Ellie's pregnancy

By whofan19766

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a sequel to Amy's pregnancy, but this time it's Ellie's turn More

Chapter 1:Ellie's appointment with Rose
Chapter 2 :telling Amy
Chapter 3: Ellie meets Danielle
Chapter 4 :making Danielle's nursery
Chapter 5:Ellie and Danielle talk to each other
Chapter 6: Rose helps Ellie about her pregnancy
Chapter 7:transported to the Big Bang Theroy show part I
Chapter 8:Transported to the Big Bang Theroy show part II
Chapter 9:Transported to the Big Bang Theory show part III
Chapter 10:Ellie's in her first month of pregnancy
Chapter 11: Ellie talks to Danielle
Chapter 12 :Angel Allergies
Chapter 13: Padme 2nd birthday part I
Chapter 14 :Padme 2nd birthday part II
Chapter 15:Ellie and Amy's night out
Chapter 17:Danielle visits Ellie in the Men of Letters bunker
Chapter 18:Dakota and Kate goes clothes shopping part I
Chapter 19:Dakota and Kate goes clothes shopping part II
Chapter 20:hearing Danielle's heartbeat for the first time
Chapter 21: Danielle's thanksgiving visit
Chapter 22:Bedrest for Ellie
Chapter 23:Ellie and Amy's Christmas gifts
Chapter 24:Danielle's birth part I
Chapter 25:Danielle's birth part II

Chapter 16:Amber comforts Ali

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By whofan19766

Amber went into her twin daughters nursery and checks on Dakota and Kate as she went to Kate's crib and sees Kate sleeping as she then hears Dakota cooed and awake as Amber goes to Dakota's crib and picked her up at her almost 1 year old.

"why you awake Dakota?" Amber asked her as she hears her twin sister Ali crying in her room as she walk to Ali's room while carrying Dakota as she enters Ali's room.

"Ali?" Amber asked her.

"Amber, hi." Ali said while wipes a couple of tears from her eyes.

"Ali, what's wrong?" she asked her twin sister.

"nothing." Ali answered as Amber knows her twin sister's emotion.

"Ali, please tell me?" Amber said with a comfortable smile on her face.

"I'm sure you know about Sadie?" Ali asked her.

"I know about Sadie and having diagnose with severe autism, besides were twins remember?" Amber remind her.

"I'm scared and don't know what to do." Ali told her.

"for one Ali, you will get through this and have a lot of our family helping including our family's guardian angel." Amber told Ali.

"and what's the second point?" Ali wondered.

"you have me for support." Amber answered.

"thanks Amber." Ali said.

"and if something happen with my twin daughters, I would done the same thing worrying about either Dakota or Kate or possibly both." Amber also said.

Ali sees Amber holding Dakota as Dakota smiled at Ali.

"looks like she's growing redhair on her head." Ali said.

"so is Kate and I'm so lucky to be a mother to twin daughters." Amber also said.

"I almost about to ask, Dakota is done with her nap?" Ali wondered.

"guess she is and Kate is a very light sleeper." Amber answered as she hears Kate awake.

"can you take Dakota while I get Kate from her crib?" Amber asked Ali.

"sure." Ali reply.

as Amber goes back to Dakota and Kate's nursery, Ali holding Dakota as Dakota pulled Ali's hair as Ali smiled.

"you pulling Aunt Ali's hair?" Ali asked her.

Amber comes back from the nursery and holding Kate as she sat next to her twin sister on the bed.

"you notice that Dakota and Kate looked like Becky Lynch from her WWE?" Ali asked her.

"I do and we look like Alexa Bliss from WWE also." Amber reminded Ali.

"I know." Ali said.

"have you talk to Aunt Ellie at all today?" Amber wondered.

"I did and her pregnant stomach is growing." Ali told her.

"she's what, 4 or 5 months pregnant with Danielle?" Amber asked.

"something around there." Ali reply.

"it be a interesting either New Year's eve or New Year's day that Danielle will be born." Amber said.

"I am leaning towards New Year's eve." Ali said.

"why New Year's eve?" Amber asked Ali.

"think about it, it will be a week after Grandma Rose and Grandpa Matt's anniversary and at midnight, Danielle will be born and she will be around Aunt Ellie's arms." Ali answered.

"your right Ali, but I still think that Danielle will be born on New Year's day." Amber said.

"either way our girls will meet Danielle at the hospital." Ali also said as Amber nodded her head in agreement.

"but let Padme meet Danielle first." Amber reminded her twin sister.

"I know Amber." Ali said.

Ellie knocked on Ali's door as both Ali and Amber looked up to see Ellie standing in the doorway.

"hi Aunt Ellie." both Ali and Amber said to her.

"hi Ali and Amber and I'm not interrupted anything?" Ellie asked.

"no, I'm just comfort Ali and I'm sure you heard about it?" Amber asked Ellie.

"about Sadie?, yes." Ellie answered.

"in a couple of days, Grandma Rose is taking me to a support group for parents who have kids who have severe autism over at the hospital." Ali said.

"and are you taking Sadie with you?" Ellie wondered.

"not at my first appearance at the support group, but I take her at my second appearance." Ali reply.

Ellie feels Danielle kicking her pregnant stomach for the first time as she gives a small yelp.

"you ok Aunt Ellie?" Amber wondered.

"yes, it just Danielle kicking me for the first time." Ellie answered.

"you mean she just kicked?" Ali also asked.

"yes Ali." Ellie reply.

"so cool." Ali said.

"yes it is." Ellie said as she put her hand on her pregnant stomach.

"why, you have her middle name Penny?" Amber wondered.

"well, as you already know that Danielle will look like Penny from the Big Bang Theory and it was a no brainer that I have her middle name Penny." Ellie told Amber.

"from a dream if I'm remember this correctly?" Ali asked.

"yes from my dream Ali." Ellie reply.

"me and Ali were talking about Danielle's birth and we decided that let Padme meet Danielle first and Dakota and Kate including Sadie meet Danielle next." Amber told Ellie.

"no problem Amber." Ellie said.

"baby." Dakota said as Amber gets a shocked look on her face.

"Dakota, your said your first word good girl." Amber said.

"at least she knows I'm pregnant with her soon to be little cousin." Ellie points out.

"Danielle will have a lot of love from her family." Ali said to Ellie.

"I know." Ellie said with a smile on her face.

"is it true that you and Danielle talk to each other?" Amber asked.

"yes and only in my dreams Amber." Ellie answered.

"really?" Amber wondered.

"yeah." Ellie reply.

"what you two talk about?" Ali also ask.

"a lot of stuff Ali." Ellie told Ali.

"we know she either be born on New Year's eve or New Year's day." Amber said.

"it is most definitely at midnight on New Year's day." Ellie said.

"you know that Danielle will be born on New Year's day?" Ali wondered.

"yes and it it your Aunt Wanda's vision." Ellie answered.

"wait, Aunt Wanda had a vision that Danielle will be born on midnight on New Year's day?" Ali asked.

"yes." Ellie reply.

"at least Aunt Wanda's vision is never wrong Ali." Amber reminded her twin sister.

"I know Amber." Ali said.

"I 'll let you two talk." Ellie said to Ali and Amber.

"thanks Aunt Ellie." both Ali and Amber also said.

Chapter 17 soon.

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