Heal Me (Akito Sohma Love Sto...

By Foxy_Trash

126K 4.1K 848

The beautiful boy from her memories is now the monster before her. Can she heal the sickness of the Sohma fam... More

Prologue: In Service of the Sohmas
Warm Welcome
House Calls
More Than You Know
I've Missed You
Trust Me
Blanket Forts
Ordinary Therapy
Hide and Seek
I Remember
Older or Younger?
Mind Over Body
First Date
Staying in
Rare Bird
A Perfect Time, A Perfect Fit
Endings and Beginnings


2.6K 85 4
By Foxy_Trash

You giggled at the serious concentration on Akito's face. His eyes were narrowed, his tongue bitten, and his hand locked around your throat.
He was applying a face mask to your complexion and you couldn't help but smile at how seriously he was taking this task--especially given the fact that his face was pink from the rose face mask you'd just applied on him.

"Stop, you're messing me up!" He argued, looking disappointed in your eyes.

"Stop being so cute then!"

Akito growled and smushed a kiss to your cheek. You gasped when he pulled away and he realized what a poor idea that had been- coming away with green lips. He raced away to wash off his lips and you laughed as you watched him disappear into the bathroom. You turned your head to the other side when you heard laughter that wasn't your own. It came from outside and you rose up to peek through the sliding glass door.

Your mouth fell open when you saw your sister laughing alongside Ayame, strolling through the courtyard as if it was an everyday occurrence. You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment, believing the vision of Hana to be a trick of the mind. When you opened your eyes again, however, you were confronted with a memory. You saw your sister, a decade younger, and a handsome teenaged Ayame braiding back her hair. The laughter from the past mixed with the present and you woke.

You ran right out of the door and out to see your sister.

"Hana??" You called. Your sister turned to you before gasping and bursting into a fit of laughter, falling back against Ayame's chest.

"(Y/n) you've got a little something on your face!" She cried out, pointing. You were still too confused to fully take in what she was saying.

"Oh, Hana, don't be cruel to the girl. She must've heard the news you were coming and wanted to pretty herself up!" Ayame defended before breaking into a smile himself. "Though, (Y/n), that shade of green is much too pale for your complexion--" Hana laughed harder at his words.

You smiled, half in embarassment, and half at how close and comfortable the two seemed around each other. Hana really never had mentioned any of the Sohmas growing up. But she looked at Ayame now as if they'd never grown apart, as if she had been transported back to a time without fear of separation.

Still, the question burned in your mind. "What are you doing here?"

Hana's face fell like she was brought back to reality. She cleared her throat and pulled away from Ayame. "I wanted to check on you.. sisters can't visit each other now?"

Not after the last conversation we had, you wanted to say. But you said nothing, only stood there dumbfounded.

"Well can we go somewhere? Which place is yours?" She asked looking around.

Your blush would have been clear had it not been for your face mask. You looked behind to see Akito standing out on the porch, face clean and brows knitted together in worry.

"I live with Akito now..." You tried to say it proudly but you knew how your sister felt about him.


You ignored her tone. "Well, would you like to come in for some tea? I was just about to make lunch.." You patted your sides and took a step back towards the house.

"Oh no I --..." Hana struggled. "Don't you have to ask permission? I don't think he'd let me in." Her eyes darted behind you almost shyly.

You narrowed your eyes in confusion. "No, it's my house too. It's fine. Come in." You ushered her over and watched Akito retreat into his room.

The walk back to your home seemed further, harder to get to with her beside you. You focused on the crunch of the leaves to calm your nerves.

"I am sorry for just popping in like this. Ayame suggested it and I've been so worried abou--"

"You're wearing pink, y'know?" You interrupted. Hana slowed her pace.

"I'm aware..?"

You halted right in front of the porch and turned to face your sister. She never wore pink.  "He said that was your best color... Did you wear it for him?"

Hana opened her mouth, in all likelihood to argue, make some pointless protest, but shut it again quickly. Her eyes drifted down her shoes and you saw her tug at the soft pink sweater.

"No, I..." Hana looked behind her to see Ayame skipping giddily along towards Hari's office. "I honestly didn't remember that.. I guess subconsciously that fact was important to me but.."

Hana turned her face back to you, confusion painted across her expression. "(Y/n) I did love Ayame. I do love my husband. I didn't come back here for him, I came here for you."

You wanted to yell at her. To say, "he's right there, the love of your life! Benjamin will be fine without you!" But you knew you couldn't. Those were your own selfish ideals. As if bringing her back to this cursed house, her first love, would somehow erase all the time lost to separation.

"Life moves forward, (Y/n).. We don't all have the ability to go back." She offered a pitiful smile and stepped onto the porch, waiting for you to open the door for her. Instead it was Akito who crept out of the shadows and pulled the sliding door open. Hana made a small jump of fright and bowed immediately after. Akito had a nasty expression on his face as he looked down at her, but when he looked beyond to see you, it softened and he let out a long sigh.

