
By ot5ismyhome

590 77 25

The Maximoff twins life was going smoothly until they accidentally stumbled upon a secret of night life. They... More

Authors Note
1. The Interview
2. It calls for a celebration
3. 4th of July
4. The Inventor
5. Howard Stark?
6. Creature of the Night
7. Graze with Death
8. Starks know how to throw a party
9. Broken Trust
10. Troubled Waters
11. Council of Five
12. Psychic connection
13. The Good, The Bad and The Rebel
15. Night of the lost ones
16. White wolf
17. Is this the real life?
18. Preparing for the dark
19. Baby, here we go again
20. The hearing
21. Vulture
22. Spy of the Night
23. Natalia Romanova
24. Allies and Strangers
25. Too soon, too late
26. Closure

14. Rebirth

8 2 0
By ot5ismyhome

Steve looked at the dying kid in front of him. Coulson desperately tried to stop the blood loss. He had reduced it but couldn't do anything to stop it. He looked expectantly at Steve.

"Mr. Rogers you have got to do it. Now."

Steve didn't respond anything he was staring blankly, at scene in front of him. Wanda was hugging Pietro; her tears ran down on her face and fell on him; mixing with his blood. Pietro with his last strength held her hand. Bucky was standing there not knowing what to do.

When Steve didn't respond Coulson pressed, "Now is not the time to think of the consequences. We are already at war and all we can do is save enough lives."

Steve's fangs descended and he bit into his forearm drawing blood. He proceeded to press his hand against Pietro's mouth making him consume it. After few moments he pulled his arm away. He licked two fingertips and placed it in the fang bite. The wound healed instantly. He looked at Pietro waiting for him to recover. The loss of blood had been so much that vampire blood didn't kick in.

Pietro smiled weakly at Steve while he asked, "So you're a vampire?" His voice was strained and his breathing was ragged.

"Yes kid." Steve said, looking worried.

"Cool" grinned the kid who was in his dead bed. He turned to Wanda, "Hey Wand, it's going to be okay. Stay strong."

"No, no, no, this can't happen" she cried.

Bucky and Coulson walked few paces away not being able to look the unfolding scene. Steve gently rubbed Wanda's shoulder and followed them, giving the siblings some alone time.

"I love you."

"I know. I love you too." Pietro could feel his eyes blurring. This is how it feels he thought. This is the end.

"You're the best brother in the world."

Pietro smiled but suddenly his face contorted.

"Pietro!!! What's happening? Please stay with me."

Pietro heard his sister's voice but he couldn't comprehend what she was saying. It was suddenly too loud for his ears. His mind was focused on every cell of his body. He felt them altering and it overwhelmed his senses. The weird sensation spread through his body consuming every part. His ears perked up. He could hear his own heartbeat and it was growing louder every moment. His heart pounded against his chest and the blood gushed to every inch of his body. Unknown to him his hold on Wanda's hand strengthened. He opened his eyes and closed it instantly. The intensity of the street lights burned his cornea. A part of him was happy that it was dark. That it was night. His throat dried and his tongue felt like sandpaper against his mouth. His mind had a single thought. Blood.

Wanda tried to wrench herself free but it was no use. She called out to Steve. In an instant, Steve was by her side. Pietro, who was lying on the ground bleeding to death moments ago sat up. His pupils gleamed blood red. Steve pushed Wanda out of the way putting himself between her and Pietro.

Pietro desperately turned from side to side taking in the surrounding. His eyes zeroed in on Coulson who was standing exposed. He bared his teeth and advanced at him but Bucky stepped in front of Coulson entering a fighting stance.

"Don't make me hurt you kid" warned Bucky.

Pietro was so consumed by his blood thirst; he paid no heed to Bucky's words. He charged towards Bucky, baring his teeth. Bucky caught the new vampire and pinned his arms behind his back. He hooked his foot in Pietro's knees and pushed him to the ground. Still holding Pietro's arm behind his back he knelt on Pietro's back and pressed him to the ground. Pietro tried to escape the hold but Bucky was stronger than him.

"Don't fight us. We are here to help you"

"I need blood" he growled. He vainly tried to escape from Bucky's hold.

Steve fished out a metal band and a muzzle from his jeans pocket.

"It's time to put Howard's invention under test" he said as he tapped the muzzle on Pietro's mouth. He and Bucky held Pietro and pressed the band in Pietro's wrist. It wound around his wrists forming a cuff.

"Will it hold?" Bucky asked.

"It has to."

"Guys, this place is hotspot for trouble" stated Coulson looking around.

Everyone noticed that they had been surrounded by vampires. They were hiding in the shadows looking for an opportunity to attack. Easily they could add up to be fifty and still many were joining them. Coulson ran to his car and got in behind the wheel.

"Get in the car" he shouted urgently. Without thinking Steve grabbed Pietro and dumped him in the hood of Natasha's car.

"Sorry kid" he said as he closed the trunk. Wanda protested but Steve cut her, "No time for discussion." Coulson started the car and Wanda joined him. Steve and the others got in Natasha's car. Both the cars sped into the night. Some vampires trailed it but gave up after a distance.

Steve was behind the wheel and Bucky was riding shotgun. Howard who was sitting the back had a smug look on his face.

"Awkward" he muttered under his breath. They turned to frown at Howard but their eyes met midway. Time froze as they stared into each other's eyes not knowing what to say. Steve eyes looked pleading as it was filled was sorrow not knowing why Bucky was angry with him. But Bucky's was opposite. He was cold steel look as his eyes pierced Steve's. They broke off the sound of Howard clearing his throat.

"Damn. It's hot in here" Howard chuckled. Steve gripped the steering tight, ignoring him.

"You're thinking of throwing me out, aren't you?" prodded Howard.

"I thought you wouldn't know" Steve shot back his voice dripping with sarcasm.

The whole ride was awkward silence accurate to Howard's prediction.


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