descendants ~sanders sides AU~

By _CandyCl0uds_

49K 2.2K 3.8K

⚠️TRIGGER WARNINGS WILL BE POSTED BEFORE EACH CHAPTER⚠️ Patton and Roman are princes, sworn to protect at all... More

1 ~ Isle Kids and Personal Problems ~
2 ~ Invitations and Fights ~
3 ~ Family Arguments and New Kids ~
4 ~ Lollipops and Plans ~
5 ~ Hot Chocolate and Lies ~
6 ~ First Day and Magical Abilities ~
7 ~ Smoking and Flirting ~
8 ~ Coronation Plans and Arguments ~
9 ~ Break Ins and Slurpies ~
10 ~ Friendship and Locker Vandalism ~
11 ~ Magic and Morse Code ~
12 ~ Talks and Coffee ~
Quick Authors Note of me Being Very STUPID
13 ~ Fights and Realisations ~
14 ~ Sunsets and Ice Cream ~
15 ~ Headaches and Bad Feelings ~

16 ~ Mario Kart and Almosts ~

1.1K 61 61
By _CandyCl0uds_

Patton was currently in his bedroom, being measured for a suit that he would wear for his coronation. He sighed heavily and looked at the material next to him, it was black with baby blue accents, and to be honest he thought it was beautiful.

However that didn't change the fact that he wasn't ready in the slightest to be king.

A knock at the door shook him out of his thoughts, the lady who was measuring him looked at Patton. A silent gesture to know if she was allowed to open the door.

He nodded to her and looked up at the door.

The lady rushed over and opened it, meeting a composed Logan's face.

"I'm sorry, I hope I am not interrupting anything."

A grin broke out onto Patton's face, "No, no you're not interrupting anything Logan, come in."
He made a small gesture to the room around him, and also kindly informed the lady that she could take a break while he chatted with his friend.

"What's up? Why are you here?" Patton asked, stepping down from the pedestal in the middle of the room.

The room had white walls with blue and gold accents, and you could tell that Patton had say in decorating. While it was elegant and royal, there were still little aspects that were clearly influenced by Patton.

"I... I need your help." Logan stated with a little more worry in his monotone voice than there normally was.

Patton's demeanour shifted immediately, he could feel the nervousness looming off of him, and he didn't even need his power for that.

"Okay... what seems to be the problem?"

For the first time in his life it seemed as if Logan was at a loss for words, he would think of something to say, but it would just fizzle out before it got to his tongue.

Logan didn't meet his gaze, after all, this really was the first time Logan was basing something off of emotion and not hardcore evidence.

"I think there's something wrong with Virgil." He finally decided, keeping it simple to help ease his own mind.

"Oh? Has he been doing anything?"

Patton made his way over to his bed, sitting next to the distraught Logan, and kicked his legs slightly, honestly intrigued with what Logan had to say.

"Well, more like there's been a lack of what he's doing. Virgil is a very vigilant person, and recently he's been, almost, lost. I will ask him something, and it will take me three times to get his attention. It's almost as if he's too busy listening to something, but he never has music in, and we never watch anything." Logan explained, recounting the encounters he had with Virgil. It wasn't solid evidence, but Logan knew he knew his friend, and he knew that this wasn't him.

Patton nodded along to what Logan was saying, trying to process the information. He absentmindedly started cracking his knuckles. Patton hadn't seen anything wrong with Virgil recently, sure he didn't know Virgil as well as Logan did, but with the 3 months he had known him, he had come to form a rather close friendship.

"That does seem weird..." Patton agreed, "but I honestly haven't seen much wrong with him," maybe he's just oblivious, or maybe Logan was being paranoid.

Logan nodded in agreement, it could be purely coincidental that Virgil was acting so strange.

"Here, how about we do something, to take your mind off of it! Honestly, I'd rather do anything than be measured for another hour." Patton huffed in a child like sense, which made Logan smile slightly, before clearing his throat and adjusting his glasses.

"I don't see why not, I'm sure I am purely being paranoid, what do you suggest we do?" Logan asked, turning to a rather happy Patton.

Patton thought about it for a minute, "Well... we could play video games?" He said motioning over to his switch.

"I'm sorry... what's a video game?" Logan asked, confused by the new word.

To say Patton's gasp was loud was an understatement, "You don't know what a video game is?!?" He jumped up, fully prepared to turn on his switch to teach him.

"No... I grew up on the isle with little to no electronic devices." Logan stated in the same mono-tone voice he always had.

Patton's smile faltered, seeing Logan so confused about the joys of video games, brought him to reality that Logan never had anything like that, none of the isle kids did.

"Well... then ill teach you!" Patton grabbed the two remotes and tossed one to Logan lightly, "We can play my favourite, Mario kart!"

- - - -

An hour later, Logan had absolutely destroyed Patton in Mario Kart.

"How do you keep winning!"

The two were seating on a couch right in front of Patton's TV and gaming consoles, Logan was sitting in an upright position while Patton was criss-crossed and right next to Logan.

Logan looked at him and shrugged, "Its very simple when you think about it, the game is mostly chance, with a slight of skill, as long as I chose the correct character, and played the game correctly, it was a guaranteed win for me." He stated as if it was a clear thing.

Patton sighed and stood up, deciding that he had been sitting for far too long. "I'm going to get a water, do you want anything?" He asked, then walked behind Logan, bending down slightly so he could hear the low voices boys answer.

Logan tilted his head back to look at Patton, not expecting to see Patton there, yet for some reason, he didn't feel like moving his head back.

The two were inches away from each other, and Patton almost felt compelled to bend down and kiss the seated boy.

Which was what he was about to do before a knock at the door snapped them both out of their thoughts.

The two both looked over to the door immediately.

"Coming!" Patton said, he opened the door to see the same lady who was measuring him standing there with more fabrics.

"Hello Prince Patton, I was informed to tell you that my break is over and I need to complete my task," she said softly, not looking at the Isle kid in the room.

"Oh..." Patton was disappointed for sure, he nodded and opened the door more, allowing her to come in and set up her workspace again.

Logan was already behind Patton by the time her turned around, "I think that's my queue to leave." He stated, waving slightly. His face was dusted in a light blush.

Patton smiled at him, "of course!" He waved back, "don't be a stranger, see ya soon!"

Logan nodded and walked out, heading back to the campus.

Patton closed the door and sighed.

What was that?

- -  - -

I look pretty good for a dead bitch 👀

Yeah! So uh... update... logicality fluff...

Uhhhh honestly I don't know where I've been, I'm so sorry, like r e a l l y sorry... this has always been in my mind but I just never had the time to update it.

But I'm here! And it's here! Enjoy💖

Fun fact: Patton mains Baby Mario in Mario Kart.


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