Part 1

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Diane lowered herself onto the soft green grass,Oslo moved to lay beside her. King lay before them, resting on a bed of red and white roses that Merlin had enchanted to not only resemble Diane's pendant, but to bloom eternally. The giantess reached out, placing a hand on Oslo's head, her attention still on the fairy. In the passed three years, not a single day went by that Diane didn't bring the hound to pay their respects to the fairy king.

"Hey Harlequin, we're back. It's hard to believe it's been so long since I saw you. It feels like forever since I heard your voice, we miss you so much. A lot changed since then, Ban left yesterday. He said he's got some more leads on how to bring Elaine back, we probably won't see him for a while. He said he might have found it this time.  I talked to Merlin,Captain has her coming around sometimes. She tested some of your blood,I guess it's all still in there. She said bringing you back would only make you really sick again. I'm not giving up though, I'll find something."Diane bowed her head. 

"I forgot to tell you, the Captain and Elizabeth are getting kind of serious and she's been spending the night more often. He doesn't grab her as much as he used to. He actually took her out to lunch yesterday, we were all surprised.  Sometimes it reminds me of us a little bit.  Oslo's been taking good care of me, you'd be proud of him. "A faint smile appeared on her face.

"He doesn't like Howzer either. When he comes in, Oslo always stands between us and pushes him away He's careful about who he lets close to me. Oslo's been a really good friend to me. But You don't have to worry about Howzer, no one can replace you, you took my heart with you that day. You're my forever love, Harlequin. I know you weren't really happy that he liked me. I don't think of him as anything more than a friend, that's how it's always been. I always wear the necklace you gave me, I haven't taken it off since I found it. It makes me feel closer to you.  Oh, and the tavern has a new drink, it doesn't have a name yet but it has strawberry or apple flavors. It's something the captain made to honor you.  I just...really wish you were here to see it." Tears filled her eyes as she fought to hold them back.

"I'm really trying to keep my promise, but it's so  hard. Sometimes I dream about you. the good dreams are amazing because it feels so real. You sound like the same King I've always known. You're just as sweet and loving as you were when you were really here, it's like I have you back. Waking up from them is the hard part, sometimes for just a moment I forget you're gone, heart breaks, but the other ones...they hurt so much more. I'd give anything in the world to have you here.  I'm sorry today's visit is a little short, I told the captain I'd help out today, but I'll see you tonight, okay?" Diane leaned down, pressing her lips to the fairy's head before standing up.

"I love you,Harlequin,so much." She wiped away the tears, turning to the black hound. "Come on Oslo, we'll come back later." With a heavy heart the giantess started back to the tavern,Oslo floated along at her side, whimpering softly.


King sat alone, staring into the distance his heart shattered. Every day for the past three years he felt this pain, unable to relieve it.

"Brother, are you okay?"Elaine asked sitting down next to him. The fairy king sighed.

"It's stronger today. It's been such a long time and to think she's still-"

"That's the price you pay to truly love someone, Harlequin, their pain is our pain, this is what it feels like to be joined at the heart. "

"It hurts me to think she's still so upset and there's nothing I can do for her. I thought maybe after she saw that I wasn't hurting anymore that it would make everything easier."

"Not much can. I'm sorry to say it's not something you get used to. Ban hasn't stopped grieving, though to everyone around him he seems to have moved on."

"Do you think her heart will ever heal?"

"Not completely. She's learning to live with the loss, but as long as you're here and she's not with you, it will be hard for her sometimes." Elaine rested her head on her brother's arm.

"One day I truly hope she finds you again,and you can both be happy together. I want good things for you, Harlequin. I wish I could give you back to her. Take comfort in knowing that one day you will meet again. I won't have that chance with Ban. I don't regret what I did, but-" King placed an arm around his sister.

"You never know, Elaine. Ban said he'd bring you back, right. He won't stop looking until he finds the way. You know how stubborn he is. It'll be okay."

"You seem so sure of that."

"I am. If he loves you the same way I love Diane, he'll never stop, I know because I wouldn't if she was in here.It could take a while, but it's going to happen." Elaine smiled faintly, recalling Ban's words.

'I'll take what's mine' he had assured her. Her heart would always be his, no matter how much time passed. Perhaps Harlequin was right,maybe it was only a matter of time before Ban kept his promise and just maybe they could begin a new life together, one full of love and happiness. But for the moment, she just needed to be patient.

Our love is Stronger A sequel to Sacrifice KingxDianeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon