The Last Piece | BoyxBoy [CO...

By majestic-

567K 25.1K 9.4K

Tobias just went through a breakup with a girl he's dated for years. The idea of him even being in a relation... More

Before You Start Reading. . .
First Day Of Senior Year
Personal Space
We're Not Friends
Are you....
Red Room, Purple Room
Empty Bottle
Spin The DRAMA
The Morning After
Still Got Game
Secrets Revealed
Birthday Parties
Hot Cousin
Sensitive Topics
Too Early To Leave Without A Kiss
Just One Text, And I'm There
Morning Breath
Cluttered Thoughts
2 Months Later
Hopeless Romantic
Go Get Your Man !
Stuck in The Past
NOT AN UPDATE ! But a Story Pitch!
Make It Make Sense
Piece of Art

The FINAL Piece

5.2K 158 27
By majestic-

Before I start, I just want to say... Thank You. The universe knows when I started this story and how many breaks I took, writing it. But you guys still pulled through and waited. Y'all have supported my stories so much & I've received so many messages about them that just touch my heart.

I'm 19. Turned 19 in August. (it's currently March 13,2022. Ya girl is definitely turning 20 and thinks she's grown lol)

& the one thing I tried to do on this app was grow in my writing. Of course there's still mistakes here and there and trust me, once all my books are complete I will be going back and correcting all of them. You might even find some in this final chapter but it's okay cause it's always crazy to think, how far I've come with this story.

People til this day, find my stories and leave comments like If I just uploaded the night before and it touches me everytime.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Now without further a due, the long & awaited The Last Piece Finale. It's going to be a long one cause i think after 3 years, it's time to put it to rest .


Tobias' POV

Content - state of peaceful happiness.

I can't sit here and say I've never been happy, cause I'd be lying to you. God blessed me with accepting parents and for that I couldn't be happier.

   2 years ago, mustering up the courage to tell my parents that I played for more than one team, was way harder than I anticipated. It's laughable now but trust me, getting the courage to even say I was Bisexual, felt like my heart was falling into my stomach.

Yet the encounter in all, probably last a minute. The first thing my father did was hug me.

I didn't know it yet, but that was definitely a trigger for the waterfalls to start coming. In that moment, I couldn't do nothing but cry and hold my father. Then my mom came, tear filled eyes, and joined in on the moment.

   "You will always be our beautiful and courageous son." She whispered as we all kind of just. . . embraced each other.

    They treat Ethan like he's their own. They even send him to pick up Rocky's shit every once and a while, which never fails to make me laugh. He's found comfort in my home and I couldn't ask for anything more. I'm content. I'm happy. It's like all the pieces came together. After graduation, my day 1's and my lucky charm have been the best thing I could ever ask for.

But now it's back to business, cause it's Ethan and I's , 2 year anniversary and I've got to start planning.

    Ethans not stupid, he knows I've got a plan because every time he tries to mention our anniversary, I purposely sound uninterested. I thought it was a successful plan until he called me out on my shit this afternoon.

    "I know you're planning something so this whole bored act, drop it. I want my boyfriend to atleast look happy when I mention our anniversary." He says as he abruptly stops putting potatoes and puts the knife down. Okay, maybe I was being extra nonchalant, but definitely not bored.

    I crack a smile and put my phone down, since I was purposely using it to distract from giving any emotion.

     "Fine you caught me. But in my defense, I want to surprise you. Let me surprise you, you deserve it."

     "Oh I know." He said teasingly, "But if you're admitting right now you're planning something, I won't pry on the subject anymore." He says as he innocently goes back to cutting up potatoes.

I let out a laugh and hop up from the couch, making my way over to him. He's so perfect. I wrap my arms around him, planting a kiss on his shoulder, "Don't pry, I'm still just planning is all. I want it to be perfect."

     "Baby, we can plan together." And you know what, in the moment, he was right. The idea of me planning and setting everything up , sounded perfect. But I don't have a planning bone in my body. All my birthday's were planned for me. Ethan always planned Valentine's Day, and holidays we've spent with my family, so my mom usually planned it and dad brought the liquor. I wanted this to be my turn.

    "Fine, what we're you thinking?" I sigh in defeat.

