Our love is Stronger A sequel...

By QueenScribe

2.6K 100 37

Three years have passed since King gave his life for Diane and for everyone else, life has moved on. She and... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Story Update

Part 10

222 7 2
By QueenScribe

Dear Readers,

 You've all been so kind and patient with me regarding this story and while I still have several things to work out (Personally) I thought it was only right to offer something. While it's not much, I do want to thank everyone who has offered their support. I now present, with much gratitude, this chapter. Please enjoy. 

"I'm almost there, Harlequin. I've started working on the medicine. If it wasn't storming so badly right now, I'd be out there now and I could get the last few things. " Diane glanced down at her son, the boy slept peacefully in her arms, while his sister rested in King's. "I just can't wait to have you with me and to have them one day. I will kind of miss this though."

"Yeah. It's kind of funny, how much you can love someone who doesn't even exist yet." King replied. Diane smiled.

"You feel it too?"

"I felt it the day I met them. All these little moments only make me want our family more." King admitted. Diane leaned down, resting her head on his shoulder.

"So, when you said maybe one day we could have them..."She began allowing her voice to trail off hopefully.

"We definitely should, I mean if you still want to by then. You're a great mother."The fairy blushed. Diane pressed her lips to King's.

"You'll be the best dad, Harlequin. Our own little family, the four of us.." the giantess sighed contentedly. "Do you think it'll turn out like this?"

"I don't know if it'll be exactly like this, but I think It'll be close. You know, it's not such a bad thing that you had to stay in today." King said. "I mean if it means we get to be together for a while longer.   When I come home, and everything's back to normal, we should take some time  to do this, just to enjoy each other." Diane smiled.

"Yeah and maybe in a few years, we find somewhere that feels enough like home to settle into. and We can have these two."

"Mommy, Daddy?"Ava called sleepily.  "Is it time for snacking?"She rubbed her eyes and snuggled back into her father's arms.

"I think it's a little early for snacks," King said gently, the child frowned. "But it's a good time to have some breakfast if you're hungry." Instantly, the smile returned.

"That's yummy too!" She cried, sitting up and hugging King. The fairy lightly kissed the top of his daughter's head, earning a giggle from the young girl. 

"Can we pick strawberries when Brother is awake? Then we can get some cheese." King and Diane chuckled. 

"She's definitely your daughter." The giantess teased. Ava turned to face her mother.

"Can I still be yours too, Mommy?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. Diane stroked the girl's hair.

"It just means you're a lot like your daddy, that's all. You're still our little girl." Soon, King found himself in a field watching the children and Diane play among the plants, stopping occasionally to pick some of the fruit and eat it.  King loved the sounds of laughter and enjoyed the time he spent with his family. He loved when Diane dreamed of the children, leaving the door open for him.  

"Daddy, look!" Oberon cried, running toward him, a wicker basket in his arms.  He held the object out.  "There are two big strawberries and two baby ones. Mommy helped me count them so I could show you.' The boy reached in and removed one of the larger berries, offering it to his father.

"I picked this one just for you!" He exclaimed proudly.  King took the object, kneeling in front of his son. 

"Thank you." He said, pulling Oberon into a hug. 

"Do you like it lots, Daddy?"

"I love it." Oberon took hold of his hand, pulling him to his feet.

"Come play with us. It's a pretty day and I am happy."

"Me too, son, "King admitted, ruffling the boy's hair. 

"Can we fly back to Mommy and sister, will it be fun?"Harlequin lifted the child into his arms, rising into the air. King held the boy securely as he began his flight, twisting quickly through the air, listening to the child cheer. Diane grinned. 

"Mommy?"Ava tugged at her mother gently.


"When I get big, can I fly like my Daddy, it's so silly."

"I don't know, sweetie, I'm not sure how it'll work out. I don't think there's ever been a child born from a giant and a fairy. We'll have to see."

"Is that us, Mommy?" Ava questioned climbing into Diane's lap. 

"Yeah. Your Daddy's a fairy and I'm a giant."

"But Mommy, does that mean we will be not nice?"

"No," King replied joining them. "It means you're both very special."

"Then what will we be, Mommy and Daddy?"Oberon asked. 

"What do you mean?" King asked. 

"Are we a fairy or a giant?" Diane laughed.

"Maybe you'll be a giant fairy." She suggested, earning giggles from her children.

"Or a slightly smaller giant," King added. "Or maybe something more unique, maybe you'll be giants that grow wings and fly around."

"You're so silly, Daddy." Ava threw her arms around her father.

"That'll be a sight." Harlequin chuckled.  "But listen you two, honestly, however it turns out, Your mom and I already love you very much.

"That's right," Diane said softly. "One day, I don't know when, but someday, we'll be able to tell you all this again and we'll have even more fun and it won't be for such a short time."

"We will be your really real babies?"Ava asked hopefully. Harlequin and Diane exchanged glances. 

"I'm ready to make that promise to them if you are King."

"Yeah, I am too. I can't promise it'll be exactly like this, but I've never wanted anything more than I want us, all of us."Diane pulled King close to her. She was glad she was forced into a break. A day with her family always seemed to cheer her up and any time she could spend with King, gave her hope. 


"Think she's okay?"Meliodas asked, gazing at the giantess, who slept in her chair, her head resting on the bed beside King.  "It's not like Diane to sleep all day and through all this thunder." A bright flash lit the room briefly, allowing the captain a better view. Diane was smiling. 

"She's been pretty busy gathering ingredients and mixing them together. Every time I've come up to check on her she's working on something. It's only natural that she'd need to sleep sometime. She must be exhausted." Merlin pointed out. 

"Yeah, I guess.  You don't see that too much anymore."The captain said.

"See what?"

"Whatever she's dreaming about, she's actually happy. " 

"I think we should just let her sleep, let her enjoy herself for a change, but I'll have something ready for her when she wakes up, just in case."

"That's a good idea. Thanks, Merlin." Just outside the door, Elaine wiped away the tears that were beginning to fall. She had been unable to force herself to see her brother in such a state.  She drew in a shuddered breath. 

"Hey, what's wrong?"Ban asked, pulling her close. 

"I feel so many mixed emotions. Even from here, I can read Diane's thoughts, that's where he's been going."

"What are you talking about?"The man asked in confusion.

"My brother, he visits her. She has such beautiful dreams and thoughts of him. Their love is so strong that-"

"When you say he visits her, you mean..."Ban allowed his voice to trail off.

"She invites him in. He will always find a way to her when she calls to him. He promised her that and he's kept his word, even now."

"Must be nice to be able to do stuff like that."Ban scoffed.

"What do you mean? You did it too." Elaine pulled away just enough to mean the man's gaze.

"I think it's time I explained it to you." She continued. "Those nights when your heart cried out to me when you asked me to help you through your nightmares, Ban, I was there. I remember having those conversations with you, I remember you telling me how much you missed me and I wanted so much to tell you, but I was afraid of what it might do to you. He's with her now. Love opens a door sometimes, bringing our loved ones back to us through dreams. It's very rare that it happens this way, but sometimes, true love is much stronger than death."

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