(Almost)Daily HermitCraft Thi...

By chocolateunicorn06

13.2K 435 682

Oneshots and other stuff my brain came up with. ~ ~ New cover and Title because I felt like it. (Original was... More

Alters (Not a oneshot)
Lore Guide [Log #1 Guide to Magic]
Lore Guide [Log #2 Mobs and Mythical Beast]
Lore Guide [Log #3 World Hub and Servers]
OC Profile - Star
The Dark Past
Too Late
A World Without You
How Did I Get Here?
Full-Moon [Part 1/2]
Full-Moon [Part 2/2]
HermitCraft's Cupid
Race To The Finish
Autumn Days
Decorating and Glitter
A Half-Permanent Member
Talent Spectacle
List of Hermit Halloween costumes
Halloween Fun
Potions and Cats
Sugar and Spice
Sneaky Time
Meet Up
Glitchly Happenings
Remember last time... (Not a story)
The Things We Do
A Lesson In Baking
Random Prompt Generator Time!!!
Not What It Seems
Where the Sky Meets the Sea
Another Server [Part 1](Crossover AU)
Another Server [Part 2] (Crossover AU)
Possible AU
End's Curse - Part 1 [AU]
End's Curse - Part 2 [AU]
End's Curse - Part 3 [AU]
End's Curse - Part 4 [AU]
End's Curse - Part 5 [AU]
End's Curse - Part 6 [AU]
End's Curse - Part 7 [AU]
Dares and Dreams
Notes for a thing
Hermitmon - Part 1 [Pokémon Crossover AU]
Hermitmon - Part 2 [Pokémon AU]
Hermitmon - Part 3 [AU]
Hermitmon - Part 4 [AU]
Hermitmon - Part 5 [AU]
Hermitmon - Part 6 [Pokemon Crossover AU]
Hermitmon - Part 7 [Pokemon Crossover AU]
Monster Magic - Part 1 [AU]
Monster Magic - Part 2 [AU]
Monster Magic - Part 3 [AU]
Monster Magic - Part 4 (AU)
Before It All
Hermitcraft x Mystreet AU
Nyoom Nyoom! Crossover Time!
I Made Art
Not HermitCraft Related
IDEA!!!!!!! :D
Wattpad is broken...
More Art
Random Art
Minecraft Live Recap
(Not so)Inktober Day 1 - Fish
Yet another non HermitCraft related thing
My Own Resistance
How? (Not a oneshot)
Myceluim Base Update
Another room done
Music to vibe to
Video Lissssssssssssst
Been messing with Picrew
More random picrews
No words for how glorious this is
Random ideas and such
Bean bag!
Emojis made by your truely
Video Dummmmmmppppp
Picrew Dump Time!
Weird RP things
Art Dump
Random stuffs
Few Things That Need To Be Said
Music lyrics I came up with
Taggity waggity
Tagging Time!
To all of the Hermittpad
Animal Crossing
Chibi Fanart
D&D Art
Heart of the Dice
Random Headcannons
Night of Love
Random diologe stuff
Another Art Dump
Discord Shenanigans
Yelling about shiz during a wedding (it's not as weird as it sounds)
The Dress
Monster Magic - Part 5
The Wedding
Memories at Sea

Time Travel Is Messy...

198 4 2
By chocolateunicorn06

Genera: Don't Know

Ship: None

Universe: Main one


It was a normal day on the HermitCraft server and someone had let Hels out of the area they have to restrict him to be in. They do this more for his safety then anyone else's because if Chocolate Unicorn sees Hels in her sight range chaos ensues. 

"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME!!!!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!!!", Chocolate screamed as she ran through the Cowmercial District. 

"COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT!", Hels exclaimed angrily. 

Chocolate Unicorn then used some of her magic to incase Hels in ice. Once Hels couldn't move Chocolate taunted him by bopping him on the nose. The girl then ran until she stumbled upon Wels who said, "Where's my brother?"

"Over in the ice.", Chocolate responded.

"That again, really?", Wels said looking at the girl. 

Wels then walked over to his frozen twin and just looked at Chocolate with a mildly disappointed face. 

"Do you mind taking him out of the ice?", Wels asked.

"I think you know the answer already...", Chocolate replied.

"I'll let you ride on Callum If you do.", Wels said trying to convince the girl.

"DEAL!", Chocolate exclaimed melting the ice. 