    He squealed in excitement, "Finally! Okay, so there's this art shop Downtown that offers couples pottery lessons," he turns with puppy eyes, "we could try that."

   "You're the artistic one here, that literally only benefits you."

   "Ugh, you're right." He said far too quickly it almost offended me. He didn't have to agree but I guess. . .

"There is that new restaurant opening up, literally that Saturday before our anniversary. Sunday morning you can plan out whatever it is you have in mind, and at night we can dress up and go to dinner there?" He finishes.

    Not that bad. I have driven by the sign a couple times. It's a new Mediterranean restaurant. I'd be down to try something new.

Look at him, already relieving some of my stress. I'm telling you, he's perfect.

    "That doesn't sound too bad. Mediterranean right?" I already knew what type of food it was but just watch this...

    "Yes ! Isn't that so cool. Y'know. . ." He says in a little high pitch tone like he usually does right before he goes on a rant, "Now that I've been in this town for like 2 years , I can actually say this, But the food options are Trash! Like the best thing around here is the coffee shops and that maybe that one Italian spot. But it's only that one ! Have you tried the other one? It's terrible." Crazy, being with someone for as long as I have, you learn the in and out's of how they work. He's complained about the food options here for so long, I knew he'd go on a rant. 

     "Yea baby, I remember you telling me... three times the day you ate it."

     "Ugh I'm just pissing myself off all over again." He huffs as he grabs all the cut potatoes and puts it in a bowl.

I'm starting to think he hangs with Angie too much.


     2 days before our anniversary and I just finished getting the last of my gifts for him. The mall was rather dead but it didn't bother me since the lines were quick. I successfully managed to hit everything on my list. Each thing I'd been saving to get him since they each came with a meaning behind it, even down to his favorite candy.

     Gummy worms. But specifically the 711 kind because they, and I quote — "are the elite of all gummy worms." Which I made sure to add a sticky note, saying exactly that. Then, new black vans because what felt like our 100th date back in June, we went dirt riding. I specifically told him to wear an outfit he didn't mind getting dirty, but to him that didn't apply to shoes so technically I owe him some.

Then I got a couple of medium sized canvases since recently his artistic mind has been flowing and I noticed the other day he only has 2 left sitting in his room. I even bought a couple of colors I noticed he was running out of. And finally, a bracelet. It's very minimal and silver , with two T and E charms. He'll have me wherever he goes, even though it's already a real life thing, but metaphorically it's beautiful, and I know he'll love it.

      I had just finished organizing everything in a big gift bag, and added the wrapping paper on top to hide the gifts. Like clock work the front door opens right when I finish, and in walks Tracy; arriving home from school.

"Ooooo, for me?" she cooes and she makes her way into the kitchen.

"For Ethan, but I do need you to hide it in your room, since he never stays out of mine."

She made a bummed face but grabbed the bag anyway and peeped in the bag. "Awe, I remember when you brought him to my birthday party and he gifted me art supplies." A smile on my face appeared without me even noticing. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I lied saying my friends couldn't come just so he could say yes. Sneaky, yes. Do I regret it ? Of course not. "Not you being fruity, thinking about him," She called me out. "Y'know I couldn't even use the water colors on my canvas, I learned that day you're not supposed to use it. I had to Google it!" She explains dramatically.

I burst into laughter cause I still remember him randomly mentioning it to me a little while after, how dumb he felt about that. He went on a whole rant to say how can a person who loves to paint and draw, forget that simple rule.

"Hey, cut him some slack, he was just excited to get you started on your art journey."

She smiled and grabbed her school bag , "I know, that's why he will forever be my favorite person you've dated. Anyways, Let me use the bathroom first then I'll take the bag up."

"Thank you!" I shout as I watch her walk away.

I can't help but notice how big she's getting. I always catch myself forgetting how I'm not the only person growing up. Everyone around me is, so when I catch a glimpse of her I always think of how beautiful she's becoming. Soon she'll be in high school, and I'll feel like I'm actually an adult.

I laughed at my thoughts and grabbed the shopping bag of clothes on the dining table.

Since I was already out shopping for his gifts, I just ending up buying outfits for us to wear the night of our dinner. The outfit is technically his first gift but he'll see it sooner than the rest since he obviously has to put it on.

