The Undercover Model

By nerdelicious

1.3M 27.4K 5.9K

When your a nerd nobody really looks at you, so what happens when a supermodel takes that advantage in highsc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Sorry to Disappoint..
New Story!!

Chapter 5

76K 2K 511
By nerdelicious

I heard a voice calling my name. "Amy"

Again "Amy" it said in a sing-song voice. It was familiar but I couldn't make out who it belonged to. Once more "Amy" it said a bit louder this time.

My eyes shot open and I found a pair of green eyes in front of my face. I screamed "AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

"Whoa, calm down it's me"

"What the hell Ellen?! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"We wouldn't that now, would we? You know that voice of yours is loud enough to make deaf people hear again"

"Well you deserve it. Now mind telling me why you woke me up? And what's up with you waking me up these days? Are you getting sick or have you been abducted by aliens?" I said trying to sound scared.

She chuckled and answered "No. Now hurry up if you don't want to miss the plane"

"Plane? What plane?" I asked confused.

"The plane to Paris, stupid" she said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"What? I thought we were going tomorrow!" I said struggling to get out of bed, only to get tangled in my covers.

"It's been re-scheduled, now hurry up" she said getting irritated.


"I don't know, but if you don't want to go that's fine by me"

I sighed and continued trying to get out of bed. I didn't how tangled I was until I fell off my bed.

"OW!" I cried.

Ellen burst out laughing clutching her side.

"Sorry to burst your bubble of joy but do you mind helping me get out of these sheets?" I asked slightly annoyed

Ellen kept on laughing and bent down to help me. "I wonder what your fans would think if they found out how clumsy you are."

I scowled and memories of my dream came back. I was really glad it was only a dream. "Uh Ellen? I didn't pack yet" I stated.

"Don't worry, I got that covered. Go take a shower and come downstairs when you're done, you have little less than an hour"

"Finally!" I cried when I was out.

Ellen continued to laugh and headed out the door. "Don't get tangled in your clothes!" she called after her joking.

I scowled and made my way to the bathroom. After a quick shower I stepped out, I made my way to my walk-in closet. I picked out blue jean faded short-shorts, a black tank top, a red plaid shirt and my red converse. I put on light make-up and didn't bother doing anything with my hair. When I was done I grabbed my bag and put in the necessities and made my way down the stairs. I found Ellen in the living room reading the newspaper. She looked up at me and put down the newspaper.

"Come on, let's go"

I trudged behind her as we headed to my limo. As soon as I was seated I slipped on my sunglasses and took out my iPod. I plugged it in my ears and cranked up the music. I was so excited!

We got to the airport and stepped out the limo. I made my way inside and Ellen walked behind me, chatting on her Blackberry. One of the bodyguards took our luggage and the rest walked around us. As soon as I stepped inside the crowds came as if I were a magnet. We struggled our way through without any injuries and headed to the plane. It was a good thing the agency had a private jet so I got on quickly. I looked for a free seat. There were only three.

One next to Jared and he was a pervert so I crossed him out. The second was next to Cindy, an annoying freshman that never shut up so I crossed her out too. The third was next to Eric. I guess I had no choice. I headed over to him.

" this seat taken?" I asked

He looked up from the book he was reading and his eyes opened in surprise. "No"

"So can I sit there?" I asked again looking at his bag.

"Oh, right, sorry" he said giving me a sheepish grin and took his bag off the chair.


The plane took off. I was so excited!

His eyes widened in surprise again before turning back to what he was doing. I was confused at first then I realized why. I was being nice to him. I sighed and turned the screen on looking for a movie to watch. I decided on Diary of a Wimpy Kid because I needed a good laugh and because I loved that movie. I tried to focus on the movie but my heart was beating too fast for my liking due to how close we were. The science was unbearable.

"You like Diary of a Wimpy Kid?" Eric asked surprised.

"Yeah I think it's a great movie"

"Me too. It's really funny"

"I know right? My favorite part is when Greg goes to the bathroom and Rodrick jumps out the shower" I said laughing.

"Yeah that part's hilarious, then Greg's like 'Ahhhhhhhh' and Rodrick is like 'AHHHHHHHHHHH' and then their mom comes"

We burst out laughing then went quiet. It was a bit awkward but then Eric spoke up. "I have a question and I don't mean to offend you or anything but why are you being nice to me?"

I stared at him for a second taking in what he said and a wash of guilt came over me. He seemed to notice my expression, "I - I'm sorry if I offended you, you don't have to answer if you don't want to." he stammered.

I finally found my voice and replied, "It's okay, I should be the one apologizing for being a bitch, I guess I was er-" I needed to come up with something quick " I was just used to being the star and when you came I was kind of mad and all. I'm really sorry and I understand if you want to hate me but I was hoping maybe we could start over and become friends"

He looked surprised by my honesty and quickly got out of it. He gave me one of his breath-taking smiles and nodded.

"Friends?" he asked taking out his hand.