Once the ice was gone Hels had almost fallen over but was able to keep himself on his feet. He was still bitter about it but didn't have enough energy to do anything against the child.  

"You're lucky I'm a bit tired or you would've be dead by now.", Hels said still a bit cold. 

"I don't regret a thing.", Chocolate replied with a smile.

"Ok now lets just go and get this over with.", Wels said. 

He then whistled and Callum had come over to where they were. Chocolate Unicorn quickly hopped on the dragon's back with Wels going in the front. Hels walked off and the two started to go up into the air. Chocolate put her arms out to the side, lettings the wind blow past. 

It had already been a few minutes that they were fly and Chocolate Unicorn was singing at the top of her lungs and Wels didn't seem to mind, He does this a lot anyways so he's used to it by now. Today's song was "Kill the Lights" which apparently she knew entirely. 

"Stop there and peer inside of me, you'll find a man once lost at sea.  And all the while that I think to myself, IT'S NOT THE END, IT'S NOT THE END AT ALL!", Chocolate Unicorn went on singing the song. 

Right then Wels noticed something down in the forest below them. He was about go down when he told the other person on the dragon, "We're going down now. I want to check something out."

"Ok then.", Chocolate responded, stopping her singing. 

The two landed and the knight petted Callum on the head before going of the see what Wels had noticed. As the got closer they saw what seem to be one of their friends, but there were some differences to the person they thought it was. They seemed younger. 

"Ok there are two options to this, either someone turned them into someone my age while we were gone or they traveled in time.", Chocolate whispered.

"I think the first one is the most possible explanation to this.", Wels replied whispering as well.

"Who know, maybe it is time travel?", Chocolate said. 

The supposed child hermit noticed the two and said, "I can see you both, so come out."

Chocolate and Wels got out from behind the bush they were using to hide and Chocolate said, "Ok question, do you know who were are?"

"No..", The kid replied. 

"Ok yep this was time travel, how else would you explain that a child Jevin wouldn't recognize us? The turning back into a kid thing would be proved if he knew us.", Chocolate told Wels. 

"Wait time travel?!", Young Jevin exclaimed.

"Only logical answer.", Chocolate replied.

"Well if that's the case the we better introduce ourselves, I'm Wels Knight but feel free to just call me Wels.", Wels said to Young Jevin.

"My name is Chocolate Unicorn!", Chocolate said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, I guess.", Young Jevin replied. 

"We better get you to Xisuma so we can send you beck to your time.", Wels said heading towards the direction of his dragon. Chocolate took out her comunicator.

<ChocoUni041206>(My Minecraft Username is that)Hey X, Me and Wels found something...

<Xisumavoid> Let me guess, you guys found a younger version of someone. 

<ChocoUni041206> Yeah, how'd you know?

<Xisumavoid> False and Joe also found some. More specifically a younger Doc and a younger Keralis, who did you guys find?

<WelsKnight> Young Jevin

<Xisumavoid> Ok head to my base I'm currently working on a way to send them back.

<GoodTimesWithScar> What timing just located a kid Tango.

<Xisumavoid> You come to my base as well with them Scar.

<ImpulseSV> Small Tango? I want to see that!

<ZedaphPlays> Me too!

Chocolate chuckled at the conversation and put away her communicator and said, "Hey! Small Jevin, over here!"

The younger version of Jevin then walked towards the two and hopped on the dragon. They headed towards X's base to see a group of young hermits there, along with the adult counterparts as well. Chocolate spotted a young Wels a misted the group and said, "Hey Wels it's a tiny you!"

"Let's hope there isn't a tiny Hels for you to annoy.", Wels replied jokily.

The three got off Callum and walked towards the large group. Young Jevin was really reluctant to go near people like Doc and Cub for reasons he refused to explain. Most of the hermits had their past selves present except for TFC and Chocolate, for obvious reason of course. 

X(Adult X) walked up up the front of the group and said, "Ok as we can see here, something happened and past versions of everyone have appeared and until I can find a way to send them back to their own time they will be staying here. I suggest that everyone should go with the younger version of them selves to prevent issues. Any questions?"

"What if someone doesn't want to go with their younger counterpart? I'm just being curious, it's not like it affects me anyways.", Chocolate asked.

"Well then someone else will go with them. Any more questions?", X replied. 

Everyone then went off back to their own directions making sure that the child versions of themselves can keep up. Chocolate decided that she would help X send them all back so she stayed at the admin's base. 

"Need any help with anything?", Chocolate asked.

"Well I don't know if I'll be able to keep and eye out for the young me and if you could do that it would be great.", Xisuma replied.

Chocolate then ran off to find Young Xisuma. She had found him looking at the Beeralis statue over outside.

"Do you like the big bee?", Chocolate asked. 

"It's huge, and really funny looking!", Young X replied. 

"Well you technically built it.", Chocolate told him

"Really? Why does it have a funny face then?", Young X said curiously.

"There is another person on the server who has that face and a while back adult you and him dressed up as bees together so that is where the face came from.", Chocolate responded. 

"I can't even imagine myself in a bee outfit, so why did that happen?", Young X said.

"It was because when everyone arrived on Season 7 of Hermitcraft, the place was full of bees so future you thought it would be fun to dress up as on in honor of that. That's a least what I was told.", Chocolate Unicorn replied. 

"Is HermitCraft the name of this place?", Young X asked.

"Yeah and you're the admin, well adult you.", Chocolate explained. 

"Well I can't wait now for when I get older and become an admin!", Young X said enthusiastically.

"Good thing that'll be a dreamt hat will be achieved, just don't try too hard since you weren't supposed to know. Time travel stuff and all.", Chocolate replied. 

"Don't worry I won't, and my brother will be there with me through it all!", Young X said. 

Chocolate then felt a buzz on her communicator and took it out to see what it was. 

<Xisumavoid> I found something that with work but I'll need all of our past selves in one space, I'll also need Scar's help. 

<GoodTimesWithScar> I'm guessing magic is involved and if so I'm ready to help. 

<Grian> Cool let me just chase myself down first and I'll be right there with the child me. 

<ChocoUni041206> You need some help?

<Grian> No, I'm close to getting him.

An hour later Scar and X had finished the preperations and X had called everyone to his base. All the hermits except for Jevin had arrived. When he finally did it was without his past self. 

"Uhhh Jevin, where is the tiny you?", Chocolate asked. 

"He ran away when I told him that X would be sending him back to his time and I wasn't able to find him.", Jevin replied.

"Must of been a rough moment in your life where he was.", Wels said.

"It's yourself! Where would you go if you wanted to hide and that is where he would probably be.", Chocolate said. 

"That's actually a good idea, So where would it be love?", Stress asked.

"Somewhere outdoors and a good amount of light. That's all I have.", Jevin replied. 

"Then we should spilt up into two groups, both to find Jevin's younger counterpart. And the rest of us will stay here", Iskall suggested.

"Lets do it. Jevin, Wels, False, Joe, and Scar will go in one group which Grian, Chocolate, Iskall, Stress, and myself will go in another.", X said as the two groups got together. They went off to search when Grian called out to his group, "I think I see him!"

"Someone call the others to come to us!", X told them.

"On it!", Chocolate replied messaging the other group.

They all rushed over to where Grian was and saw Young Jevin underneath a tree. Chocolate walked up to him and said, "Why'd you run when you were told that you were going to go back to your time?"

"Because I don't want to go back.", Young Jevin replied.

"Why?", A voice from behind asked. It was adult Jevin(addressing people is confusing in this)

"If you're me then you know.", Young Jevin said.

"But if you think about it being that I'm here, then everything turned out fine.", Jevin told his younger self. 

"I don't want to have to wait a long to for things to be fine. I'm already sick of it.", Young Jevin said in response. 

"Uhhh context please, I was not there when ever this event you are talking about.", Chocolate said interrupting the conversation. 

"That's private.", Jevin replied.

"I will learn your secrets one day, just you wait...", Chocolate said letting the two continue. 

"It's really not a choice if you want things to et better you'll have to wait.", Jevin said going back to the previous topic. 

"Fine, I guess.", Young Jevin replied as he got up and went back with the rest of the group. 

Once back at X's base all the younger versions of everyone were sent back to where they belonged and Chocolate Unicorn said, "That was fun. I hope they all make sure time stays in place."

"Weird thing to say but alright.", Wels said looking at the girl. 



This was mostly a boredom story but I was able to stick a bit of lore into it so YAY! Have fun tracking it down and trying to figure out what it means. (Tip: it has something to do with the lore tid bit I published a while back.) 

                                                                                       ~Chocolate Unicorn :3

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