Right as I finished my thought, the door bell rang. Clearly not my parents, because they have a key?

I make my way to the front door, and I get face to face with the man of the hour. Ethan.

"Ethan, what are you doing here?" I question like a deer caught in headlights, quickly putting the bag of clothes behind my back. Fuck the gift bag is on the kitchen counter. The bag of clothes is behind my back. This cannot be happening. I wasn't supposed to see him today, he told me he had something to do with his parents.

"I wish god could take my genetic code and switch it, It pisses me off that I have to share the same genes as them. Their homophobic ass genes, fuck them!" He shouts as he brushes past me, not even acknowledging my question. "You'd think after being in a healthy relationship for 2 fucking years, they'd 'see the light at the end of the tunnel' but fuck the tunnel, I hope it collapses on them."

"Babe!" I shout, to bring him his attention back to me, after subtly dropping the shopping bag next to the staircase, praying internally he didn't notice. "What happened?" I asked calmly, grabbing his shoulders and focusing his attention on me.

His eyes begin to water before he falls into me ,
"They're never going to accept me. No matter how hard I try" he cries into my chest. "I literally made time for them today, because they didn't want to be the only parents there without their kids, but I still manage to get shitted on and talked about ."

"What did they say?" I asked seriously.

I held him tighter as he cried.

"M-my dad, he was talking to one of his colleagues while I lingered around the drink table, a-and when they asked him how I've been, he said "I don't keep up with that black sheep." He called me a fucking black sheep." He said in anger and he pulled away from me. This isn't the first time he's cried to me about his parents. It probably won't be the last time either and just thinking about that, starts to make my body temperature rise.

How can they be so cruel to him. How can you not see that all your child wants is acceptance. The audacity to look at your child and see that all he wants is your love and you give him not even an ounce of it.

I can see him start to get anger all over again.

"Who says that so confidently? Oh! And don't get me started on the best part." He laughs slickly, "The best part was when a chuckle left my mother's mouth." I knew it wasn't his favorite part. It's what broke him.

"Ethan" I sighed as I put him into my arms again. I know all he needs right now is love and comfort, and I'm here to give it to him.

We stood in silence as I kept him in my embrace. If I'm being honest, I never know what to say anymore. Just cause, in the beginning, I used to try to encourage him and say they'll come around some day. 2 years later, even I don't believe they'll come around, so what's the point in lying? I lean back, and plant a kiss on his forehead.

    "You don't need them. I need you to look into my eyes and know that you're safe and accepted here. My family is yours." I say as I keep his undivided attention. His beautiful eyes look into mine. "You've brought out the best in me and I'll forever repay you, even if it means making sure you know you feel loved every minute of the day."

He began to tear up more. Partially because of his parents but I knew it was also because of what I said. We stayed there for like 3 minutes before he sniffed his tears back and wiped away the tears on his face.

"Yknow. . . I really love you. I really have no idea where I'd be if I hadn't met you. I know I put my baggage with my parents on you—"

"You don't." I cut off.

"— I know, but I'm just saying, If it wasn't for your support I feel like I wouldn't be on this earth right now. They never fail to make me feel so. . . So. . . low about myself." He wipes his falling tear and takes a deep sigh, "yknow. . . Sometimes I think about how I probably wouldn't have made it to graduation if I just eventually believe every disgusting thing they've said. So thank you, for loving me."

Suddenly my eyes were watery. God, this kid is everything to me, I can't imagine if he wasn't on here with me right now.

"I'll love you more." I said, right before Tracy came walking in. I noticed right when she looked up and noticed the emotional scene going on.

Her eyes opened in shock as she made eye contact with me and Ethan hugging. I motioned my eyes to the kitchen until she got the memo that the gift was still on the counter. Then she rushed into the kitchen , finally getting the point.

Suddenly I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled  away from Ethan and grabbed my phone out my back pocket. RONNIE popped up on my screen. I look up at Ethan to see he's just wiping the last of his tears before he nods and says to answer.

"Hey man ! You done shopping for Ethan ? The boys and I are playing FIFA, coke through " He shouts and I instantly begin to lower the volume on my phone praying Ethan didn't hear the first part.

"I'm actually with him right now." Dickhead. "But yea we can swing by."

