Part 9

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Diane settled herself on the branch of the large tree, resting against its thick trunk for a moment to catch her breath.

"Did you make it up there okay?'Meliodas's voice called from somewhere below her.

"Yeah, it's okay." She yelled back.

"Are you sure you don't want someone up there with you, that branch doesn't look-" As the captain spoke, he could already hear it beginning to snap as Diane inched her way closer to the light pink flowers.

"I'm fine. I just need to get a little-" the giantess shrieked suddenly. A blue and black butterfly fluttered in front of her, knocking her off balance and sent her tumbling downward.

"What the hell's going on out-" Ban began, his question was cut short as Diane landed on him, forcing him onto the ground.

"Ban!" Elaine cries out, hurrying toward them. She knelt at his side.

"Sorry." Diane muttered, pushing herself off of his back. "But thanks for breaking the fall."

"Yeah, no problem." Ban groaned in pain.

"Are you alright?"the blond fairy asked.

"I'll live." Ban replied pushing himself back onto his feet. "Probably be feeling that for a while."

"Are you okay, Diane, did you find what you were looking for?" Elaine inquired. The giantess beamed, opening her hand to reveal several small flowers.

"Yeah.  I would've gotten a couple more but-" Diane bowed her head.

"What happened up there?" Meliodas asked, looking up into the tree.

"There was a bug and-"

"A bug?"  Elaine tilted her head.

"Y-yeah. They freak me out pretty bad. But I got them anyway, for King." Elaine offered an encouraging smile.

"Harlequin would be so proud of you. Facing your fears is never an easy task."

"After everything he gave up for me, I couldn't let anything else get between us. With these, I'm another step closer to having him here.  I should be able to get the Lilandryan within the next few days. I can make his medicine then and start giving it to him." Diane frowned suddenly.

"What's wrong, Diane?"Meliodas  asked.

"Sometimes when I think about it, I wonder if he'd want this. King was really sick and I can remember watching him lying there shaking.I know he didn't let me see everything he was going through, that's just how he is. I wonder if maybe Harlequin wouldn't be better off if I wasn't so selfish. Am I doing the right thing, asking him to come back to me?"

"That's kind of a tough question to answer,something we've talked about before. King would want  you to do what makes you happy."The captain said. "To him that would be right.  His idea of what's right could be completely different than yours. I think he'll be fine with whatever you decide."

Our love is Stronger A sequel to Sacrifice KingxDianeWhere stories live. Discover now