The Bodyguard (Jeongmin Fanfi...

By jeongminlove

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He didn't know she's a woman. More



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By jeongminlove

Though Jeongyeon’s schedule is full packed with activities, there is not a day that she isn’t thinking about the Prince. Mina’s words keeps bothering her because she knows, no matter how many times she denies, she is feeling something towards Jimin, she just doesn’t know what it is.

Do I like him?" she usually asks herself before going to sleep as she reminisced the times she had with him. Though it was only few days, a lot of things have happened already and she kind of missed her interaction with him... even if he was rude or cruel at times... No matter what, his great deeds stuck with her the most. The Prince saved her life for two times already and that just brings smile on her face. Her heart melts every time she remembers his delicate eyes screaming with concern and worry. Maybe, he truly cared for her... “No... He cared for Kyung...” she almost forgot that she was acting as her twin. She is somehow curious why her Master kept on telling her that she as Kyung is the one who’s gay. “Is he developing feelings for me, I mean, for Kyung?” she wonders. Suddenly, she felt butterflies on her stomach imagining the Prince falling for her as her twin. She was in her deep daydream when she felt a hard slap on her shoulder.

“Yah! Tell us the truth!” Seulgi expressed so hyped. They’re at the canteen of the university and she purposely sat at the farthest corner to avoid attention from the other students who are roaming around the area. Jeongyeon is wearing a hooded jacket trying to hide her face to the public.

"Can you lower down your voice?" she asked Seulgi pulling her to sit beside her. "Where are they?" she next asked pertaining to the gang which consists of Seulgi, her, Yuju, Jae and Namjoon.

"They'll be here in a minute. So why did you tell me that we'll be seeing you in the next semester? Were you really at Busan? How did it happen? Did Kyung set you up with the Prince?" her friend bombarded, lowering her voice while leaning closer to Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon heaved a sigh, "Let's just wait for the others. For sure they are curious too and I don't like to repeat my explanation about the issue."

A minute later, the members of their gang appears. Everyone was intrigued and like Seulgi, they wanted details about her being linked with the controversial royalty.

"He's my brother's boss and we met at BSFF and we were misinterpreted. That's just it," she told them. They won't believe her but Jeongyeon cannot give them the full details not that she doesn't trust them but she's thinking about her twin. She believes that if more people will know their secret, it will be more risky and complicated for them.

"But there are videos that the Prince was introducing you as his girlfriend, how can you explain that?" Seulgi asked.

"It's just for a show 'cause he hates Yeo Dakyung," she explained and a part of her felt guilty for sharing that information. It's just improper but it's the truth anyway. He did the girlfriend act to avoid the actress, that's what she knew.

"And you agreed to be used by him?" Jae asked shocked.

"He's my twin's Master so..." Jeongyeon shrugged rubbing the back of her ear, "I have to go with the flow."

Namjoon was just listening to her and a smile escaped from his lips... "Nam, why are you smiling?" Yuju teased.

"Yiiee, as if you don't know why he's smiling," Seulgi softly slaps Yuju's shoulder.

"You don't know how sad he was when he heard and saw the news," Jae revealed to Jeongyeon and Namjoon immediately shoosh Jae to stop talking but his bestfriend still continued, "He cried."

Jeongyeon felt uneasy. She was interested with Namjoon before, she still is but something has changed. She cannot pinpoint but for her, he is just a friend. She knows he likes her and she badly wants to give him a chance but how can you give a chance to a man who's not trying to win you. She thought of him when Mina suggested her to divert whatever feelings she has for Jimin but no matter how desperate she is, she can't use Namjoon. Also she isn't really sure if what she feels for her Master is like or love. She knows she hates Jimin but at the same time she doesn't. It's too complicated to think about at the moment.

Her friends kept talking but Jeongyeon's mind is somewhere. She can hear them but she can't understand whatever they are saying. Her eyes roamed around the canteen. "Thank goodness, no media followed me today," she muttered in silence. She kept looking around until she caught a familiar stance of a man.

Namjoon was about to speak to her but she suddenly stood, "Wait..." she saw the figure walking out of the canteen.

Her heart started racing. She felt like being frozen but her feet were itching to follow the figure. She was about to run but Seulgi held her hand, "Where are you going? You still owe us a lot of stories."

"Sorry guys, I really need to go," she removed her friend's hold and ran away to follow the man but he just disappeared.

She went to check every room found in the hallway but the figure is out of sight. Maybe she was just paranoid... but a big part of her is telling her that the man she saw is the Prince of Busan. She was still looking around searching for that familiar figure.