"Yea for sure, bring him too, let me know when y'all are outside." He says before he hangs up, completely oblivious to the fact that he just spilled the beans.

I hang up and look up Ethan, watching as he looks at me with his adorable confused eyes.

"You went shopping for me?" He asks so innocently. So innocently , it makes me wanna — DAMN IT, his eyes are making eye contact with the shopping bag, "Is that what that is ? I noticed you put it behind your back when you opened the door but I didn't think—" as he walks over to the bag, I rush before him to get it.

"No! This bag isn't for you."

"Liar." He argues.

"Maybe, but you don't get to see til tomorrow."

"Toby! I just cried my eyes out, a-and y-you're g-gonna" he acts like he's about to fake cry but I see right through it.

"Okay! okay. . . I might've went shopping for our outfits Sunday night." I say as I put the bag in front of him to take. I watched as a grin grows on his face, like a kid on Christmas Day. He opens the bag and starts taking each piece out, falling more and more in love with the pieces.

     "Toby!" He cooed, "We're gonna look hot."

      I throw my head back in laughter before grabbing the clothes and the bag, putting them away.

     "Okay, I'm gonna go put them in my room and you grab your keys so we can go to Ron's."

He agrees, and we're off.

The ride to Ron's was nothing we weren't used to, Ethan slowly became one of the bro's amongst the group so now it's rare to see us not all be together.


After pulling in, we made our way inside where Ronnie and Cameron were. They were in the middle of a game so Ethan and I both just sat down on the couch.

"Oh hey, y'all came just in time to watch me make Cameron my son."

"Shut your ass up, he's siced cause he's up one." Cameron said defensively.

"Trust me, he was talking all that shit before y'all got here, now he's doubling back." Ronnie argued back in a snarky laugh. Just a regular day in the household.

"Hey, I didn't know y'all were here, y'all want anything to drink?"

Ethan and I both snapped our heads to the left, to see Dylan on the other side of the room where the kitchen was.

"Hey, I'm good for now thanks." Ethan says politely.

"Yeah, thanks man I'm good too." I agree and then we focus back on the game.

With Dylan, things progressively got to a place we were at now. After the kiss situation, out of respect for my relationship with Ethan , I stopped being friends with Dylan. I finally got to a place where I knew what I wanted, and although it hurt me to stop being friends with Dylan, it had to be done.

     I don't regret it either. It was what was best. Although it was hard on our friends, Ronnie and Cameron, they understood where I was coming from. Ethan got to a point where he trusted me again and we were flourishing.

    Until, Ronnie came to us one day. He came over to my house and vouched up a speech for Dylan.

        >Flashback <

      "Look I'm not saying he's right but for a second put yourself in his shoes. He had a crush on you, and hide it for years thinking you were straight. Man, everyone thought you were straight, even you ! And I get it, cute boy came into your life, but you gotta understand how that could hurt him."

   "But he kissed me ! Knowing I had a boyfriend, knowing what that would cause."

    "Technically he wasn't your boyfriend when this happened." He shot back. "But even then that's not the point... honestly I'm just rambling. In reality , this was back in high school. Don't you think we should leave it in high school? He still til this day says how the ball is in your court. He knows what he did was fucked up and it took him some time to process everything and let go. Still, even after letting everything go, he still has that love for you. Platonic love. . . Just to be clear." he emphasizes as he finishes his little speech.

     I look over at Ethan who's just as equally listening to Ronnie speak. He gives me a long look before he looks back to Ronnie.

     "I mean. . . You're right."

      "What?" He says, almost surprised those words came out of Ethan's mouth. Not going to lie, I was just as shocked.

      "I said. . . You're right."

      "Uh, y-yeah I am!" He says with more confidence in his tone. "See, even your boyfriend agrees ! Now you're the only one being weird."

     "Well, he's not being weird, he's being realistic. He was just staying away from the problem. But you're right, this was in high school. Even though we graduated a year ago, a lot has happened since. I'm confident in my relationship, so if you—" he looks over at me once again, "miss your friend, I won't fight you on that. If it's true what Ronnie says and he's moved past the idea of wanting you, I don't see what the issue of you guys being friends again will bring?"

   Ronnie and I both looked at him shocked and amused. Not going to lie, watching him speak about us with so much conviction made me want to devour him in that moment but I kept my composure.