"Friends" I answered putting my hand in his. I tried to ignore the sparks from his touch but to no avail I blushed and looked away as he shook my hand.

The stewardess came and asked us if we wanted anything. I noticed that she was busy flirting with Eric. Too bad he wasn't paying her any attention. She continued her effortless tries while I tried to keep in my laughter. I tried but I couldn't anymore so I burst out laughing. She gave me a cold look.

"What?" she asked annoyed.

"Nothing, I'm just laughing at your stupidity, can't you see it's obvious he's not interested" I chuckled.

"Whatever, so do you want anything or not?" she snapped angrily.

"Yeah, I want a brownie and orange juice"

She stalked off and I continued laughing.

"Thanks, she was really getting annoying" Eric said

"Anytime, isn't that what friends do?" I grinned.

"Yeah I guess so"

I opened my mouth to reply but the stewardess cut me off bringing me my brownie. I thanked her and she left. By the looks of it she was still pissed off. I gulped down my juice and I saw Eric eyeing my brownie.

We talked for a while about what we liked and disliked. "So you like reading?" he asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Oh, you just look like the reading type"

I gave him a flat look and raised one of my eyebrows.

"I read it in a magazine" he said quietly, blushing.

Wait? Did he just blush? And say that he read about me in a magazine? Eric read about ME in a magazine! I felt a surge of happiness. I quickly snapped out it when I noticed Eric giving me weird look.

"Oh, well do you like reading?"

"Yeah, kind of. My sister loved it and she kind of hooked me up"

I noticed a hurt look on his face. "Loved?" why did he use past tense?

"She died last year" he said quietly. I was surprised I didn't know already since everything about his life was on every tongue at school.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I know what it's like, my mother passed away when I was a three"

"Nah, it's okay. So what kinds of books do you like reading?"

"I like romance, crimes and Harry Potter"

"I like Harry Potter too but I can't say much for romance novels. I prefer movies" he replied with a smirk.

"No way, romantic novels are a lot better than movies"

"No they're not, you can't see them do anything" he said smirking.

"Ugh, you're such a guy"

"Last time I checked I was"

We laughed and I noticed he kept on staring at my half eaten brownie. We stopped laughing he didn't lift his gaze.

"As my duty of being your caring friend I think I have to take your brownie" he said a smirk playing at his lips.

"What? No!"





"Come on, you're a girl don't you worry about gaining weight or something?" he whined.

"Nope" I said popping the p.



"Fine then be that way, I guess I'll have to steal it" he smirked. "Muahahahahahahaha!"

"No!" I almost screamed. People were beginning to stare at us.

He reached out to take it but I was faster. I snatched it and held over my head, giggling. He shifted in his seat and was now leaning against me trying to grab it from my hands, I squirmed around in my seat holding it higher. I instantly became aware of how close our bodies were and more importantly our faces. I stopped giggling and froze in my seat. I could see every inch of his handsome face. Eric must have noticed this too because he dropped his gaze and met mine. I stared into the intensity of his blue eyes, getting lost in them. Tingles spread on my body like a disease. He began leaning in slowly. I knew what was coming. My heart beat increased as he slowly leant in closer and closer, only inches away, his warm sweet breath caressing my face. He came closer and brushed his lips over mine, my heart rate speeding a bit too much for my liking. Then somebody cleared their throat. Eric quickly pulled back and busied himself with his book, I snapped out of my trance and glared at the person who had interrupted our kiss. I found the stewardess from before smirking at me.

I was so going to kill her.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"I came over to ask you if you wanted anything" she said innocently.

"We don't need anything, now shoo" I said waving my hand at her dismissively.

She scowled and left.

I rested my head on the headrest on my seat, too embarrassed to look at Eric. I plugged in my iPod and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Eric's POV:

I tried to grab her brownie but she reached it first and raised it over her head. I shifted in my seat leaning against her trying to grab the brownie. She kept on squirming and giggling. It made my happy knowing I was the reason behind her happiness. She suddenly stopped. I was confused at first but then I realized how close we were. I looked into her eyes, our faces inches away. We stared into each other's eyes for a while then I started leaning in. I leant in closely so she would know what was coming. She didn't move so I kept on coming, closer and closer.

I leant in and my lips brushed hers. Someone then cleared their throat. I quickly pulled away and grabbed my book. I looked through the corner of my eye and saw the annoying stewardess. AJ snapped at her for and she left. I sighed.

I was about to kiss her.

I didn't know why I was attracted to her. I was glad we had become friends and I didn't want to scare her. I shook these thoughts out of my head and watched a movie. A few minutes later I felt something hit my shoulder. I looked to my left and found AJ sleeping.

She looked so cute and innocent. I pulled a blanket over her and placed her head onto my lap. Warmth spread through my body and I continued watching the movie.


Two uploads in the same week? An almost kiss too? I think it deserves a vote don't you guys think so too?

Vote, comment, fan!!

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