Though it was only few days that she has been with him, she already memorized his eyes, his body, his height, his shape, his face, his hair, everything... At that moment she began questioning herself, "Why am I feeling this way? Why am I nervous? I have no reason to be since Kyung and Omma aren't home... I am safe, we are safe but why am I trembling? Why am I feeling excited but at the same time scared?"

She felt so complicated. She doesn't want to see him but she felt somewhat sad by the impossibility of seeing him in her hometown.

"It's him, it's really him," she muttered biting her lip but still she failed to find him. "Are you okay Master?" she whispered to herself suddenly getting worried for Jimin because she believes in some superstitions and one of them is seeing a doppleganger gives a hint for a possibility of bad luck for the person who looks like the doppleganger.

"Should I reply to him?" she thought but she ended up getting busy for their final dance rehearsal. She wasn't able to send him a message not that she totally forgotten but she wanted to thoroughly think of what she would say to him. It's been three days since his last message and the silence of the chatbox somehow gives her a vibe that there's something wrong.

"Oh Master, what's happening to you?"

- - - -

Jihyo is like Jeongyeon's boyfriend who fetches her and drives her home everyday. Jeongyeon urged her to stay for the night as she feels scared to be alone because of the doppleganger incident. She told Jihyo about it as they eat their dinner in the living room while watching a drama.

"Are you sure it was him?" Jihyo asked perplexed as she chews her food.

Jeongyeon shrugs, "I don't know but, his back figure definitely resembles the Prince."

"So you mean, the Prince is here in Suwon?"

"I don't know."

"It's impossible."


"I heard he's attending the Busan Golf Tournament so it's impossible."


Jihyo nodded, "It's in the news."

"So it was a mistake?" Jeongyeon mumbled unsure because her gut tells her that she really saw Jimin.

"You're hallucinating because of him, tell me, what did he really do to you?" Jihyo glanced at her and went back to watching the drama.

"Nothing..." she looked at her food and took a deep sigh, "Maybe I'm just stressed."

"Or are you just using the 'man' just to get away with your gang? I am sure they were asking you questions about the Prince."

"No, I really thought it was him," Jeongyeon said so weakly.

"And why am I hearing a sad tone?" Jihyo raised a brow glancing again at her.

Jeongyeon just sighed, "Jihyo please..."

"Do you miss him?" her friend asked with her eyes smiling and teasing.

Jeong frowned, "Why should I miss him? In just few days I'm gonna see him again."

Jihyo smirked, "Aren't you excited?"

Jeongyeon shook her head, "Just concentrate with the drama."

Her friend giggled but instead of turning her attention to the TV, she turned it off and excitedly tells Jeongyeon on what she have read in an article this morning.

"You are secretly in love with him because Jeongie, I have seen all signs in you."

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes. She doesn't want to hear what Jihyo would say but a part of her is so curious to know whether she qualifies with those signs.

Her friend continued, "I've read these signs in Bustle, listen, okay?"

Jeong shook her head acting so uninterested. Jihyo ignored her and began narrating the signs, "One, you can't stop talking about him. True, right?"

The latter didn't answer realizing how much she blabbers about the Prince to her friends. There was not a day when she didn't mention him but as for her defense, her friends are the ones asking about him and she just answers them sometimes with lies she admits.

"Two, you don't avoid seeing them like in your situation right now. Instead of staying with your gang, you chose to ran away and followed the man you thought that was him. If you really hate him, you'll ignore him."

"Aigoo... what a non-sense," Jeongyeon mumbled with her annoyed face.

"Shush, you gotta listen to this. Third one, you think about them more than anyone else. You can't deny this Jeong. Since you talk about him, you imagine him and if you imagine him, that means you think about him and sometimes, a smile escapes from your lips. Just last night as we were drinking soju, you talked about how graceful he dances and the admiration on your voice was so obvious plus the fact that you were smiling."

"I was drunk."

"Drunk your ass, you just had two shots, come on. And as far as I know your alcohol tolerance is high so your reason that you were drunk is invalid."


"Shut up and just listen. You are in denial stage but you cannot refute the fact that your heart races when you think about him. That's the final sign and it's obvious in you from the first day that I saw you after returning from the Palace."

Jeongyeon blankly stares at her friend whose eyes are smiling from narrating to her the signs of a secretly in love person... there was silence and after a minute or two, Jeongyeon finally speaks, "You're pathetic."

"And again, you are in denial stage," Jihyo insisted and continued to eat her food. "I don't care if you won't believe me but those were just the things I've noticed in you," she told Jeongyeon while her mouth is full.

The latter just shook her head and rolled her eyes, silently thinking about what Jihyo told her. "Mina said he's into me and I am attracted to him. Now Jihyo theorized that I am secretly in love with him... What are they? Shippers?"