    "Wow, where can I find me a girl like this?" Ronnie says as he throws his arms up defensively in the air.

     We both laugh and I move over to Ethan on the couch to hug him. I held him tightly in my embrace , planting multiple forehead kisses in between words.

     "I- fucking- love- you."

     "I know, I know" he says in between kisses. "Best boyfriend in the world award goes to me."

     >Present time <

    We all chilled at Ronnie's til it got late and I had to take Ethan home. Before dropping him off  though , I asked if he wanted to stay over my house.

    "No it's okay, my sister texted me earlier saying she wanted to see me. Probably to talk about what happened earlier."

    "You think she knows?"

   "My parents probably called her to complain that I left. Of course , leaving out the part mentioning why I did."

   "Okay then, I'll drop you off but I'm still going to drop off your outfit for our dinner." He nodded yes before getting out the car and kissing me goodbye.

    One more day and then we can celebrate us.

           Ethan's POV

*warning : talk of  self h*rm, su*cide , body m*tilation

    With each step I took, closer to that door , I could feel my hands get clammy, my skin start to crawl, and my breathing start to change.

  I hate it here. I really do.

   If it wasn't for my sister, I'd break communication with everyone in this house, but my love for her is too strong to never look back.

    I shot a text to Emily before she opened the front door for me. I already knew my parents would have the door locked knowing I left my key at home- per their request. Kind of why I had no choice, but to go to Tobias' house when I left their event early.

    "Finally! I've been waiting for hours" She shouts dramatically as the door swings open.

    "My bad, I wasn't exactly rushing to get home."

    "Mom and Dad are still out with Dad's colleagues. I guess a few of them went to a bar after the event was over."

    "Good, I don't have the energy to even look at them."
I sighed as I threw myself on the couch. She followed behind me and sat across from me.

    "What ? What's wrong ? Dad called me earlier to tell me you left without saying anything, he sounded pretty pissed honestly." She says clueless. I knew it, it's like I know them like the back of my hand at this point. Always saying the effect, but not what caused it.

    So I spent the next hour explaining to her what went down earlier today. Going in and out of tears whenever talking about the touchy parts, turned into venting about basically my entire overall experience with them. It's weird, cause I almost caught myself feeling a little ounce of anger towards my sister, watching as she just couldn't relate to me. How shocked she was to hear how little compassion I got from them, while she got all the support. She probably will never relate to my feelings because she's straight. The most of her worries is weather my parents will get anger at her for coming home really late. My everyday interaction with them was and still is negative, down to, haven't heard the words "I love you" since before I came out to them.

    But it was until I saw her begin to tear up, where I took a step back from the anger. I mean, who am I to blame her for something she had no control over?

    "Yknow, I remember when I started my freshman year of college, I think you were maybe starting high school or was on your second year, I'm sorry for not remembering. But I do remember when mommy called me to say they picked you up early from school cause boys were picking on you."

    Suddenly goosebumps ran through my skin, just knowing what day she was talking about. The day that changed my life forever.

    "H-Hearing how emotionless she sounded and how they didn't even care to get the kids in trouble. All she did was say she thinks moving out of this town is the safest option for us. In that moment , I remembered thinking, no you just want to run away from the judgement."

     Hearing her say those words brought a pain I thought I'd never feel. Yet, watching my sister cry hurt more than hearing my mothers truth.

    "I was away in college when everything happened and I regret not coming to see you in the beginning. When I finally came down for the summer I didn't know how to bring it up. It kind of just stayed buried. Then as time went on in the new town, I could see you settling in better so I didn't want to trigger any suppressed memories." She explains, "But every time I think back to those days in the summer, you look. . ." Her voice cracked as tears started to buildup, "you always looked so sad. All I wanted to do was just hold you and ask you what happened. I don't believe you just got bullied and picked on. You looked too fucking damaged for it to just be bullying. Mom and dad would never give me answers either so I just gave up trying. But I always made sure to stay by your side. I am not our parents Ethan, okay? you can talk to me."

     By this point we were both just full on crying. With all these wave of emotions all I could do was cry. Thinking back to those days, all I wanted was my sister. My parents took me out of school for a week all awhile not speaking a word to me if it wasn't to tell me to come down to eat. I was miserable. I didn't want to be alive but still, I was strong enough for my sister. She was always the light that kept me going. Seeing how happy she was when she graduated and got accepted to college. Seeing how happy her and my parents were when they got her all packed and sent her off to campus. Around that time, I wanted nothing more than to not be a burden to her experience. So I kept quiet. Didn't even tell my parents what really happened to me. Like if they'd be much help.

   I told my counselor I was getting bullied. Not even to snitch, just more so, needed someone to vent to. Even then I didn't tell her what fully happened. I never told anyone. I'm almost glad I didn't tell my counselor, cause I didn't know it was mandatory that they report bullying incidences. But she did, and the next day I was put in a room with the group of boys who hurt me. I watched as one by one they read a half ass apology mandated by their football coach to do if they wanted to stay on the team.

  Jeremiah was the last one to speak, after smirking the whole time the other boys spoke. I remember not even letting him finished and just said "all is forgiven" before rushing out the office. I couldn't take it, hearing all the fake apologies.

    What they did to me wasn't apology worthy. They should've been charged.

     I hate them everytime I think about it. But I can't blame everyone, just him. He made them do it. He wanted to feel powerful and he did. But what people don't realize is, him gaining that power made me lose all of mine. I lost myself for so long, and I blame no one but him.

    So for the first time in forever , I told someone my story. I saw the second her heart sank as I explained what the boys did to me. How they cornered me into the locker room and waited til everyone including the coach left. How they beat me and repeatedly kept calling me names. How Jeremiah's best friend grabbed me by the hair and slammed my face onto the toilet seat, where I immediately went unconscious.

    I started to choke up when I told her how I found myself when I woke up. I woke up probably 30 mins later, after all the boys left me for dead, by myself in a pool of blood. It was the last period of the day so they knew they had time to leave me and run before anyone could catch them. I told her how it took me probably 30 secs after waking up, to feel there was something left inside of me. How they forcefully shoved— Then she made me stop talking.

    She just hugged me and didn't let go. She cried and cried, and I cried with her.

    "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." She repeated.

    "It's not your fault. I promise, none of this is your fault."

     "I could've done something."

     "All I wanted in that moment, was to die." I confessed. Those times are too dark for me to think about, I almost forget how not long ago it happened.

     She pulled away from me and wiped her tears, "no, don't say that."

     "You were. . . The only one who kept me from wanting to end things before moving here. You don't realize how much it meant to me when you came back in the summer and would do random things with me. We'd bake cookies, you'd take me to the movies or the mall. You'd get me out the house, the one place I felt miserable in. It felt refreshing. You made me care about life again. Gave me the energy to go to school, just so I can dream of getting out of here one day. Away from mom and dad, away from the negativity, away from everything.

    Trust me, you did enough." I spoke. She was the only one in my corner, I'd never let her think any different.


Tobias' POV

    I spent my entire Saturday making sure everything was perfect for today. Dinner reservation confirmed. Hotel room- booked, Outfits- ready! I occasionally would check in on Ethan between all the errands I was running, just to make sure he was good. He told me he ended up spending the night with his sister and was going to spend his morning out with her. Which was perfect for me, since it gave me time to organize and setup everything.

   First thing on the check list for preparation was making sure my gift survived the stay in my little sisters room. One thing about it, you'd think it's not a risk having my sister hold onto something for me, but the state of her room explains it all why I'm nervous. You never know when a piece of clothing is gonna go flying and land on top of my gift bag, or if she steps on it by accident thinking it's one of the other random things laying around her room. She'd probably just blame it all on finding an outfit for school even though half her wardrobe is on the ground.

     But a-last , the gift survived its stay and the next focus on my list was the activities. I got my moms help with setting up the hotel room I had booked for us. She helped book the room and set everything up all pretty with rose petals , Polaroids of us taped in the wall, the gift bag displayed on the table, and bottle of wine to "set the mood" My moms specific words were "it'll make Ethan feel pretty" which I have no idea what that's supposed to mean since he already is? But whatever.

    Finally,  I made it back home. After dropped off Ethan's outfit to him at his house, I went home and got ready for the night.

    "Wow, how handsome do you look" my mom cooed as she watched me fix the little pieces of hair not staying in place.

     "Thank you"

     "Here put this on, it's your dads favorite cologne. Well it's my favorite which makes it his." She joked.

     "Ha, how does that work?"

     "I mean, it's the cologne that made him get my attention, so why wouldn't it be his favorite?"

     "Fair enough." I sprayed a few pumps of it on me before grabbing my coat and making my way downstairs.

    "I'll see you guys in the morning after check-out" I shouted as I grabbed the car keys off the wall and pull my wallet in my back pocket.

    "Alright, have fun!" They both shouted as I made my way out the house.

      Tonight is going to be perfect.


Ethan's POV

   "Okay I'm headed out, wish me luck."

   "You look fabulous, you don't need it." Emily compliments as she plants a kiss on my cheek.

     I headed out the door, not thinking twice to acknowledge my parents who were sitting together in the living room watching whatever shitty program they can find to please them.

   I made my way to Tobias' car where he was looking fine as ever. First thing I noticed, was how we both had the same idea to get fresh haircuts for the special occasion, which mentally made me laugh. Then the second thing I noticed was how good he looked in slacks with a fresh haircut.

     "You sure you don't want to skip dinner and go straight into dessert?" I teased as I pulled on the seatbelt to cross over.

    He laughed before pulling off , "trust me, we save the best for last. I want to take my time with dessert." He says as he grips my thigh, making me question how long this dumb dinner is going to take. He's knows what he's doing to me and I hate it.

    None the less, we pull up to the newly opened restaurant. Suddenly the excitement of possibly trying new and good food made the idea of sex wait.

     I love a good plate of food, don't let this small physic fool you. I can still eat like a big man.

    We made our way to the waiting area and waited to get seated. It was packed ! I'm glad Tobias' was smart enough to make reservations. It is their 2nd day open to it makes sense why there's so much attraction. Surprisingly they still got us sat in a timely manner.

    While we skimmed through the menu, I spotted something I knew I'd like. Shrimp, scallops and feta pasta cooked in a tomato sauce.

     We waited for our server to come and introduce himself then take our drink orders. Tobias made sure to order a pita bread appetizer and we made small talk for a little before the urge to use the restroom came over.

     "I'm going to be right back, gotta use the bathroom before the food comes." He nodded before I left the table and scanned the room before finding the restroom sign and making my way over.

     This place is beautiful inside. White draped tables and booths on the perimeter. I can honestly say the abstract pieces to compliment the place, is my favorite part of the whole place. They even have smaller framed art hung up in the bathroom. It's the tiny details that bring this place together.

     After doing my business, I made my way to the sink to wash my hands, not paying attention to the fact that the stall next to me, just unlocked.


     A voice I thought I'd never have to hear again.

     I turned off the sink and slowly faced the voice.

     It was him, in the flesh. I almost hated the fact that after this long, the sight of him still put fear in my heart. It was like a permanent sight of him smirking stuck in my head.

    I was so caught up in my thoughts, it almost went unnoticed how. . . Scared he looked?

    "W-What are you doing here?" He asked. Almost as if, small talk was the appropriate approach. All I could do is stare. How is it even possible? The melanin in his skin still shined under the bathroom light, I almost hated myself for seeing him in a positive light. He's a monster.

    I backed away and turned around to leave. But before I could, I felt a hand grab mine. I snapped my hand back in disgust.

    "Please, j-just give me a minute."

    "No!" I shouted. I couldn't even control the tears in my eyes. Why out of all days, he showed up today? Why?! It's like the universe never fails to throw me another bomb. . .

     "P-Please, I never thought I'd see you again." He let out.

     "Why would you even want to? Why would you ever think I'd want to see you again? Let alone speak to you." I spoke with so much anger and disgust all he could do was watch me. "You don't get to ruin my life again and then walk in and think shits good. You ruined my life !" I shouted.

   "Oh, but I got my life back, I'm happy with who I am and you don't get to toy with me anymore! You don't get to talk to me or look at me. I don't even know why you're fucking here. Leave ! Leave ! Leave me alone!" I shouted before storming out, making my way out the bathroom and then the restaurant.

     I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

     I walked around the back and just let the wind cool me down.

    "Ethan! Ethan!" I could hear someone shout from a distance. Tobias.