Akito walked back into his room. "Do you plan on standing there all day, or are you going to grace us with your presence?" His voice dripped with sarcasm as it faded into the hall. You walked past your sister, tapping her on the back and smirking. "Come on, dope."

You entered the kitchen, walking past where Akito was already brooding at the dining table.
"Chicken stir fry still sound good?" Akito grumbled, arms crossed. Hana entered the room hesitantly, watching Akito. He huffed and nodded at you,
"Yes that sounds delicious. You're not staying for lunch are you?" He looked at your sister. "I'm not sure we'll have enough for 3 servings." His eyes narrowed in a cocky smile.

"Oh no, I--. I don't want to impose--"

"Then don't." Akito snapped.

You cleared your throat at the two of them. Their expressions both morphed. Akito changed his tone. "Perhaps just tea, then."

As you were trying to think of a way to break the tension in the room, the mask on your face hardened impossibly.

"Good idea, Aki. Would you pour Hana some tea while I wash this off?" His mouth opened as he looked between you two but you ran off to the restroom. Scrubbing off the face mask, you tried to listen to the conversation in the next room. The problem was, no conversation was happening. It was dead silent.

You reentered the kitchen and Akito handed you your own cup of tea. You kissed his cheek in thanks and he grabbed you by the elbow, keeping you close.

"Why is she here?" He whispered against your cheek, disguising the act from your sister with a kiss.

"I'm not sure." You mumbled into your tea. You took his hand and looked at Hana. More silence and sipping sounds.

"This is good tea." Hana said, only adding to the tension in the room.

You'd never seen your sister so nervous, and it broke your heart that the reason for her discomfort was how she saw your love. How could you show her the side of Akito he'd only shown to you?

"Drink up." Akito said snarkily and you elbowed him lightly in the ribcage, a place you'd recently discovered was very ticklish. Akito choked a bit on his tea and coughed to clear it.

"Listen, the main reason I came here was because.. I.." Hana set her cup of tea down and wiped her sweaty palms down her jeans. "I wanted to visit Mom and Dad, (Y/n), and I want you to come with me." You were caught off guard, and Akito's grip on your arm grew firm.

"You never came to the funeral.. I want to spend time as a family again so I thought-"

"No." Akito said, tone even and commanding. "No I don't think she will."

"Sir, all I'm asking is for a day, she can leave for a day can't she--"

"She can leave whenever she wants, I trust her. You, not so much. If it's family you're worried about I'd say she's got more than enough of it right here in the Sohma village."

Hana's brow furrowed in equal frustration. "Akito, you're not listening, I'm not trying to steal her I just want to borrow her a-"

"No I won't let you take her again! I'm her family too, damn it!!"

Akito threw his half-full mug violently against the floor and you and your sister jumped back from the scattering pieces of porcelain and hot tea. Hana squealed in shock before slapping a hand over her mouth. Akito looked up at your sister and at you and you saw the tears in his eyes. He looked at you desperately and stepped between you and Hana, perhaps to block her from you, perhaps to hide the fact that he was crying.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/n) I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to I just got so angry!" He whisper-yelled.

You hugged him. It wasn't his fault. It was the wrath of God inside of him. You knew he hadn't meant to scare you or Hana and he hadn't meant to hurt anyone. Kissing the side of his hair you comforted him until he quieted, knowing your sister was watching the whole scene unfold.

You instructed him to get a broom and dustpan and guided Hana into the other room.

"Akito's greatest fear is losing me again.. and my greatest fear is losing him." You spoke quietly. You sister still appeared shocked by what happened in the kitchen. "I'll go with you to the cemetery, but Akito is coming too."

"No, (Y/n), mom and dad would hate i-"

"They're dead, Hana.." you didn't mean for it to sound so harsh, but the truth often came out that way. "And I've already talked to them about Akito. They're not going to keep us apart from beyond the grave, alright?"

Hana's face softened and she wiped her runny nose with the sleeve of her sweater.

Maybe trying to fix their relationship was as hopeless as putting a bandage on top of a broken bone. Maybe it would get even worse before it would get better. While you weren't sure what this healing process would be like, you had to try.

"Please give him a chance.. It's the only way that he can do the same.

**A/N: This was a mess. The first half was written separately, on a day with no inspiration so I apologise if it's difficult to read but I'm honestly not sure how to fix it now. Not a cutesy chapter, and nothing huge happened-just another filler for ya. I do know how I'm ending the book though, and there's only a few chapters left. I also realize how slowly I'm updating, and I apologise. I'm on fall break currently and am going to try to get another chapter up later this week. Thank you as always for your support !!

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