But deeply, Jeongyeon somehow gets them. She doesn't feel like her normal self when she's thinking about Jimin but still she doesn't believe that she have learned to love him. It's just too early for that.

- - - -

Jihyo is already sleeping beside Jeongyeon in her bedroom while she is still awake looking at her phone specifically to the Instagram chat of her Master to her. She looks at his image again and she smiled, "What should I say to you?" she muttered in silence.

She then fixed herself to sit while her back is resting on the headboard, she took a deep breath and finally started typing...

She sent the message and re-reads it. "Oh sh*t! Why did I type it like that?" she cursed reading her last sentence.

She immediately composed another message...

- - - -

Jimin is currently brushing his teeth when Taehyung called him.

"Chim! Come here!" Tae shouted as he reads a notification from Jimin's phone which is charging as of the moment. "Jeongyeon messaged you at last!"

Jimin immediately gargled water and washed his mouth. He excitedly runs beside Taehyung getting his phone reading her message... and the two were confused at her last sentence...

"Do you want me back?" Jimin repeats.

Then a notification appears again...

"Oh Kyung asked..." Tae said and asked him, "So what would you tell her?"

Jimin looks at his cousin, "Let's make her wait."

"Uh-oh, revenge?" Taehyung raised a brow while a smile escaped from his mouth.

Jimin smirked and puts his phone back to the side table. "She gotta pay for it."

- - - -

The sun has risen and Jeongyeon was awakened by Jihyo's loud voice calling her. "Jeong!"

She suddenly felt her shaking her making her open her eyes, "Stop it!" she shouted removing Jihyo's hands from her shoulders.

"Jeong, the Prince wasn't able to make it in the Golf Tournament yesterday."

"Huh?" Jeongyeon was rubbing her eyes but she stopped upon realizing that her friend is talking about Jimin. "What do you mean?"

"According to the news, he is sick."

"Omo? Jjinja?" she immediately sat, getting her phone, checking if her Master replied to her but there is still no new message from him. She waited last night for his response but she ended up falling asleep without his reply. Anyway, she is still happy that he have seen her message. "Maybe he's having his revenge on me," she whispered staring blankly at her phone.

"Yah, you replied to him?" Jihyo asked after peeking at her friend's phone.

"Aish, you really learned to care for him," Jihyo teased giving her a smirk.

Jeongyeon just sighed and went to her bathroom with her phone. She locked the door while shouting, "You can go home now!"

"Arasseo! Cook your own breakfast then!" Jihyo shouted back and went out of the room.

Meanwhile, Jeongyeon is thinking of what she would say to him... "What shall I say to him? Hmmm..." she clicks her tongue and started typing...

"Oh sh*t..." she cursed reading her last words...

She slapped herself for being so foolish. For her, it is still hard since she needs to make sure that everything should always be associated with her twin. It's part of the play, it's part of her acting.

- - - -

Jimin was awakened by Taehyung's knocks. Even if getting up and opening the door is against his will, he doesn't have a choice but to do those things since he knows that his cousin won't stop.

"Why are you knocking so hard?" he complained while scratching his head and rubbing his eyes.

"The news said that you are sick."

"So?... That's the plan, right?"

"Yeah but someone is complaining telling people that you are so irresponsible."


"My enemy."

"Your enemy?"

"The heiress of SBK."


"Don't ever mention her name please," Taehyung covered Jimin's mouth.

The Prince removes his hand away, "Just let her. Come on, forget about her and help me with my plan."

"Arasseo, so, anything in mind?"

"Frankly, I don't know what to do yet but I am kind of feeling good right now, this will be spontaneous and exciting." Jimin winked. Suddenly he sniffed, "Something is burning?" he asked Taehyung.

"Oh sh*t!" Tae cursed and rushed out. Jimin on the other hand walked back to his bed getting his phone. A smile was formed on his lips upon reading Jeongyeon's new message...

- - - -

"Jjinja! F*cking reply to me please!" Jeongyeon exclaimed getting annoyed since the Prince isn't responding to her messages.

She went out of the bathroom with her bitter face and went to Jihyo who's getting ready to leave.

"Are you really leaving me?" she asked her friend.

"Aigoo, you asked for it. Anyway, I'll be back. Just let me shower first plus, my dog, Miley is for sure looking for me," Jihyo said going out of the door.

"Arasseo, I'll wait for you," she said following her out. She waved goodbye at her then she checks her phone again. "When are you planning to respond?" she frowned sighing.

Then she looks up and surprisingly, she saw the Prince on top of the terrace of a house just in front of their home. Her heart began thumping so fast as he flashed her a wide smile.

She looked down, holding her chest, "Is this really true? I am seeing him and he is smiling at me?"

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