(Being Rewritten) Cursed to b...

By SleepyAsh231

1.6K 37 15

(For a more specific description, check out the first chapter.) ☾*✲⋆. Eve was cursed at birth. A curse that... More

Character Description
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

216 9 3
By SleepyAsh231

Welcome back, everybody! Today we will see what Ether's side of the deal was and how Ava entered the Naruto world and how it went.

Just in case no one read the A/N, I decided to change a little bit of the story. Only the beginning, so don't worry.

Since I changed Ava's name to Eve and her looks, I was confused about whether to keep the photo there but I decided to keep it and you guys can just imagine her with black hair instead of silver lol

Also, sorry it took so long. I'm super busy with both college and high school work, so it's hard for me to take the time to type out this story. I'm pretty behind on some of my work. I am still going to update; it'll just be slowly in till I graduate next year. Then I will have a lot more time to continue this story.

I also realized how hard it was to show how they found Eve. Sorry again for the wait. Hopefully, once I get into the storyline I will update faster.

Regardless, I hope you guys enjoy it!

Also, this is how Ether looks like, but with horns and a tail. But he does look like this in his human form.

Btw, I have no idea how to explain how they use their chakra and how they transfer it to certain parts of their body. So I'm just going to wing it and explain it in my own way.


"Ether talking"

"Regular Dialogue"


☾*✲⋆.Third POV☾*✲⋆.

It was a typical day in the leaf village. In his office, the Third Hokage talked to Kakashi Hatake and Asuma Sarutobi, Might Guy, and Kurenai Yuhi. Then suddenly, the ground started to shake, causing them to stop talking immediately.

Everybody struggled to stay on their feet as the ground shook widely. Suddenly Chunin and Jonin came barging inside shouting. Because of them all panicking and talking simultaneously, Hiruzen struggled to understand what they were trying to tell him.

Hiruzen let out a loud cough, raising his hand calming everybody down. The ground was no longer shaking to the point where people could now stand properly. "Please calm down, and one person explains to me what is happening."

One lone Jonin stepped forward, apparently deciding to be that one person, "Lord Third, that mysterious gate you had a couple of other Jonin and me watching just started to open. It's what's causing these earthquakes."

Hiruzen's eyes widened in surprise, 'The gates are finally opening. After all these years.' Hiruzen immediately stood up with authority in his voice as he let out his demand, "Take me to the gate now."

Asuma followed behind the Hokage as he urgently made his way to the Jonin, "Father, what's going on?" Kurenai, Kakashi, and Might Guy not too far behind Asuma.

"No time. I'll explain once we get there."

☾*✲⋆.Time Skip☾*✲⋆.

The Hokage stood in front of a cave entrance that once had a door that blending in with the cave blocking people from entering. Now, it was open, showing a dark staircase going downwards.

Hiruzen could hardly believe his eyes; the locked-off cave that he always went to growing up is finally open. Two Anbu came up to him, but he refused to remove his eyes from the cave. It had vines all over the sides with greenery surrounding them. Looking down into the cave, he can see a blue glow illuminating a staircase downwards.

☾*✲⋆. A/N it kind of looks like this, but it's built into a much smaller mountain, and there are a lot more trees surrounding this cave entrance so it can stay hidden. And of course, the door is usually covering the entryway so people can't enter. The door has glowy blue designs etched into it, and they have vines all over it. It blends into the mountain. ☾*✲⋆.

One Anbu with black hair stood in front of the Hokage as he continued to stare in amazement, "Lord Third, what would you like us to do? Do you want us to send a team to search the cave?"

This made Hiruzen look towards the Anbu, "No, I don't want a search team. Kakashi, Guy, Asuma, and Kuranei can take me down there to investigate." This surprised everybody.

Kurenai stepped forward, "Lord Hokage, we have no idea what's in there. It could be dangerous." Hiruzen then looked at Kurenai before replying in a somber tone, "I have an idea. It's nothing dangerous."

This shocked Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, and Guy as they thought, 'he knows what's inside? But how?'

Hiruzen took a moment to think, wondering if he should tell them what he knows are not. He swore to never do so till it was necessary.