    Seconds later, he appeared from the corner.

    "Why'd you storm out like that? I was starting to think you were going to let me eat all the pita bread" he joked, right before he saw the state I was in. "What's wrong?" He immediately got serious.

     I hate that he sees me like this so much. It made me feel so weak in the beginning. Letting yourself be vulnerable around the people you love should be easy. Tobias makes me feel like I can be vulnerable with no judgement. The word weak doesn't cross his mind at all and it's something I truly love about him.

    But I couldn't tell him. I know how he'd react and I don't want to ruin our anniversary anymore than I have.

     But then he appeared from the corner. Jeremiah.

     Tobias' didn't notice at first until he followed my eyes, and turned around. He looked at Jeremiah for probably 2 seconds before he turned over to me.

     "Isn't that the dude you had drawings of?"

     "Who's this?" Jeremiah asked. The fucking nerve.

     "Who the fuck are you?" Tobias threw back. Jeremiah's entire face changed. The guilt on his face only I could see. It's almost like it gave me all the confidence in the world.

    "Go head. . . Tell him." I egged. "Tell him who you are." I fixed my posture and wiped my tear away.

    "Tell him what you did to me." I shouted at him. But like a coward, all he could do was stare.

     "Ethan , I'm sorry." He said weakly, looking down at his shoes.

    "What the fuck is he apologizing for Ethan?" Tobias sounded angry. I turned to him and let out a sigh.

     "I never told you why I moved here. I was too scared to tell you." It's almost like Jeremiah passed the shame on to me, cause I couldn't even look Tobias in the eye when I spoke. He started to look worried and asked why did I moved here. I hated the fact that these were the circumstances.


     But before I could say anything, Tobias lunged at Jeremiah.

      The shock that ran through me as I saw my boyfriend, beat up the man that hurt me. It was unexplainable.

     I couldn't do nothing but watch. I hate to say it almost brought a smile to my face. It was like every hit he gave him, was the same hit he watched his friends give me in the locker room.

    After what felt like forever and the countless shouts Jeremiah sang, I slowly walked up to Tobias and grabbed his shoulder.

     "Stop, please."

     And he did. He stopped. Countless breathes leaving his mouth from how exhausted he was. He looked over at me and used his forearm to wipe his forehead since his hands were bloody.

     "Why'd you go so hard?" I questioned. I wasn't mad at it, it's just strange, I didn't even get to tell him what happened before he reacted.

    "I could see the look on your face. You didn't have to say anything." He said between breathes. Then he looked down at Jeremiah who had just finished getting up.

    "Everytime I see you , I'm putting my hands on you. Remember that." He warned.

     Then he looked over at me and grabbed my hand, "let's go order our food." He spoke as he guided me back into the restaurant.

    That was probably the best thing anyone has ever done for me, and trust me it wasn't the last. Tobias and I grew stronger everyday after that. Until one day, it just wouldn't leave my mind how quick he was to defend me without knowing the truth. It got me so curious , that I got the courage to ask him.

    "The moment I saw those drawings in your room that day and how you were quick to turn them away from me. From that day on, I knew he was bad news. So when I saw how you got when he was in front of us. . . I don't know what came over me but I don't regret anything. I'd never force you to tell me what happened between you too but the fear in your eyes was enough for me."

     In that moment, it was almost like I could physically feel the love through his words. He loved me and I loved him. The comfort I felt with him was like no other.

     Not that long after, I got the courage to tell him what happened to me. He consoled me as if it had just happened. He went out of his way to make me feel special for the rest of the month.

After I told Angie everything that happened , she literally bought him a grocery store cake and made the worker write : "Yeah, Beat That Ass ! No pun intended, on it. It was honestly hilarious and shifted things to just be a funny story to tell. Every anniversary after that night, was filled with love and the story would get brought up for a laughable moment. Every birthday was celebrated together like it was second nature.

Things eventually lead to me moving out of my parents house. Tobias and I both moved into his parents basement since his parents made the announcement of expecting another baby. Tobias didn't take it too well but the idea of us playing house with the baby, put a smile on his face so I can honestly say, he's warming up to the idea.

   It was almost like, every last piece fell into place with our lives. All I could do was make the most out of it with him.

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