turn, and both their faces freeze, almost comically if it were not for the fact that Wes stood next to him in the flesh, staring at Caleb and Lauren with his indifferent glance reserved for strangers. "Wes came by. Is it okay if he watches the Bachelor with us?"

Lauren reacts first, standing up and smoothing out her shirt, which Jackson guesses has more to do with drying her palms if she had to shake Wes's hand. Caleb shakily stands up next to her, his face completely white. Oh no.

Wes takes a slight step forward. "Very nice to meet both of you. I've heard only good things." Lauren beams and Caleb promptly faints, falling into Lauren's arms. Wes looks at Jackson, startled, but Jackson only smiles reassuringly. After all, Caleb not saying a word was probably the best case scenario, with baby photos and embarrassing stories the absolute worst.

"Don't worry," Jackson tells Wes. "He's just in shock."

"Oh?" Wes stares at Caleb's lifeless form with fascination and amusement.

"He'll be back in a second," Lauren says, smiling sweetly while roughly shaking Caleb's shoulders. Caleb quickly comes to, and blushes when he sees Wes and Jackson standing there watching him.

"I'm sorry, I'm your biggest fan. Love the work you do," Caleb says. "So much hotter in person, wow." Then he immediately clamps his hands over his mouth. "Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud."

"It's okay," Lauren says, rubbing his back soothingly. "We all knew you were thinking it." Caleb glares at her but doesn't defend himself, which only makes Jackson bite his lip to stop from laughing. Wes continues to stare at Caleb like he's never met anyone like him, and he probably hasn't. Jackson's heart suddenly warms at the thought of all the future times they will have together in the same room.

"Well, let's put on the Bachelor." Jackson tries to communicate through his eyes that Caleb needs to get his shit together. Caleb nods discreetly and puts the show back on. He settles next to Lauren on the couch, still stealing glances every few seconds in Wes's direction, like he can't believe he's actually in their apartment, on their couch, watching The Bachelor with them. For all it's worth, Jackson can't either.

A shouting match between Rebecca and Emily has ensued, and they are deliciously ripping each other apart.

"You only care about his money!" Rebecca shouts.

"I'm already rich! Why would I need his money!" Emily counters.

"Fair point," Caleb says, despite how distraught he must be. He cannot restrain himself when it comes to The Bachelor.

"I don't know!" Rebecca yells, quickly losing steam. "To have more money!"

"I want a husband! You just want to get in his pants!" Emily counters.

"Always a fair assumption," Wes comments, and Jackson turns to look at him, but Wes is focused on the screen, a concentrated frown on his face as he pieces apart the contestants with his eyes. Jackson can sense Caleb's overflowing joy at Wes's natural ability to watch the Bachelor.

"You don't even watch the show," Jackson whispers to him.

Wes brushes a hand on his arm, lacing their fingers together between them, and Jackson blushes and catches Caleb's glance, who smiles knowingly, which only makes Jackson blush more.

"Who said I didn't watch the show?" Wes murmurs, leaving Jackson absolutely speechless.


Today is the big day. They made it to Nationals, and now they have to win to stay in the tournament. No pressure.

Jackson paces the locker room, and Caleb sits on a bench nearby, his knees bouncing and nervously chewing his bottom lip.

"They have good defense," Jackson says, running through what Coach told them earlier in his pep talk. "But we have stellar offense."

"And they have horrible offense," Caleb continues, "and we have great defense."

"So we're gonna win," Jackson concludes.

"We're gonna win," Caleb repeats. He gets up and sees Jackson still pacing. "It's okay. We're gonna win and he'll see you play in the next game." Jackson looks at his best friend in awe that he knows exactly what he's so worried about.


"I promise," Caleb says, holding out his hand with the pinky raised. Jackson links pinkies and feels a little calmer. A pinky promise means a lot to Caleb, so it means a lot to him.

"Then let's get out there," Jackson says. They run out with a screaming Go Ducks! The two co-captains, the two best friends, well, Jackson feels like they are unstoppable.

Coach calls them over for a team huddle. The stands are filled with students and family members from both teams. Jackson casts a quick glance, and finds both his parents waving their hands from the stands. His dad looks completely at ease, smiling proudly. His mom clutches her hands together with a fierce look in her eyes, and Jackson realizes she's praying.

Hunter and Lauren are a few rows higher, in the student section. Jackson thinks he can see Eliot and Sasha next to them. The people he cares about the most came to watch and support him, and that's all Jackson could ever want. Well, besides one.

"Listen up!" Coach shouts. "You're the best goddamn team I've ever seen. Go kick some ass today! Now captains, kick us off!"

Jackson and Caleb share a grin, then count down together. "One, two, three―go Ducks!"

Coach gestures for Jackson to run to the field for the coin toss. He nods and his teammates clap him on the back as he heads to where the referee and opposing team's captain stand.

The toss goes in Jackson's favor, and they'll take the kick off. Jackson returns to his team, and they all grab a sip of water before play. The blood thumps slowly through his veins, the familiar calm before the storm. He looks up at the crowds once more.

And there he is, at the bottom of the stands, dressed in a suit like he came right out of a top secret business meeting and leaning against the railing. His face is darkened by shadows, but Jackson can see his eyes on him. He came.

If Caleb knew, he would probably go into cardiac arrest and they would definitely lose the game without him. So Jackson raises his hand in a discreet wave, and he sees Wes nod in acknowledgement, then Jackson rushes to the field to begin play, something new and hot surging inside. He came.

Jackson has never been so happy in his life.


"I thought you couldn't come," Jackson says after he kisses Wes.

After they won the game in the last ten minutes, the crowds flew into hysterics, screaming and shouting and cheering, some parents and friends rushing the field to congratulate their kids. Then came the worst part, squeezing the crowd into narrow exits and towards the parking lot and neighboring streets.

His parents had come down to the field, as well as Hunter and Lauren. Caleb kissed Lauren on the field and they were both too caught up in one another to notice that Jackson and Hunter had slipped away.

"He came to watch," Jackson told Hunter.

Hunter had looked at him, shocked. "He skipped out on a super important business meeting to see you play and you haven't thanked him yet! Go, go! Leave, idiot!" He had pushed him away towards the mass exodus, where Jackson could not find any glimpse of a suit and blue eyes.

Then Wes had texted him. At my car.

So Jackson followed the crowds of people to the parking lot and scanned the cars until he saw a familiar sleek Mercedes, perfectly shiny like it was washed earlier that day, and Wes in a sharp suit waiting beside it. He had jogged over, even though he was still sweaty and muddy from the game, and grabbed Wes's face in his hands and kissed him.

Now Wes holds one of Jackson's hands loosely, bowing his head with a small smile.

"I figured London could wait a day."

"So it wasn't canceled?" Jackson cannot believe Wes didn't go to the first day of the convention just to watch a stupid college sports event.

"No, I just told them I could only attend Sunday," Wes says.

"Why did you skip for this?" Jackson asks, in disbelief.

"I skipped for you," Wes says softly. "I wanted to."

"You're crazy." Then Jackson kisses him again, slow and sweet.

"Would you want to come?" Wes asks when they pull apart. Jackson laughs, and then realizes Wes is serious, and he squeezes his hand.

"You're even more crazy than I thought," Jackson says fondly. "Yes. I do want to come."

Wes smiles in relief. "Good. I plan to show you off."

"Oh really?" Jackson leans in close, letting their lips brush, knowing that at any moment his parents could walk by and see and he doesn't care in the slightest.

"Jackson," Wes says in a low, warning voice. "I leave tonight. And there's a dinner party tomorrow night, so you'll have to wear a suit." His eyes flash when Jackson smirks, knowing how much Wes likes Jackson in a suit, especially as it's coming off when it definitely should not.

"I'll be ready," Jackson says, and as he kisses Wes goodbye, he knows it's true. 

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