'I guess that now that the cave entrance is open, there's no point keeping it a secret.'

Hiruzen turns towards the jounin with a sigh, "I've known about this cave since I was a child. But it's always been closed in till today. For some reason, it decided that it was going to open today. I've been waiting for this moment all my life. Ever since I found this cave when I was a child."

Asuma studied the cave entrance, he can see that it's been there for a long time due to all the vines all over it. He can also see moss and plants growing through the cracks. "What's inside then, Father?"

The Hokage let out a sigh before starting, "I have an idea, but nothing concrete."

He then turned towards the four, "Have you four ever heard of the Phantom clan?"

Gai stepped forward. His face twisted into confusion, "Isn't the Phantom clan just a horror story that somebody made up?" Kakashi nodded putting his hands into his pocket, "Yeah. It was told to children throughout the centuries to scare the kids from going out past curfew. But they're rumors that the Phantom clan was an actual clan."

Kuranei looked towards Kakashi and Gai, "Phantom clan? I never heard of it...what's the story?" Asuma looked at her before taking a puff of his cigarette, "I'm not surprised you haven't heard of it. Very few actually talk about the clan due to the fear that the story brought."

Asuma looked towards the cave as he relayed the story to Kuranei, "I'm sure you know that before the Leaf Village there were just clans. All in constant war. The story states that there was one clan that had the strength to take all the clans down by their-selves. But instead, they disappeared only showing themselves when they needed to gather supplies and rarely talked to others less they absolutely need to. It was said that the few who ran across a Phantom and survived came back traumatized and scared. The weird thing about the Phantom clan was the rumor of them being impossible to harm. But then soon enough, they disappeared off the space of the earth with nothing to explain why but burnt down houses and blood splatters. Since the Phantoms were already very rarely known, they soon turned into nothing but a horror story."

Kurenai's eyes widen in surprise, "That's...How?"

Hiruzen looks over at her, "What if I say it isn't just a story." All four of the Jounin turn towards the Third Hokage with confusion in their eyes. "What do you mean, Lord Third? Are you saying that the Phantom clan was an actual real clan?" Gai asked confusion dancing in his brown orbs. Kakashi nodded before looking towards the cave entrance, "Does this cave have something to do with the Phantom clan?"

Hiruzen nodded, looking at the cave, "Yes. The first and second Hokage themselves brought me here when I was nothing but a brat. They were the ones that explained to me that the Phantom clan was real. They led me here and told me that before the clan disappeared, a female Phantom came to them and begged that they watch over the cave and wait in till the cave opens and protect what lies inside."

All four of the Jounin couldn't believe their ears. The creators of the Leaf Village met somebody from the Phantom clan.

The Hokage then looked over towards the entrance, "I thought it wasn't going to open. That I wouldn't have the pleasure of knowing what's inside. But finally, it decided to open. I refuse to miss this opportunity."

The Jounins couldn't blame Hiruzen. After all, they were now interested in seeing this last Phantom.

Asuma stood forward towards another Jounin, "We'll take him down there to investigate. If we aren't back in 30 minutes, have an Anbu team come in after us."

"Yes sir."

The Hokage let out a smile before they all made their way down the staircase.


Blue light led the way as the Hokage and 4 Jounin walked down the staircase. They looked around mystified by the cracks with the blue light pouring out of it. They've seen anything like it before.

Soon enough they could see the end of the staircase, a pathway meeting them as they finally stepped off the steps.

On the stone walls, there were what looked like children's drawings. As they walked down, Kuranei let out a gasp.

Asuma and the others immediately looked towards her in concern causing their eyes to widen at what they see.

A skeleton. Not just one but multiple.

As they looked around, they noticed more and more skeletons thrown around, dried blood layed on the walls. Some covering some of the kid's drawings on the walls. "Are...are these Phantoms?" Gai asked confusion in his eyes looking at the skeletons. Some had their legs or arms missing. Some even had their heads missing.

It was clear that something bad happened. But how? If it happened back then, then all these skeletons wouldn't be here. Instead, only pieces of the bone would still be around.

