The Mute Girl( A Twilight fan...

By Oncer121598

76.5K 1.7K 230

Brianna Peters is a 17 year old girl who moves to Forks with her father. When she goes to school she ends up... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

1K 33 4
By Oncer121598

A month went by, it was the middle of July. Brianna woke up and headed downstairs. Her dad was getting better and he was back working at the station. Although, he was only doing desk work.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Scott greeted as Brianna walked into the kitchen.

Brianna waved to her dad. "What's for breakfast?" She typed.

"French toast with scrambled eggs." Scott answered. Brianna nodded. She grabbed orange juice and poured two glasses. She set the glasses on the table as her dad put everything else on the table. They both sat down and started eating.

"I'm excited for dinner tonight." Brianna typed. Since they weren't able to go out to dinner for her birthday on the actual day, Scott was taking Brianna tonight.

"I wanted to talk to you about that." Scott said.

"Don't tell me we're not going." Brianna typed.

"No. That's not it." Scott said. "I was thinking we could go for lunch instead of dinner."

"Why?" Brianna typed.

"Well, since you didn't really get a party on your birthday, I was thinking we could have one tonight." Scott said.

"What if I don't want a party?" Brianna typed.

"You used to love having birthday parties." Scott said. "And I'm not hurt anymore, so you have no excuse."

"Alright, fine." Brianna typed.

"Good." Scott said. "Because I already told your friends that there was going to be a party tonight." Brianna glared at her father, who was just chuckling. "Why don't you wear the dress that Alice gave you for your birthday." Scott said. "You looked really nice in it."

"So, where are we going for lunch?" Brianna asked.

"I found this nice restaurant in Port Angeles we could to." Scott replied.

"Ok." Brianna typed. She helped her father clean up breakfast.

Later that afternoon, Scott and Brianna were driving to the restaurant in Port Angeles.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Brianna saw Carlisle. "What are you doing here?" She typed on her tablet and showed it to him.

"Your father invited me to join you guys for lunch." Carlisle said as he kissed her on the cheek. "You look beautiful, by the way."

"Thank you." Brianna typed. She then looked at her father.

"I wanted to surprise you." Scott said.

Brianna was a little surprised, but also grateful that her dad invited Carlisle. He still wasn't ok with her being with Carlisle, but she was glad he was trying. The three of them walked into the restaurant and and hostess brought them to a table.

After a little bit, they all had their food and were eating. "So, my daughters said that you're having a birthday party for Brianna tonight." Carlisle said.

"Yes." Scott said. "Your family's welcome to come."

"We wouldn't miss it." Carlisle said.

"I'm sorry that Alice's party got cut short." Scott said.

"She understood given the circumstances at the time." Carlisle said. "How are you doing, by the way?"

"Better." Scott answered. "Thank you."

"No problem." Carlisle said. They continued to eat. "I'll be right back." Carlisle said, after a few minutes. "I'll need to make a quick phone call."

"Are you ok?" Brianna typed on her tablet.

"Yeah." Carlisle said. "I'll won't be long. I promise." He stood up and walked out of the restaurant.

"Thank you." Brianna typed to her father.

"For what?" Scott asked.

"For inviting Carlisle to join us for lunch." Brianna typed. "I know you're still uncomfortable with me being with him and I appreciate you trying to make an effort."

"You're welcome, sweetheart." Scott said.

Just then, Carlisle rejoined them. "Sorry about that." He said.

"It's fine." Scott said.

When they finished lunch, they all walked outside. "Well, thank you for inviting to lunch, Mr. Peters." Carlisle said.

"Of course." Scott said. "And call me Scott."

Carlisle nodded. "I'll see you later." He said to Brianna, kissing her.

"See ya." Brianna typed. They got into their cars.

"We can stop by the store and pick up food and drinks for the party." Scott said. "And I ordered a cake for you."

"Just letting you know, we don't need to get too much food. The Cullens don't eat a lot." Brianna typed.

"Ok." Scott said.

Later that evening, the party had started and people were arriving. Other than the Cullens, Scott had invited Charlie and Bella and some his co-workers from the station.

All of a sudden, Brianna was ambushed by Alice and Rosalie. "Hey Bri!" They said.

Brianna smiled at them. "Hey guys. Thanks for coming." She typed.

"Of course." The two girls said. Brianna saw Carlisle approaching.

"We'll leave you two alone." Rosalie said as she and Alice walked away.

"Hello again, love." Carlisle greeted her.

"Hi." Brianna typed. "I missed you."

"We just saw each other this afternoon." Carlisle said.

"Still." Brianna typed.

"Well, I missed you too." Carlisle said.

"Can I ask you something?" Brianna typed.

"Sure." Carlisle said. They went somewhere quieter.

"Where did you go today during lunch?" Brianna typed. "Because I don't believe that you needed to make a phone call."

"It's nothing." Carlisle said.

"Can I ask you something else?" Brianna typed.

"Ok." Carlisle said.

"What do you do when eat human food?" Brianna typed.

"It's nothing you need to worry about." Carlisle said.

"Is that where you went to?" Brianna typed. Carlisle nodded. "Please, tell me." Brianna typed.

"Trust me, it's not something I want you know about or see." Carlisle said. "Come on. Let's get back to the party." Brianna nodded and followed him.

After the party ended, Brianna and Scott were sitting on the couch. "Thank you for the party." Brianna typed.

"You're welcome." Scott said. "Can I ask you something that's been bothering me?" Brianna nodded. "How did you and Carlisle end up together?" Scott asked.

"It's a little complicated." Brianna typed. "I was spending a lot of time at the Cullen's place and he was really sweet and nice to me with showing me around town. And it just happened."

"I'm really trying, Bri." Scott said. "I mean, you were never really into boys before and now you're with an older guy."

"I know. I really do appreciate the effort you're trying to make." Brianna typed. "I really like him."

"I know. I just want you to be happy." Scott said.

"I am." Brianna typed.

"I'm glad." Scott said. "I love you."

"I love you too." Brianna typed. "I'm going to head up to bed."

"Good night, sweetheart." Scott said.

"Good night." Brianna typed. She walked up to her room. Carlisle was standing by the open window. Brianna looked up and saw him. "Did you hear what my Dad said?" Brianna typed.

"Not if you didn't want me to." Carlisle said.

"I'm sorry." Brianna typed.

"Don't be." Carlisle said. "I understand."

Brianna went into the bathroom to change and came back into her room. She got into her bed and fell asleep in Carlisle's arms.

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