The Hokage looked around at the dead before his eyes landed on an inscription. He immediately walked over towards it. The words were in a weird language.

For some reason, he felt a strong desire to touch the words. As he did so, the words glowed blue and the ground started shaking.

The four jounin immediately surrounded the Hokage, protecting him from any potential danger.

They all looked over towards the wall as it seemingly moves. Soon enough the moving rocks separate, falling to the ground and slowly morphing into a huge snake made of rock. The cracks of the rock leaked silverish blue smoke. They could feel chakra inside of it making them all slightly confused.

The snake slithered over towards them, the Jounins prepared to attack if it decided to attack them.

But instead of attack, a voice echoed out of the snake, "Interesting..." It hissed out before circling the 5, "My name is Xiao. I am the protector and guardian of the last Phantom. The remaining survivors of the Phantom clan hid her inside this cave and locked it with a powerful jutsu. They then created me to protect her to make sure no one that desires to harm her can do so."

Kakashi stepped forward lowering his kunai, "What happened to the Phantom clan? They were described as one of the strongest clans to ever be and then they suddenly disappeared out of nowhere. Many forgot that they even existed, instead, they made them out to be nothing but a horror story meant to keep kids from misbehaving." The snake let out a soft hiss, slowly making its way towards the four.

Xiao then lowered its head, its slitted pupils staring at them. They watched them as the snake looked over them with glowing slitted pupils. The snake then stood straight up, "I don't fully know as I was created after most of the Phantom clan was slaughtered. All I know is that someone went after the clan's strongest Phantom. To keep her safe, they locked her down here in a coma state so she could avoid getting captured and performed a jutsu to make sure she can stay alive while she is in this comatose state. They also performed a jutsu on this cave so only people with good souls can enter this cave. I was created soon after to make sure that no one who comes inside can harm her."

The Hokage stepped up, "Are you saying that the last Phantom is actually down here?"

The snake hissed out again before turning around, the Hokage and Jounins followed after it. Soon enough the huge snake stopped in front of two massive doors, inside the five ninjas could feel a strong chakra source.

The snake turned its head back towards them, "This is where the last Phantom is hidden away. Only I can open this door, as I hold the power to know whether you are only here to harm her or use her." The five could tell that if they did have bad intent, the snake would have instantly attacked them.

Kuranei stepped forward, "Wait...if you are the last Phantoms guardian then why are you allowing us to take her?"

The huge snake let out a hiss before bending down towards the red-eyed female, "As the last Phantom in existence, it's her duty to revive the Phantom clan. She can't do that if she's locked in here. "

The snake then turned around and the door slowly opened. Dust floated in the air as it fell from the door causing the 5 ninjas to cough loudly.

They all looked in to see a room glowing blue smug. It slowly left the room through the now open doors. All of them soon laid their eyes right on the blue crystal holding the Phantom. All of their eyes widen in surprise once they lay their eyes on her.

She was absolutely enchanting...

All of them couldn't believe that she was an actual Phantom. She almost looked like what they expected a goddess to look like. Long black hair flowing down behind her, pale skin that seemed to sparkle in the glow of the room, and a cute little mark right under her left eye. In other words, otherworldly gorgeous.

The crystal glowed brightly before melting and soon enough the girl fell forward.

Kakashi immediately jumped up to catch the girl before she fell. He held her, bridal style.

The snake bends meeting the ninja on eye level. "You now hold the key to the future of Phantoms in your hands. Take care of her." The snake then slowly turned back into rock and the blue light in the room soon faded as if the power source was gone.

All five of the ninjas looked down at the Phantom. Kakashi then stood up, "What do we do now, Lord Hokage?"

The Hokage looked at the girl, "Take her to the hospital for now. She might be injured."


Ahhhhh finally done. That took so long to do. Hopefully, the next chapter will be easier to write.

I'm sorry for the long wait. And I'm sorry this chapter sucks. It was super hard to figure out how to execute. I might change it in the future.

I'll see you all in the next chapter, which hopefully won't take as long as this chapter to come out.

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